t ~itt S. ~ t i ~'~t~I Ç' atT-t' W'~ ;'-~r-n'~r'-H'~-n iw 1 n Tht Bass "The Man Whc *EseMreif i c~te:Tc Coi _.ug,'"Sosib1e 1Titles o Ftue Akor eft o .Vo,. Mrk.TJasG -Bo( 0i .iiofiar""oWoman Ne day to ea Postion .. Nr a, Fa, -ses," etc., etc. Ths rs Burrc' agyf', hs' M'5- ~'en edb, .printed on exira iune u;ng c.1. n ' oficiai visït ta port pay obýest humorou.s book pub' c -h 'la n fml litiz nled postpaid for .0 R- Thmsadf il ore Z our new spectat l1U,5- ieft for PlainfielM Tuesday cvcning'. Ire !ree. ive you thelow- T Iho new pastor 11ev. F. J. Anderson olus. Âddes all orlers to ïexpecîa.i thîs Xc eCtayeveniing.. E I-R~y COMPANY. o kDr. J. Il. Elliott, Gravenhurst, visit- C..p cd itigl ehbe1Fdi, hie parents hero iast wcek, hi' '.5 me.1 went to your Commton Sente Medical Adviser,' readl you'- trentiment on scrofulla, get- ting the properties of inedicines there advised. With five boties of1 Golden Medical Discovery' 1 bave entirely cured riv child. "HoIeSg this will beof tomne use to yos ardd a lsing to other sufferers, with heartfelt thanks, I îsi. Doctt Pierce's Pleasant PelLats are an excellenlt laxative for children, They, arc easy ta take and thorough in action. xiii malze a short stay. Iliey ivtli ho at home te ýthir many friinds at WVood- iawxn near Plainwcll, during the sum- nier. Durinýg the evening a number of congratulatcrv teiegrams w cre receiv cd. Mrs. Hall is anc athebest known and muost des.-rvedly popula r mermbers of the yOunger Society circles of Kala ma9o Dr. hall is a -newcoxner ho' e but stnshigh in bis profesion et dentistry.-Ka'lamazoo Gazette-Ne ws. For Infants ana Ohildren,- -Edclth Ureeper. 'Thoron -Montjoy, Muitu Siemon, Eltuer Siemoni, John Graham atnd 'Egbcrt Wright. INcxtý week two write on Part 1 Jânior Leav ing -lid Wrig-ht and Russell Aunger. Seesta ten ..!r. Hloward Riuie ha8 llpstine ave- Ma]tr), to assist iii rte ec neo, Miss Landie Welchi, :'oiil wîth; Lyphoid fever. S ~+Iy mven Éhe signr of foodrmaae Was tired anzd tan guid. À fecL Hood's Sarsaparilla madle ï- mys 'q '"? Jre & Gladstone A4ve,, lloronfo, O0W.