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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1901, p. 2

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LINIMENT FOR Sprains, Strains, Cuts, Wounds, UIcers, Open Sores, Bruizes, Stiff joints, Bites and Stings of Insectsp Coughs, Colds, Contracted Cords, Rheumttisra, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore Throat, Quinsey, Whooping Cough and al Painful Swelliegs. A LARGE BOTTLE, 25c. LAKE ONTARIO NAVIGATION CO. Str.A RGY57LE"Y Season'e of 1901 to - -TORON>JTO. C 1OMMENCING ABOUT THE 10Til O-'F JUNe~ and continuiug every TUESDAY and- FIJAY throughout the season, wil blave Newcastle at.... 6.30 a. mi., 65e Bowmanvllle nt.... 7.00 a. m., 60e Oshawa at ......... 8.00 a. Mi., 500 'Whitby at ......... 8.45 a. nm., 50o (hildren Ilaif Fare. Arriving in Toronto at 11.15 a. mi. Relurring- leave Toronto at 5 p. m. Tý1rt wv cetri. Low freight rates. Freight handled promptly and carefully. For tickets, excursion rates to any point on Lai;e Ontario and general information, apply te II. CANN, 'R. HEPBURN, Agent, General Agent, Bowmanville. Pnone 270. 88 Yonge S; Toronto. F ARERS' CO-OPERATIVE C OM'P A N Y. -Lit ed, PRICES FOR THE-- SEASON 0F 1 90 1 Ried Star, 630D ft.............. loie lied Star 550[t .................. 10 C Special Manilla, 500 ft........... «91cj Sisal1, ld ....................... 8C Sisal,, standard .................7 c, These 1later two net our owvn makes. We have just a word to say to yen. This the flrst and enly truly co-oparative Company- in America. is offprino' von._ veioe ,,y gro, ana,, wm '.t LUescape iroin toc lako. IHocon.1 stop te argue the questi whetiier siders it imipuraive tiat tic Unitedi they have takun frtility frein. the lStates goverumunt adopt remnediai atinospiiere directiy threngii their, measures at an enrly date, cisc navi- luaves or indircctiy througli the ramn gation, upen its proseat basis wiiil e f ail tiîat watcrcd their roots, or seriousiy luterfered withî. whether thîuy have drawn it np frein Ho offers ne suggestions as te the subsoil or dissoived it frein par- wha t rumredies slîouid bu nppiied. ticles prcvîousiy cxisting but dorm- The semasarnî'enet iikely te remnain ant in the soul. f nwnys dry, theugli when a body of One might soy that turnips grewn water like this great iniand sua is in a field and caten by sfleep con- appreciabiy offected it is abhout the fined upon tiat fieid couli nt enrich'imest startiing ceîîinea'Ifry yet net- thc soil, bccause tIc maturiai returni- 'cd upon tIe poiicy cf stripping tic cd te it was ne mnore' than they had country of its ain -gatherurs la the takýen from if, bt xvhea agriculture' forests of the nerthwest . Lake Frie fl uril d 3!ost in Engiandi, turnips 'at lest ilaOeuof the shalloevst 0f and sbdep-ýj enrîched the soil and the'ithe gruat chain. Thcre are thrce di- waJe1s~io grcw theai. As our visionîs initiis floor, incrcaig f cliima{c os net aiiow siîecp te feed ,ldcpiLhtlî toxrd its outiet. The uo ýp Pe'gr al or -o0f the winter upon fL prioUa a levul fleor Ywit h an av- groxx'n ti urniips xvhich ilîey harve.-ýst erage duptî of about thiirty feet. Tic forilcrsivs wc have tlhe ,alterna- iniddio portioni, taking mLu Ic prin-1 tive, of putingthin in the cela ia part, of tuelko a ama and feîgthemin t ic leepor duptih of freil it esvnx ut ietting tîcîn guo te ma e eg,,ouind ,TIioxvwr portion vaies fe- ns ix they xvre gî'owa upon luotter fitted.ty te 240 feet, Thuse maucut te grow sorne otiir crep. x'ru tallen a numnbur 0f cars ugo A good 'crop of Eugiish turnîlpsanad arc net applicable te ticrcduc- witî tic green. tops upon it lias beca ed dupti tînt lias been roinerted. caieuinted to furuisîx as miucli nitre- 'The arca. of the lake is 9'e000 gen te tIe sou xvhcn piowedd nuder square miiles. But it drnirrs oniy a anîd decaycd us Jewnty-seven tons of lnarrexv ,niaàrgin of' country areuud fresl barnyard maulre, xitiîout* any_ if nnd -recuives ne rivers f irnpert adraixture of straxv. water or muck, ance, the Mauimoc e îiag thlalroo',i this way is increased in veine frein 2 00 te 500 pur cent, fer surface e_ fceding crops. Every farmier having t% ,tIlrR I' om,. 150 te 200 io 1ads of manuro IHI~por year, sheould own a spruader, bohfor the purpose of ucenomnizing in the matter of time and expense of z 'Z' aiue of his,100 ioads te that of -200 TIUNLFSq FOR- SOILING. iately and diructly vanaiotehis It has been more than once stat-I crop-s" that the fiat or Englisi tnrnip ceuid 1,e used te enrich the soul, bnt this 15 I.AXE ERIE DRYINGU? 's a favvor able tîimo te. recai it te temind of our roaders. again. Lut us eunmrate'soniie of the advan- Startling Report Which > Cornes tages of it. It oau bu, sown at ai- Front a Goxernînient Officiai. inost any season of the yeaî' and it grows rapidiy. Sown in earîy spring Tradition has it.tInt once upon a it miay be ready te piom undeî' in im ue, for a single day, sincu civili7- Junc or July, xvhiie sewn in Ju-ýly a~tioii obtained a footing on this con- or August, or cxcii as latu as Sep- tomnber, it inay bu plowed in the late tînent, the led of the Niagara river fail or' lcft as a covur crop on the was dry and the clifis down xvhich gronnd, whidh it xiii prevent frein the mtighty waters have since plung- wxashing iia the winter, yct ini ec without cessation, stood forth the spring wili bu feuîîd te nave nakcd and black aad frowning and frozen and decayed, icaving se nîncli grin. 'The phienomienon was uxpiain- vegetable mnatter on or nuar theurSi11'-cro naturai gronnds. The samne face of thc soit. t makes ncariy thing miay happen again under simni- as good *a growtî upon a iight, lar cîrcuistances, though sud nui sandy soil as upon the riChest lbai occurrence xvould attract miore won- or muck, and if auy are te be sold dering visitoî's probably than dees or uscd at tic table the turnip is tIc gruat catnract uow as it roars miuch better for table use an-,Iîght and surges and flashes in the sun- suthan on a hcavy soil, ligît from century te century. It TIcexpnse0f he ucdisnet must suggcst te most people a sur- hcavy like tint ofinany of the Prise of hardly icss dugrcc te bu in- ncewer crops rccommcndcd for seiiing fornmcd that Lake Erie is in danger as lecss ilan eue pouud of stýed even- of bccomning se shaiiow as te offur ly Dwn broadlcast is- eneugh frsrososalste navigation. WVc an acre, wiîile -it dous 'net rcd can coniceivo the Niagara being heavy nîanuring . Pour hiundred damnmed at its source, but fcw have Pounds te the acre of n ever dreamed that tho vast expanse mnerdiai fortilizer xiii grow a geod of watcr whicî fur'nishes it its life du'op upon an acre of eid pasture current wonid ever perccptibiy l and, and if the cost of this witl shrijk. sued aud labor is an important item Tiat is tIc startiing, report, how- tîcre caî le usualiy37 enough solid eveî' thiat thle chief cugineer of the frein it, sciecting tIc best, te more marine- departument of Canada has than repay this expunse, and yet just made. Ile las returncd te Ot- have a good crop te piow in for tawa frein a toui' of inspection of green mianuring. Somie argue that theo upper lakes, and states that green creps, uxcepting such as take Lake Fric is lowcr than was evur nitrogen freintic air simpiy ru- known te bu the case before, This tnrn te the soul what they hîave . condition is due, ho thînks, te a taken frein it and thds do net enrich!!suries of dry scasens, te the drain it. Wu are not sure of this exper-j made by the power devlopmcnt the wnarf 5and remnain thure from onu te ten days for ifs turu te go up te London, by xviie i ine it wil l e weii thuwed, and fit for pigs oniy. Suci was (tic actual, uxperience of tîousands pf pouluds 0f Australian rablits this, ycar. WIen its turu coîîîcs it usiîaiily gous up te London by barges, xhidli arc flitiy,,and are flof.ed up xiti tic tidu, which take days lu the journcy; this wili finish auything îîot alruady spilit. You cali avoid 1tus h y payýing $3,00 pur, ton te hiavI it. sent uri by trein, but thiat nicalen a good slice off your pro- fit. lin fcyourgoods nust bu met by Some 'oeesupeciauiy Inter- estcd in hem ,rn sucli as a specini ,agent er 'your buyer, xvio' wiii se thut they a- ýre rusied upte London witiout dia.London dan aise le reackied iy sIipijg te Souitiump- ton, Lîeioo r Manchester, and tience y ri but froi Liverpool Or acdtrt London the freiglit is $6 te o 'Il pur ton accordiug te quanity, whic is- STIIAICIT H OBBERY. Uufortunai;-y, ai se, ail the railways are carebes ds ýlow, grcatiy adding te risk 0f totailoiss by delay, or own xpim oc f a shipmiet takiug, four duays fron Manchester teL- don, a dticE 0of 225 miles. beingi an exar[o t'J' Now theo-cher nort-,,- IYAR T8 EBMb POUJJTJtY WHERE SHAIL THE CAI'ADIAN London the HiMa-rie Van. chester or veoo Safet- To Whom te Shiip. t haS oeccurrud te me tht rnuch trulenid 1los etho iCanadian f ~ ~ A aîmrmgtb avoiddd if thu ar- tiulrs(i tssub'jcct xiere 1bot-f ter unertod nd as I haLve tior- eughly iii vTOtigated the nmatter on the spot, thie informationî I give is probabiy more rucent and correct than anytLing at present writteu. Lt is l's in shipping pouitry te think of shý pping anything unider a car ioad, that is toîî tons, for less thon thnt dannet pessibly bu expuct- ed te pay. The oxpunse of shipping insurunce, etc., -viii more than cnt up the pr'.fits. To mnaIn thig cicar 1 rnay statu(, wiîat anyone miio hias shipped anyýthing Iknows teo bu the case, namiy, fiv tat the nmor& ou send Ve1- the sti xpense in propor- tion. Tiiere1foru it is practicaliy ia- Possible for any cingle farier te ex- pert dhicIons. If, howcver, a nuni- ber of far mers xislî te ce operatc and trythi luck, geod or lad, this is miy adviýe, First decide where yen wii slIip, tIen te wîomn, and thon how, In this aicle T wish te speal of the first of tboso, nanîciily, whiat Port? Nm e lut me take the iargust and xvalthiestlu nthe woî'id, LONDON. First hure 'yen xiiiget the best prIco for rualIy' first grade ponltry in prime coiiunr, douc up exactly as the maýrket xats, but the consumer 'and medn a re a crnnky lot, and liard te please, with miany senseicss fads and prejudices on trifiing peints s0 that some slilit variation in the packing of yeur poultry înay turu tieni entii'eiy against yen and bring yen a bad price. But above ail London 15 the xxorsi, market la the world te reaci. lt las two ports- Tilburyv and 'tic Royal Albert docks 18111 , youufor a ceusidcration, makig sure lie understands poutry, but is net lu the business or cannucted with any poultry lieuse. lu fact, I weuid ratier trust a Sharp hoest mnan, wiîe knows but littie about pouitry flînu a peuitry dommîission mrciant. 0f ceurse if yen can send coene e ver frein hure xvth it thînt is the bcst way of nl, and if it is uxpensive it is pcv- hups tiechdlapest xvay in tlic end. Faiiing everything, yen must sei on commlissien, but le prupardd for dis- appointaient. îîIR. ALFREDBOULTBEE, IENNY-IN-TI>,SLOT IsEWS. Telefoiný-Hîsxnondo the MNost Sin- gular in the World. TIc worid's straagest journal .is iocatedl in Budapest. Lt is called tie Teiefoîî-Hismondo, or Telephone N~ewxs, and enjeys a splendid leputa- tien. For eight ycars fhis venture las been in xoiking order, and it is a great fînan"ciai saccess. There are 6,200 suiscribur?, who at regular stated intervuls reccive the news of thc day, "hot" frein al ever tie werid, wilie sitting comforfabiy -at home, The suiscribers take un at a the second lot sure. This is what youwil liar,"Serywe couldn't reiurn yuihirprice, but somo ai'- rîved inpercdton quaiity was not Up to tnar n large slip- menis madth1 le pri'e low; we hope it~ ~~' wo enaloss to you." Ail this meas îot1i1ng _Cxcept'that the pou'ý' ,l lteer 1wat s tý-, l elu imi seif dow n easy. Yeuir poultry May have br1en teuti in the trorld, arrived in finje cond(itioni and brouglit the best price; stili you viii hear theo samne. The poulterer asks ijuscîfýi only,"ha iie hostand - and paýs yu tta cordingly. You' wiil see we have but a poor opinion of the English poul- try merdhant, but such was t he ex- perience. My visit to -Engiand THE ACTUAL FACTs as above stated. Our advice iý, trust no onu and neyer ship on com- mission if yen can avoid it, or onl joint account, or on a guarantee,for in each case you will coeeout at the sinail end of the hemn, but-sfll out for cash if possible. This is very difficult, for there is a strong de- ternîinatien, in the nîind ofevr dealer'te seli. on commissioný foi, that menus le gets your produce at his ewn price, paylng what hï),hies and neofmore, the ruai price *your pro- duce brings, having nething whlat- eve ,'rte do with it. If yen a;rc in- duîcccd te ship ojoint uJ cciunt or with a guaranitee 0fi )5 or 6 penice Upc peund, and yen dýraw on the fîrri te that amount, rusa1 sred ou wil get 11e more, rte iiyubu vcr likely te recuivu anj aitcconfoi' what yen have oedrw.Yen hve n lhelp or protectioni; in eývery case yenu are entireiy at tne Mercy of the pouitry Merdhant and ho ha;s ne mer- cy. in conclusion aiways, if possible soul for cash oniy ; remember it is botter' to el ifer cash at 5 or 6 p6cthan, on commission witlî pro- mise 0f 8 pence. And when yen sel] name your price te include cost, in- surance, freight, or seli at ship side, which is the saine thing; avoid ail in- land freight, dock, and town ducs. porterage and inany. other etceturas that the shipping companies and mcer- chiants liko te tack on te your cx- pe-nses and wh ici _iseon amnounts te I. CURES Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Choiera, Cramps, Colle, Choiera infantum, Choiera Morbus, Summer Com- plaint and ail Fluxes of the Solyels. IIAS IEEN EN USE FOR 1armless, Reliabie, Effectuai, and should be in every home. famnily for the last nîne years and would not be without it." ACTION WPNDERFUL. -' Mrs. W. Varner, New Germiatiy, N.S., write.s: "I have great con- fidence ini Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for varions dis- eases in old and young.*b My littie boy had a severe attack of sumnmer complaint and 1 could get nothi-ng te help hlm until 1 gavé hirm Straw- H- SURE REM' îEDY.ý Mr. F. Churchill, Cornell, Ont., b writes' "We have used Dr. iFowler's Extract of.Wild Straw.. berry ln the home and always find it a sure remcdy for dysentcry." USED 9 YEARS. Mrs. Jones, 'Northwood, Ont., writes: "My baby, cigt menthis old, wvas very bad with dysentery. '/ CHILVit ROULIS

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