r~ - Bowmanville. TELEPHON 5 7. We have just reeeived a very nice line of Mixed Pickle;s in botties, vcry cheap. ilave you tried that rIea-AVA--tIle beit out. GoodS De1îYered ProMfPtly Give Us a Cati. Refrigerator For Sale ..... 1, I ~.chliÎcof TWO. Lady of the bouse looking into thu enipty flour barrel said--"0. I. C. U. R. M. T." Wcll, I arn glad as now I ýcari get al rnm, Bread, Brins, Cakes and Pies at Luttrell's and save ail the bother of baking m-yseif." Alox. Luttreli61 King St., Bowmanviile, Telephone 97. Wool Wanted At the Cambrian Woolen Milis, Hampton. The rindersigned begs to inform al hîs old friends that ho iii prepared to do Wooi Carýiag>,ýSpinnrng'-,Weaving, etc , or exchangu goods for -wooi. Will also Way the Ili1ghost Price for ail grades of ool am,' i wiIl pavy more than any other luyer fcà,a Iafford to dofo atdWo It it is anv beLnefit to farmers to have a Weoien Mill in the Trownship don't go 'past t it ýîh your Wool when you caI <~> do botter there ail round than elàe- where.1 .Trust iig for your support as in the past. 18-8m. D. Taylor, PTO PRIETO0l BUSINESS CHANGE.. Hiaving learned the art of Ern- balrning and Fumerai Drecting wit'h Mr. B. D. Humphrey, the lcad- ingZ Turonto undcrtaker,and having ,týaken possession of the business ï,a-tely rnanaged by Mr. R. Katerson ail orders entrustcd to rny care will receive rny prcmpt and caref ni attention. A fulil line of useful fur- niture wili also be kcpt o.n hand. 14-6m -HAMPTON.1 Two Good Farms For Sale ti Clarke Toywnslip. The two farms th-'on ging to the Estate of the late WL. REINWIC K, 100 acres cach, lots 30 and -1 crs 4 Ar, are for sale searately by tede , oh reexelent farina and in good swaon Y, fi of price must be cah. -plyt W. J. ALLEN4, BOWManVille. Or BEaIT BSN WLCKon lot 20(OrOno P.O,) Ad- dress unil July 1 ten.ders to DR. IAMILTO'N. 57 Harbord St , Toronto,. 14 tf BINDER'TWINE wà,SEASON OF 190,1. "FAIIMERS' SPECIAL" birder twine snp t~ledt Farmers Only at Se pe b. In two bosh el co1tton, 16-oz. grain bags, b.onn.d wfth two rope snap baltersansd Weiging 60 lbs., each, length Over, 500 feet per pennid, quality and lenigth gnaranteed. Cash witli orders, purchaspr pays freight. Addrees orders J. T. GILMOUR, Wardcni Central Prison, Toronto. Fui ther r articulare addreaS JAMsrs NoxoN, Inspector, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Toronto, Jomme hI,il 9 J. R. S11fATTON, Psrovincial Secrelary. )0i. 25-3w Thse GreaÊt Enhcllirfl Remedi. '7 Sold and recor ede yai1 e, d1rnggists in Canada. Only rel -able niecicissc discovered. S51. vackaeri' arrteeeei to cure aji, 1!1rms o Sexual Wealeni8s, al effeto onialbum, Or excess, Mental Worry, F.xcessixe use ni To bacco, Opium or Stimulants. McIied on receip, sxwfcr.Pamphlets freeato any addres8. Ee odComupany, Windsor, Ou,'. StW0onqds Phlsdtýe oSu omn Iii y GittIUIaII; Neîîzazt.leby Dr. rnrb. ~Ie.Dr. Talmage Tells of Their llardships and' Opportunities., Adcspatch from Washington says: -11ev. Dr. Tnhînage praeýiîel fsoui the following text:-' So the carpen- ter encouragefd the goidsrith, and lhe that smioetheth with the lamniner, hiii that suiotethe avl-Isaiali -fli. 7. Yeu have scen la factories a piece -f uîcchanisin passing from hand te kîand, andi froua room te roomn, and ,,Ae uîochanic will smnite it, and au- ,ther il tiatten it, and anether will chisel, anti another ivili polish t . until the worI 1bc donc. Ane. 'lie prophet desci ibîs tiedosc ideýn timeslas 'beiug made, part of hem by ene hand, part of thei by -inother baud. Cnrpentry coîncs in, goid-béating cornes iin, and thre or, ifour styles of mcclianisni are eni- plovofi. Se the carpenters encour- aged the goidsmi..h, and ho that sinon hoth with- the hamimer,, him tîtat -smete tî avl Wheu they met, they talked ovcîr their work, and they heiped oach other on witl, it. It was a very bad kind of busi- n-ess; it was rnaking idels which wn.- an insult te the Lord of heaven. il have thouglit if mon in bad work carn encourage each, etter, ought otn e). engaged ln henest artisauship and in houest meebainisni ,te speah words of geed clieer, Men sec iu their evmu work, hardshlps and trials, while they recegnize ne hardships or trials in anybody else's eccupati(uin Every mn's burcieiî is thse heaviest, and every wonxan's task is the hiard- est. I think I wjll spGak of sortie cf the trils of lmechanics, and then of- fer encouragîeents. One great trial that yon will feel la physical exhaustion. There are athietes who go eut te their work at six or seven o'cloclç. in the niera- ing and corne bnck at nighit as fresh, as when they started. They turu their back upen the shu ttie or the forge or the risiug wall, and they coule awnv elastie and whistliug. That is the exception. I have ne- ticed that when the factory bell tnps for six o'cieck, the hard-woking suan wearily puts bis aras into his coat sleeve and starts for home. Hie sits dowîî in the famlly circle re- solved te suake himiself agreeable, te ho the means of culture and educa- tien te his chiidren; but iu five miin- utes ho is sound asleep. Ile is fag- ged out-streîîgth of body, mind, andi sou], utterly exhausted. Hee uses in the moruiug onily hall rested from the teil. Indeed, lie will neyer have any perfect rest in this world until le the only perfect rest fot; the bu- mari body in this world. I think they eall il a grave! lias toîl frosed he olorof ourchecek? las spîing frein your step ai0 tIhe lustre frein your, eye, until it fias lef t only haîf the man yenu were when you aund yeur foot on the wvbeel? To- morroxv, in your place of toil, lis- ton, and yen will hear a voîce above the hiss of the furnace atsd the groan of the fouîîdry and the clatter of the shuttle-a voice isot of machinery nor of the tatsk niaster, but the voice of an ali-symipathetie God, as lie says: "Cerne unto nie. ail ye who labor and arc heavy laden, anid 1 Will give you lest." Remeniber aise, mon anîd -women of toil, that tbis weork wil soon be ovor. Have you net heard that there is a gi-cat holiday ceming? Oh, that home, and ne long walk te get te it! Oh, that hrend and ne eweating toil neceesary toeaca ii! Oh, tiiose deep wells of etei'nal rap- turc and no heavy bucket te di aw up! 1 wisb this rmorniing yoîs aould corne and put your liiad ou 1i s pil- low stuilfed with the down ft'nm the wissg of aJIl God's promises. Tbere rernains a rost for ail people of Cod. 1 wonder how maîy tirled leopl.e there arc lu Oie lieuse today? A thousand? More thani that. Two thoîîsand people wlso are îired, tired out with the 111e, tii-ed in hand and foot and backý and heart. Ah! there are more tlîau two tlîonsand tired people heie todlay, suppesing ail the rest, to be lu luxury ani-il case. Il there are nniy people in this woî'ld who excite îny commiseration, it is the sewing wemen of our great cit- les. You say, "W e have sewing ima- chines and our trouble is gorie.- No, it is net. I see a great mauy wo- moln weariîsg theiselves ont atnid the hardships of the sexing machine. MJay God coifort al i he toil witb the needie and the sewing mnachinie, aad have compensation on those un- der the fatigues of Ie. Another gi-eat trial is privatien of taste and sentiment. Tiiere are me- chanue who haïve their beautiful homes, who have their finle w ard- robes, whe have ail the best fruits and meats of the erh breught te could clarmn the coul, there are mul titudes of refined, dei(_iewoMeîiý who are bora artists and %',' eig ta thc kingdom of,.hcaveit as ats who are deuîed every picture aud( every sweet soug and every mus1ical1 instrument.- Oh, let me cheer sc Areý prepa red from Na, ture's mild laxatives, and while gentie are reliable and efficient. They Cure Sick Headache, Bl.. iousniess, Sau-,r Stomach, andi Constipation. Sold everywhecre, ;--c. per box. Pr epare d by C.1.HUoa d& Co.,Lowell, Mas 9. sayl"owubtciheps easyta top he Idst thinig, esyeta baller- nrp ae dde innpas-i ettopsfalin It ays to cres anolr taldei or gut cas hair stai the ark, tc r of ngeay ieY >may dienc pni weith t tehar irgt stopessed lli t. eI hav pooke otlee!1, andye my haut sco allitng on an ,j s itaei slways raely."e muine afew raiiroad tickets, whîel ho regas-dorias an curuoify and Irouglît back aitî lita. The ticket, reproduced here, is ferl ase coud-cass cas-nageý, and is priai- ed on one aide iii Ergisî and ioui the other lu Chinssee. 9Tho ýrailsoad avas' built aitl British caiand re- îmaiîîed uder British costrel until the oufbreak la China,. TIen the Runsiaile assmed managemnent of if, but fîey accu handed' it over te tise, Cersîsans. and they in turn returned it te tise British,. CATIE 0F MACfI-lNERY. Mauy farinera lct tlueir rnachiuery stand ouf in the avatiser te muin. Why do they net inake a shed and put tlern nndcî' if ? home aili not. Th-ey got a now machine, rua if withonf oi onc hiauveat te cut fleir grain anmd flou loa t te Tomn, Pick or llarry, avio kimowu;n more about if thîna le dccc aud trIo domi'f ovea cure. After tIeceut ting seýasoma is over in-- ctead of takiag it to ý a dry shed le sets if ouf by thc roadeide, or fence corner. avlere the ramnanud euow ut if and the sdn ararpe and cracks if. TIc next yeam- tIe machine is mast- ed -and cr ckýed, tloes nef aorI veil, and tfeowcaer goe f0 fe estore and gef e anoflier, a littie more costhy, wleu the firef ie't hall paid for and nover wiii le. Such a ma ill neveu prosper ho wiil get ia. debt hcad over Ioe uuad tIe farin wlicis hie I'fatîer gave hlmi is gone-taken for mrgae;and more le gone -people avil rot trust lin aay more. If does Dnef take nnchmeney f0 build a shcd aîud geI oihand if le m-ul bte nfl ln u.Fum WflÂT GRERT PEUPLE EAT WH3AT CELEBRITIES' OF THE DAY DINE 'UPON. Sýonse,,etTham Eat flic 'Paincstý Faood. While Othere Eat the MVost Indigestible Stuif. A seules of querie cosîcerniugtflcîr favorite ioodstuffa, addroased fo cer- tain aveli kimoav people by a hygien- lc expert, bas ehiiied soine intereat- iug repues, snys Loudoîs Tif-iîts.' Mmeo. Sas-ais Grand lives on fIe phainesf food, prinicipahly>fislî, meat, and toast ; anid seldoin touches ,aveets, fruit, or vegetules. One dial af dunmer le ahi aise cares about, and she finde alcoluol lu any shape or, f omunlad fou- aork. "'Even n glass of igît aine," shce ays, -de- Purives aie of 'et aylisg' powver. 1 drink uîofhii at luiscleonr, but have a sniali cup 0f black coffee ufferwards. I offen smoke a cigarette avîsemu other people are laving afteusmoomi tea, andi 1 find that if doca me miuch gced. 1 feel like tise Chinese about mîsil; f1e very niotioni of driukiug a fluid fIat coine direct frein iyi animal makea tue 11. evcr icuget the horrile cew."f Miss Edua May aaivoly confess that lher snhy principle le f0 eut, drink, and, if possible, do whuf ale iikea. Sigsîor Arditi le a sînal caf- ou, amnd confines I'iaschf t tavo. meule a day. " Ou this," hie adds, -I have Iwcrkod liard aîentaiiy and phyaicahly for fifty years.-' Miss ?daud Jof- frics laye down ' fhe iollowiag rmies' for hersoli, and sticks te them:,-sev- on hoîra' sleep; plain. simple food;, no stimulants of auy kiud: quite tavo lionre oi each day to, le spent in f1e open air. 'If coemuet drink," cIe rensarke, paresîîieticuiîy, "I regard mihk as île nmost nousishiag cf al flinge to talce." The Arclbishop of Canter-buy re- plie guardodly, noftf0e ay oracul- aîly, tîsat le fiade if lest te avoid entiag arbat experience las tauighît him disagt-ees wiî lim. SIR1 HENR.Y IRIVING lias -great faith iu a cnetainiug diets," Mies Lily lanbus-y finds "tlic moaf satisfyîuîg dief tes act up- on la the plaineef food ard a very good salary." Marie Corelli me- epouda awithi a quotafion: "I caf tue air, promnise-cramid; you canuot feed capons so" (,"Ilamiet," Acf III. Scene 2). Fies-a Atînie Steel "eafe avhat cornes haudy.' John Oliveor H-oeles sonîewlat rueisully confess - es fIat she lhas tried various experi- uiesîcf itl regard f0 diet, anadavus a vogtatian for tavo years, lut she finds, on thîe whle, flaf the ordin- ary diet of fIe country is f1e lest. Milss J anotha, Court pianiet toeI CGernan Esuperor, entesfroug soupe, birds of ailkidd, simple puddings, vegefalles, anîd fruit. "Ou days," elme aays, 'avîcu a special strengtl mc -equlred.4-n-l-ze-ug-hou-- the fatigue of long concerts, a cup of coup ceoy feav leurs, and a bis- cuit, a bird, a littie port aine, and mny favorite clecohates are fou-ced up- on me." Mise Winiired Eîmîery phu1mpe; for mneut. "Nýext te met," eule writee. - -I like fruit, ulavays usmcooked; lut that I prefer befaveen my useahe ouly and neveu- after tleni at dessert. Miik 1 donacf ilke and .nover ..ake. - Mus. Brownu Potter, ou tIc ctlîem haad, says: "1'eusonally, 1 ex- 1sf almost on rilk: in f act, 1 muy say tlat there are flîree Alderney coava ahîo live principaiiy for me, and I priuclpally coufribute tes keepý f Iem alive." Miss Violet Vanlurgî also takes asilk avbesi extra buey, aith the zaddition of good, home- muade beof-tea. SIR, CHARLES PîLKE. Cnsiders that, "for 0.11 people save, tacoecofepare nabit, vicient exer-..... .. cisc is uieceseary, ad if folloave, _______ thierefore, that their food should ho that avhiel makos sncb exercise pos-1 sible to thcnî.- avr, '-rsrd SIhawv 15, 0f couse,a consistcnt vegtarîan 11. G.' Kaoales enta ricli food, pas-5 tries, etc., and yet las a gond di gestIion; cats quickiy, and fiads it ei ageswitl hirn aud-erovasing im- pi-ujdeuce cf all drinks ice avater and esjoys if. -1 arn," le concludes, "healthy, nnd happy, but benuty We ha lave 1 noue." Lady Warwick 'ca te auiy kind of food, and is very slrong t dispose and lealtiîp " Mrs. Laugtry arites: Qui Co "1 fiad perfectly plain food cuita me $1O.00.lu lest, and not too mnclî of it; but te 82.5o, w that would probably net suit ýPha- 7ice wortb raolî's lban bine .-j Mr. HermianiVein pis lus faith in priCeb. te the " ne breakfast eystcmn, Le., 1 We wi fat for four hours after risissg, and reasont we theil take your principal meai; six stock in ei louis later a ligît neal. and tlat se ail." Mr. IsTael Zangwill is cpi- trouble te grammatit.. - Unfortunately,"- le Shawl Str, writes, 'I have isever catesi te aork, bought. ,( but always worked to cat." Dr. ed te. Alfred Russell Wallace finda "fiel good for brain work. Theoretical- Repait ly, le says, ho believes la vogetari- made teo o anismn, but difficulties lu cookiug, favors and etc., prevesît hlm adopting it. Mr'. 1Hall Caisie replies patheticaliy that if bu ciunew anythîng ahouît the sutI- ject tlat wae avortha tellsng le wonld avail iîiînself cof its tdadiitageos, -'le--]3eaver 1 lue- a constant muartyr f0 ail the troubles tlîat attend diet." George Gissing lelioves theoreti- cally:, iike De. Wallace, in vegetarsaîl- isas; luitIci confesses thiat hisexc-4 perîmeilts ii that directioni have been B unythîiig but succc.,sful. "More thInaonice," le says, -1 have trîcd te do aifbout mneat, for a inonth or tavo together. The resuit eacl tumne las loua ancli a serions 105e cf ivital force, and such irritation of the tcîuper, that I found if impos-sible to persevere. IHiIE GULATI. lie-W Ion I telL you thaf I have enougli te support you in the style in whiclm you bave beemi accustorned te, ive, youn muet take my simlple -%o-rd for'if. SIe-But, George, is tbat strlcthy lushless ? What'seal hfat rowd of avomlnu evuthere af Bur'geni's Shoppers aa"hd ren Bargeni's nd. B3ut thaf' aI lau-goc crowd fori, earhy ln th noraing. 1 Lv Urthflicad. siy:Cin carly anii avoid the crowd1 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for InfantFi and Chljdren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor 0il. It -is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years-' use by lliions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms aifd aliays Feverislhness. Castorla prevents vouiiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates'the Stomach and ]Bowels, giving' heaithy ani natuiral sleep. Castoria is the Childrens Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Gastoria. Oastor"ia. *'Castorlâ,,is an excellent medicine for IlCastoria is s0 well adapted to chilslren eblîdren. Mthers 1have rep.-atedly tli me that I recommend it as superior to any pro. of its goosi effect upon their children" acription known tcme." DR. G. C. DaSGoon, Lowell, Mais. H-. A. Asteseca, M. D. Breoklios,N.Y THE FAC-SIMLLE SIGNATURE 0F porsolus oy ueiirig "'l lronn r andbehld Ic sîhritnc at l)a)7ile Ged g t the afluence and and behol the efuiitess arIîd re110wu as a reward has reserved for thens. Tiue kiug nifor 1t...r pes is ten 1ce. liremsber, Babylon had a hanging garde(il" that tlikii, that then1!,iglyou asay have aras faînous in ail tise ages, Ilut enpoo srrumdsss nd small mneans have a hangiîîg gardon be0terÉtan for the eduIicatîin of yeur childiesi tuat. Ail the heavons ai-e yours. the ar atuaiyý starting under bet- They heloug te your Fatiier, and tes- advautnges than though you lad waît belomîga te yonî Father, beloîsgs at fortune to give thora. liardship to y ou. 1and privation are not a damage te But 1 have lio thase longer to; dwell thesu but ais advnn.tnge. And tise upion the baidships asîd tise trials of son of cvery mua of teil may risc te those who toil with baud and foot. heiglîts of iatellectiini and moral 1 cannt ex on dwell tspnn the fr'ct power, if ne will ouly trust Gond an'd that so oftcn the reward le disprn- keep lnsy. portioned te the aoiuînt of w erk, or Ar'ain I 1 fr ns encouragement, that yen aie subject uecessarily to that you, have so nîaay nopportunitios the whinis cf others. I- will net cf gaiuiîîg isnformation. Thoe are mention tbeso thissgs for I mList go people whn toil freas seývesn o'clock onu te efer you soute grand and glor- in tise îîbrîing untilsi o'clock at ions encouragements, asîd the frst nigbt, who kuow moreý about ana- mcouragemeut le that coe0f the tomsy than the old physýil1ogiste, and :greaýteet safeguards ogainat cvili s who ksiow more aboutý astronorny ileaty te do. Wheu moscin i agaiist than the old philesoýphcrs t) O, re- the lam of their country, where do jesce thaf you bave, oppor tuîuitîes of tie police detectives go te find them? information spread ont befCoro you. Nct amid the dust of factories,. net and tisat seated jin yýour chair a f among tisose avbe have ou their home, by the ev-en)ing lump, you eau "nveratlls," bust usmong those whoî1001k over al natins asîd cee1 the de-- stand with their hauds lu thoir poc- seeusisg minaof a i versal day, kefs areund the doors of saloons and One aloi-o encourag--ieent: yeus' restaurasnts and taverne. Active toile in thie world aie ouliy iateuded caîploynîeut le one of the greatest te be a discipline by1,hiceh yen shahl suroties for a pure and uprigbt lii e. le prepared for hea'vets1. 'Behsold, 1 There arc but -xery 10w îaeîîwtth brisîg yen gladi tidinge cf gteat joy," characters stalwart enoîsgh t eno- arnd tell you that Chr1,it te carpen- dure ceîîsccative' idienessa 1Be eu- ter of Nazareth,, la the w,,orkîig-man'c conraged by tise fuet that yonr Christ. 'ou1 get hie love( once in sbops, youî îisiag wnlls, your an- your beart, O worLiing-m,iti and von vils are fortressea in which yon may eau siîîg ou the walia ti he idat cÀf bide, ud frous ahicl you rnay figlit tise storm, assd in the shop a ida(it1 againet thc temptation, cf your life. ftme shoviiîg nifIe plane iaîmddows Morning, noon and nigît, Suudays, M nteuieasdts lne0 e week dayas, thank God for pieiity toi croit-bac, andi on siîip baard while do. climuing the rathirues. TUf\yoit beiong Another encouragemnut le the faet te the Lord Jeas Critle will that their families are going to have couit the drops cf s\weait on yonr the very beat oppcrtuuity for devel- bîew. lie kucaa eei ache and opulent and usefuiness. That am-y1 cvery pain ycu have infeedl your souud strango te yen. but the chul- xa'rldiy occupations. Arec you dren'of fortune are very apt te tura aaeary, le axili give you reat. Arel out poouly. Iunimen caestof ten, otsick, le will give yen IcaltI - the lad finda eut, if a fortune is I re e coldlecaili xrap uround i coîsiug, by tweive years of ugo - le you îloe warm mantle of lis eternal finda eut fleo is no uieeessity cf lov e. And boside thati, myfida toil, and ho inakes n truggle, and ion mnuet emenîber tha;t ail this lai a life aitlcsut struggle voe suto dis- cnly prepnratcsy. I sec a great sipafio ci- i tsupidii.y. There nashltitude before the t ooecf G-od. are tisonsaxufis and tens cf thonsad And the augols ci-y ot.'Whio arei csf ilon in our great cities atho are these se nea-ithe tîLroneil?- and tIcj toiling ou, deiyïug -theirnselvea ail ansu ur camne hack: "ec are thcS7 iuxumies yeeýr after year, toiing aîîd I hicl came ont csf t1e great t1 ýribula- graaping and grasping What for?I tien and lad therîlswashedGi andI Te get enouglinsoney to speil theis amade white n liste boc of the childrena The f ather Waýs ffty years Lamb." gettiiîg the property togethier. low lonîg aili it taku. the boys te get rid cf it, net lîaviîîg been brougît up in PAILROAB ICKE 1OMCHINA prudent habits? Lese ýthaîî five ye ars to unde ail tIheavork of flfty. During the receut troulIes in China Yen sec the sons cf wealtby paronts sonase]liot fights toolk place on the goîng ont into the avorl d, insane, i railrond frein Tangk-u tq ekia. Ad- norvoîces, ivxspeptic, or tîey arc in- misi Seymour used is,;e_' 'i corrigible andi iekless- avilIe the sou; going aitl lis troops 0 1 cpia of the porter that kept tIc gate ad eesa tms ola ohat d Iearîss hie tînde, gets a robust phy- do battie xith tIe Boxers,1. Puring sical constitution, achieves higl i oeeengagement theýs tationi at Lo-F a mnoral culture, and stands iu tise Iwas set on lire aiiîd aime2rfthe cklr- firont rank cf churel and sa ae. They ruh avua vrasode ouud lu the nover lad auy luxuties until aft er Dae BUlocbale uve sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots Sof yet, andvery cheap-first-eiass goods at very srnall unricea. ,rry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coiored and black at .n's Caîf, and Cordovan Blrns, sewed and' rivitted, from $1.40 orth -82.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50ej 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond iii tell you what the stock is in each and every pair. The do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now in ,very Ene. The public is invited to inspect our stock; no show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels,- raps, fancy and plain, Dresbing, the very best that cari be Cheap trash dressing is dear, it wili muin the 15oots it is appli- !ring dome in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work Drder, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for past dhoping for a eontinuance of the Lamne. Block. J3owrnanville. icyle p a ir S O, I arn preparcd to do ail kimde of bicycle repairîng. Old wheeli thoroughly renovated an d newiy yr enameiied. New wheeis made ta order. AUilw o rk guaranteed. Cet your wheei in nowv so as ta avoid the rush. Grîuidinig of ail I kinds. Enarneling dou02e. W. FIHLGH Market Squa-re, i3owinanvïlle APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPERU I Our Goods Speak For Themselves. We only ask you to corne and go through -ou~-sire--W-e-bIy-he-a±UstFurniture on the-- maretmad inbes wodsand we seli at close prices. If yon intend furnishing a home, see y4 or ncsan get aur prices, and camp aie with the goods of aycity store if you wîs3h. If yau conempatea f ancy chair or any pie ce of Fur- 4niture for the lloliday season, see our display, 4 the largest and prettiest ever shown in town. KEEP VOUR IiYe ON OUR DISPLAY WINDOW. BowmANviLLE. Furniiture anud Undertaking. 1 VW h at 01 r-