Nearly 1000 Combs. Our aim has always been to give our eustomers a littie better goods at a littie less money. Few people realize just what this ineans in the fiullest sense of the term, iFirst we exercise great care in selecting only thei most reliable manufaeturers and then we have to buy in * sueh quantîties as will entitie us to the elosest jobibers' pres Even af ter taking these things into eonsideration you cano -tlyapelte eavnae Ocnoe U customers unless you cail and compare our priées with I ~ whatyou pay elsewhere. hisfromk we are showing nearly 1000 Oombs at al ___ce fahVn ohe odary 5c Comrdb erDm wesella4 Se__ STOTI &-JURY. N. B.-We are stili offering regular 40e, Cream Tartar Baking Powder at 15e a pound and the best Phosphate Baking Powder at 10e a pound. GRAND [RU NK RAI IWAY. Peanline 3 for 18cts at Nicbol's. > BowANvn STiFoundny By-law on inside page. BowMi~vnn..ESTAToaWhou la Town, stop at Nicholis', eOING EAST. GOJING WEST. 'Gilletts Lye 3 for 25cts at Nichol 's. £.y rée...932 a. m. 1 Express.... 5 15 a. m 8asae.. 1 41 p.m u Loa .m apet tacksTack paliers at Nichoils'. C- Ll 6 55 p.m 1 s~ne. 50 p. m Te amr esec iNcoi' Exprem ...... 1025 l lExpress,. - 7 38- IlT" amr esec tNcol' Express ges wnsî aI 6.05 am. 0on Mendays. Cooling Saline Saîts at Tole's drug SvTT & Juuv. Town Agents store. Try them. New subsenibens cala g-et TuaE STATES- MANl to end of 1901 for 50c 25e -Any ncw subseriber eau get TuE STATESMAN to end of 1901 for 25c BOW,ý;A£VILLE, JUNE 26, 1901. AH oeo îlnsWr odr Acdaseiofal wîl eep them cildr lue creami- at The, lake every niglit at heasaîtby wl eptecide Cawker &-Tait's. haty Miller's Compound Iron PUIS 50 doses Dop't get overheated cooking-we 25 cets, %Id it Tle'sdrcarryr a finle uine of cooked meats- 25 ens.Sol a Tle' dugstoe awer & Tait. St. J ohn's Suuday Sehool picole wiii Mîessrs, Chas, P. Blair and F. HI. be beld at, tac Lake ou Wedncsday Frost have gone oiTU to the Northera JLaies' hoe-oebngv ob Laites on a flsoing holiday. and comfonutabie for bot weathier-at We carry the flnest stock of îlness Fred R Foýley's. goods la bis eks and colours sbown by any bouse la these counties. Coueh, If you requine a dressing comb, sec Jobaston & Crj derman. ~tott & Jury's window nearly 10 0 combs-o talpriurabtth ,#'at pices from Bets. (for the regular Set. Are yo talpriua bu h Une) up to 75 ets. eut and fit of youn elothes if s0 leave Rev.J. W Macmlla, pator f ,your onder ait Coueh, Jobnstoa & Cry- Rev.J. Macilln, asto ofSt.derman's and von shall be satisfled. Andrew's eburcb Lindsay was pleasaut- ly surprised last week by being present- Raving a large stock of Rats and ed with a choque for $200 - Caps on band, and in order to reduce it, u-hasve decided to take 10 per cent off for Are you aeediag any neat ligbt. out cash customers, go come and get a bar- ing shocs for the summer, for camping, gain. B. MAYER, Hatter. tennis, etc? A nice variety is kept at -the Parlor Shoe Store, Bowmanvillc. The warm weather is inceà'esing the The raneme cfthi ditrit wîî emand for cool shoes. Fred R. Foley celebrate the G lorious Twelf th at Port lag sb iornt goo valus and ah Hope on July 1l2th. rhe D. 0 & ý. larger aShStorn oOxfrds ithe Co., baud wili aceompany the district Pno heSoe oiavle L-odges. Prof, G. Fredeniek Wrigbt, who one ,1 ng purehased ait a big discount year ago, at the time of the Boxer ont- jn'ob lot of pure linon towels, we are break,made aneventfui joarney over the oifenîngz tbem for 25e a pain. Some of lune of the Chinese Easten Raiiway, the lot are worth nearly double, The writes from aceuirate Information la Mason Co. the July Review of Reviews on."The For $2 50 you cala buy a $S.CO coat, Bussian Pnoblem iu Manehunia. " For $3.00 you eau buv a $6.0o coat and Our neadens know tbey can aiways for $3 75 you eau buy a eoat worth $7.50. depeud on what M. Mayer says about AIl ucw coats miade for this season's the goods lie selle. Ris uew spring ýO' trade ait Coueh, Johnston & Ceyder- styles of bats, caps, tics, coliars, cuffs, an s. gloves, shirts, drawens and other artic-1 UA F oD FOR IIRAIN AND MUSeLa- les for gentlemen's wear anc now neady Whetber it-is bralu fa,-, loss oi memory for inspection. Ris pricGs are O.K.' or iuability to concenti-ate the mmnd or THE, STATEsmAN staff wene the reeip- bodily weakness and genci-al debility ieuts iast week of a basket of veny fine Dr. Cbase's Nenve F"ood will restone Nontheru Spy apples from Mr. W. W. your old time cnengy, streugtb and Henderson. The apples were quite as health. Througb the blood and uer- flrm and well ifiavored as when picked vous system, it reaches every part of hast flu alld was a treat few are per, the body and overcome weakness, mitted to enjoy so laite la the scason. irnegulanîties and disease. "What Womiea Like . i Men" by M. A. JAMES, steamship ticket agent, Bowmanville, represeats the Allan Rafford Pyke, ia The Cosmopolitan for Lino, Dominion ine, Beaver Line, -July is a elever essay. "The foreigu Eider, Dempster & Co., Montreal- girl,"' says the author, "marries the Stradman witb whom she will be happy, the Liverpool service, and White Ameaca mareanemd ibu Allan State Lino from New York to wbm e maie he apn "Everone Liverpool and Glasgow respectively, -will be lnthete lu readîu il.ero and Domninion Lino fnom Boston to wl oitrse nraigi LivTeniool. Bookiag from aay point lu Mr. Robt. A. Treleaven made the, Canada. Editor's beant -lad by prcsenting him Mr. W'. E. Polrex-Presideut of witb a mess of fine uew potatoes from West Durbam Ag-icltural Society, bis garden. Mn. T. bad aew potatoes reccived a letter from Northumberland two weeks ago trom a aew variety that county the other day la whlch the be imporied from Sinaiton, Eaglaud,t 'writer says "we notice by the Press and which seem 10 mature early ta that yon have one of the best agricul- Canada. Be bas an excellent gardea. f tunal shows la tbis part of the country."1 So our dlaim 10 bave the besi is not ouîy The Designer for J.uly is replete with local but is atn acknowledged lact la the dainty designs, for suinner costumes neighboiniug counties. and millinery, set forth for feminine approval lu the most attractive and James Kerr, an indigent fnom the antistie manuer, and accompanîed by townsipof Cartwnig-bt,died at Cobourg practical and explicit advice for their ao ont Wedncsday afteruôou. He~ duplicate construction. "Points ou fi wa cmm tte o that institution a Dressmaking," "Heaitb and Beauty1 litile over six years ago, was always Notes" "Nursery Lore," "Etiquetie delicate, a nd at the lime of deatb was lns"' "Rouseboid Advice" and 49 years of age.. An inquest was held, Cookery, are seasonable, interestino' th ury returning a verdict that death and orougl rctcl Sana? rcsuhted (rom g-encrai debility. He bas Fashion Co., 82 West 141h St,, Newt one sisten, Mrs. Young, who lives in York.9 :St. Josepbý's Island. -Jean, the three-year old daughter of JHnry Bowen, Newcastle. wbo ownsi Mn. and Mrs. B. Dumas Ontario St., a 200) acre fanm on Washbura Island, wcut oven to the home of their neig-hbor 0 appcared before .County Magistrate Mn. Wm. McDoaald Friday afteruoon. fi Deaeoul yestex-day, charged witb shoot- She had been lu the habit of playing 0 nKat a erane on Sunday', June 261h. with their dog and as he was lyiag- fi was eoavieted under the Lord's Day asîeep she feul upon hlm and buggcd a t, and paid fine and cost amounting bum. Aitho neyer knowa to show the h P11.68, _It May be Weil for sportsmen least -saigus -of -cnossness -before,- bcing edothers to remember that shootiag suddenly startled he snapped ai ber othe Sabbath is iliegal ai an 'y time, ieaviag the marks of five teeth on the anýd that enanes are not classed as birds side of ber face and bead. Dr. Tillcy i Mf prey.-Lindsaq Post. dressed the wouuds and no serîous, ne- si The coTent given by the Canadian sults are aaîicipated. The dog was ti Juble Singers in the Town Hall Wed- killed. 1s posday uight was grcatly enjoyed. Wbip-cord Tweed suits wear like The orchestral selections, quartettes, îron. Sec tbem ai The Mason Co's. p *enruses and solos were sweet and rein- derad ha perfect harmouy and called This week Miss Manian will scîl ladies' a forth, the heanty applanse of the audi- white goods at greatly neduced pnices. 31 .elce The siagers very generousiy Ladies requirng bain donc over s rsponded to the three and four recalîs should eaul on Mrs. Dickinson, King st. -whîch followed every number making- M. A. James îs Govenumeat isue Pthe program very louer for a bot nigbit. of Marriage Licenses for Dunham t( pcil mention might be made of Mn. Con01ntv, Tlhomas' fine bass solos, Mr. Francis' "cprcn f tM ae' a tenen solos, Mn. Waruer's trombone Tan( Cprce fof a h M. Ma ers t r4 siolos azid Madam Dorsa who bas a flane a tr o ahcsoes tioprano voice of Wonderful. range and Cm ~y sweetness. Althouoeb the night was U»til furihe3r notice Tait & Co wll f excccdingly wanm the large audience, ma1,Eý chicphto on Wedniesdays and cl vas fully repaid for the disconiiforts felt Satundays onlIy. 'W >Iaay think thcy are the besi company Witx have a largeà stock of Qnartened m of hubilee Singers that basý favoned Our Oak Funn4m.ue ia Antique and Golden y, town with a visit. finisiiee. L~, Morris. a Mr. Arthur Humber, Trenton, was home over Sunday, Mrs. Wade, Kingston, is guest of Mrs, J - K. Galbraith. Mr. Lance Mason is spending bis vacation in Woodstock. Miss Violette Osborne, Toronto, was home for Dominion Day. Miss Borland is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. (Rev) J. W. Cooley, Milton. Miss Kate Taylor, Toronto, was visit- ing Miss Norma Couch last week. Mr. R. D. Davidson prcsided at the entrance exams aît orono last week. Mrs. Johà 1 H. Hockridge, Bradford, Miss Tbompson, and Mr. Fr ed W- Couch spent the holidays la Port Hope.- Miss Florence Mayer la visiting in Buffalo and attending the Pan-Ameni- can. Mrs. Lewis Quicl bas returned to ber f -~ Ceylon and India Tea. GRLEEN OR BLACK *~ AA.5U AIUUMost every one will That'ssayinga gooddeal bt it i a tru sa-nrn t i flofth and Thtssyngago elbti sa je aig.- goods will be ln demand and thest You can verify it yourself. A trial will. prove the days when se mueli trashy goods truth of th-. above statement. are on the market disguised with _______________________________________________ Ithe naine of Bargains, it makes one ask where eau we buy reliable goods at reasonable prices ? We have AIAU A Ccylon Teas are sold in Seaied Lead Packets a reputation for hngli-elass goods whîch we mean to maintain and[ goo(L5 ony lck M~diJcioedCyiu rer.boughtfo sttaeot a reomedid rec ir!1yexagd Fe samples sont. Address "SALADA," or money refunded. Toono. PICKLES. FISU. SOUPSO -- - -- -- - - -- --- --- -- ci- n, - QAly Talks.. aoï-- I 10 Croaffl anII bCroam Soda * -ALSO' * MeLaughlin's Hy gela, Ginger Aie, Cherry Sour, Peacho; 01 these are put up lu quart botties, very niee to serve at * home, Orange Phosphate is a very popular and heaithful E beverage. Refresh yourselves witheay of these at the -4E dom Grndi%,entr1 town, Mn and Mrs. J. R. Canning anc family spent Dominion Day in Por Hope. Mns. Mordea and daughter, Deseron to, is guest of her mothen Mrs. R, Cherry, -Mn. and Mrs, S. Crookshanks, Ennis kilien, have been visiting friends in Lindsav, Mrs. J. B. Bougard. Cuiter, Califor. nia, is visiting ber mother Mrs. Sleemaii Port Granby. Mr. Jos. Knight, Toronto, and Mr, Frank Knight, Hamxlton,s pent Domin- ion Day at home. Mr. and Mrs. Tho%,. Hoar and Mr. and Mns. A. Mitchell have been visiting the Pan-Amenican. 11ev, W. Limbent, Selby, who is re- moving to Greenbank, was guest of Mr. John Osborne last week. Misses Je4sie Dunsford and Flossie Burton, Toronto, were Dominion Day guests at Mr. Fred Heal's. Mr. Fred Kydd repnesented Clyde Camp. Sons of Scotlaud at the Grand Camp la Toronto last week. 11ev. H. A. and Mrs. Stnike and family, Lindsay, have been visiting ber mother Mrs. John Elford, Providence. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Rare of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, were guests of Mrs. T. E. Iligginbotham Sanay. Miss Flora Smith of Brucefield is vis- ing ber cousin, Mrs. Neil MeDonald, Concession St., East,and other relatives. Mr. John and Miss Eva Tabb are visiting relatives in Rochester, N. Y., and attending the, wedding of a cousin. Mr. and Mns. Thos. J. Sheridan and Miss' Rhea, Oshawa, wcre guests of ber father, Mr, R. Trenouth over the holi- dars. Miss Bertha Farewell has rcturned te ber home la Lexington, Micb., aiter an extendcd visit with relatives and fric nds here. Mr, and -Mrs. A. Brake and son, Kenne th, Toronto, werc guests of hcir father, Mr. Ricb. Darch, Dominion Day, .Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brittamn and Master Douglas, Stnathnoy, are guests of ber father, Mr, J,M.Joness, "IRetreat Dairy." Mr. Andrew Allan, the bead of the well-known Allan Stcamship Companv, Montreal, died Thursday evenîng la bfiis 79th year. Miss Amanda E. Bond and Master Orville W. Bond, Oshawa, spent Sunday and Dominion Day with thein grand- father, Mr. John James. Mn. Edgar W. Allia is attending the Students' Conference at Nortbfleld, Mass, reprcsenting Trinity Medical College, Toronto. ie wili alsovisit thc Pan-American. Miss Ethel Y. King who bas been attcnding S t . Margaret's College, Toronto, won First Prize in Piano playing and also a certificate of honor la vocal music. Miss Bertha Tamblyn, Toronto, is home for vacation. She attended the MeGillivray-Mitchell wedding at Wbit- by last Wednesday and played the wedding march. Miss M. E. Highet,Pb.D., New Platz, N. Y , sailed by the Dominion Line "Vancouver" on Satunday to visit Paris, Berlin and Switzenland, to take a speciai course- of study. Rev. Daniel Carter, D. D., pastor of the M.ý E. church Leipsic, Ohio, who is gucst of Mr. J, L. -Tbompson, Port H-ope, occupied the pulpit of the, First Preshyterian church of that town Sun. lay morning. Misses Edna and Norma Coucb, Stella Mtason, Edith Carscadden, Maude and LKate Elliott, Alice Diagman, Minnie Gibsoa, aud severai other voung ladies 'rom bere witnesscd Old Boys' parade,, Port Hope on Monday. Rev. J, W. Coole y, the new Metbodist niniste r, oecupied bis Dulpit liere for the flrst time last Suuday, preaching two excellent sermons to large congre- gations, and mqkiog a very favorable mpression.---Milton Reformer. Miss Mary Baby who'bas acted as organist of the Coun tics' gaol, Cobourg, othe past three years, was presented on the eve of ber manriage with a check for $25 from the Counties' Councl and a handsome tea set fromn Warden Rickard. -Mr, and Mrs. B. -Dilworth,- Toron-to, were Dominion Day guests aà Mr. Jas, Alelean's. They assisted the Method- ist church choir Sundav, Mri3. Dilwortb singing a solo in the mornng and la the evenilg thev sang a duet. Their singing was higbly appreciated. The pupils of Oshawa Righ School presented Miss Riddell witb an address and handsome star peari broocb and Miss Maggie Kitbver witb an address and silver tea and coffee service on the clos- îng of the term, both young ladies be- ing very popular with their scboiars but -bave resigned their positions as Scrub brushes 2 for 5cts at Nicholls'. First quality Paris Green at Tole's. Inseet destroyers, ail kinds. Tole's drug store. Véry latest styles in gents' bats at M Mayer's hat store. Milîer's Grip Powder's Cure. Sojda t Tole's drug store. Send THn STATESMAN to your absent friends-26 weeks for 25c. A cleanser for the bath, "lViclet Toilet Ammonia at Tole's drug store. Men's Siff and Soit Rats, the verv latest, styles at Couch, Johaston & Cryderman's. Cawker & Tait have something very nice in Colonial Blue cups, saucers, plates,> vegetable dishes, etc. The strong eat well, sleep well, look well. The weak don't. Hood's Sarsa- paril la makes the weak sktrong. THE STATESMAM will be sent to any adcress in. Canada or UJnited States, to a new subscriber for 25c. to Jan. i11902. 1A few Ladies' Suits-the balance of this spring's stock-se]ling off at haîf price at Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman's Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are selling off the balance of their spring coats at hall price.,_AIl new goods this season, When bu5ing a ready-inade suit or overcoat you want the latest styles and our readly-made suit& for men and boys are ail new goods. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, 'On Sundav morning next the sacra- ment of the- Lord's supper will be dis- p ensed ln St. Paul's. flev. J, A. Me- ceen,,B. A. Orono, will preach at the preparatory service Thursday evening. AS special service for the eblîdren of the Sabbath School will be held on Stin- day evening next at the Presbyterian church. On the Mlonday afternoon following (July 8th) the annual pidiie will be held at the lake. Better often than a latter from home is a copy of THn, STATESMAN Sent every -week,prepaid to any address in Canada or Unitcd States for 25 cents to end of 1901 to new subscrioers. Parents, sena it to your childrea as many are doing. 13ORN HAWE-Near Leskard, Jane 25, the wif e of Earnest Hawke, of a danghter. TRICa-IU Oshawa, Jun28, the wife of Win Trick, of a son. KENNEDY-In Oshawa, June 24, the wif e of W Kennedy, of a daaughter. VIRTUE-At 85 Isabella St, Troronto, June 20, the wife of Mr J E Virtun, of a daughter. r Miss Millie Bora is home from Toro- nto. Miss Nellie Sandens is home from fToronto. Miss Maggie Trebilcock is9 visiting in -Toronto. *Mn. Fred W. McClung, Wesi Chester, N. Y., 15 home. Mrs. D. Dodds bas gone to Rochester to speud the Fourtb. Mr, Thomas Gi, Toronto, visited lus brother Mn. Sam Gi. Miss Mary and John Gill anc visiting fnieîds in Port Hope. *Mn. Albent Medland, Bedlaads, Cal., ihome for bobidays. Master Clarence Mutton is visiting bis auntaa Port Hope. Mns. W. Bankin and children are guests of Mns. C. Tod. Mrs. T. J. McMuirîy has neturued fnom Toronto and Gali. 1 Mi-. Geo. P. Freelanid rctsai 3Columbus Mondas' uight. Mn Chas. Tamblynwa home froni Coihorne over the holiday., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Creeper visiied 1Toronto friends over Sundas' Mn. E. C. McMurtry, Gaît, was a guest of Mn. T. J, Mc&uïr7-. Mn. and -Mns. B. J. Luke wene guesis of Mrs. James,Lorne Villa, Monday. Mn. and-Mrs. W. L. Alen, Cobourg spent J uly isi ai Squire Allen's, Becch ave. Misses Beatnice and Zetta Limbent, Selby,are at Mn. John Osborne's,Lake- View. Mis s Annie Diagman is visiting ber sîsier Mrs. A . Thompson, Rochester, N. Y. Mn, and Mrs. M. B. Annis, Toronto, spe ai the holidays ai Mr. lino. Flem- Miss Ethel Barilett, Napane is visit- îng ber grand parents, Mn, and Mrs. J. Bellyar. Misses Mildred and Mabel Grigg visited Miss Merrîfieldl, Ponjt Hope over the Firsi. Mn. and Mrs. John Buruis, Wbitby, wene guesis, over Suaday ai Mr. Ditu- can McCoaaachie 's. ýMrs. A. J. Cimie auld graudsoni Bugh McDonaad of Monineal, Que., arc guesis of Mns. J. Neads. Bev. and Mrs. S. H. Edwards and daughten Carnie. Allision ; Miss Jessie Keachie,Toronto,are ai Mn'.Tbos .Tod's. Mns. Bieb, Bligbt, Miss Alice Cook and Mn. Geo. H. Bliglît wene guests of Miss Bayerait Tuesday at Lorue Villa, Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Kerr, and prof. W. Ker of Uppen Canada College, were guesis of Mn. W. F. Allen, j. P. They picknickcd ai Baby Head Mon-1 day. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Cox, Wesley Wi Shaw, B. M. Saxby, Jaïo. Rom, Johnt Dickinson, Frank Morris, Lucius Hoop- cmr, Reuben Cox and otbors cclebnatedI Dominion Day ai Port Hope. The Ladies' Aid strawberry social ai Capi. King's cottage, Pont Bowman- ville, on Monday was a pleasaut affair and a capital success financially and otherwise. Proceeds over $50. We bave seen a proof ci the -group pbhotograph -taken by artisi Freeland ai the Elford picale and it is a splendid pictune, every face being clcanly dis- tinguishable. Sec h lunbis studio wia- dow. Messrs. John Hern, A. B. Cornish, W. J. Colwili, W. Pinch,'Al N, Mitch-1 ell, B. A., Edgar Adams, Geo. Allia, R. ikard, Bert Barret, John Fogg, and many othens from Toronto speat Dominion Day here, BUGGIES!I BUGGIES!Il B UGGIES!111 Bi"' Bang ains la Second-baud Buggies, Ail been renovated and ncwiy paiaied. 3 square box top Buggies, 1 Mikado with cauopy top. 1 Phaetoa with aew top. t heavy one-honse wagon, -veny iutile AnY of the above will ho sold ai Ban- gain Pnîces to make r-oomn. rNew McLanghlîn Bug1giei. 27-tf JOHN PERCY, Bowinv ic. jurosebîeXel tt iuiels anbalm on eizPicles --- CaniLobster JYIlock iurtlei -Ry.Worcester Saucej __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _-- Tomato Chutney Bloater R ste Royal Salad Dresosing Breakfast.Bacon, Oooked Beef, Cooked ilais and Ilams euree4 speeially for our trade need no commenting upon. To buy once meansýý continuous buying. GOODS D ELIVERED DRILLY TO THF- LPtKF- Cawker & Taîit BOWMANVILLE. 11 YI 1111 lit y MIT1111111 II ?'~5¶?4"i8 9THE PEP'",DL E 'SSTORE I î Se c ial-1Sale~ jLADniES'WqR§APPERS [Mi 0 Over 200 to elear at CUT PRICESO i' ORDERED wOOTHINO I Gent s' Suit, Twill Clay Worsted, Blue or Black To Order for $10. GROCERS' DUE BILLS TAKEN AS CASH *The People's Store. ** Next Door to Standard Bank. BOWMAN VILLE. S ERVANT WANTED-At thie Metha 0odist Parsonage, Courtice, at once. Goc wages. Apply to REV. JOS. WARD, CourtiCe. 25-tf T ENT TO RENT-The W. C. T. U J'Ladies are offering their fine large tent on reasonable terms. Apply to Mns. L. A. W., TGLE, BOWM anville. 25 if S ER'VANT WAN TED-About second ; weak in August. as generai servant a reliable iniddle agefi or strong lderly woman flouSekeeperls wages Apply immnd- lately to MISS MCCONOGHIE, 211gh St, Bowman- vilee 2 - 2 BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correeted by J.lcifurtry eaoh Tuesday SERVANT WANTED- Good geucral FLoua, P 100 l'os.......81 70 to $2 50 servant te go to Toroate, Appir te HW. F. WIEAT, Fali, bush ....O0 0-) l 065 ALLES, Beech Ave., Bowmanvillln. 26 if j il Spnxn .......O colî0O65 ERSONAL-The undersigned "ABdPfe.,.. O' 8 would l1keste liear frem bis mother, Mrs, 'i Goose ...O..060 et O 60 Wm. Lynchi, fermeîl-y Mrs, Watt, Teronto. BAELBY, ýP bush, No. 1 ... O 40 il O 43 Last heard of at Hampton. ERNEaST WATT, fil12..04et05 Bolton. Ont, 26-3w - 't2..O4t'05 fi et el3 ...0 25"if030 C EAMERS-I bave on baud a aum- 'l leTwo rowed O 40 'leO041 Cberof Champion Omamers and Ohurns hat'OA'rS, White,,,............O25 't 0O-30 i effer at haif price le elear oui balance of RE .....00 i00 stock, Now layoar chance, J. M.JoNEss. BEO0 îO0 27-2w BuOKwrEAT fi.............O 00 et O 50 Paaýs, Blackeye, V bush.. O 69 il O 77 0TOCK WANTED-Fanmers having il Canadian Beauties 0 69it' O 77 "i stock te seil wil please senfi card or leave ilM Me fi 00il00 word ai my hiease. Will boy any kind of Mmey n O0 iO6 cattie,, bogie, mille cows, veal naîves or Young în Small el O 0 0il O 60 calves, sheep and Iambe.S. R aiEais, n j' Bine fi 1O60 in O 65 Bewmanville. 27-If BUTTER, best table, e l'o., O0O0 O 14 ONE LAX&-LIVERB PILL every nlghit EGGS, e doz ............ 0 00 O 10 fOr thirty days make@ aeOOmPlete cuve POTÂTO,ýES, e bush ....... 0O0n O 20 ot billouqness and eonstipatlon That RF .,.,,,.9O 0O le j ut 2 5 cent" ÉLt"0 e UrVU.I-&tn . .....90 e0 YorAttention For a Ilomfent! If you are building or reopainlng w-e can perbaps help you to solve some cf the difficulties incident to the unden- taklng. For instance: CuauaxTs-We bave Battie's Tbonold ion coacrete walls, caille stables and celiar floors; English Portland for pave- ments and cisterus. BIfL STIFF-P i ne a nd Remlock Joîsîs, Seaaîling and Boards, TIMER-Plue a nd Ced',an Squ-are Tîmber and Sleepcrs. FLoonîINa--Red and White Fine andI White Mapie. .1 CaiILING and WÂANSOýcOTm-PaiuîeÈI and Gnaiued, Bcaded aud« V-Joint. SiDiNG-Beveled, Coye, Sbipiapped and Clapboarding. SaîNGLaS-Ail grades, Native Fine and Cedan and B . C. Bcd Cedar. Doons-Giimouns'paîeuî bimber,hand- wood and pine Doors-ail, grades and prîces. SASaI, BLINDS ad MOULDINGS-GiI.. mour's and Rathbun's Manufaeture. Sait, Plaster, Wood and Besi Cleait Screaaed Coal-Hard and Soit. Insp.eetion Iavited, Pniees Beasonable. MOCLICLLAN & CO, ~7 6mBowmanville. MARRIED. ffIGGS- ROSEsaaUnu-At 467 Bathurst St, Tor- onto, June 12, Mr Geo A ltiggs and Miss Ada Louise Rosebrngh, both of Toronto. WooDs-R.oBERiSa-At Cobourg, June 26th, by 1ev Wm Beattie, Mr A B Woods, Port Hope and Miss Annie A,daughter of Mv Wmi Robierts, Cobourg. BBxKER-RÂaY-On June 19, at the home of the bridn's parnnfs,by env W Ellbott, Baltimore, Mr WVin R Baker of the Township of Hlamilton and Miss Mary Raby, Cobourg. LEI5ERINGWIL5N InToronto, Jane 22, by 11ev W H filnks, LL B, Mr Walter Leisen- ring, Irivin, Pa, and Miss Winuffred, eldest daughter of Mir C A Wilson, Publisher Northi- Ender, Toronto. KYL-E vAN s-fn Oihawa, June 24, by 11ev1 J J Liddy, John Shan Kyle and Miss Sophia 0 Evans, Montana. , D I EO . ALLa-At Terwidlane Farm, Darlintoii, Samuel Allie, agefi 85 ynars. Funeral to-day, [Wednesday[ at 3p ni, to Provtdence. RAil -fn Bnrketon, June 29, Albert Rahm, agefi 37 years. NR 1