~1-- ~ ¶~4 -t- r- r' -. - t ---i -~r~r--~-t - t - -'-I ~~--r-~- ,--t b~-- -r t- - -- - - - ' - t __ ___--------_-_......_ __._..__.- ~~~ ý1oLh e4 nd hocesburocrls; l a nue une 01 llad ignt .Hoe& po~i &nio ~ j<t~, ~t~~ itf&1~ i dX~ ~~iF~ iï f~ Ç7fptoP W aila, 7a00,~~~~~ __ ~ Lint- ~ i IlL~O viso oficeýr.s next week .. .. issEv-ýa Ofer asaenlaopporiity for teaceer , Cu:t -- ad M zteViola IRunear poe r t a indted exuense of time and l R.o r IsTiT1dnd fmia.ltrbr mue.Writeus about it.I visitcd thoir father Mr.,Joseph -Braund OR REGULAP. WORK renî Cuntine~ rglit :ung r onii to unth. . . . rs, Walterq, TYrone, is Stnenaenerugi-Jn rJuy h t t o vlsitling' ber diugbter Mrs. A. Wybbrn Co11use inthe faýiX hnmayaejs ne- ...1lie -Trul,.1'-cnc as Iarfgely fip-. We nhave nuvauctions, w e d atneda erv b h Satuirdav., pepl itugu- tsuus Central Business College, TOcRONTO. ~ .r. 1.Av!son-,Osawa, lias been engaged as teacher at No. 4. Mr R W.Cl*ake was prescntedwith an album by the people before leaviîngfor the iNormal, _____ i n tue iawn were enjuveri untiilaau were! I nyited lys tht eeerl raidthI where justice was done to the substan- JoIX-t iot- tcr-arn dtts t. el- I was sýpent l igngamprlrgms On mondayevûugýa nmbrOf friends were entertaned by Samuel Pelard auýd faimily. Ail whio enioved thecupayo the, genialq- hosts and ut-- oaptaîuytu ute aru iJUdy gou g-ood fellows"., .Mizs Mary- Manning, Malton, le guest of her grandpareuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bingham. .Ricbard Woodley And Thomas Creeper spent Friday at Lake Scugog and report fish scarce. jackmau.. jackman. nï. joi[ow. Ëe. 7- ee T I.e (1,' Metss. R l1i F, Monrris, B, Mclntyre, C. Paintorn, M. Shaw, J, Sin1clair, K. SiDnclair Er Ta,- ToJ.3TidCls-.Alln, O AI. trR. uatn E. Brittain, M. Buru- E.I Hamley, R Hem. C umboer, M. -Larkin, E Luttreli, A. Lvle. C- Matth- ews, R. M1icCaffry, D. McDonaid, I. McSorley, R. Meafli, R. Morris, D. Mor- rison, D. Morrow, B Oicott, A. Penm nington, D. Percy, I. Piuch, W. Puland, E Potter, R. Sinclair, B Sparlin g, V. Stevens, W. Tod, D. Tucker, T. Tyler, R 1 '- 1Tivter Pilf poie _ the, haowele cir heralri-, aal affsctions cf, thc orgars ef-igetio--Price,25-cents.- A-Il -drug- _Mrs. Su r had a large dispiay of flreworks; at her residencee on -the even* Pîcingte nose is a common sym11p- with worms shoutd adininister Dr Low's Pleasant- Worm Sitrup --It -le simple, safe and effectual.. Price 25 cents. Rev. W. Limbert, Napanee, visited at Mr. Edmison's on lis way front Nap- anee to Greeubanký. A man's wife sbouid always be the same _espeiciauv _to her u sband, but if JinIv i, Jrih reience of SLr and -Mri. of a very. prettywedn when their oniy k daugitteir,' HuýrLüIv0e Eugenma, was Dubuquue, JIowýa. 'To th',sris ffi weddlDg mardih the bride, attired ln a gown of w'iesl organdie with tn -- mgao f i îsi alae anti carrvio -a 1 oîonto, as o1,tsma ihe groomls- man w-as Mr. Arthur Bowman, Oshawa; The ceremony was condncted by--Rex'. J. J Rae. pastor of Simcoe St. Method- ist Church, Oshawa. The weddiiig was witnessed only by relatives and a few intimate friandis of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs, Uerancourt lef t on the 8 Tp m train going west Tbhe býride, who , v ty opular lusoia ~' tt- r'tIn v-î tf a gz o ber of Ratepayers aektng that Ooumil interview the JBand a tO pai on eOme othe vpning exe a't O.Ï.del -ei icsio ew Anu the petitioD Wae finally laid îrn table- until next meeting. CouncliorSpryas-uD fo rebMe on doLy tax for Mr. W. McI m bfds ,%u Ooanty-Clerk, re Indigente committed to County Iýoor bouse, - Froni same giving amount ,f taxs t0 be ralsed as follows: Oýcuinty rate-, $990; siuking fund $76. 10. Total, $1OC-6l0. AkcI acknowledging receipti of Aagsement Roli. AilU nie n fyled, Y0o 5 îuuo ftoDt.u-- e- veIrt comîVef't.I K. H-ugheon vîsited ini Turonto... Mns. wlrites:-"MY litie granddaughter, rÉnce nuuùi inr ail1 auns. ±It-pU itutt Years old, was pale and x uak, saie bad nu appetite Pnd seerned to b-t gradu'a - ~~ ~ rece-otIy vxisited nOshawa.. - Miss ýjy grouIrg enkr.Dr. CaesNerx-e Lonuie, youngespt Cdaugýýhter cf Rex'. T. j T.tnt-- ~r-r--t -c-, Fo'r Irants and Chlldren. D tr- os- 0e-l-rIlI il PilifolntIIS ,Y -lOtO t .riQppeii! seCr- 1 fait*'h in thien, but faith-or no f aith thex' vice nt the s A. Ba'racks conducted bv cure jiust the sanie, foi.,t'hev act directi\, Staff-C'apt. tn n Capt. Doweîey-, anti epecilcally on fhe ktdnievslitter anti "The Kingstuýon Nightîngale," anti btwl ncmake te otl-i-ae eltvC!?y)tq.Trcix'And Iisu Co-i lEg S-fh tci--tMd a.l .2G0 On auîloîfe-1 rs.Percy anýd 'a y, al l ne3îmetUeps werereredt FntneCnif'e t- <t4-, -t-