TERMS :S1.50 ui ANNX, OUR TOWN ANI) OOUNTY FIRST; ITHE WORLD ÂFTUCRWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr Nzw SERIES. ~~BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR3, ÏWEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1901. OUEXVI o 0 Joh nston & crrdra. WIT1 From To,-daiy Soit lOff ALt0 Ilii Go0 A Qroatly Redllood Prioosa l0e. 15e0 Blouses and Parasols at Reduced Prices. Spring an.d Fail Jackets worth rom $5.00 to $7.00, will be sold -at $2.00 each to clear, ~fflu1tIH 1JOHNSIl &18"889 ..m tîtoffaIêBmflmI ?pmI . E -o-o -o Chairs-o-o -o-o ~~ust F~Y* U We are offerittg you thr, largest assortmeat -o!, Chairs, and Rockers for your verandali, lawn and sulmmer- cottage ever of.bred before., We have 80 Relining Chairs that we are goiig- to lear at a, Speeial Pricesof $1.10.- Ask t soes them. They are the most.eomfortable Chair you ever sat in., Don't buy until you have tried one. -o -o [M. 0. WTLLTAMS & SON. ~ -o-o Undsmtakîng receives prompt and persoual attention, -o E r ~ BOWMANVILLE -o -o ~ Sevon Reasons WhyYou Should, Buv a Sewing Ma chine-from T. N. RICKARD. 1. Ho has for sale severai o! the very best makes. GRYDERMAN. TIENT TO RENT-The W. C. T. U. Ladies are offering their fine large tent on reasonable ternis. Apply to Mas, L. A. W. TCLE, Bowrnanville. 25 if THE CANAIÂAis SIATESMAN is publlshed every W ednesday morning at the offiCe 26 STATES- MAN BIock, Kmng Street, Bowmanville, Ont., by M1. A. JAmEs, Editor and Proprietor. Subscrip. ion $1.50 per annum, or $1,00 if paid strictly in advance. Advertising rates, transient adver- tlsing, ten cents per lina, frs insertion; ive cents per uine each subsequent insertion. Con- tract ra ýes on application. GOOD GRAIN AND STOCK FARM IN "PICKERING FOR SALE OR RENT. Parts of lots 7 and 8, Base Lins Pic kering t6eweship, containing 214 acres, weli improved, ail drained, goofi fences, sou dcay loamn, gond dwelling bouse and modemn barn with stone cellars andi stabieg for cattle an)d>horses; mod- emn bog pen? ïne waste land on premises, good grain or sçodtk farmn; three goodi.wells and flow- îngsriu pi~edwitb iron tubing; stabling for 75bead ca;ttie; ceilar capacity I0,OOObesheis tom- nips. 17 acres of stinrmer-falow taat present worked; situatect 3 miles from Picker 'g tation and Bq from- Whitby station. Orcliard ie fuit bear godl roafis cither way;, wîll be rentefi or Sol, te a godparty on reasonable terms; Reason for offering this property f.)r sale or reeit iy home la in Chicago; possession given on removal. of tbis ycar's crop. For further particularà applY to JAMES CAMPBELL on the premises or WXVhitby P 0, 28-SWI q CONCENTRATION cf TIME, TALENT andi MONEY bas made 0cr Scbooi worthy cf the liberal Spatronage of over 700 members annnaily Swhich. il enjoys. The best cf ih is that Sne graduateteonrui present knowledgc, is oui cf a good position. ENTER ANY TIME.. Central Business College, Yonge ad Gerrard Sts. TORONTO. SA good sehool. Ten regolar Teachers. Fine equipment.. G000 resuits. Write for Circulars., W. H. SHAW, Principal. TO>RON TO EXHIBITION. H.le. selîs them az the vemy very iowest puices. - âw 3~~I Being se near home you euCRI. UUU ATTIR-AüTiONs. IUU aiways be shown any thiug yn-o wist to know about -a machine. NAVAL andi MILITARY DT5PLAYS DAILY Yen can duplicate the parts in case of an accident. BILATSETCE Machines purchased there are "light muning." Bouc barfimant cf Taku Forts by Interuational Heoo ou have the choice o! sevoral kinds and in making youm selection Forces, 'ou can [cel thal yen wiil net need bo purcha-se again lu your 'ife-time, as Greatest Live Stock'Show onethe Contineut. anylhîng Richard advises you to purchase wiil be built proporly and cf Ail Our Country 's Resources, the hest mteiaM T. N Richard beng a thorougt mectanie, be is. compelent te adViSe you Novai, and High-Ciass Entertainmant Feates. in the malter, and if you wanl a iow-piced driop ho-ad style hs' eau give MILITATTY TATTOO, AUGTJST 271h- von the New York Singer lor,$'25.00 and, what we consider a. far sunerior, MINISTLRIAL PICNIC. ~ou~c b, The man who Canliar crawl, and has jut strength to glth -rPIugh a day'a wokhas no strengîli left forfamýily ie. lIe wantsobý be 1 quiet ,1!)be ai us, ont of sight and sound of 1 -)CybodyL. What a differenic ewensuiha man and the healthly, hear-y mnwho romps with his chuiden ad rides his laughing baby b "anur Cross."e What mnakes the dfeecUsnally disease o! the stomnacI-_, ini-volving the entire digestive and niutritive system. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the scac n other organs of digestion and ninit tion. When, theue diseases ars.,cnred heIsnrace1 the proper nourishmneut of the body le removed and strength crnb ack again., «I amahappy te say Tain gettiIIg te fIeel fiee.? wrltes Mr. A. J. Vanderwater. nof 3WeSt Division S8treQt, Cebteag, iL, TUn al T have Cnfor or fiveviaisc e 111Pets. ' Tbe have donc lue worids cfgooi. bee di-i trlcis bave brougbilt lb. ra >eein nme fr owa in ope o ýf an 1'Lcoudardly crawl, tirefi andsikalttin- m, andC01110 10 ne work. Now T cano ",slýp clandfifeel fine, andi Ibat timed felig a i gng aay. 1 auj 7er tbankfuli that T vrnte 'ù Dr. Pieýrce, nie Glden MedicLIjiDsevr aîîd bi's l-fiie liver 'Pellets, bave aieost ma , ia nw man of mie. 1 feel yoning ai I did et thty yeLvara. No ether floctor for me, oniy Dr iec" Dr. Pierce's Commnon lStinse Medical Adviser, in paper cevers, is sent fee on receipt cf 31 üune-cent saîps10pay e'cpense off culstoms ani-aiiýîing only. Address Dr. R. V"'er, ufao . Ou Piday July 191the wc inistems cf ail denominations on thie Bowmanvilie District, with the children and grand. children of ministers, galhered at lie teat Parm, the homeLo! fMm. J. M. Joness, for their ana pcl.The weathem was ail that coldbe desired and ail being ln their Dïcîîi«c humor, the day was 0one cf the mo'st p.Ieasa t in the memory o! those presenit. Games o! croquet, base bail andfotbi occupied the time thlm tbe tables -were mready and the call 10 supper sude. About sixty then parbook o! the go-.od things one o! the most proine2utcf which was a monster ciknpie. Allfer sup- per the company was phiotograzphed by Mm Geo. P. Preeland, aird' amosl ex- citing Ioot-bal.malch m,#aýscommenced, Capaîis R. Nomman Jolliffe and Geo. P. Peeland selected sidIes The game being called the divines thmew off their mînisterial garb and rntemed mbt the sport with their usual oeg enthusi- asm. Space will not p t- r l mention al the brilliant piava of " he gamC but who has been so atv1 ihhie, hands catching mosquitos aItheLksaw the bail making fer thega n grasp- eil with botti hands, whýeu someone called 'oi o mosquibo Dr. Hare, not wishiug -te bc u-lasdby ais brother minister, saw- the hall coiîng through the air, sihi ce than the moon and made a hitchnd ;'kkick faiing inaDy feet short ard nearlY dislecating hus leg at the thigli,I. Mm, Preeland un- !ortunately strained his aukie aler which the game was, aile off and the company dîspersed. A JOLLY S. S.,tCC A delightfully pleasýant picuic was enjoyed by 400 te 500 pupis ad friends of the àMethodst Sunday scbooienWed- nesday on the Pair groinnds and in the drill hall. SupI. W. E. TUilley, Assist- ant Supt. W. Trewin and other olficers and teachers and some 'f lise larger scholars were mostasdus in enter- taiuiisg the many ý (oung schoiars. Swinging was a ppni?ïa, past lime, si-verai beîng hung in 1thle d nIl hall,two of thum bsîng boats that carried six persons each. The grouid s wsreclean and well kuited te ont-o! door amuse- ments and tiiere wasn't a dufl minute althe aflernoon. At 5 o'clock tables were laid with viands o!fa 5 st empt- ing character and t)e youngsters with keenlv whetted appelite harîl.s joyed the repast.Bequsinadto te the great variety o ckesÙet. , gv the table- a very attrac.tiveapaace Tea and iced ieorj1....c ... de and the gallons , . f 1, aI ter tai dter-a noen weuid asto.,it~n~ ee we 10 hie oxpuicit,..ttoe temperature con xt .yrth schoIars and priz. ~~hh .iim Very great inteî est vasihaust in the sports aînd even the mîn ed wamen were favored with a rae in whvicýh fine speod and action were dispiavedI. Talk about a home picnic for C ý-e utiefolk, it cant be excelled, and Uite driili tal and grounds are splendïdl3 -oiapt ed for the purpose. Sevemal eppose i3hepro- posai when first made butý those who were present and part'cibated in the social and amusement fIsatumes were seundly convinced that Do mstkewas inade in going there-. ldethe littie folk wili be wishing b the next picule under simiiay condIitios.M, P. A. Haddy, Mm r, r ilbemtanda number of the larger boys asssteà much iu camying on the gamrs. NIGHT, The suni has gone beyond the west, ALd darkness fuls the land, And ail the worid is hushezi to rest, By the Creator's hand. The niglit our mmnd does carry back, To when the earth was made, This earth was first as black as night, When its first plan was laid. The Lord wbo rmies above the sky, Can change ail night to'day, And if we seek our sins forgiven, I'l wash them ail away. The nizlit will corne when every one SWill leave this worid of pain. Ann pass beyond this world of woe, Their future home to gain. So then before that night does corne, Let us prepare to stand, Before the judgment seat of Christ, And thence at his rizht hand. Ebenezer, 1901. COMET. FALL FAIRS. Bowmanville ............ Sept. 12-i3. Peterboro..............-Sept. 24-26. Lindsay..............Sept. 26-28 Cobourg......... ý1.... .. Sept. 26-27. Wttitby................. Sept. 26-27. Port Perry.............. Sept. 17-19. Millbrook .......... ........ Oct. 3-4. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION .BUFFALO, N. Y. MIDWAY RED STAR ROUTEý. E. W. MCoNNELL, GEE'L MANAGER. People who visted the Worid's Pair at Chicago will rernember -the "Mid- way," the main magnet o! ail recept expositions. It is the loadstone of financiai success. It is what makes zreat fairs cheerful, happy and joyens It is true that many of its exhibits are f rivolons; some ullanny-a few objee- tionabie. Stilli ivs the Midway. You look for ail this. With the object in viewo! presenting a route of whoieeorne fun and instruc- tion, soine of the greater enterprises have gene tegether in an organization called the lRed Star Route, guarantee- ing absoluts-iy their entire offeringe as wholesome anâd free from ail objection able features., The foliowing brie! descriptions of their exhîbits will give readers an idea hoew te do the Midwav without suffering the humiliation of having been done by it. Naturally, the flrst visil will be made te the eièecric reproduction o! the Bnrning Mountain of the Sandwich, Isies-the Voicano of Kilaiiea. "Ruggedily horrible, etsubl;ime! Pie lsurdand gashed meý,nt b hidnfucries, the reouqntain beichÀ-es tormeant more 1horible thaus the feeling which com93S OVer you as vou gaze 'mbt the cavernous depths of this Inferno of the World.~ The spectator stands wltiln an ex- tincl crater of this perpétuai fire mouinlain of Hlawaii. The admission is 25c. 1 Next to the Volcano-its entrance us nsxt door-ýyùu visit the greater Haw- alian Village, where you wili fiud the 110w world renowned Native Band of Hawaii, whose music, especialiv the Hawaiian naticnai airs, are delîghtful In the village yen see the whoie rmodus of sugar culture, coffee handling, rice p .ntn, rare ora and fauna, gigantic paims, and the ancient rites aund cere- monies of the Ilianders. Foýr gond, beart y laughter anîd wholesorme fun,the Ex-Qu 'een Lilluokzalani will ïbe t1he royal iguesl of this quaint vilageI August., The price here la ,aisc 25c. PromâalthisfInn, next, o hesk of patriot ism, visitoth great electric' cycloramaThe Battie o 1Msio id ge, an enormous reproduction o! t-he great battle. Th(, price of admission is uni formly 25C. The Pilipino, Village, Band, Bobo Dancers and Theatre is one o! the genuine n6velties o! thig great faim. Il is a big coiony and conlains repre sentatives fmom nearl*y ail thej races in habiting the islancts. M1anv of the women are extremely beantiful, Price of admission hero, 25c, The Administration Bulding: withinj beautiful gardens, )-où n a handsome brick Venetian eCnifice, whichi contains the greatest wonder of ail th1e Exposi- tion- ýBabýy Culture. WhaîFi wý,oman can resist this ceharmDingsht At the Victorisîn EraEhiton thîis marvel- ous presenitation 'was 'the wonder o! Earl's Court, Londono. The admission fée charge here is also -25c, Your visit 10 see Bayculture ýwil have put yen in a perfeeu frame cf mind to receive the last offering cf thîsj unrivailed route., On the Midway, andi immediately opposite the great Ilorti- cultural Building,ý you will find the Heradian Palace, containing the sacredi spectatorium, Jéerusalem, and thej EXCURSION TO CHICAGO. The Grand Tmunk Railway will issue ticets on July 21rd, 25th and 26th, fmom Kingston and west lu Ontario at single first-class lare te Chicago, valid te returu up to and including JuIy Botti, 1901. On payment of 50cts to joint agent at Chicago time limit cf tickets ma 'y extended te Aug 241h, 1901, Pare from Bowmanville and return $18 86- Unexcellel through train ser. vice lu both' directions, Tickets and particulars at Stott & Jury's Drug Store. M. C. ICR(.soN, Dist.,Pass. Agt. Toronto. BOWMAlWILLE NEXT YEAR, Mr. R. H1. Hoiland, chairman at the Orange Demonstration in Port Hope said "It is a great pleasure for me 10- day for the first time in mauy years ta welcome the West Durham brettiren with us here Encouraged by the treat- ment thal they.wili receive at the hands of Port Hlope, the gentlemen o"f the Order in West Durham inay feel in- clined b"jo;inanid be, included in'the celebrations which hLive hitherto been dlvi ded 1-etween the tbree great towns of Petemboro, Port Hope and Lindsay. And if possible il may be arranged tha t our annuai celebration will be held ln these four large towns, holding the fil! h or off year, lu the smalle;r places. Itla true thal some writers on the news- paper press seem raîher inclined to interfere, and, for some politicai pur- poses cf their own, to div ide the County of Durham; but as we are cniy interest- Pd in what concerns the great Orange Lodge celebralions, we want 10 sec the great lodges cf Durham hoid Iheir cele- brations together." We doiîl now te what divisin the speaker referred, but Tiun STATESMAN is certainiy net for separation of any portions of Durham County and is in hearty accord wilh the proposai 10 in- clude Ben-manvilln with the towns named fer Ibsi quadresînial circuit of demenstralions sund as a matter of ceurtesy and 10 properiy initiale the new canaidate we, propose that the celebralion of the nuptials take place in Bowmanville next year - What say you, bmelhren of Durham Counly? THE LATE JANET LAWRIE, On, Wednesday last the remains of the laIe Miss Janet Lawrie who died at hiem home near Thodford,Labo county, were brought here fr iter mentin Bowanvuecemete.Iry and laidl beside hem burothe, wo deSept. 10h,~8 TFin erai 10k place frm theG. T. h1. station, ervc en c.onducted by 11ev. J. H. Tuubuil, M A. Deceased' lived here about ihirty years ago and was well known bo many cf the older residents She was born at Carluke, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Sept. 101h, 182-5. and came te this country with the family, mauy years ago., Up to a short lime azo deceased had en- joyed fairlî good healîth, She had an attack of- pneumonia in the spring which 1sf t ber in a weak condition Irom which she neyer rallied and pas- sed peacefully te meât early Tuesday morning, July 161h. Rev. H. Currie hem pastor, conducted service aI the homessTnesday- evening, a very large concourse of friends haviug gathered to pay their last respects 10 one who was not oniy known but lîighlv respect- ed for miles around. The pail-bearers here were Messrs. Geo. Pearson,' J.- B. Pairbaimu, P. M.> Thos Bingham, Peter Murdoch, James Beith and M. A. James. Mr. J ames 'A Lawrie, nephew acomanied the remains here- and Mr. l.Bight, Myrtle, ineice, and -Mm, W. J.' Haycraftt Brooklin,' nephew, attended the funeral besides the rela- tives and frisuds here:- 0f a family o! nine children, two' brothers survive- Mr. James Lawrie, Dan!orlh, now iu hls 841h year, and Mr. William Lawrie, Damiingtou in his 72nd year, and one sister Mrs. Thomas Haycraft, Myrtie, who is in hiem 8 is year. TOWN COUN CIL. Speciai meeting o! Council, July 15th. Considemabie discussion took placeý over what nîght the baud shall play on the stand, The business men petiticsn- ed that ît bc Priday night. Messrs. Percy, Spry, and Galbraith suppomted the prayer o! the petitioners,5, and Messrs Tai, King and Woth, opposed il. Laid overt10July 17th, when itwas decided that they shouid'play Saturday and Wednesday nights alternateiy. Moved by Coun. Spry, Seconded by J. K Gaib;raith, That this Councii re- cognîize and accept The Durham Rub- ber Ce., as the successors o! The Bow- mauville Rubber Ce. and entitled to ail the privileges granted by the town of Bowmanvilie to the Bowmanville Rub- ber Co., lu Bonus By-law, and that tha Town Clerk be and is -herefbi nstruict- REV. J. LAMBERT ALEXANDER. (Sons of Tempe rance ïRecord) Rev. J. Lambert Atexander, Grand Chaplain, is a native o! Bowmnanvillle, Ontario, where bs parents stili live. Wheu a boy he becasuie a christian and at quite au early age united with the Congregationai Church o! that place and aiways took an active inlerest in1 ail ils work, beingp especially interested ln the Christian Endeavor o! the church and town He joined the Sons of Temperance lu his teens and re3mained a member mntil the Society îvas succeeded by the R. T. of T. He thon united with the R.T.ef T.and was active lu ail the work o! the Society. Bro. Alexander received bis eariy ed- ucation iu Bownianville Public School, and wtile desirous o! continuing his studios, tle found il nscessary 10 enter the factory and make tis own way. But tise desirs 10 continue lis studies was stmong and the work o! preach- ing the gospel was laid upon hlm until hoe fel, 11Woe is me if I cannot preach the gospel!1" This led hlm tb give up mechanical pur suit8 and 10 enter the Bowmanville High School where hoe preparsd te enter celiege. The Con- gregational Ceiloge being in Monîreai ho, attended McGill University and the Theologicai College in that city. Ris coilege course was marksd witt success and in 1897 tie graduiated lu the lirst rank. The Cougregatmonal Churct o! Middlevmlle, Hopetown and Rosetta ex- tenderi 10 hlm a cail which hoe accepted fii preference te other calis beforo hlm as hie had supplied in, Middievilis the procoding summer and knew the field, H1e entered upon bus regular wer!k lun Mddlev,-lllsnlu MaY, l1897, and soon idlentifieGd;limseif w7ith the SO.(T.And work. His f ieldo!aof n)r is wide and11( the,ý demands on his tiîne ýmauiy, but as fequenîtl as time will perýmit lhel found in the weekiy meeGting cf the Div- ision. Ho strongiv advocates teaching lemperance lu the Division so that the members may hecome a mîghty force dees tie advocite a strong faith lu (led. DURHAM ULD BOYS. A meeting of the Durham Old Boys will be held in Room 9. Central Y. M. C. Aý Yonge Street,Toronto, on Fiday evening Juiy 26th, at 8 o'cieck, 10 ar - range for the Civic Holiday Excursion fo Bowmanville on te tt Augvst, 1901. Tickets, Badges and Caps will, be ou sale aI the meeting- The speciai train wîili leave the Union Station, Toronto, Aug. 5, stopping enly at Quesu East, Wtitby and Oshawa.,I? eturing wil leave Bowmanvimle aI 9.45 The Baud of the Govemnor General's Body Guard wili, accompany the excursion, and give a -promenade Concert in the evenbag, Thie Tromonto Naval Brigade will joîn the procession, and take part in the evenîng Concert. Round Trip Ticketi, Aduits, $1.00, Children, 50c., NEW CENTURY IDEAS, The foronto Exhibition, bo be held !momi August 26 to Sept 7. anunces that ils principal characleristic will te tse adoption *o! New Century Ideas. The phrase migtt be considered a bit indetinite but for tse lad that contem-1 poraneously the stateint is made that 'there wil be daily and nigttly dispiays1 cf ail the new wsapous o! war as wel1 as recent developmsnts luthue arts of! piee. The pom pom will be ou view,1 wiees 'telegraphy wili be stown ini practicai use off the shore 10 passing1 vessels, magnificent displays of.illumin-( atîni- effects wlll be made, recentiy ane nounced developmnentz lu electricity will be shown. Cîemonstrations will be made in the cuiltvation o! Sugar Beel, modemn methods o! rescuing at sea will be îliustmated, manoeuvres1 with latter- day artiiiemx wîIi take place, in ladt the milltary will be. very mucli in evîdenco lu all its branches, wtiie the liandy-man and the marines will also,,o used large. ly lu te off-store opCeratonsand the Muelins worth 1 5c for MNLuslins worth 20e for Muslins worth 25e for Prints wortb. 10c and 1 23,2 for menýt of, Taku Forts by International annum for týhe yejars 189d8, 1899, and forces, Au 1nteriational Military.TAt- i1900 Carried. too 'will be the feature of the oPenling 'l'e Mavor restd acomniato night, when a large body of troops Wir fromn Mr. Graham, of Belvil, convey- be utillzed AstronL-exhibit of Frencui- i.ng tiianks te ail who ï assteýd hi carry. Canadian cattie, as well as of l'an ing the By-law, aeýd satektat Mr. American live stock, is te be matie Pinkle wouid p-oceci o Bwsanvilie, ulaithe ive stock, daliry products at once to get matters'ia ivi pe. R1e- and manufactures, Toronto Exlhbtion ceîved and fvled. never promi3ed SO weil as thi-3 year, h Greatly reduced rates on the làiîTae3 wo B.y-iaws, for the Fou-,ndry and steaieboats have been arr-ange sa and for the Eî'aporatiug Woîks, wer'ï' for, and no better time for visiting botit then read a thiîd timeý and siged(, and Toronto and the Pan-American, or the sne former alune, couid be desired than j3ho .,The Ma3 or aise re,-îd a einui f 1- -1-1 1 ift i i Cr 7 i El n 1 1 tik-n six bot -U -r 4 AND