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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1901, p. 3

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1 Vibethes- tIse tas-mho large ors isali this msatter of repais-s or nef-repais marks the ewner as prosperous or unprusperous, for iii tas-sing, as weli as ot"hes- wos-k, attention te li t- tbe matters Iseips succITss. TEWWeEED d ie lioiemr pg.atnn I .~ JION TIE FARM ELIES ON CATÏTLE. 'The little fiy Is sinail indeed, but, it rqi-s cnuaaiey feyw of these Lte make cattie besuicin fiesh and milk, andi tus-n frein quiet and sedate te wild andi nerveus anlus-als. 'This bas probably always been thse case, but thse afivent. of the littie l'or-, flY, eariy ta thse ulueties. secm- ed to fiake a bLd nstter Ivorse. Tîsese files appearef ini certain sec- Stieus and clusterefi about tihe hower Parts of thse horns wben tboy _wore Det on thse bodiy propeî-, se that they were dubbed "liornsflics.'- liucIs n",s wittoîs about thîem nd var- fous remoUles prepesed or oferc-e te tIse public. These pcsts lu 5oinO pastures, o ncisei uthse cattie lu immense isîsuiibrs, aud greatiy wos-- rfed tîiseu. Wýhils ccc scafis less et these fiy pests now tIsai about fifty yens-s age, tIse s no d.usbt but that they are fily as ýcomuofi, if a-ot more se, than they were then. TIsey are mauch like tIse commea house fiy fn appearancole, only slight- ly smalier. 'The writer bas employ- oU vas-fous miethofis te reduce these fly pests. Severai ferms ef manu- facturedf fy killes-s are on tIse mar~k- et. If one lias but two or thrce cows, one o0f these preparatiens may be very Fsatlstactory, but lit is a serieus 1rb ,) tehanfile :a large Perd, and eXpeuse zand labor 0f applicatiou. This sbtsc is aqpplief with a wide, fiaýt bruis!, or~ by sfîrayiîîg it. on, tîte lte beîîig tIse ouly prnc- ticableie method witls many cews. One quart wili do for one applica- tion on 40 te 50 cows. ]PIne tar preparations have beesi used serne- vJiat, b-)ut thesîs are stfckv, sud their ujse is neot te bc e s-eornsýUed. TIse mate0(rîiîsabonve efrred te are la- tended te keepl off files, but fot te killHu tIsnt, theýy biug effffeusive te lescits. Puire kerosene, liowever, hias iian dvan.tage, in that it îuny bo sprayeti on tIse cattle, and i ll kîli masîy files, if it its, tsentot a rea- sewable etc nt. Eaciî season we do censiderLie spraying 0f keroseno lu tIse barns, thus killing imsmense num- bers eof fies. Ou tise ceomet- niglîts fliles collect ou tIse cellngs andi warîss- or spots lu tIse bars, and thea svo dose tlîem, usfssg ordinary keroseno ta a cbeap biaud spray, such ns selîs for .Si - Oents We aise spray tbem ou tIse cattie. a goed policy te break up henps eofsuanure lu tIse pasture, for tIse flies bs-ced, lu these, aund thus their development s-yl bo repressefi. In aisy event, it'is néessary te wage constant war ugaiast these fliles, if eue is te get tIse best possfblo se- tuiras frein elther dairy or beef at t1(. TIse suggestion te keep 11(cat îtl(lu iitIse bas-n dus-f g the summiier J dayLs, seiiing thosu tues-eis darke-ncd stables, anud then turning tIsent on pasture at nigbt, is westhy et adop- tion by tiiese sltuated te do se. Ces-s should thsive under. such cois- ditions. This fiy question is a most important one, and tIse injury these pests do te dais-y cews lu deps-eclîs- icg milk yie ld 15 5no Uoubt ves-y great. Rendes-s wbe have successfully solved the problei at eeasonable cost weuld confer a faver en many stock- mon by ceatrlbuting their experieuce te its colmmet'. LAIRY WISDOM, Do't waste feed o fliles. Keep tIse cews lu dlean, darkened stables during tise day, and tIson tus-n thein eut is tIse pnstuîe at nigbt.' It will make a littie more work, but tIse gain ws-yl mes-e than psy fer tIseextra trouble. Keep tIse stables cieau and ns soon as tIsese is a bond eofninnureo take it directly te tlise field.- Ilere wili be anotbeso- ga1la.i YVou cantsot meet psC-set cme 4ion if you( sLC tic tea HitIe oïlU way Mou sil -yul holef t 1belucii' tIsprces sýion. TIs2e-e must ho bo ienks Lasîd everyýthing miust bu suad1e te pay, if Keep.tIse cal-vos in chenu box stails. Ilaung. sacking oves-tIse windews. This wilh siigbtly Urke thie stable, >1 suad tIse flics will net tes-ment tIse caives - Feed s-gulnnhy and keep thein chenu sud t-btey wiil grow aiud thrivo oves-y minute. T-be cow that is due te calve sIseulU be kept in eut of thse bot suei. Feefi mals are on pasture. During the warmi weather far less food is re- quired to furnish heat te the body. and the grass keeps the bowels in good, to 'ne so, that the concentrates fed are thoroughly digested. W-ien feeding skim-m-ilk to pigs it should be given in confection with sorne starch food. One pound corn- meal to three pounds of skimn-milk is a, good combination. Whea_,t middlings are a valuable food for swine, %vhen fed alone. Es- pecially valuable are they for breed- ing stock, both during growth and at maturity. 'The bone and muscle building tendencies of the riddlings develop strong, robust hogs. A ration of two-thirds coru-meal and one-third middlings is an excel- lent one for fatUtening hogs. Ani- mals shouldnot be kept on full feed for more than three months, as after tiifs tirne of full capacity exertion, a ssimilation weakens and the cost oi gain 'is mnatcrially increased. Pigs are better left unrung, unless for special rossons it is important that the pasture should remain un- rool ed. The best of rings worry pigs and cumbersomne ones may keep thern thin and emaciated. Vie should aim to give the pigs as muchi free- dom and as nlear natural conditions as we can. In, handling pigs around a cross sow or among other hogs it is best to keep thcm froin squealing. This can be donc by lifting thei by the tail. JùsL wby this lias a efffect 1upon the pig is a question, but that doni't matter so long as ho don't squeal. KING ,EDWARD'S ROYAL OlIP- Design Selected by Britishi Sover- eign for 'Use Throughout, Hlis Army. King Edward VII has personally selected a design for the Royal cîp- her which is worn on badges, but- tons and other devices throughout the army wherever the Royal cipher is at preseat borne. This cipher, of which an illustration is given from the London IJaily Graiphic, consists of -E", and "R" imipaledr, with "VII" înserted itlie 1lower loop of the "E" the wheosllrmounted by a crewn. Tho design hlias been made plain, without foliation, at His _- ~ r~Z~s-t& ATTESTED BY SOLEMN DECLARATIONS.I Mrm. Momay. 1 belleve that my huaband's condition was rnýat critirel, I amnconfidenet teat Ifi t ad col been for Ozone ie would have dted. 1 was very doecîful about givfing him Ozone at the lime 1 didp he séeed no e ch a terzibly we'ale condition. 1 amrn sfaled bliat bis recovery la due entireîy le Ozone. Thc impres- dlon 1 ha& £rom the physiciens who attended hlm made me belleve that my fLuaband suffered from lung trouble. Sutton West, Octario. Jas. MeEachevn, BraIkesman, G. T.fL. DOMINION 0F CANADA,) Province of O!tarlo, Ie the Malter of County cf York,r The Cure cf WM. McKAI. To Wil: 1, James McEsclicre, of the village cf Sutten, in bbc Countiy of York, BraltesescuMidland DvsoG.T. R. Do Soiemnly Declaýre That 'I have wonled with Wiliam McKay for thliat bwo years, on thse same train. On or aboult th foui ths cf Ortçber ie war laid off work,, liavinig been ailing for soea ine provnJYs. I vlited Mr. I4rKay dnîghic ii-~ nes and whent tIs dorIez procouzced hic case hopeless, owing to the ad. vacrd âsta eOC consamption, I procured -a botîle of Powley's Liquieed Ozone on tue advicc cf Ma-. Fort7tlî, rnilkmcn, of Toronto. 1 oitk the bottle le Mrs. MrKay and sesald that shte would try il as a !lest resont. 'rhat Mi-, McKay's condition wras se cri ticail tat I vas net permnitted 10 se hlm on tIsaI occasion or fer two weeks previens. This *as ou tle nighI of thc thirteenth day et November, 1900. 1 caiied again and Mrq. ,cKay ~told me tIsai ber husband hiad no, coughcd for four days and that 1-here waa a mnarled imprevement in hie condition. Thal cie sald tbe could hardly fe hier huihacd ecougi toeacc, his appetile had improved so wondertuliy. ebhave been la bis company several limes subsequeot, acd £rom bis present lîealtîy condition I believe liat Powiey'a Liquified Ozone bas efEerted a comrplete acd permanent cure. And I1suake 1hslemu declarclion, rocsciectleusly believing il te lie L-ue acd lcaawing il 1 te c f the aime force and effert as if made under ealli avd by vrtue ofe l'Canada Evidence Art, 1893. L'eciared before me at the Village cf buteon, lu the Couniy of York, Ibis Fit téeonl Day of Jacuary, A.D., 1901,J (SEAL) A. CROZIER. E. M. Fisk, Etation Agent. ID0141NION 0F CANADA, I Province of Ontario, luthe Malter of Counly of Yerle, The Cure ef WM. MeKAY. To Wil: I, Edwsrcf Major Fiait, cf the village of Suilon, le tIe Ceunty of York Station master G.TM P., Do Soiemrnly Declare That ai c persoccily acquaicted wili Mr. William MrKay, lIaI I vîsited et hia ý-" on several occasions during bis necent iîcess, ced arn satisfled lie was aý. ery weele condition, and n'as given teunaderstand by bis wife and asic tIsaI is rase was bepelesa, fieheequent te Ibia I -was infonmed liat Mr. McKcy n'es tsling Qumee, ccd on again vislting hina wa surprised te find sIc'. le n'as murli -Lnproved, 5ud on my second viait fouad hlm asiticg up. I believe it te be e remarklei cure, as I1xvce led le underatand he couid net recover. And I make ii solemu decîcration, cQnscientiously belicvicg il 10 be trze and knowing lIat fi t lte sea force cnd efflccl as if made under Cath cnd by vintus of tbe Canada Evidence Art 1893,. Deaared befone me ai the Village of Sutton, le the County eoferle, thia Fifteenih De cf Jcnuar, AD101.j (SEAL) A. CROZIER. MY. MoCax'thy, Oonducto',, G,T.]R. DOMINIOb4 0F CANADA, Province oï Ontarie, In l the Matter of County of York,J The Cure of Wmi. MclCay. To Wit: 1, Michael MrCarth-y, of the villaze of Sutton, Ie the county of York, copductoi- on Midland Division, G.T.1A., Do Solemniy tleclare That I knowtcid have beec weii acqecated with Mr. William McKay for the last twenty-Iuireyears, that he lIcit isaduty of the traie ie My charge on or about the'4lth of Octôber, 1900. 'that it was scy im rctalea thtat iewas SuFfes-ng from censuruptiore. That I neyer expectT te s-c hiri agalna t work, and that this was the generali Impression of ail hic work t.c,ýtes. That 1 cailedon hlm on or about flÏke t cf Dacember, 1l9Ol, or about thîee weel-cc atler li lid fatai-tlad tcldg Powley's Liquitied Ozone. Thaf I found hlm looclug reianlva- hlywf. That bce atated tIsati$t improved and healthy condition !1wgssduc le tckiing Powiey'c Lîqnifl<ad ozone. 1I have every neason te balieve btat Ls rcavery ta ovring te the euse of Powley's Liquîit! dOzonei. And I1 areti solen clrtion, cncetosybtlieving it te be truc and knowlng týhat it lacf the cý arne force aind etifort a,- if made under calh and by virtuecof the andaEvîidence Act, 1893. Deciaïed before me at the Village of Sutton, la the count7 of, York, ýn a thiS Fifteenth Day cf Janucry, A.D. 1901, (SEAL) A. CROZIER. ]Hev. A. P. Brace, Pastoi', Methodllst Churoh. TiiEýOzxr o., oroto. SUTTON WsEST, Januaty 16'b, 1901. Geatlemn,-In reaponse te your enqair. I repiy, 1 viailed Mr. Me- Kay from the begfsniiug oet ms siclenesa. S'.ering a relapse, lie continued to sir.k, tili one day bisg gief-itrilce wifc tlid me Ihat he had bren given up te die. lier own worc vre -." Oh, if lie could only get well enougli te a-t around, but the theught cf lbcbg hlm 1"1 Shoxtly citer she bold me ho was tcking Powîey'a Liquified Ozone. Sean every one was expreaaing surprise that he was gelting better and ccl- !ng heart ily. Now I must contess that I arn astoucded to sec hlm wclling rou cd, looling, and, as he Laya, feeling wonderlîslly well. (Signed) Fours very truly, Dr. Frank Daley, V.B. DOMINION 0F CANADA, Province of Ontario, Iu the Coucty cf Ferle, The Cure et - To Wit: J tMettez cf fWes. McKay. 1, Freank Deley, of thc village cf Sutton, inte cCanty of Ferle, VeterinanySurgeon, De o le-moly Declare That I tenon ccd cm well ccqucc ted n'itb Mr. William McKay, bcggagemce on bbc G. T. R., ccd I lecon'bm te liec amac wboss sordculd bc thon- ougiiy relicd upen. I underatand tht lie ad consumptionî, ccd Ibat bis condition wcs most citîcai, s50 enliçailiaI he waseexperted te die. Ris zeroverv I rensiden 10 be a miracle, ccd as fe.r as I lecon bis rerovery wcc due 10 bis tcling cf ?ow3ey's Liquidced Ozone.' 1Ar d *1makete Iis colenin des-antion, cocscic'stiously brlieving lil 10 ho troc, cnd leuoning Ibat it la efth11e sae force and ettect as ii mcde under catis ccd by vîctue cf the Canada Evidenre Art, 1893. Deriarcd before me. cI the village cf Sutton, lu the Ceunty etfYork, ti itetZay.f . a-1901. Iilet i.y .190n1. y (SEAL) _ - A. C1,OZIER. W. P. Cole. J. P., CieI'k D1VI16!oflCouI't and Oounty coune1iiop. "DOMINION 0F CANADA, province etfOntarie, Inluthe Mettez of Coucly etf erle,r The Cure of WM. McKAY. Te Wit: 1 I, Warren Percival Cole, cf the village cf Suttea, ln'- tIse ounty ct York, Divi&îon Court CierIe, Do Soiemnly Derlare Thot I am weil acquaiclcd with William McKcy, of Ibis village, havie g lnown hies lntimelcly for about aiceteen yecrs. I have always foiund h*r4 strQightforwiýrd and honourable fa every n'ay, and n'ouid reiy on lis W"r cempietely.t S6;me fen' wceks cge Mr. MrKay n'as very 111, ccd il n'as generally r repcrted t1iat bie couid cot recover. liewaer, I sec hlm te-day, a-id le Laya lie helieves Ozone picked hlm up acd puiled hlm out cf the -grave. .And i malthias olema decianallea, conscientlocsly believing il 0ta . truc, acd knowingag lti ho f tie samne force ccd eftert as if msale îmdes oath ccd by virtue of thse Canada Evideece Art, 18193. Dorlared before mce t Sutton, le the -County etfYork,. thsFifteecli Day of Jaacary, ________ Ibs A.D. 1901.J (SEAL) W. P. COLE. H. Johinson, Marchant DOMINION OF CANADA, Province ef Ontario, In thse Mlîfeeof Count7 of Ferlk, j Tie>Cura of WMd. ocXAY. Te Wit: Iï IHiramJohnsos, et tie village of. Sutton, le Uic Count7 cf Yoa-#, merdeant, prepnietor of tise Mammoth store, De Solemnlv Declare That I bave knon'n Mn. Mrc 'Ky fcr the Iat wasty odd years. He la a man ln whom I.van place the most inîplicit confidensce as te his verarity, and thec statemeal as te tie efficccy of Ozone la in ar-ordance n'ith tle f acta, Mn. MeRay la my ne-cre3l neiglibour. Wheu' lie n'as fil, rve at Uic point ef death, I wEs refuzscd edmîllanre tb cee hlm', heasas every ion'. My wife art up witb Mys. McKay the nig;ht Ozone arnived, and i-. though sIe n'es if n s. MeK ~ iue al cigit de n'as mot permitled tô sec the patienttn ccrount ef his very 10w condition. From mny own lenowledge et Mn. McKay's ilinessahcd his miraculeus cure tbrougis Ozone, I regard it as ccc cf the wonders cf the cge.' And I make this solems declaration, rcscieci-sly believing lt tb be truc, ccd kcewing thaI il la cf the sarr-ie forre ccd sifeci as if mcde unidez uash ccd by virtue of the Canada Eiduznc Act, 1893, Declcred hef ore tue aabvllae cf Suttosl, inithc Cout7 cf Ferle, thia Fifleenîli Day et January, A.D. 1901. (SEAL> A. CROZIER. Aionzo Forsytih, Torfont-t. I takl my mille mcm thc So'ttes% train' every mercing. I1lied heanil thie trais Pends talleiog about Mn' . MeKay's case. On or about tise 12th day et November 1I Icard liemsasy lIat tle des-tor lad gis-en Mn. MrKay up, an ccdl nas dyi'sg oet tnerruloalc. 2 rerommendeud tbem te gel hlm a botte cf Ozone, cnd I drove rigît up for it la tise office of îhe Ozone Ca,,ccd' sent bIc hotUstle tMn. MîKay by bis haggagc mate, Mn, MeEachrîr., ' I have seen Mr. MrKay sdcc, and le tbld me that bis recvery la cntireîy due 10 Ozone. lic toifi me that bie suld have bec decd bcd it cot bec for Powley's Lîquified Ozone, I gîve ibis statement thet it may lie publisied in roonection n'ith the rase cf Wm. MeKay. Toronto, January Z3rd. ~ (hîgneet) The above statement deals in facts, flot theories. Lt clearly proies the ability of IPowley's Liquifie.,d Ozone to create a condition of the bio6d and tissues in which the7 germs of disease cannot live. Lt t.hus gives nature an opportunity ýto perfform becr work. Tell yournag ous friends, and anyone weho has throat or lungc trouble, h-ereditary or ohrie about this cizmOn dollar iinvested iii time mav prevent seriou3 illniess and mlay Save life. We wiIl ),d ineerwa .sibi CTCSI ~~T'A 1~ ~ 1 <> rnt) zsbcttItn. 5Oc smnaills, at al dugi;s.Writt f'ýc Ozone Ce. , of Toý,ronto, Umited, 43 Coiborne Stret, Tororito, 1 aïi i resident of the village of Sutton, and hiave been ln the employ of the Grand TIrunk Railway for twenfy years or thgre âbout. At preseént 1 arn baggageman on the Midland.Division of that railway. 1 For some time 1 have been more or less afraid of my lungs, owing to the fact that there was consumnptîon in the family. Late in the summner of içoo I developed a cough which gave me great uneasiness. The cough steadily became worse. - I was very sick about the first of October, and< miade my trips on the train from that date until the 3rd of October with the greatest difficulty. On that date, October 3rd, I reported f0 the physi' cian. He advised me to go to bed, and I remained there about ten days. I got up on the i3th of October and had a relapse. I called in another physîcian, and he foundmy femperafure to be 1022 degrees. He told, rny wife, after consulting with the attending physician, thaf my lungs were affected.' The attending physician,-somfe time after, found my temperature.1 to be 104 degrees. I steadily became worse; my vitality was terribly low and I had f0 be fed in bed. I had night sweats regularly-my Wife had f0, change the bed three fimes in twenty-four hours. I had taken creosote but had f0, discontinue if as my stomach would not retain ii. A political meeting was held in the hall next my house, and the chairman, Mr. W. P. Cole, J. P., told- the' audience f0, keep quiet as there was a man next door ili to the death. No onet was allowed to see me. My child had been sent to 'Toronto as the dôctor told my wife that the slighfest disturbance might take me off at any fimne, On the ioth of November the doctor cut off four of rny medicines, He regarded my case so hopeiess that he told my wife f0 give nme any- thing I wanted to eat, as it did not mnatter, On the 12th of November Mr. McEachern, my baggage mate, brought my wife a'bottie of Powley's Liquified Ozone, and she asked me if 1 would try it. 1 would have taken aniything, I was so desperate, and I sfarted taking Powley's Liquified Ozone on, November 14th. The very first dose seerned f0, be what my system craved, and in four days my cough stopped. My temperature on that day was 102 dégrees'. On Saturday, t'ha 17th, it was 99, and on Tuesday, the 27ofh, if was normal. I steadily improved, and on December the 24th I weighed 156 pounds, about 50 pounds more than I did when af my worst, On January 6thi 1 weighed 165 pounds. - I have no more expectoration, my lungs give me no trouble, and I amn satisfied that I amn cured. ascribe my recovery to the grace of God, and f0 the use of Powley's. Liquified Ozone. I firnmly believe but for this preparafion I would have been in my grave. Maiajsty's express wisun. «to decorn.- tion whatever will be pcrmitted, and ne device or ornament will be plac- ed above or upon it. Special in- structions4 are given as te thse crown, there being ia use at present soein half dozen crowns of different pat- terns, some of theni of foreign shape, or deviations differing frein the Brit-- fsh. That now adopted and te be- corne thse sealed pattera for thse army is the Tudor "Hlenry VII" crown stated to have been cbosen and al- ways used by Queen Victoria person- ally, 'and ail other patterns are te be ,aboli shed. CURIOUS CUSTOMS. Places in England Where You Oan. Live for Nothing a Day. Ifn ýorwich, England, thereà are thre ays in I e y ear wuhen aniyone 1maydamaersusata na for notl-ang. Th'le onliy qualifica,-tion, f or it is that tlse applicant shah.1 re- peat aloud, in St. Gilos' Church, a prayer for tbe sovereicî's health. Afterwxrds they partake of a mneal of broth, beef and brend, topped ofï witlî a liberal allôwancc of Iscer. - Thse little village of Gofistone, in Surry, is, hexvever, alicad of Nor- w7ich is generesity. There, Iroin the first Thursdlay lu Novernber te tIse ast un April, free broth is given te ail wh: bwish to ask foir it. Andi on auy Suiiday througheout tIse year y ou -can get a cut of fresh roast Iscef. There are places in wbich you caf net only be fed but a night's lodgiug will be given you. At Rochester, lu Kent, thero is a botel where you can get a supper, a night's lodging, and fourpeiice on yeur departure next mnornin-. At ne othes' place in thse world dL they pay Yeu fer the houer of usaking yoni-self theIr guest. Bocks is a raire pince for Isospital- ity. If you happen te bie cycling, or waisdering iii thse aighbor'hood of Waddesdon any day in tIse yoar, yen can in the rnerning or ('veniiaL de- maîîd a drink offISOW niilki, and it will be supplicd te you f ree. A cew 15 kcept specialiy for this purpose by the parish. At Drayten Boauchansp ou Bexing Pay, if you wl sh te apply at the door of the vicarage, yeu will be supplied ultîs ail thie bread and cheese you cou cnt ard as much aie as you caf drink. Still, the 'sainenf-ssoff ilet might becoîne trying, ctie','iugli duîing Lent yeu ceulfi xai< it by goDfiig te Faru- hain Royal, where yeu would ho giv- en Isrrings and breacl. And at Christinas, fanBsrnhan, you would get a n'est elaborate ineal, witli plcnty of geefi nie, tebacce, ors ,uul te finish with. Perbaps lu anticipation ef sorne evil efifcts of such gratiiitous living, Siopteis long ago racle pi-evision for free 'foierals. If death shoulfi over- take yoïî ti tir yu i b4,buîi-d fr0, and tthsemurerif any, will bo prvdd ii hlpeck l, a pounid of ceseafifur quarltts of beer,

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