And liglit dreesings with CUTlCUQA. purest of emollent skicures. Thi. ireatment >at once stops falling haît, removes cruats,,sca.les, and dandruft, Usoothsirritated, itchlngaurfacea, stlm.- Zzates the hair folilcs,ý supplies thée Ïoots with nourlshment, and makes thse -".;r Lgrow ispon a sweet, wholesomne, bealthy scalp whien ail elsa §feUs. flHons Use Cutliiura Soap ABEiste(t by CUTICURA Ointmient, for preserv- 4e g ,ifylng, and beaui4 ing ti',;e skin, for Cie ' zn the scalp of cruists, scales, and dan. clrti, and tise stopping of failing hair, for mofteingi, whitening, and sdothnig red, rougis, and sore bauds, for baby rushes, itdhois andcýhaf1ngs, and for;ail tise purposes of t0mý toile(t, bath, and nursery. Millions of Womn IlSe CUTICURA SoAr in tise formi of baths for unnioylng irritations, Inflammations, a n d Ch fine,,, or t00 freor offensive perep,,ira tion lg the ferma cf washes for ideeratîv wcna oesses, and for many sanative antisepil i1urposes Whlch readiiy suggest theemselvcs 0 ooen, especially notiers. No other eeiated ,)cap st t be comipared with it for prering gburfyn od beautIfying the sn, scalp sir, sanands. No other for- eign or domestle toilet soap, however expen. sive,is te be compared w 1h 1f or althe pur- T oses cf th e toilet, bath, and nursery. Thu i combines In ONE SeAp at ONE -f'RiCE, the 11ST skin and complexion soap, and tise nxSI tollet andi baby soap intise world. "Coniplete Treatmaet for Every Humour, atOn$lsliog -cf CUTIcULiA BoAP e cleanISe the 'ikl of crustus ad écales and soften tise thick. Ouled CUtiCle, CUTIIRA OIN'rnENT, tel nststly Allay itching, inflammation, and Irritation, and nothe and heal, anid CrrrocuaÂRaSOLvEîrr, to cool and cleanse tbe blood. ASINGLZ SET la often suflcicot ta cure tise met toruring, ) lsflgurlng, and huomllating ukn, scalp. and blood Aamnours, with lous cf hait, wben al else faius. Sold threugisout the world. Briftzhi Dept. 27-28 Charter- bous$q., London. PorTas P. & C. CeEs., Sols Pxeps. Princess Tablets Are what you wuet f or ail forma ef f emnale troubles, an infullible remne. .~dy diseovered by a f orernost f emule specialist; guaranteed as a oiive cure; wiii positively lest.blish tise normnal fonctions; use( monthly by over 50,000 ladies; for sale ut drug- gila, or sent on reoeipt Of price $1.00. Aetna Drug Go, WindiberùOnt. Cae.i 921-LBS, 1 an es hrty tnan lie, uoou tise iI ix ws W Th vis-ue lis in ise sruggl, netDYSPESIA, ILIOUNlie and sasi, Go back! about m iontîts age, a recentiy1 was iuister of a resuote parish i h suele i h tuge o DSESA IIUN condenination is flot only uniair but IWhy, girl, hie said in surprise andi i onti, according te tise Newcastle îetshrat a itcniirdas iepie-îins OSIAIN EDCE kstandard Remedy itlunUt indignation, wisat do you mean? Daily Leader, by one of tisepotr particularly attractive preaciser. At Honest errer is te bc pitied, not SALT RHEUM,SCOUA Wlat do you mena by trying to wiecergrubshaabeisiisugete exnivatrtos idicoleti -Ciestertield. HEARTBUEN, SOURE STOMA, oHopoke yoorself ie folks's isouses? a1in tts nrne0 iebig were miate -lutise transept of his Wistoim is Io tise mimd wisat DIZZINESS, DROPSY, I nTouans f'om ILL1 WITIIOUT IÇNtOWJNt IT, Ohs, yen neetin't glare at me like to elltain access te tise nortis plat- -cisurehIanti these lad tise efleet ni coulti.SKI UnCnd.tst anttrt t o mzt ema esain. t1appers swec ndaay esîciabihefetingfisalti st iebd.'Rdsfu HUATSSI IE To nr n o ic mzdthat tisis door is only used oee a Celerity is nover more admireti DISEAES THT CREP N o t offes' any explanatien, tise geatie- year to close tise bridge te prntectacomotton Oetiy ntr thaîs by tise negligent.-Ssakespeare, THý SYSTEM. main saiti, aternly, stanti aside anti tiserights et tise eompany, :andtihie I isie alteations isat ec o e eteloktiis e rej oe ustise poity 0f an- - let me pass! 1tisief must have droppet tise bag vistetitiseoisurcis n c iof theo te st atk fl-.As Ais umbrolla anti walking-stick ceutaining tise meney between tise "ia eyntsu tts o-tin. ter or go te a Heospital. aide, anti, seizing a iseavy cane, se on waii. Meanwisile, tise iag liatibd Ipree " xliet on piniens-tsey isolti himi.- Disin Impovie3s -etianedJon .o We ahl know tise iain wîoe tis brandisseti it bravel y, snying as se been cevereti np witls tea.d louves, in distiain ; tisey'rc n iuprnvo- Btilers. sn u'poiimn r hoisii Wsc h i i prfcty tt s-pae at cit sents at a'. Wlaur arc ye gemn' te sow at the samie timo wc commrit seunti iealts. Bttsr 5as ie Yn try te corne in hemc if yeu ' put the folk ?- iesn.Ieid f.less-known ersnwh tde iar!Iantaertie e n* ~"Oi," saitithe minister, "we have Sceing- mucs, surïoriug runch anti b tis wîe i-ide lion Conscieus ef tise indierous antiun-UJE selfons eing tepînk of isealtis wîî infe peaac i sne ,flnTUINn iC 'TYabninee oo, oscnio stuiying much aie tise tisree pillars À a doctor will tietect tise sigosa ii-ap àue ULIlU~I).LIi ing tise size niflise Coigregatiois." n anng-suei aidions ataosing on lis ow tieerstep wiis diseuse. Tisat's a' very weel tise non," re- Lt sacuryotn iihw If ou isik yo re cosmt-s es'atilhr'atsiiog tae hevei' WILL UREMypLOY7ER PR:E- trtdtebail; buwst will are to mod ntiud dhisel andticomplote f li e i ts, e noae r ft ise sonsa ewe d eo wvt en we gi maen i c ara ter-G oethe. iv, uechnes ia ynae e 5ei Us eie eaiuae S:ENT YOU WITH H IS ? ster peuarati' rephltroyha n ob h 1 d c o i s fferer fi-o u i t ie V sere ta y o u r m istre s? lho ask ed . - Ti a la t u ph l t ui p t s t faa oslayl n ull ie a es f Se in't at home, anti se siti Ito 1cr usoîo' eu kai-tais, was oin7gnr-A littie girl saidt rmt oeiatybuboditispta ls- S ani, Wsetlr frm igor- net to e lt nobotyin luwiile se Instances Where Ensployes 1Have dy harirI td erobu"tis honisiart.-hiey. i anoni it, wo t onetbr*avadol, ap- waa gone, anti 1 aln't eig to e, me Beau Rawarded By Tiseir Env Nros! at is ohr elti hiosnw esa i peas ucolscinus ni lis dangotr. lie plet tise girl tioggotiîy. eou!" sd th mter Dlil hngny;osalbg ii hceerful even wison hreatiig Bt s ot il oîeits e-ployers.,"wisat is ssc-vous ?- "Wisy it's ho- tisinga s cmne to tisc by anti by ask- ils la,8t, an istixviilaugis ut tise dec- tlonoanlis seuse etfisumor overom- Teol itosci iiatrp uing su a I-y ail over.", ing te be tione.-l'eosian preverb. tor's suggestion tisat lheossooltimake iglsageThr ~ - ts oeon usis nitie__ A prend mass ta seldoon a grateful CUBES lis wili. issant of yoor mistress. New, instaures on record 4 preaiy nnfrlenvr îinal gt s u OIIATR Anthr isas vhihscrep 0 îay 1 cerne lu please? neases lave heeu pyîng busi e- Tise reasen wisy borroweti books fffh~ -hBDsney hlia-Witlout tise victiosi oing conucioos Net at al abasisetiypresenteti te cm- onuciseastleeseseoves. H. W.oc3e7c mseo 1t. hoea Dysntof, Coier, bytissriper-bloye orrelaives uboluoly rocare seldom returuet islatisat tis cas- ANUTIS KlN ! IL , etitlahyirpieha.Tie amietmation,*tise girl steppeti asitie, aay- te tiso recipient, are net mis. er to retain tise hooks tieseacves ra Morbus,- Choiera Infan- synsptom et it is a slgît foxeti amilo ing in a toueetfcemical condensa- Tisat sucs tisinga lave hecu donc tise no eticapiug thegrm0fcosm-tonwatiinî ntso-GleTeorialkdeypeflfr Cramps, Colle, Sea SickneSS wii i in eeea noahuiteWl, fyur lIapa ollowiisg instances will slow. Menage. fil Summer Complaints. wud a ne listrerag-m.ed e eucoelu ororetrafnSothtisilcytin-klem with health. Health ----the cure of Backaehe, Daet1 wond u one h orerei e alie- _________________________ ad matie a fortune, antinlu act, -5UC RTIA TOU T - y pitul, but wonld probahly senti at lad more rnone tîsan lie kuew whiat is Y0111,nly ma of killi ng thlem. QUIK, IANT1U ' . Bl'Ight's Disease and an rîar prompt use will prevent a thisea.d Thou tise gi-luassumes fU~ To prove.te yeu. that Dr. te o ani le d te inl Pti nrjAiTj, WIIT UNCLE SAX 19 ATI 1H-OW THE 'BUSY YANKEE SPENDS THE DAY. r -s s r-" r-.-' r'-r-r~- -r- - - r- ,',r'r-,. --- ----- -----'~--" .",'.' ,.-.~,-.,,.-.t.-.y.-.. t-o-' t'oj- ______- ~ . - ~ _______________________ ~-'~ ~-~' ~ ____________________ _____________ - o ~ -r~~'-r"-- z--riz-r--r-- - -. - ~ r-. -. ....i 'r- -"--r-r-o- -jr- loi-,- r -1 ssii ~oo--Oiiii ~ ~ ~ r-- -r, a ~ -r-s' -r - r- -i - -- -~-~ -~ - -r-r S!-r Prcvcù*ý îvryhng ta all sinootis. But in! 'WRI 8COTIJ EN jgU jjEPU gong dowo again, tise unstea)dines ta ynun foot retumna. Yen attribute it te stifiness frorn walking, or te AN ARTICLE TI-AT WILL MAKE sonne nanatural position ef lyoosg in MAC FEEL ]PROUD). bcd, anti thik n more about it. If yen close your eyes anti eau Causas of the 'Succesa et scotch- stand stili anti straight, fer eue min- 1 utc n ien as Business Men and Me- YOU ARE ALL RIGHT. charrics.t But if yen away, it may lie ioeomo- Ifta a enrieus tfact tisat, conspai-eti toi- ataxy,- andst i t tinse you cou- rwitii tish vue Englisýhossan, Irishs- suiteti a doctor. But tien't lot ahl iaor WVelshioan, tise Scotaman lu tisose wlso cassoot stand steatiy for huaniess isoat i anti sisoultiers ahove a minute think thli ave, leenonotor tise i-st. Tise number otflsankrup t-~ tx. Tsi osinemyag cies, for instance, listeti iroinstinte gat a mucTi s nse eluaion.- te tino oin tise London Gazette Typloiti ci-eps ou in a very sei slows a very 10w percesîtageofe fait-î , nbtrusixe fashion. If Wloai ores, relatmvely speaking,, iu Sent- ycaaewiha1etice~u lati, or et Scotsmen lu husinessa paîma have a sutîron ceins', anti anrywisere cisc. But their sucoas i a glance ut tise soles 0f your icet net sueis a great usystery aftei ahl.i shows tisoon te hc ni a correspnnduosg Thoe solution 0f tise pi-chiens is te hoe r tint, you fine prohahly entering on fon ntise S s rtiy tr jtise stages ni typhoiti. I Our faceý cîsaracteristica, lu lis iiefattgahle i lias a dm11 expression, intonsifioti hy a resoitien to, oveneone tiifi'culties, - its uls tts ys in lis quictiy andi lowly torging l buailo aepilit tfatheiyss aiseati,anti gaioosng grounuti xere theisoa sionmauostiiiythtti otisers have taileti, anti, finally, it may ho fount lis is painstuking, in- Sornetimes a mnari will cemplin et tinstriens, caretul, plotiting ways, a touciso et rnmatism tii tise sisonîi-. paysPeaxon' Weely.or, but wilh go on wittis lis wnrk1 The Scotsnsan je business ila very aifnthissg was tise matter. Ile serions porsen; ise regards lite ant iamy ho lu for pleni-isy, us this is one business as very rosponsible'natters - et ts eamLlsest syonbtems. A hartien- anti le is net to ho loti away fromes et iver, ton,, aise slows itsoit Si-st isis ohject hy play. The Scotsmnao's! in a aloglît pain ta the sisouldor notte is tisut tisere os ne sentiment blatie. or synpathy in business, whei-ever A msan onco went te a plysîcian else it may ho feunti. It ta a gre ut conmphaiuing tiat le coulti not wuhk argument put inrward hy tisose w-be rwithsOut kceping lis Iseati bout te- favor st-tstics that tise succesa etfxants the goutot. Tise tintor saw tise Scotaman s ladue te lits gondr that le was suftering fi-on a creep- hramns, whiicis are ecl'oariy matie etf- ng forim0f paralysis but tise man tise riglit sort ot stuffe r nsaking seornedth ie idea. Yet tise sequel gooti business mon, andt tIt ensiorin-1 ShowOdth ie doctor te hoeoigist. ed tisomein msaun intelect wichis i Arsotiser toerniof this coonpla int poriasup keener antisarper tisun i shows itselt n a hunti-tog expression that efthtie ,nrdmîsamy Englislimani's ofthtie face 1whics tise hearer ho- or Isisismen's. lieves to hoe due to fatigue. If, n adi- It la coucetieti by insst people that dition te tisis, hso cannt asihy i-aise tise sous et Caletionia svoulti succeodth ie uppor lhp or hing tise ovelis ia business undter auy condition for togetisor, le la certaiosiy sotiei-ing tic i-casons %we ihave giveos. XefWCa onwn fim pamahysis, sall not go Loito tis e tsics '0f their thougis loe eels as tisouoghisse coulti succesa, uer pi-y into -tise psycisOhOg- pemtormi any ps'escribod athsetie foat. icai hearinga on tise subjeet; we 5i55 An nutwumti aist visible aigu et ply take Scotassien us tisey ai-e ant 1 shuking pulay is a slow movemont us wo fiadt hsen. Wc îsay i-cicr te ef thc lips whsitcetiug-a trmaming tic undeniahin tact tînt wheri-voi- andtipemiapa unnntmceti'hbhit. t is thoy nsay ho fount inlisny corner f' generuhiy acoompunieti hy a tentieucy tise globe' or wlhatever tlsey nsay ho tn owuîie fat,'anti finalhy in lite, us tratiesoosen, dlemks, or pro-' BREAK INTO A LIEN. fessienal men, Scotsmniue itiento- fieti witi tIilt, sisrewdness, and If you fond ynni-seii rnnniosg town a coonoss, anti always an oye on tise rowded thiorotigisare, wiseu yon in- nisajo chansce, tisey rus-ely go wrong. tendedti t taie a stroil, trop into a A bnci or iatiiffoit workossass oapitai., amonngtom'nohr 5apeos at mucis affecteti pose, tise tam coson. Tley ni-e aIl gol worimos. raxvsY -ok, osay anise -irnrn les 'muke the industrial trados aistoi 1 b eantitul causes tîsan a pnetic train ilit indti iat a Scotsman is, in a 0f tisougît. It unay he an early go'eaten or basser doa-reo etfi-esponsi- stage 0f meningitis. A. look nf self- hihty, tise pilot oft oui- big fiiss. sattsfaction couplet witis a tremen- lu tise higier craftt we get thse ties increaso of vasity tees net ose- s.anie nsulta-tie Scotansen corne eessurily moan insufierable cenceit. It -fisst, nay arise fi-os an appnoaeiig Even un tise professions tise pnsm- pai-lysis of tise brain. .tlon la net cisuoged. Iu London Diseuse et tcos diaguises ifs ap- jeurnalisos tise lest ieatiei-wiiters 1 proacis by doceptove strutegy. Insan- 'andt descriptive writers aie Scots- ity la luin any cases precetieti y a 055005; in nsechuutcal andt consuiltative xv-outierful inereeise 0f hediiy fituesa engneering tiehe etftise mon ansd andi mental power, hy wicli latteri 0f tise consultants lait froin tise itise poasessor feols capable ni aqui- iontis; xviist la onetilcine anti sus'-! n thse icle er discoeosing ts geo-y the tuen nf Edinhurgh anti St. 1 ourtis dioneision. Andrew's nie hotter mess thiontic!_ Ail sorts nf tingasnmay mean mnaotfoonglaîst or of Isehanci, cx- danger signais to health. Wrinklea cept, porisapa, lu the niatter et op-i001 tise foreleati anti a tiifficufly lu eoative sus'gery, antinil this brandho epeniug tieceyesmay imoan "large ot tise science tise mon ot Englauti wite kitiuey." Ileant or lvem dis- tale tise leati. Anti yet if must ho i cases otten slow tîseonselvos in ou- a ait, lu justice to tic otiser comai- bargct ailes. Bewurc alan ofet cx tries cossprilsissg tise British Iles. cisive uppetito, wiici tinta nt ah- tlsat Scetianti os a nation is a fait- asigfyrbthel.I sa ure Eglndispre-eisietly te1regulai' igu et dtahctes ora tenusni cater. This sounda perisapa par a- 1 srosdsesa doxmcai, but neflbction will anise th the i tinn't gysescuot is ura prohicm. way to get any diseuse is te imagine Wisy theiseodividual Scotaman Os yeu've got it, and wniî-y about it. 1 succesatul us hecauso hoe is nclnot Tise objeet oet tissarticle os te ivarn te wonik msore in lis own behlf thau people, sioulti thîoy feci qusoos, net, fer ntisersandstiei-eiss lies tise i-ont t otoseclssg tihetiotoo'. oi lis succeas. As wc lave sait, lie t otn keepa an eye on tise main chance, a ting whicli Englishonen ant Irllis- omon nugist te do. Theo Velsiain a SU-E WASN ' AFRAID 0F" HLM. tlîla respect la fist cousin te tise A ladiy wcnt eut utter dinner leux- Scotjiaan. An Eng.lishmnan Wîlling tise new soi-vant alene in tise stand anti let a gond chnce fly by hisetndi sait to e ic-on depu'ting: li li; an, ton, wi th ie .lisisman. But Now, Surah, pieuse rensenbi- tisat ItheS1otsmnn who can sc thimogsautr we nieyer buy anything ni gipsies onr a getrdýst'ace tisaiseau hia hi-o- potdilema, or aniyone at tise door, anti tiser otf slasi or of Irelauti, wihl do unot, ou any acceunt-, lot straugers lie ti waitiig frrbis chance, anticoreointo tise houso. seize If whi( tcoses iis way. I wiih net ma'ami, replhot Surah, We de not secondsth ie opinion se fii-oly. otten expresseti that tihe Scetaman Auirsour laten tise front-door-beli is a rnecoo fellow. Ho la ne suchs rang. Soaish weot to tise deer. tiog. If te lonk al ter thec maîn 1 Theoe stnnd a sti-anger, hniof-hag in chsance in lite--anti wîat are we ,in hianti. business for bot for 'tint-a mnan Noting earelossîy ftiste servant, is te he contiensîsetihy the volce ot hie wsaot oetr-w aa nthe's wlso as- e bscarcîni tisan li, as about eel nyn thienSrais nnd ]Pq-r- friýi l;cr- 1 ~.- h. ,< 1. hiue1 i-seffîmyi iedn - IN MERRI OLU,- te lbk e.tured te ugs working capital to rua tise businsas; but Iis mmnd was set ut i-est on tisat NEWS BY M1AIL ABOUT JOHN peint, for the distiller agi-etd to fin- BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. ance lins. He carmieti on tise dhtil- ici-y aatisfactorihy anti proapei-et, aud t i t laestimateti thiat.' to-day lia Record of Occurrences That Will fotn -xcdtsaetisgeru Interest the Sens et pretieceasor. As te svistiser le wilh Old Englanti. repent tise oxpernimont by wisicislle- hirnacif was enriciset, anti givo away Strawhernies are sehing ln London'tisebuiness wiesLis pile ha sSufis- at 25 costa per peui. cientiy accumuhulteti, woe au eniy Six eut ni cvery 100 onarriagosila soi-mise. Periapa it la, expectiog ton Grecat Brifamn tako place la Jewish onucisofetiunasi nature, anti besides synagogues. l ittie eccentricities of tîsat kint ai-c General Polo Camow tieclarea witis- murehy infectious. outliiliugtheBrtih slder s he Anotier instance et a business eutlsonugtis B'iiss eldeo i tsechanging lancia on stosilar terma, beaflu tse wo'it. iwas tisat ef a tiiii et soap usalers. Tisere ar'e 28,894 jnveuiio fempe- Tise fausiliar snyioog, "'Lhei-e's notis- aisce societies lu tise Britisis Islands lng like leatisci-" ias inventeti ho- iith a mernei'ship ni 3,536,000. I o-e tise soap bonus, toi- tisere ai-e Mi-. Thionas Hlardcustle Sykes. et few articles et cousison use , wisich Cringie Lionse, Cîseatile, Chsetr, leit 'have provet more roosunerative te persenai catate ofthtie net vaine ni tiseumanufactur-er. Tise oseiers os £263,809. tise uii allude o eist adis chnettoti Mn. Herbert Spencer. wlse was 81 about a lat April, lia cosuipitet a hie- QUARTER OF A MILLION, grapiy in twn volumes to ho pnb- andt thsey wese evitiently -satiaficti liaseti uter lîla death.s , __ witli fIls îneunt, as nsany et oui- Expeoimeîs ha-ve . alroatiy heen routiers weuld ho. At any ate, tlsoy imute lu Englant luntise way et lay-piesentodth ie business nîgît ont te oug tiewn a uars'nw aspliaif fi-adi two eft tieur employes, who isat aperiaîîy for' cyclista. piaiîctau active part in tise building Aeeodin tea iceot cusu etup efthtie business. Accrdig t a ecet cnsu of Tisee mployes of a cotal- firm in Methist opinion two-fiftiss et tise Lancuasoire,, E rîglanti. eneditet thein heat isymna are from tise peu ether employer-a tiacîson, crusty anti pe- et Cai-ls orJols Wesey.cul -ar-wiîis ieing tise meaneat. man Twn efthtie reginscuts tisat have lu tise district. le par-'thtec 1west tise finest buttie recordi in tise army, mrate of wages anti scemedtot part tise .ting's Royal Ridles andtihie eveos wftl tisat ivitis au ii-gi-ace. litle Briguade, have nover cuo'rieti TIi-eetfticeousphoyes. howeven,lisati coema. iroasoos te forir a different opinlion, Tise ctate efthtie late Mi-. T. P foi- one nioining tiie master sent for iMufi, for 44 yeara leaci ni tise tirimthsciosand olelbret tisem tic business, et Brown, Muiff & Co., ni Bradfoird, us lse purposet netimiosg. Tise(,in- drapera, ha been vaineti ut £165, ployý esrgardedtihie oSier us a grim' 419.r joke, or a species et unew aggi-ava- Tis MaclefiltiahItode us e-tion, wiih tise crusty one lad de- TheMaclesied slk rae las e-viseti. One et tise men, isowevos', coiveti a stimulus in tise sisupe ofifmusteroti up plucl ennugi te Say tise annual Geverument enter fer tintlise tîsougmot tise tioe etftiseon black ilkahandkorcloiefir for tise navy cu u îobstsa eywl.I wiich ainoonts te 90,000.1 was isantiet over f0 tisem as a free Tise gi-eut Cufiolie catch et Lon- 'gif t, tic ouiy condition heing a puy- don socioty is young Loi-Lovaf, a nient of ton pu-r cenît. onu working direct descendant eftheic inoous capital adivanoced. Sirnen Fi-user, Lor'd Levut, wis wus iTise beneficluries dit not inbly ne- tise lat mnuateo beiseeatdi th ie alise wisat tise giit was wortis nutil Tower et Lýondon, tie hindk anti axe tise fist hlai yea-'s profots came te et boa exeention heing sisowu flore hant. We saolunîtay tisat oues bu- te tisis day. iciseler oinunmcturens are nt coin- A cossomittee ha been appointet ioison, te peipetuatle tiseusemory 0of tiseý A youtis went itoth ie eisploy of a bute Mo'. Robert Il-e, wiso was for Londons tradeasia anti veotuaiiy mnsy yeurs seccotui-y oethtis Nation-'rose to e m uanager 0f tise coleerîs. ai Teouperunce Lea%.iue. If is lu- Tise anosual average pr-ofit efthtie tentiedti f iaise £1,500 te carry on business wouiti be a matter et $10, - tise spectul toatures efthtie work tn 000 or an, ot a very big tising, but ivhicis 1ie sas cugugeti. sf111 au inconse nt f0o btiespissdt. 0f tise total ef 814,517 porsus 'Tise trutiesonuoslu question hldne employeti in tiseusines of tise Unitedi fnmily, an le 'ecogaiaod tise services jKisogdon iuî'iug 1900, 644,242 woric- et lis manager hy heuvong lisitise ed helnw grooti, anti 170,275 ahove. "business ahsoluteiy, sith nt suns 0f In fie quus'ries 60,631 pensons wero usoaey snfficient te previde w'oil-h umployet iniii, andst 33,264 outaide iosg capital. Tise ceaccru te day la makig luahi toal e d3,5 oneeofthte ineat Isiospereus uand cx-9 Laknnos'sasusotelcof i tD3189 an punting ln Lonono, andsth ie erat- Londo's soke loudis ýd b wis1le usanagosr lias gond neusen te estimateti daiiy wasteofet6;000 tons 5-vere the mneosory, et ot coul. Sur W. Richisonuj States 111S GENEROUS EMPLOYER. fIat tise louti is tistlniguisisnhile 64 Iflisas heon sait :"Hiappy la tise miles frein London, ant inluitfs paosa- isoun îso lus. onireations, for le1 iugo a dostinsct resiuurn is teitLOSpoO shah lhave pence." At auv rate, if tise soil. oef iufrequeutiy eccuns tisat relut- A o'efurn et immigr'ation for 3 ycurs tives f ail f0 corne op f0 oui- legiti- shows th at iu tisut tinse ov(g 152,000 îosate expectation lu ma ny ways, andt aliensa au'iveti in Britalu fi-ens tise tenof ais-ayassoswfleur sense et continent witis ne decianeti'intention favers in tise spirit one odontitesime. lof proceetiiug fartsoi- Tise gi-eut A nos-h fisetEssgand tratiesmaîo me-1 onjortty eft tiese weo-e Jews frinn tii-et a few s cars uago, andt. haîsteti jRussia andtihfe eust et Europe, anti lis business' over te a uephew,1 tisoir oumber anunts mp rupidiy whsnm le oaturaiiy supionseti wouit frein year te yoar, i continue te curry it on ant ii2sainaiu A quasoît eeremnny f001 place tise cnntiuuity nf tise tamliy in this eariy eue nsorning at Rotiswelh, wlieu rpartoculai- line. Tw o yeana ni tise tise oitdluhrteti fuir, whicls dates î business, lowever, seemedti t satlstyj frorntise twelftl century, was prio- tise youug mans, anti an npportuuity clatrueti y tic baili fte tise Loro't ff to adlitif fa sysîtlicuto wus tulon1 tise Manor, wisn wasauccompanteil by ativantage et, %$150000 etit, heing six apeurmoî. Thechcisrter ivas rend itise purdisuse pride. in igît differcoît places, fsnisiig up î Tise uncie -rus displeaseti, aod titi ut tise spot whorc herse soiiing coin- on sstaetxrssls sni miencet. usents s-itis regard f0 the matter. 1 Af the aunual prosotatien oet But fie ynnng mari wus sufferiiug froin a seaseofe ail-inspertaîsco anti prizes in onunectin witis Ellisoos 'soif-suff:icicsscy, ant ile cooliy toit Churclis Seisel, Jumrow, if wus 11,11- isis oncle tlat le Iaow lia own huai- nenoscti fIa Robe-t ant Ait i-toesant i dt nt'eqnire 1t5y -ativice Baiabroige, brothers,lisad ,ti CnsIletetd rgidic ios;l.Nnssr seven yeurs anti tour yeams, noIsPeot'. î than tisat, lie "cnut"flots goucrous ivoly, witinut iasioog a. situgie ut- usîdbe te o wens haowct eds uels. If tendance, andt that antlerbygaiue l a of favoi-s te Richard Santierson, bat atteuiid tome, thoningifiituteie nust snreiy froc years wifhout flguriag onseci1 bhe a lad ni'fsoosse et fuyons alreutiy tise "ahsent" enhunof thc rcglater. r hotosvoti A Nortis-afera Raiiway tUem. paosy's hag, containing betweon £11 JOHN WANTED TO KNOW. anti £12, tise mooîey stnhen from tise Ago tr st foeo h bookng ffie o th soth )laforti dinitaries of tise Scettisis Chsucis. ut tise Bachiih raihwuy Miatters oet Monsent and Mîrtis Gathered frin TTU*sted States Newspapers., Ati(trew Car'negie lus eressedthef1 Atiantie monie than tftty tirnea. Tise e l an onprecedeutoti activify lu tise building cf clurchea in Chi- cage. Lord Pausscefnfe's salury is £6,500 annualiy, whieh us equivubeat te about S31,635. For 'tIi-o ninofaun aver'age et two suicides a day have oceurnot inl the city et New York. Ovon 7,000 persons anc employeti in f1e flshing iîîduatry on tise Mississip- pi River anti ifs miner tributarios. If is cluinsedthfat fleme une fewei- gurn cieweî's lu Washingtou tisaisin any otisen city ofitis sizo in Ainer- Oea. A tablet cemosemenating tise 'LOOfI anuivei-sa-y oethtie bu-th et Peter Cooper' lusbeen unveilet ut Cooper Unino, New York, Aftishe close of 1900 tiere wone 92 plantsita fhe United States imaking eisen-iscarth steel, as compuneti witis 76 utthfoe etdetf1899, New Yorki ta builinog asate he- pitul in tise Adinondueka, te eost $1_00,000, wlere patients with incip- ient cosumptoon will be cureti. Tise teparture lust week of Loi-t Pauncetote for Londion louves Mi-. Geranti A. Lowtiser us Brliis Charge d'Affaires for tise uext tive osontis. Cincinnati is a strenglolti nf Pros- bytoriuîsin. .Sixfy-foui- churcis are incindeti in ita Po'sytei, 28 of tiese beinig witiu fheclimssts oiflice City. Tise foeigufi-adeof etNw York anti Boston îs dociiniosg, whlbtfhe ex- ports oethfiscSouthsera porsaare in- ereustug. Tise eisoveat gain is matie hy New Orloans. An, oit copy efthtie New Yor'k Spec- tator shows fIat tise population of tiso city juat a lundi-ct yeansaugo was 60,483. Pîsilateipisia tison con- taineti 58,752 people. A bottie wahiug umachine is boing buit for a brewiug Comspany in Mil- wanlee yhicis will wash, sdi-nb anti inse, outside anti insitie, 40,000 bot- tles la a day 0f ten louma. Airs. Roereit Stevensson ha talon mp 1er per'manent o'esideuce in Slan Francisco, wie' ase luas hut a bouse overlooîing fIe hay. Hon son Lloyd Osborneo, ant i s fansiiy livc Ici-e wtth hiem. More flan one-fftisfethtie popula- tion 0f New York ta employetintalhem comniouse aonis, citiser as pupils or tecdiems. Tise total enrolmeuf 0f pupils la 1,209,574, andticsir tend-0 ers nooshor 34,000. Tise eomnittee îiîtnusted witis fis dosigning et a imodal f0 commemor- atm- tiso naval victomy ut Santiago ha eiedt fat tise modal shul heur tise lest of tise commoîandier ef tise ficot, Wrn. T. Su-mpon. The Phihadeiphia City Hall waa de- signiet to enat $8,000,000, anti wus f0 hc completeti sitsin teon yoars, au extraordiuary aiiewance 0f finse. If lias cnaf $25,000,000, anti uffer nouniy thirfy years ifta sf111l indem-" piete. Rev. Dr. Hillis. 0f Plymouths durcis heiievca fIat a oinouns et suving tise countr-y frorntise penil of gumbliug wilh uigît lbe offective svouid ho f0 auppi-essalal nows nf gambbiug, anti te mulke gamiblers ioîerigible fin cit- izeusip. Pi-nf. Ir'a Renssen las boa cisosen f0 au icceeti Dr. IDaniel CC. ilman as pi-sideit 0f John Hepkias tUniver- sity. Prof. Reinssea lias boen fcm- pnrariby la charge 0f tise university turing the absenîce nf Prosident Cii- insu. lHe went f0 tihe msiversify very near tic heginniug onitis exist- ence, ant ias long ho'en af fhe leari of tie dopai-fuient ef dhemistry. One ofthtie large inanrance coin-- punies ha estuhhmahset a separato ciass for'-total ubstaiosera from ai- coisolie drinks. Every peraonwise ila;res fisat le is a total ubstainci-, ai prmsises f0 romain se uring tise hie oet liapoiicy, will ho insureti ut a hower rate" thai others wlo wilh înakc no scis ecluratn. This is a, praeticalativustage for temper- unco retonni. GRAINS 0F GOLD. OR. GOLO8ZRG Discoveres. of the. Latest Method Treatment 1 GUARANTEE MI LTE1M ETI400TREA. JYI T loe apositive cote fr-rail CM-on le, krivale, Nervous. Delicute.lod tf. Kidney. Liver, Stomacis. Bddr ad P.. male troubles; so positive amrn I l a posi- tive cure thati you can PAY WHEN CURED soyeon ruen o risk, as 1 uccepti no Incurabi. case for treatment. 1 have 18 DIPLOMAS Certifieates and Lieenses, received from tho varions colleges, hospitals and statea, whicls teatif y te my standing and abilities. 1 iperiodically visit thse prinçopal ho-potalu. putting mnyseîf in teucis withi the latesa nd nocat acienti ti treatment. Remfember E£acb time eoe ail you sec me per3onaily STRICTURE and VARICOCELE Thousands are treubled and do not know iL. If ou are in douht as to, whether you haveceor bots, euh and see, me and will examine you free of charge. If you can not caîl write for question hlank, as I eau cure you with my LATEST METROD TREAIMENT et horne as well as at sny office. I bave cured thousands ef patients suffering from the above troubles àt homie whern neyer raw. Every case 1 accepti I give a witten guaruntec te cure. KIDNEY and BLADDER Troubles, painful and frequent srination, Idepositsor stringa lu urine iveak and acbin bacis succurnb t my LAÏrEST METHO TREÂTMMNT on short time-no ourene pa. SKIN DISEASES Syphilis, copper colored pateises, cozeina,' dry and moisi, tetter. acrofula, psoriasis, granolated egelids. scalp diseuses, plmpis ail forma of itchin,- diseuses snccumb lt9o, My Latest Method Trea tmnt'le short tim. Positively No MERCURY O 'PT&i SIMUED. R10 1 CURE Ail Chronie. privute, neg'ous, delioute, hioodskink dneylverbludder stomach. femule and rectai troubles. Call or sen f or symnptom lilank for home treatmnent BOOK FRtEE. Heurs-9 arn. to 8 pm Sundays 10a.m, Ail Medleie for Canadien Patienots Shopped froux Wi.dsor, Canada. 1DReGOLDmBER60 208 Woodward Ave., DETROIT Entrance, 7 WiIocx StUent. A A ' flF XI'SUIIEt -I nover sec yoo loonging in tise hammeicks, Mr. Subsa." "No ; these gay, foont-porcis hafa- nsocks are for coohpany and for orna- mient ;tise nid rope tihing tise folks let mie sRing in is arount iniitise back-yao'-d." Out of 120 Norwegian faxrmnrs 109,000 have- their own i arisis. In Eongland only one f armner in twcnty- fove owns his faim. tr ong Poivnts ABOUT a. B. B. I. Its Purity. 2. Its Thousands of Cures. 3. Its Econorny. le., adoe IM 3 Regulates thîe Stomach, Liver and BowMe1s8 uoolocka the Secretions, Purifies the Bio aad remeoves all thse impurities fromn a common Pimple to thse w-oft Scrofulous Sore, and