I Fyime. Hot wveather brig is TANLEOO catches flies. WILsoNL's FLY PADs kili flies. - Our own FLY POWDER poisons fies, SNo, Exculse foi Files 111 the llonse. ~- We are Headquarters for _ Ali l y Poisonis. ~ JaHggijnbothDam,& Son1 DRUJGGISTS. Hlaffptoi lGeneral Store. Miore.Busi*ness 1We waut it and ail merchants do. We take it for granted that yon agree that ail merchants' best business policy je te 'se treat their customers, that they eau keep them for their cuetomere. Consider yourself free to go in and out of our store at will juet to look our goods over; we take ne grip on your poeket book, don't even thlik of the size of it, just because you step over our threshoid. We waut you to inspect the goods and compare qualîties and prices- we fear flot the result-you will be a customer of ours, We are offerfing Special Suape in CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISH- INGS and STAPLES. We have the proper sorts and styles. Suit6 made to fit any man or boy. Our Clothing 15 right lu Fit, Style and Finish. Tweed Suite made to order $8,00; Fine Worstcd Suits made to order $12.00. Now a few words about our GROCERIES. We a1wam s have a fuil stock ou haud of t.he very best and choicest Groceries; also a hice line of Glassware and Crockery. Hlghest prices paid for Produce. Bai rel Sait always lu stock. Give, us a cal!, HAMPTON. ~rP-ý,FNK îc. COLE. Seud THE STATESMAN to your absent friends -26 weeks for 25c. eezdîa ENTRANCE EXAIMNATIOXS AT NEWCASTLE William Hunter, 704; Ernest Orpwood, 698; Helen MoKeuzie, 655; John Grieves, 607- Auston Hlenrv, 590, Ethel Toms, 588; Èlla Sharpe, 566; Edward Warren,. 563; Charlie Eilbeck, 554; J enmie Warren, 552;,Olive Thorne, 552, Visitors: Mrs. John Reynolds and sou, Bthany, are gueste of Mr. J. J, Gibson; Mr. Jas. Montgomery, Chtcago; Dr. Montgomery, Oshawa.guests of Mr. Wm. Montgomery .. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stainton and nieces, the Misses Ussher, Elmvale, visited Uxbridge friende... Misses Mary and Flora Virtue, Toron- to, visitiug at home. ... A very pleasant picule party enjeyed the breezes of Lake Scugog Saturday last. NEWTONVILLE. Promotion Examinations S. S. No. 4, Clarke. Name's in order of menlt. Helen MeKeuzie passed Entrauce examination to High School,655 marks, To Sr. IV.-Edna Sharpe, Laura Mitchell, Tupper Johuston, Mary Mc. Kenz le, Jeunie Nesbitt, To Jr IV - Florence Workman, Willie Milligan, Eddie Adams, Dora Stapleton, Harvey Porteous, ToSr. III.-Harvey Britton, Nettie Staples, Fred Nesbitt,1 Edna Edwards, John Couch To Jr. III.- Winnie Gilmer, Lillie Mitchel, Aunie Nesbitt, Allie Bragg, Milton Stapleton. To Sr. II -B. Nesbitt, I. Stapleton, Hattie Whittaker To Jr. II.-Verna Couvev, Cecil Noden, Winnie Bragg~. Froin Pt. I to Pt. II.-Ian Me1teuzie, W.IPorteous, Hlarold Whttaker, Willie Bassett. W. J. TR.ENOUt-H, Teacher. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS AX ORONO. Pupil. George Hicks, Hlelena Waddell, W. A. Hawkiu, Ethel lime, E George Wadddl,( Aggie Pattey son,( Harle.v Billinge, Harper Allen, Lina Powers, A Mary G. Waddell, M. J. Taniblyn. Jean B. Waddell, Willie A. Waddell,, Marks. Teacher. W. J. Inch,. Miss Haines. O, D. Austin. Mise Haines. Miss Haines, F. Philps. W. J. Inch. W. J. Inch. Miss Morris. Mies Haines. O D. Austin. MisHaines. NMiss Haines. PROMiOTION, EXAMINATION AT ORONe. Names lu order o! menit: Jr. IV te Sr. IV-Bertie Rickaby, George Arm- strong, Laura Alfin, Nydia Leigh, Edra Rewe, Walter Siseon. Sr III te Jr. IV-Eva Edwards, Neva Smith, Leland Hooper, Pearl O'Neil, Leta Noble, Everett Gibsen, Amay Poster, Florence Gordenî. Jr, 111 to Sr. III- Harold Rickaby, Orwell Stiarpe, May Leggott. Vera Walter,Laura Edwards, Maggie Pinder. Sr. Il te Jr, III- Edith Pollard, LIa Muegrove, Kate Undenwood, Bennice Tueker, Harry Armstrong, Ceeul Canveth, Pearl Shar- man, Jennie'Hughsen, Olga Hooper, Edith Maguire, Harold Cooper. O. D. Clon and, India 'Tea. NATURAL LEÂF Is Free from, Any Partiole of Coloring Matter; le Dainty and In- vigorating; le the oniy tea that suite faetidious palames and, le whoie- some for the moet dehecate digestions. IT IS ALSO A BRITISH PROIYUCT. SALADA Ceylou Teas are sold lu Sealed Lead Packets only. Black, Mixed. Uucoiored Oeylou Green. Free samples seut. Address ',SALADA' Toronto. TYRONE., Miss Biukley, Massachusetts, le guest of Miss B. M. Breat, "Grayl'auds" .. Mrs. Thos. Creeper and brother, Mr. Chas..Potter, Watferd, have gene te the Pan-American, Buffalo .... Please'i te meet Mr. Fred W. O. Werry, B. A., Goverumeut Surveyor, Ottawa, who is recuper&ting at the borne o! his father Mn. Peter Werry' before geing te British Columbia,....,Miss A. Rae, Torento. is guest of ber fieud. Miss Hattie Clemens, "Locuet Grove"... Mr. Russel Biugham te rusticating at Lake Scugog ...Mrs. James Byers who has been under the decter's care duingtbe hast week, le convales- cent..,M Niss A. McLaughlin, Gorrie, le visiting at Mr. Wm. McLaughlin's .. Rev. J. G. Brown, junior pastor visited bis home lu Lakefleid Monday. .. . Miss Edna and Master Leslie Falles, Toron- teo are holidaying at their graudparents Mr., and'Mrs, Jas. Byers HAYDON. Mrs. Richard Ashton was called te Peterboro, Thursdav by~ the serious ill. nees o! her sister.. . Miss Gertie Hud- son, Oshawa, le visitin&r ber brother here... .Master George Brittaîn,Toron- te, le the guest of Master George Creeper .. .. Mrs. George Wright and son, Burketeu, are viitiug at Mre. Thos Goodma-,%'s.. ..Misa Campbell is visitiug a friend at Bensfort ..,. Mrs. Johnston, Oshawa, le visiting her father Mr. D. Graham. . .. Mies EI(a Pethick, Bowmanville, at Mr. S Seper's. . ...Miss Elfleda Wright le visiting friende lu Toronto .... Mr. Sulas Trewiu, Mis Addie Bnoad, and Mies Edith Trewin1 visited friende in Leskard on Sunday..i .Mies Carnie Brimacombe is visiting friende ln Columbus.. .eThe young Feople's Picnic frem bhere Saturday wae 9 grand succees, ail had a gocd time.. .Messie, Graham and MeNeil again have their thre8hing machine ready for the seasou's work. KuT. VER-NON. Recent visitons: Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Anmes, Toronto, at Mr. E. Annie'; Miss1 Haucock, Maple Grove, Miss Ilannah« Betbany, Mrs. Nesbitt,- Cartwright, COUNTY NEWS. Millers' Grip Powders Cure, Sold at Tole's drug store. Si handsome banners and large fiags were lu the procession at Port Hope. Are free from al "rude and irritating matter. Concentratedmudicine only. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Very small and very easy to take, ne pain, no griping, ne purging. Try tbem. Mr. John Davey, Leekard, has arrived at Indîan Head, N.W.T , and le greatly taken Up with the countrv. Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and ethers whose occupation gives but litttle exercise, should take Carter's Little Liver Pille for torpid liver and biliousuese. One le dose.t Try them. Dr.Lapp,Pontypeel,is erecting a tele- )hoeeline frem rear of township te the residence of Mr. C. J. Thornton lot 25 con. 8. If yen take a Laxa Liver Pill to-night before retiring it will work while yen sleep without a gripe or pain. curing bilieusuese, constipation, dyspepsia and and siek headache, and make yen feel better lu the moruing Mr. Wm. Parker has returned from Scotland where he bas spent four years under the parental roof Hi l hired with Mr. A. Lewis nean Newcastle. Pain -Killer ile mît the remedy needed lu every heusehold. For cuts, bruises, and burus, strains and eprains dampen a cloth with it, apply te the wouud and the pain leaves. Avoid substitutes, there's but eue Pain-Killer, Ferry Dav- is'. 25c and 50c. Mr. Robert Menton au old West Dur- ham boy in hie 85th year, atteuded the Orange celebration lu Port Hope and marched mn the procession-News. A rel bot season, During the hot summer season the blood gets ever heated, the drain ou the system le severe and the appetite le often lest. Bundock .Blood Bitters purifies and lu- vigorates the blood, toues up the sys- tem, and ietores lest apDetite. Mr. John Lang on first concession, Cartwright cornmenced cutting rye on Meuday July 15. The <rop je a fine eue, and the yield will be a record- breaker. SLuuPPLEsszNss-Yeu can't sleep in the calmest and stillest night. if x our able tenant. i-T(rlmoir.W W ecate..Mr ea -bsconi r uîd.6ýa rer ù of hejT_ 1- mnrcnlyt oot;MW.H .Ni'.Necsl.. n cTg-a oci thoti-anag of easqpq 1-y Nr W. Wiliamsen, stationer, nection, Hp.-e ynoijany artceyudsn t Nîî~û.,,,~,~E~ Giddy, Port Hope, with tieude; Miss j gant has etunnued !nom Bowmanville.. ,Tt . saidP.P,, Sltnn stret, and cinwinQràver thlntiv uIiok iu f' y, lu Flra ~eppad, Eo El-Thonto0. K e elevile. visiting her sester Mrs. Mn. F W.Lee and Miss Katruna A r- , Jedtht aue -t out'fth ew1Pîe HoundI el bettr look 8( î,un 1o hrter? Try asdlad- in ii t jr. E4er h- Lo. riA. Lelah: Mn. Arthur Lamb. Toronto. o Mr and 1iT itc M"r ..vesL . .iN. i ws u iPil <li t Si tI'Ifldrio toe '~~rn ~~î.t M-~T PIwc MI jI3~I '.AUUTih. r 'U Nwtnvîll 1_eý, L aqIl verylitte toubl. oîrr.- .,,~. ~"'Y. '"~à new carrnage.... lHibS a ereul in West Northumberland as a resuit, hd' aie ihteprri !Kn -ery itti troble.Willie Riddell, Sr. Il te Jr. 1TII-E -a Jehn Mn.Athur Linton, Traders' àpresided a the chnrcheorgan Sabbath aind Betten often than a letten fîom home Sheppard, Ila Ling, Henry Sheppard. Bank, Leamiugton, Mrs. Gee. MeLean mring eek.atdeu and E. C. S Hubbcheatdein addto o h a o .D-e mdad attronted muc atetion.d le a copy o! THEa STATESMAN sent eveny Jr, Ite Sr -NyILI, enadand !amily, Toronto, with her mother, Vsion:Mr. ndMseFlreanodW F Er, Suy eatr Kiaerr 1mWiro. Wmd. Srted cettentiton'..fo S S, o.2 weekurepaid te any addness in Canada Morrew, Howard Chapman,Ross Lang, Mrs. McComb; Mn. Wm Beacom, Wood- Muuroetroit; M.n.dW.M. Joee e ntofW.o.eramnetfthsenalrKerr te gom Son arid j0 or Uned Sasu fr ents e ed O!,eie es.A .Mors ece.ville, guest o! bis bnothen.in law, Mn. Bowmauville, at Mn. C. Rogers'- Mn. F. before the convention.- Teegsam. The Orange frateruity o! Cartwright Clarke. Jr, IV. to r V-Mgi ~.9O e newsbcicens. Paret, ed yen feel tee tired for work or Colin Staples; Mn., Joe. Pollard home Bradley, Oshawa, at Mape onners;Yugmon. don't swerNocea ad f a tiht' ntlent ad iolmes. Sr. i, e r iV-J It te svont eilidren as many are doirîg. laplYoudg eleobrated July t ery a thons- Moffatt, Georo-e Lig alc pleasure, take Hoed'e Sasapailla-it [rom Richmond, Va.; Mrs. Robt. Henry Mesens .NA. Gasbyan.G.ofrm.sion fo it outidetoflipgentigaoffic cures that tired feeling. and daughter, Edith, Toronto, guests esss A astnnOnnM , od.nGEbnezr Swnhfr it oule r oieang w n the paneri'sero, on ad daughters congre Rowland, Vena Barrie.J.H.t 1ofther ucie Mn Leis lane; M r- M.W euoeiv oinat M.Jas. a,.p .,, _ . gated at Washburn iIei;nd where amiple ~11-onLig alnRwad asthe onÏ cuùre for piles. To-day it is whihhe -worlks himseel, and lu wiIIII onît the eut o! date doctere that think le not a ingle weed. The old gentle-j o! such treatment. It le cruel and ex- man bas eceeived his second sizht and travagant to operate for a diseuse eau read tiie emalleet print in the bible whicli is fan more cet tainly euned by the without glasses, and le lu full possesà~on application ef Dr. Chase's Ointmnent. cf bis f aeuities. Ho appears te be goed Yen mav ho s ýptical, but for proof you fer matiy years yet, Politicallv he le a areceeru te tes e! housands of Torv, andI vehernently declares, he was cases ta :a been eured by thisj bo:ua that wýay, and tlîat way ho WiH famous preparatien. ~e-ets IRfE MASON Co.,' BOWMANVI LLE. TWO LARGE STORES the largest in town and in the centre of the business part The Maion Co. have large Sheds in the rear of their prem- ises, which they have placed there, for use of their customers. 1The Mason Co, do not only buy for Cash; they know how, where, what and when to buy. The Mason Co. save large sums in Csh icns ad i e ithei customers the benefit. There sales are large andl their profits are cut to the bone, 1The Mason Co. are making, buying and selling easy. They handie more butter, eggs, dried apples, bernies, etc,. tilan any other store in town; it wiIl pay you to trade with ihem. The Mason Co. carry the largest stock of Goods shown in Bowmanville, and their customers go there when they want a Bargain. People know if there are any snaps in the mar- ket that the largest dealers. The Mason Co., get the first chance. iNine times out of ten, you can do the best at Mr. William Lucas, the efficient, BNFIELD,' indefatigable and popullar Clerk of the Township of Cartwright, has taken Recent visitors: Mr. L, Tordiff, Possession of and mo ved' into his flew Brooklin; Rev. G. McCulloch and Miss residence at Blackstock. MeCullocli, Richmond Hill; Mnrs. Jar- Misses Barclay, Gilpin and Drow of dine anId children, Torontro;M. d