D.L. POTTER. ~~t past ils first Stage of- growth, Of e n isdec.Cuchtopsicriniy so that slialIow cultivation auswersj Çongegaioua oh ebBowaovllc,25 everv purpose. Let uspiwn TIIrrA ~9 planted soils deep, but cultivate the DIISS ETHEL MORRIS, fi~ i surface only.__ set you'ean break it anywliere flep where it is meud ed. This VL1I> PER THEI V IORLIJ canuot bc kept. 1When a bread or a butcher knife becomes loose fromi the handie, taLe A PEEir Nmm IYtANY OP TIIE out the hiie, f111 the cavity two- FAR-AWAY COtJNTRIES. __ 1 nmM MI