~XTERI~AL & CUTICtIRA SOAP'to cleanse the skn of crusis andi scal es andi sotten tithlekeued. cutilie, CUTICURýA 0OINTMENT to in- tien, andiirtainani s-atLO and heal, and CJT'CURA RPES- OLVENT to rcool nticleu sthe t blooti. ÀA INGC LE '-Z t heA ilieît cretle'M t orur- blooi hu our, wih Iss of hair, we i ioiuls liLLiosONS'F!2EOILE us CrreexSozu ýAýsstod by Cuticora Oinment.ý for preserr- Irng, purifyiag, and beautifyiag t- Ise skiai, for cleoslng the scalp of crusts, ea,!u dan- diruif, and the stoppiag of f L'te hir, for sofýtenlug, whItenhIn, and eoothing ,reti liut, and sre bands, for baby rse, tb nd , d ohag8, and for ah tIse snecs tIie tolet, bath, sud nucrsei'y. MlSon1,s e0 Womea use CCT cu APoin lathse forai of balIsa f or ansîoylng Irritations, Inflamimationsî, Rnt exeoriatiens, or too frets or offensive 1 1,eoi-piratIoc, in the forioS wa6hese for ulcer- cure waknesses, acd for maysaaie .-,uepilo pr(, ses 'wli'ch reudii utg ti nieýlveS te o rnand eapecîaily 1ýMoiher 1No othe,.sdiCatec socp ! la o ocoîurt exea ,Is te ho eompared , wît itao sl ihepur of et Ie it, bath, au ursery. Tisil tcombines in 0 0..SfAP1 aiF ccPRIsCF, tIsecS5 ska aud empax.oa oa, an1l th. E r ftollet ant baby soap in the worit. Sooea c tire fw Éý trusclest rre- mores acre vrdyfrmsfml aisi codisivf ceas audgiresttut lodyta fsin fcîuisudh as" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~iroLl PodbEtacwlbeslysu c Ê- 50,000 ontala odes;olforsle" at dIy Pr~ncerscTablet Are w i yn watora or s 0f li al e iatirsitonr aet110 poitiv L e3reMdyuv a funoa ti and.,, înuyb !Used Iluter:al n xtrply FrouS Capt 2c. andePc olice itio Ne A0OTES ANVD COMMilENES. On flue occasion of flhe approacu nlg visit f oSiseRoyali lîglineess Chu Juke of Cornwail ani V ork, Toronto viii witaesc a splenidid nuiiitary pa- eaCt. 'ion tliousanti x,.luiteers sili pace lin revien' before flue reyu visitor. The d oeuiüsu&rafuoa0of loy- alty n'bicl i wil take pla eureaod ýLOu'othfle foiii wiil briisg -Lu o llie u oplpare:l.iýf cie ace tihat our countruy Sol'IIns 110 îveak Iiik iii the enupiro-cuaiu. Thore isa .raY, hon-oser, in îvhici te etrengili Of Canada vanti ler itorace f the Empire sîgut b dispicycti in a vastly more crkîgasief- fective nhaaîser'10Tohtaî'veet flic ah- actent crope n'Lth irîsteuMnitoba yod', if Lse stinîntedtatiut felve and f1e West bave been hiessodti hic tluousaîid moen ili ho cequiuid - taure tluau une-Chirdo. fflic auluher of mon ln the n'lî-ole Canadien miii- ia. imagine iviit e sagniicelut spectacle would lue preseunted if Lt ivere possible Ce asýsecuhie al Chose robuet, suiî'tciiuoil tolers it a grandi uarclu-paet. In thoin we sioutt sec tise reat sfrcnigfh of Cati- ada; Lt le Chose is icwho have been et îrork filling flue granerles hes'e anti in flue Old Lnîd, who are tlic Crue enuipire-hnildeî'c anti empire- hoiders, Telking ofthfle Pan-Amnerican Ex- position cf Buffalo, a Canadien art- is t seidti hat te judgefiroui flue Cen- nOises exhibit Che, oeo iouitlim- agine Chai-t Canaii-da n'as e big farîn. The con' andtihle grains, aniaIl fuings perfaining te agriculture hld prouninont positions ianCthe esuhibut, a'ile Cndennfwac cron'ýded i, Ceo n miniu paLce. Evea Chic ai- luie t 'as1nof useti to full nOyaui- Cageî']bsc wy111)lie-d flic arrange- ment of-flue picturec aoC oaly lbit lue u p pat 0ff lue n'alls compara- fively acc, bt nctually fîlleti valn- abjle sac w C stads andi festooni5 If le te ho hopedti tisfhIe state of affaire cf flue expositionu Le nef Ce ho regartieti as au index 0f the posi- tien art takea lanflue nationallifo. Theoflegs, of course, were ouf of plhace ; Our ioyalty is f00 well knownate aeed sncb cdvertiseint. Ailuc4ugu ne beioag f0 a nation the goulus 0f n'hich lesauainhy agricul- torah, ire nsust naoC choirart, to ho disregarded. TIhe achat lias e lais- shon f0 fulfil. The aîiost beautihul curcýundjnge, eicycd ftou long, bo- coecommonplace anti 111e becomies inonotonlous. 'I'hie urtiet rreUshýes- Cimueyc îlth wich n'i e (,loek et na-_ýj CuLre, ateii'tu lue icarl fies of wnus manuifacture, feaches oS te sec uneuspected heauties in flue f1aiier hei lntiscape., A wel-known joui'naiist, n'ritiag of flue West, ecys, "The landi is f at anti nell cul- tivateti ; fluhe peuple are fat, but f bey tie etacf culfivat- ed, thoy are faft-bonds." luech Chat is cultivating and elevating cen be expressedl on a smialu canvauc. ureent rumoîs con ce 'niig flue nmarriage of one of flue royalfanfnly reveal flue lmpunity n'ith n'hicu Che press ea cpread faise reports 0f flic doings of flue royal iiouselield. Par- linsewnt shouhd punielu severeiy flue seasatuonal seeets n'hch ofiend Chie digify of flue iuoiarch. gati of flue nation itef. Ini fle Australien Pam'ianieat a short Chuie ego a mesm- ber n'as expeileti for luis connecfion with a 11h1 l flue IKimsg nhicu ap- peareti in a hocal papec. The sucs- pensions of Uic oflemsding paper's pub- lication n'ould do nîncli f0discour- ago yellon' journalisîn. The Domin- ion Parliaseuît could do good n'orh by f orblIdding, iuader beavy penalty, flue cepotition of oîu-good-autluority cansards fremuu Yankeeceouces. Tht Canadian prose is Cee cager te caap up seasai ional itomuisirithsout careful investigation as te Ciieir Crîtiu. Confort in thle Worlc t0 Cleanhiness lu i I the Linen. the Cares of Wa.sii g I>ay f rotu e ieuse- 'wïfe's busy lie. by two the Life o!d the articles washed +Divides by two the IIotirs of labour. llfan Ufa du nd by Lever Brothers Uimlted, TORGNTrO. iag together the separated Slavic peuples butn'een thu lBlack Soa and the Adriatie., The acceînplishment of Chie task, howover, is not easy, as it moeans soolner or later the disap- poarance 0f twu eut off tic ethue reigniîîg severigns linfihe 1Baîkuri, or a federation of Bulgaria, Servie and Monteîîegro joined hy ftie twu provinces occupied by Astria and the outlying territories non' under thîe contrel of Turkoy, Such an arrangement -mould do ranch te restore Iluesian prestige, urbicl bas _ for Inany yoarc been et a very loir cbh aîong th- Slavýic pop- ulations of thle 1Baihane; aind the iRussian Governînent n'ould be cure of their unanimnous support shoundidt ho aocscary te have receurce te armes te bring t about. The pres- sent obstacle te a peaceful solution '0f the question n'hch is fast ripen- ini'g is tuje Tchel niltary occupa- tion of ilacedonia, the Austrian oc- cupatien cf Buenia and ilerzegovina, and the joint Austro-Turk',ish gacri- sens Ln the etrip of ter'r(iertbetn'een Montenegre and Servia. The Turks n'ould rnu donbt n'îllingly scethe lmci of the Austrian troups ont of the country if it score te revrt te thons- selves, but, as miatters stand, they aie ln the position of allies heund te keep eut the arniies of flie threî Slavic sdîtes, Bulgatria, Sorvia, and Montenogro, and are therefore, nul likely te turiî agalist ench other. 'lime, therefore, le reqnired for things te ripon; îneanwlîile n'o hear of ail sorts of plans for consolidatlng the intereets of the tiîrec States named and hringing theîn uitiinatoly undO2 olee bod. For theo momret Prince Ferdinanu of Buigar-la cLeois the favorite iii ilie cunning. Kin.- Alexanîder of Servia appuars te have heon bora under ai uniucky star, adthe Prince of AMon- tenogre bas not the poerî or infu- once to entitle hlm te flue higliest r'unlcamnong the flree. The preba- biiity le hat ivlen ovents w hidi îna.î occur at any mioment procipitate ac- tio,B-ulgaria n'ill ho fuund in. thE eaand the n'eight of the combinoc force of the fiuroe States with that 0f the populations iouking te thonr arde breugt u bylayer' Morris' tf Ofan'a. Alhuugiu it Le a subj ect aboutuhicl ne cnnot îrorh îîup mniueb citliusia. vu C-ic neathem', et ne canniot note tlue groîrtî of trusts anti coiribinecirit-hont consternation. A cub'ta.tial î'ise la thle price of ceal nînef meenparalysie te loanu- f acte e= nicoisee te say nef l- ing of tIsedrc usa"sîîitL vnould cca"lien t' e urdin"-y citizen. The isttuio omsunicipaul ceal- y ardsi nouti, Uf sucteceful, rio tiouht ho fuilon'ed hy, v-,-,nt1,naes et umunicipal confî'oila M ethel' directiomns, and noldh alngsî'd ofwardc flue Ui'eîiitio f tise dYýiaseof lBella- Tishei smth appliî'c te so man ocuptinsprimnitiv2iy aoC diffrenl'sfd tat if Le no n'onder that usuliuds fpursons are nain- ed Smith. 'ihe barbers, the woavers, n ehbers, or noses the dy crs, the carpeater8, tre iceokes, tf lie heeýl- ivrighf s, th pumbrs fi: baLueers, thec butcJ.er, fltic faîrcouers, or fauîhk- enoî's, fluesspled or shoparde, the farsere, Cthe illers, Chie tailors, tlie n'aiherc,, flicfinke e, ficerchants, the cliapmeuî, tise sergeants, tlue fulli crs, the shoo;einakerÉ, the nmercure, the giovoý-e aud othser professions anti trades hav-e le1it Chir causes Ce sur- viving clansc. lero, tfou, îuay ho ciasseti nases 0f) more auguet sound, flic Kimige antJi fle Lords, flue Popes, theDBsiopes, ati Ce Prieists 'tBach- elers, Mater iad Iectors corne from the unis rsity, n'e suppose, just ns flue B Lîs mbs, anti Steers comne fr05 Cie lacsn or Smiithudeold. Thsore le noened to the curions la- qniî'y and specula!t!ioîu, falîciful ec- englusneiucCintnay ho pur- sued lu regard f0 th origin of cer- tain rns. ln an article iin lînili în's Mag- azlne Mc. Edwacd Whiý,takerrcelIe somie le,-,,- nor; survis iug nases flaC had LChfoi eng in laoccupation. Thackueray, nv& ieyof Chacker or Jiatcher, is obionus eneughi, perhaps tee ubveus C1,> e hocoaviaciag, but 'ow - (any u s 'onid susvectflth. Vaccination Jeancer's nasoecasne fron "giiour," the engineor n'ho lad charge of a cafapult, a missile thron'er of the, Middle Ages. On the rogieter oSnret Hoso are somne qup.er surnseis, snîiacking of n'ar, sich, as "Chati invariable cause of hostihitues, Qacl' Allies, Chal- lenge, Chrg, affle, Groaf-Baf fie. Rouf, Victory aîîd i(JConquest. Baf- fie anti Conuest re Che only ones 10f ChLs sihias' iii ficcountry. Ic Quarrol as i,, o le >an ; ron as " caue 0fhosiltis?"LaICtt n'iChBotatCner Other mari- tial )jan1es, l onortlonce ac *Cash, 0ocSIauzghîter, Carnage, Corps, Shoff, Shoîl, Cannen, Sword, *Lance. Shaul.tor, Caîîno n, anti Coco arechmis urnames lucre. hIe bave flue happýinesc fo remenuber an olti geîtlensiaîu bora about Chue Cisc of tise Frerncli Revolution of flue naine of Indêjpendence Core, a r'ela- tive, perluape, of flue Maesachusetts tGovernor n'hse me Le perpetuaf cd la Chie lihrai. -y f Harvard iuivrsi- s fy. e According te Mr, Whitaker, C aa- dnou s icnmt n sihifary naine but rpeints"f0 onue 0ffluhe bouctircoi- gionîs, Chue titie 0f irbiclu,. lad ifs ne'mherc kept their ven'c, nould noC appear amuoag hbeotaxy surnesnes.:' dBattleie marks cînirants froni ,the eSuissex vihlinge 0f Chat naine; and a nosf of the ohrsroosnasnes nare eupposet3i Ce Ie -nicknamscor corruptionc. We are nuot nef su sure about hat, lanCic country Pike, tSpear, Spears, Swords, are n'eu- _knuwnninse, but lure, by a rover- c al of flue ortinary procees, B3on'i gives hic naine te flue kaife, aoC the knhile te Bowie. Sic Cloudesiey Sho- dvel is an instanre 0f tIse nianue ofe ,t humble imploînt sade gloriens or --ufu ca. Cen. P-l-on" __namue _r Ileeliadni't siept soundly. HIe rare- lY slept eeundiy now. it wasn't bis age, surcly ;ho iras only 57 and it eouldn't be his business afflefoi' -,lil bi veetmiis ere sound and hil-hly remunerý,,.atve and his 1largo i._eomne çzas rap_ dly increasing. N'o, be -Must look for the cause elsewhere Pee,,hape it would hon'ell to consult a doctor. Tle arose and, lighting the gas, looked at llis watch. If n'es 3.80. n'oný!-t to a -'indow that faced the easýt nd îaised the sash. "lhe air caine cool and fragrant. Lon' don'îî by the for-a way ridge streaks of pale bluc, light n'erc showing. l'il see this sunrise," said Amos B~randon, -l'I avent ceen une silice : n'as a ýboy." Ile, hastily bathed and dresed him..elf. -l'il sec it frolu the outside," Lie addedi,'and softly ereçpinIg don'n the ctairway, found bis bat, and opened the grcat door, descended the stone stops that leu to the street. As ho faced the east and îjoved clou lv along tbe avenue hbciiouffed the air and fosinci it geod. lide evea took off biis nat and Jet it cool his headl. "It certainly seenis to nie that thiis is botter than toscirug on that cum- fortîes mattress," hoeînutt cr00. "Wonder iuby I nover thought of it before. " TIhe pale streaks in thic ea-t grew' broader, a pink flushî rose behind the n'eoded crest, and the clouds ho- caine hazy. Swiftly the flush deop- ened. 'spukes of light were flnng ue- n'ard and tisen came the sun. Anios Brandon n'alked slon'ly on- ward, eageriy watcbing tbose magie changes. "Oh," be said, "that's fine it's würth tbe trouble. Hon' many peo- ple hnon' ani thing about it ? Froc- joue fen'. Look at the prosenit audi- once. One î'estless, lonely 01(1 m'in, andi a night wafthinan_, or tn'e. What a chaîne! le came tu a street ,intcrsectioned ai-d pausod and lood t is watcli. -Quarter tf0 Ove," hie uttered. "No, l'Il nut gu home. I feel like a ru nan'ay boy. d'il stroli downi to the lake. I don't beliove I've really -seen ichelako in a dozen yeaî'c lie salked at a leisuroly gait, hreathnginathe tonicky .air and ever and anon tnrniîîg bis gaze un the cun-tinted clouds. Hic eyes n'ere brighitenied and bis ctop more elastic. Lahurin g nmeî, sn'inging their dinner boxes, louked rýound as the1r passecd him. Once ho heard a inat7 repeat ies naine f0 hic coin- panions and fbey ail stared corious- ly ai. hlm as they pascd. As he came w'ithin sight of the lako's blue ripples a girl-camne across the avenue and turned Lu on ttise side- n'alk jnst aheaid of-him. She n'ac a girl of perhap,; 1I, rather slendor, with a clear olive comiplexioni and thiek, dark har. Le n'as neatly dressed, cave lier schue(s,, ihwere dingy and frayed, an in b ler habd sho carried a bnci et wh\ose conte nte 'sere conceaied beneatis a w'hite pa- per. Amos Brandon quickened his cteps a littie. 'Yeu arcu an eariy riser," be caid >tto the girl. At fthe moment, he 'ss interested in early risers. "Vos, ir," sald tbe girl, n'hu chowed nuo surprise at lus abrupt remark. -I bave te carry nîy fatiî- or's breakfast te hlm. Ile le a hel1p at the milîs over there." iloe *pointed te a long ron' of dingy build- ings net far ahead. Sbe spoko iwell and with a loch of constraint that the oid ai n d'îired "Why doesa'f your father cocoe hiomo te his breakfast ?" ho ck -H"le goos te n'ork at lmidniglif and quits at noua " sho onswcrci. "And hon' far do i oa ceae ?- "About a rfue and î-_ f. She gave hlm a littie nul a.,id turned te crosc a vacant fid that, n'ould cave bier a few ý,coS. Aimos watched lier for a mome!nt a.s see sturldily Stoppod frad "A geod tittle uni, and ber fahe hould ho protud cflber. I I hope lie is." HIe cîghed softiy as hoe piodded on. Ile njoyed the lako n'ith itc diii- ply surface and the sn'ash of the lit- -tie wavec us they strnck the piliag, andt the black banner of scmuke trail- ing af toc a far-away steamer. Froc- eentiy bie turiied and stroliod over Btoward Uhe irun imilis. Almuet in a - momnent lie caine upuli tho girl of 3the lunch .1basket. Sue 'as Sitting on aon'pileo0f huards and close heside lber caf a n'orkingnanl, hare- FOL, C URES Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cho1era, Cramnps, Colle, Cholera Infantum, Choiera Morbus, Summer Com- plaint and ail Fluxes of the .Dowels. Mr. F. Clitîrchili, Corneil, Ont., writes " We have used Dr. Fowler's Extraet of Wild Straw- berry in the home and, ai -ways find1 it a sure remedy for dysentery." USED 9 YERRS. Mrs. Jones, Northwood, Ont., writes : " My baby, eight monthe old, was very bad wifh dyscntery. We gave ber Dr. Fon'ler's Extreet of Wild Strawbercy andi it. saved, ber life. 'Ne have used t i liur faily for the last nine years and would not be withoîît it." ACTION WNEFL Mcc. W. Marner, Nex ew pxy N.S., writes: "I hav-e greatcon~- fidence ini Dr. Fowler's ExtreetÏ of Wihd Strawbecry'for, vaious dis- eases in old andi young e, My litie boy hati a severe attack of summner coropiaint end 1 ceîîld get nothing Ce help hirn until 1 gave his Strnw- berry. The action of Chic remiedy xvas wonderfnl andi soon hadt hiin perfectly weil." bost chues," she oxpiaincd. " lIe 'tiiriid you tn'o long years ago le î doese't kiion lon' lest this n' 1k .Openfor YOn and yoncs, Von are n'nnld 'ear thsora ouf.".- eal I have in the n'orid, dear. VWitfi- "Beet chues," echoed the swarthy ont yoU the lieuse je coid and decus- nan ; yes, ye, hest scus." île lato. For n'lat have I been toi!îng louked at Aios Brnndonî. Thon hoe aIl these years but fer yen'? Como, suftly touched the girl'c shoulder hache te me daughter, anti ail vwihl hc n'ith a foroflnger ati. struck hlmn- forgiven andi forguttea. Toit -yur soif shairply on furearîn and chest. ýhuehand that a beau'ty baiaýsp -Sbo's Nvbat I srork for." ho ýsînil- an'aifs isn. Say te hlma that I coa- îaghy caid. focs thiat I sorely imisjndge i bi. -I imuet go," reînarkod Aîîîos B1ran- "Write to mie, dear, asc ceeu as, youm don, !hurriodly. lHe pace cd 1recoive Chic, and telli me watoecx- stepped îfornard. -I wonldLIhje tn peet you aîîdGego Vurae- shako bande nith you," liec e Ct oaef atheýr. Ao rno. the siartby man, nho metteo ad- Hoe looketi at tisheter ýiwîuec hoc vanicing fingers îith a n'ars gî'sp. nad fOnichoti if andîti chk iiic,.hp1. Aioneodded te the girl andi 'trude Thon lho carefiiy rend it houh an'ay. Agnin lho c!howed bisdipp'vl There n'as a coso' car wai'eing Aiter a snoniont or tw o aieedCi for the signal te st,;rt.1 ýlIe cLnnght shoeot and deiiberately fore it Ceo if anud 20 nminutes later epeiîed the bite 0f jaggod paper and tosehe front dccc of bis bouse. The bouse- ilîto the n'acte bachot, keeper met hlm lan the hall. 1-er an- -Pchaw," be smiingly rmu1ttereL], xie-uc face cIoarecl. "tliat's tee slow. Pl' hurry deýwnL "Olnd yen have roturned, Mr. andîti lograph Mary t bat l'in coming Brandon,-" eo said. "We n'ore ho- for thîn, and thon l'Il folion' by tholi ginîiiing te n'urry a little ovor yonr frst train." unusoal ab'ccîce." The housokeceper stood la thî1door "Ouf for an onkrly strol,; Mrs. EBm- n'ny. rson," lie said. "Kindly have 'Breakfast is ready, Mr.Brno, breakfast roo.dy in haîf an hiour " che annouced. Ile stopped into the library anti The rich nian wrîled fow'ard ir opened bis dcsh. For a nmoment lie 'Mrs. Emner'sýoî," lie sai&, -Inan caf Lu deep thouglit. Trhon hoe rap- yen te put Mariy'c ruonis iîo th idls y idited tfletbte,-. îicet possible shape ai occ A'