Rowrnanville. TELEHON~57. a~ ~ erncE ne o V eMIxe Conviction Tu,,rn'L Up a Great Mviany Ti9 ThatWoe ogttn A , desath fror i iWasi ig <t on 1 Fo rie idocofthestali r althe Iyourlierisetofordler, causing Biliusnss, ickIleadache, IHcart- burn orContiption, take adose oA On retý.i-hý,, antmorrowyuci ges5tive uoras w1 b reuiteda you will bebrgt active nd rL eady for any lkind of work. -Tbis bas SO0 MA1IR ELS or WILITARY A E'eep Into the British Armay Cloihing De" ot at lFim-lico. Oneo f the niost interesting build- i.ngs in London is the Arm'J Clolh- ing Deot at Pirnlieq,, froni wlience ernnats gratport ion of tho mu- lior pouinds' worth of clotluiig ,up- i