FIY.1 We are offering yen the largest assortment of Chairs and Rockers for your vcrandah, Iawn and summer cottage ever offered before. We have 80 Relining Chairs that we are going to clear at a Special Price- of $1.10. Aàsk to sce them. They are the most eomfortable Chair you ever sat in. Don't buy until yen have tried one.I ~~ MD.WL LA MS dSON. a-- lndertiiking[reeeives!promxpt and personal attention. WAh You Should Buv a Sewing Machine from T. N. BICKARD. 1. H1e has for sale several of the U1 very best makes. 2. H1e seill them at the very very lowest prices. 3. Being so near home you can always be shown anything you wish te know about a machine. j o ccn dupHet he parts in case of au accident. 5Ma,)chines prhs there are "light running." 6. iere ou hve te c o f severýai kinds and in making our selection ~ou cao feel that y n ont need te purchaHe again ini your ife-time, as anyhin' Rchad avi-es yeu to purchase will be built properly and of; 7.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~, T.NRcadbiî aloeg ncai, competenit to ad1vise yVouj in the mattor. amid if uwant a lo-w-priced dr,p head style he- can give Voa 11he -New YË ine or $2.00an, wa econisider a far Psuperiori mrachinle teal e 20 i-lias w llscnerea godSeondlînd ahineýs for liO ad ý4.OO, ~W .aVILE Wathmke, pteiucaB lwelec y -- -4. riimis are a prominent indu9trv ai Mit- ~ '1'~>1l bthe S.d11eý S, in that su'nWer p ird- hou At St. Leonard the Nica-let River 1U.IUiIU se, CapeýBreo. tl anether branchýl is crossenl by a steel railway bridge 720 _____________traverses Prince Edward Iaudî, the feet in length. From Si. Leonard Ail ind ofGran wnte atGarden ef the Gulf. This is dhe inr Junetion a braach of the railway ruas AU ind ofGran wnte atcolonial Railwav system. to Nicolet, a distance of 16 miles, pas- Mackay's Milis, BowVManville. In this land are renhssdy igteflusigvillage 'of'Ste. llighest price paid for Barley, groves and fertile valeys. rm te Monique midwa-v botwoee the two distant mouatains the crystal broo-ýks places. Qats, Peas, Ilye, etc. coeoleaping with the musiofgaos Thtwno icole a uht t GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE and join,with noble rivers linhsi~a tract the summer vibitor who seeks reet SELIGwate3r dwell lordly salmon and sc* irc nd quiet aniid beautiful ilurround iugs. SELLING ~less lordly rout. Near at Lbaud' are iO-ne,- attractive feature le the abundance Delivery at my Milis, aise at Newcastle ferests, as yet so littie disturbed t o haetre o i kns,îcld Hlarbor. the moosti, caribou and bear, uew and ad raso atkndicldn and gaî vii te fam yrds0f he irch, maple, oak and pine, some of oh n IIac kay, andaacenstteusand gain b o te;- -ch areefagirth rarely seeu lu these John Ma kay. adjcen setlemntsandge,(-% ý,vs0f tbc demelitien of fereets. 31-3 os, BOWMNIVI ildered surprise at theman whios;e 1han 31-3 os, BWMAN isL.l ralsed te slay them. Alonig the sore Returning to St, Leenard Juuctiou, -for hundreds of miles, l1ie M1d-oce iad from Forestdale until Laurier is harbers, wbere aeuonthe frail bark reachied, 19 miles west of Chaudiere, caucermay floatilusafety, yct ;be upon the railway ruas threugh some 28 miles atO thewatrsef he cea, nd pontueeofor*ý)est, rmuch of lbutoucbed by the smooth sand boaches of whicha a chitf aeaa u t primitive glory. This le Aiw aysUp-o-dwater anct fear net. lu thiscountry 1 with deer aund caribou, Meose are net Thi ismy ott :-ah year as secenery at, times of sweet pastoral uln nknown but are lese commen. This the new improvements are placeci on Vlicit, at limes cf sublime grandeur le net a moose country,but the possibili the market, 1 I as make lb a special It is a landi wbere civilization bas mnade tics ef lb as such are shewn in the cir peint 'te spare ne expeuse in equipping its way, and yet net marred the beauby cumstance ef a meose having beeu rua myso il h etgosand appli- Of nature, over andi killed by a train, at Aston my sop wth ho bet gedeJunctien, net maniy months ago. Daer, ances, giving îny patrons opportunities The western terminus of the ntecelhoever, are vory pleutiful lu the Lot- unebtainable outeide of large manufac- onial Railway, Montreal,' le he etre- biniere foreste and iu particular at turies A supply of high-grade sun- polis of Canada. The largeet of the River Duchene. They bave frequeutly dries always kept in stock. Brazing, citios,,it stands aboya ailtothers in the abeen shot by the train bande witbin a Enamelinz, Grinding and General extent and, variety ef its commet cial short distance of the railway track, andi Repair work. Tire vulcanizing a relatives with nther parts of the Dmn it hue been ceasiderec n(> remarkabie specialty. Your esteemed patronage ion. At the head of ecean navigation feat for the workmen along the lino te reepecbfully selicitcd. ou tbe greateet ef Canada 's rivers, capture thcm alive. Mentreul is bhe great market place the From Chaudiere Junctien te Levis le WM. FISHLEIGH, ever busyttommercial exchange et0bbc about nine miles, and fer the latter part BOMWMANVILL1II. Market Square. east, the west and the senth Hit1her cf bbc distance the Riiror St. Lawrence come the steamehipe from acrese bbc lisin I f view wbere it forme tbe barber seas and the saitlig cratt from plaes tiebec. Appreuching Levis, the near and far. P1rom this centre are barbor andi river are sacu te be detted 1distributed the producte of mauy lande wiîh every kinci of cratt, from the ocean andf rm l ae snt e ~llbbcuentr bb seamerLtethe canee The oye beholde fruits of its owui many and mie-hby u la bbc blborlo hcights of Sillerv, the Sdustries. It is flot a city e eeo aeflan0e1AWha adthe grad l butcf evral ani u echthe be'Let 1city iect.There le Quebee, as the national characterïisti-s are shewn i10 trange-r has seen lb pictnrcd, but hie the fullest advauage ln bbc social anmd now realizes that neopiture 'eau de it -~ tIi~ I) ther., Ibis a city ef great enterprises spires, the tdn roofs glistenîng la tbe weemighty recsuiîtsraïeedwithulight-ail are very real te hlm, andi whThe young man or wornan a record for ïstailiy econid te tha ofmh longs te enter the ciby whieh le se who wuld ucceed ln business no citv ln America, andt lei rapý'1idy 5jestic la lis paet and presoiât. Pro- will prepare themeelves for busi- advancIng ý ear by yý ear l il isprgse__________________ ns.A cour-se in eue o et b easti raerftr.The Mebhodîst Magazine anti lleview es.The raute taken by the lIltercolon-1ial foc A-,ugust entains Professer Goldwin SFederabed Bu-siness Coleges cf Railwav bct-wýeen Moubtreal anld QeecSit brilliaut chacter study et '~Ontario te a sure wa7 te reacb le the mee,,t easv and direct mto f "Alfred the Gxreat" accompanieci by Ibis succese. Coileges in Toronto, communication botw e c two cibles, largo hait-tole et tho new statue te bo .s~LouonIlailtn, ttaa, ar rom the depet lu Montreal t thestat ereet te hie mmoinl Newv York; tbe ion ut Levis, opposi te QuebecVle 1i8 iret ofthree fiaelv illustrutoci pupers on .~nia, Berlin, Gaît, Guelph andi St. miles, or 10 miles les ttan t1ýe sho0rtest "Thec Builders etïNova Scotia," by Sir Catharines. Z route beforo the new ln a padJh ernt ieIael lro -1 11R__Topogruphically, lb le as )noar an a ir carbbsanethr e ber exquisite IIRIlS ~~l~N ino as the phýsscal odtin tthie 1iterary papers, "Pheýeb, sister ai-d 11cyf" ' ountry w>ill permit, as m bheude evnt:Asu-sacigpaper, by flIitUQ aîi r from th'ie tac-LthIar t the115 ilsoin- Dean Farrar: A sketch cf suwimmer I'IIII~ 1< ' vilwa, iras Oroe I'a as bbc trav'el n h Rt abyJsoh one Y. M. ýC. A. Building, of mle e angents As te rdsotbns inptoi hrc TORONýTO, QNT. ere are ný))ine 'excese et 57'2 teel tetV estndCetMrs, cily "h aye Ho~Is, mle, nd bc met etthemare ery bc W itc l es;a pap'er by bbc Daxn ~ ma hbelw tat O is port ion et ýfEditor e Dacusesaninad Cbarcre Acountnt, G be necinaas o0ohes1asfast Mdy "adineeta hotseis Prinipal.ffimo c'il ho mnade îs onu nyrCad ila illa gs oob,8.0a3e ~ Aniriýa. $1,0 oraixconhr buire, For many years Mr. Drydea bas been-at the beud et that Depurtiment. il is, we tbiuk, udmitted on al bands that in that position hoc bas rendered splendid service te the people ef this Provinîce. Hie progrum bas net houa sbowy, and lho bas speut cemparatively littlo public meney. bile objact bhiough- ont seems to have basanet se mach te do things for' the people as te beach them te do thinge for themseves. Thus selid pregrese bas been made, and its efiect will be feit leng altber Mr. Dryden and bis elleaguas hav'e passed uway. Befere domanding the resignatien frein bbc Government et sncb a Miaister wilh euch a record we shieulci malte sure that there is geeci cause te de se. Wà are net awurceofthbbcextont et Mr. Dcyden's inveelment, bat ire faucy tbat for evecy dellar invested inl Dakota hie basat least twcnly dollars invested lu this Province, The- timie giron te bis iarestimeat appears te bave been three or tour days during tbc holiday seasin, whichle surely a net unreason able pecied of absence. The rigbt ef anyene te luvest bis monay wherc ho wili scems beyend question. The habit et inresting lu feî'eign ceuntries is a charucterieblcofe the Angle-Saxon. It le thie habit that rmukes bbceirbole werld puy tribute te England to-day. The investor dees net put bis meney inte au uudertukîng for bbc, benefit et bbc fer- cigner, but n order that ho may tuke eut more than lie puitelu, -If uil bbc ranches of bbc Western States irere owucd by-residences et Ontario lb would minent ou bbc heights, and lu sucb thoreugh architecturai hurmovwt tbe surreuudings that eue woudtho it bad ulwuys been there, le bhc Cbateau Froncenue, a palace hcbel wibli a site 'uarivallej lu Europe or Amerîca. Quebec is beLyond description. Il le uniqueumeng tbbc chies oethbbcoceall- cal. To bîm irbo bus come from tbe busy cilie te the souch andi west,every- bing le strunge and new. Other places unticipate bbc future; Quobec clings toudlv te the puet. lb l emli that it qbould bo se, hr, lu Ibis practicul and nresuic ugo, but teir places retain bbc halo ef romnance thal surrouudod thein lu their early >ears liera, despite bbhe marked commercial pregrese et the ciby, the pasl andi tbe proseot are ii secpurîably buerwoen. As lu bbe case et the modern post office and bbc an- dient Chien d'Or, bbc structures ot luber counrs often derive much et their labo ro3sI frein bbc bislery etofthoir sites and their surroundinge. Itbinlavain Ibai odlbulig -irepaceto e uw eues, an("th8 Ih bc (Àede t ma hve breught labo useb lubt discovWeries c f an in- claracber ote c ity. Ils oklim ichuiri-n iiot dparl. The Qube u A ncIbCaial asil as bu t e lurnes that are dead andge. Poch,.e avng' etQuefcbut il is al ofea>a et lIatm Icbn la aeeau1 e-xPrqa;; ts memeînrïIeslu~ : b jkuown tUab Out- £vlnister or Agriculture bas some shares lu a South Dakota rancltinog cempany ses, me must cou- fese, somo-whut ludicrous, and lb le net easy te undcrstaud bow lb can be ser- iouslv entertuined. llappily, Ontario is net A rancbiuig country; lb le some- tbing tar bottLr than that, and bbc widcc Ibis tact is kaown bbc botter tor us. That a third or feurtb-rate State; like Dakota, witb ils blizzard lu wintcr and its hot wmode lu summer, sboald, over be montieneci as la te came cs as Ontario le a fitting occasion fer mirtb. Wben bbc bot wiads were swecping-over tbc Western States last monthi, dr.yiag up ail vegetatien beoere thein, me have ne doubt but cran the steckers on Mr. Dryden's ranch turned their inourutul faces te the eust. and, sig'bod for the green pastares et their native, Province. Witb a reputation for nrîraleci ferbility and scientiflo- turming firmly etublisheci on Ibis sida, et bbc Atlantic andi on the ether, there, te ne reasen irby bbougbbs cf Seuth. Dakota sbeuld occupy our attention. If all et Mr. Drydcu's celleuguos sheulci ïoin in an exodus te that State wo shoulci net muke a pounci lese et butteri or cbeese, our bacon woula rebain àtc bîgb quality, anoucr lad would con- tinue te be farmed with bbc meet ap- proveci methode ef modern agriculture. Truly Ibis enîburet about Mr. Dryden,. appeurs to ha a geod deal ef a tempast, lu a teupet, net particulurly creditbb& te us or fittcring te eue sensn et dig- nity and self r8epct« mind like the sweet ýremembrauce of harmonious music heard lii the yearîî long passed away. One Who has a day or two to 8pend in Quo-bec mav s>ee much of interest wich- in easy reacli of theCcity, inClndýinIg the Falls of Montmorenci, and theý fainous shrine of St. Aune de Beaupr!3. e"Expertence ès tMe Best Tea cher."" 2/le experience of mimtons has dmon straied tuai Hood'ssSapsapeltill,"a Î.5the perfect remedy for at itubles cf I/le b[ood, stomach, nerves, ow(, ee n kidneys, iand Mt/a lmprssrgt, vIgolr and voitality. .reytsioil thle 'vice of eprec eyu Dyspe psia - -Ho- sSraarlaI a grand edcieI IascreJ ecof dysvpei, AMy boowas so pao>' 1114à greatmedicne ercd my blood a-à mae efeel 'wrm.' rSJamnes Maya à22P;7 l S..Blevle n