2O Ath Century Bain owe A1tways "nises HuIto the Oeo&siof." 1 is a n u p-to0- da te0 Powde r, CIdQ our -peeialri0 k1)e, per pound. Over 900 poutids have aluready been sol-d, and we expeetbefore the end of this muonth to rouind of', the haif ton. IT ýELLS ON ITS MELUT. Our Flavoring Extracts will-be found of extra strength ~~ leaders-are Lemon -and Vanilla._ T 0L E 'S WEST ED IRIJ'ýSTORE PERSONAL. Mr. Arthur McDougall is holidaying at home. Miss Leila Gale is visiting friends in Coiborne. Mrs. Wm. McClung is visitirng friends mn Clarke. Miss Norma -Coucli is viélitng -friendg- in Port Hope. Miss Edna Muir, Toronto, spent last week at home. Mrs, J. 11. Reid is visiting Mrs. Wm King, Port Hope. Mr. Jnô. Hoùey,. Orono, visited at Castieton lost week. Prof. C, T. Pa-ai, H-iram Col'lgeOh!o is holidaMing at home. Miss Fbo Mason has been visiting Miss Featherston, Hamilton. Miss Mooreraft bas been doing the Pan-Ame rican at Buffalo. Mr. Qeo. MeKowan, Greensville, bas been visting bis motber. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bick, -Lindsay, Miss Lizzie My les, Toronto, has bepn- guest at Mr. J. J. Mason's. Mr. Bert Durham, -Toron'to, vîsited at Mr. J. J. Mason's last week. Misses Gertrude and Agnes Lyle took iE&T [NB 110118E (Boys' Clothiers.) W181 -N HOU1L You Want Your Boy, to When sehool starts the boy as a general rule'wants New Clothing. If he does not need a complete Suit he usuall-j needs a pair of Knickers. Genera,,l- 1~a~w~SirLnITe.a1io~ a~aysa p air -f good tougLy wearinýgýBooLs,, thbe fIli of 1 901. T)on't leave it to the last mipute to get your boy's outfit. Alterai ions-on all Suits.free of charge. ý,ýte4 VTt for pattinsan, L. B. Reid, P. 1~DT R N. Jolliffe, J. V. Tambly ock, pleasant visit at Elora and is visit 1hler cousin Miss J. McClung. T END RO011E.