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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1901, p. 8

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Jq Two rowed OATS, Whit e ...... BYE n.......... BUCKWIIEAT l ..... PEAs, Btaclteye, 1e bush.. il Canadiau Beauties et mummey l nSinali n Bluie B'rrbesital, b. Pes doz........... OAroEs, P bush... EAV ,'&tOn ............ 0 25n 0 40 0 85S ogoo e 0 00 et 0 oo te 0 00 le 0' oot O 90 le 0 00ot O 0 ne 0 io t 0 00 et 9 00 q x xx x , nvite you, te ealland inspeeýt e nr Cossitt Rot Scuifflers, Palmerston and Brantfrd Carrnages, 14lury's threeuýý-horse Plow and Wheel- barrews, Machine Oil, Nead's Foot, Castor Oil and Me- Cormick Bînder-Twine. -o-o-o- leBast End Hlarness, Implernent and Carrilage Emporinrn. Corner Store, Opposite T. Tod's, Dlrags on but spring is nigli and with sprilg cornes thouglits of ne~w Wall Paper, Window Shades, Our- tâin -Poles, Fictu-Lres, Mirrors and 1 have an .i ïunsurpassed stock to euit ail ta'stes ajnd circumetances, You wl be surprised at iny Wall Paper. !Uiioaoen the stocýk Saýy "A most splendid as- ,Samiplebok of two factories jor -iryth!ing exrapecial. If you wishi it <)uiaui otrla pattern. Myi ,sa tock c0 ta'ney Books, ScbeolSples Good, ec.,vycVplte She bas gone our dearest loved eue, (doue beoed the brighî bine sky, 'She bas gone to be wvith Jesus, To a brighter homne on high. Little did wu think tai Suuday, Wheu we saw hber lacueobright, That omîr ciass mate andI companion, Would bu genc beyonci our sighit. But ber work on earLh was ended, AndI ber Saviotir calletI ber home, To sing %vitb other Augels, Around fRis shîingib trone. She was loved andI much respected, By her frionds whicti wure not few, And she will not bu forgotton, LFor hier works we-e kiiud andI true. O we'll miss you Mamie, darling,, 1Miss sou with. your words of cheer, But ihere's othors that will maiss ber, la the horne she loved sc. eIai, AA TLIR Ma1,le Grove, NEWCASTLE. MIr. antI Mrs Fair, Toronto, ore visiting ber mother,Mrs. J fui- .,. Mr. antI Mrs. Cbaj>maîî andI daughter, Kirby, spent Sunday at Mr. J. M. Cobbleicks'., Mýàr 1H. A. Rowland, Toronto, speni a lew days ai home, last wek.... Mrs. Ernest Lee, Toronto, is guost ofl iss Minnie Lovekin. , Miss MaI'ei Rickard bas retnrnud te Hope to resume lier duties ut Mt. Pleasant ,school.i ýjr, andàfirs, Bruce Peacock, andi chîidremi, Car-ton wiere recent gulests at Mr. R, Barrie's,,... Miss Olive Rickard is visiting at Véeicome ..., Mr. antI Mrs. Clark, Hampton, were gusts, aI Mr. W. Pickard's, over Suuday- Miss Mabelle Ciomerice spent Suaday a the Parsonag o. - . Mr,. Cooper andI Miss Lanralleury, Kumdal, were guosîs ai Mr. Jas. Rowlanids', Sunday .. .. Rev. Mi'. Anderson, Hampton, pruached Sunday Scheel anrtivertary sermons in lhe Muibedisi churclih, on bnnday. fie was guest aI Mr, Stephun Joses'dnrîng bis stay bre. ..MissMaggie Neads, Bowmanvilie, wss,' a recent guesi ai Mr'. Woli Bowen's,..,,Mr, Wili Law luit Thursday to take charge of a sebool in Essex County. , . Methodfisi Sunday alleroon . . , -tthe funera f le hale Sfeolpnic aiTho u rlke, thesae Mr' Easton Beachiai took place frein Friday afiornioon. Ifye ve tried varic. o-al, raei.and otsiued ýlno relief, d;,' sy tt there is nlo cfure fer rheumabi'llm. The touleis, vyonhfave nat taken 1hc rigU ywmhcdic, Whar, Dr. f all's Rbeu- ouse ferrsit can dofor you.M-Ir. S. O TayorCharlece'tte, Ont.,suerf with rbeumatisni in the batck (lmbgo foir foi' rs;five htisof Dr. lHall's R'heuml-atic Cure,- completely crired huma. 7U ?IaA been re ronpain ever sne Asý a b-lond puirfier itha. no aqLJ. Tbis prep,3ration is put ripfil bottlesý coiiigten t (Lys telet r 50cetsa a dugisýts or Tha r. Ha Mll Rev. F. J, Anderson preached at the Newcastle anniversary servises.Sundav. Messrs. C. Jeffrey and W. H. Monlt gomery Dreacbed bore very acceptabhy ai the morning anid evening services..- .Civic foliday-Saturday Aug. lilst.. - , Visitors;-Miss Mabal Pascoe, Torono, at Mr. A. Trenouth's; Mr. F. R. Ker- slake, Bowmanville, at Mr. G. Ker. slake's; Miss Rhea Fairbairu, Toronto, aI Myr. R Katerson's; Miss Polly Horn, with friends rioar Oshawa; Mr.'- W. Creeper visiting ati Haydon.,... Messrs. W. R. Alliri and R. Avery, are are re- presentinoe Court Archer, 1, O. F. ai the High Cohrt Sessions, in Orillia, ibis weck . .... Mr. Jos. Clatworthy had a very narrow escape,Thursdav evening, while engaged in raisiug a barn ai, Mr. MI Robbins for a atone foundat-ion a- large beam wbicb was being laid across the co-rner as a support, slipped off the the post at one end, jusi as Mr. Clat- werthy was steeping te pick up a block; the beain struck him, stunning hlm antI breaking both bonos of bis right arn above tbe wrîst. But for bis sleeoping over il is supposed he would have been crushed, ..Miss Lente Elioti is visiting friends in Toronto. DîstiNisHED VITALIT-SOMe People talk very flippantlY about diminisbed vitallty. ,Thoy doný'Êt Sop 10 tink Ihat vilality la the principle of life-thal it is that little understood something on whicb cvesy funciion of ihoir bodies depends. Diminished vitality is early îndicated by loss of appetite, strength and endurance, and Rood'sSarsaparilla la the greatest vîtalizer. TYRONE. Mi5s Alice Creeper la visitmng friends lu port E'nna aud Trenton ..... Reeent -Visitrs:- Itr. Rowe, lied jacket, Michigan, at bis sistef Ci Mes Joseph H-awkey's; Mr. Chas Goodman, Codardale,alý Mr. 0. Siock's; Miss John-J ston, Toronto, with friends; MissMry Farrell, Whitby, with Miss S. Farrehi;, Miss Ella Colo, Hampton, ai Mr, Jas. Curtis'; Miss Ruby Courtice,of Courtice, Miss Mande Sylvester, Liûidsay, Miss Dora Perey, Bowmanville. and Mr. H, M. Tleker, Toronato,were receulguesîs Of Reve and Mrs. A. E. Clemons, "'Locusi Grove. ..Tyronu Publié ScbhocA re-opened Monday with Mr. Robt-Siv-cs, Enuîkilon--a--ps-I-cipaî- antI Miss A. Coakw-ell, junior toachur in charge.,. Our formner.principal, Mr. Ramnsay' is on ana excursion le the Prai rieq Province, - Miss Hattie Cleam e-ns îs-spending a f ew daysa with friandis 11n Cortice... . Remember our I"Harvest om"on Sept isi and 2nd. XVith good pulpit supplies on Snday, Rev. C. O.ý T(IDb0Iston electure Monday, andi l. Vernon choir 10 lavor Ins, witb musie aI ail Chesrvcewe are ait'ci p)atinianunreednodsIcls.,Me. Fred BnbanS-pent Snnd-ayratUcl TmsCbin, Port Bwavle Cagvstdbsfthàer, 1 ev. Cragg, Brighton, last week... . Mr. Joshua Me- Cormack, NewYrk is visiting bis father, Mr'. jas. M1cCo1rmack . ...Dr. J. Hl Kincade and wifo, Chicago, wure visiting aI bis sister's, Mrs. Robert Mor- ton, jr., last week. Dr. Kincade is ail oltI Manversboy, and bas a lucrative practice in the inv ity.. .. Mr. antI Mrs F. W. Wiiliaînisou and family spent Sun1day aýt 1Mr -George Stepbeu's, Darlington ..A verx siiccesaful pienie under the auspices of tbe Methodisi Sunday School antI Leagne, ivas held on the shtores cf Lakej Ontario, Wedues- day, Juiv lilsi. A numbeir cf races were hotly contepted antI varions- gaines played. The chief eveni, hever, was a basebal match bhetween the married and single ladies. The gaine was re- pletu with sensationahl pla,ýRs aIthe bat, on the basesRid îin tbe field ,Victory fiualiy rested wib he "uu-iappropriated blessing-s," the, sýcore being 16 11. Word-was receivod hure Tuesday of the death of Bey. J. Wuihieughàbyat bis home in f arriston. Duceased was for many vears pastor of the Chiristian Cburch lu Ibis place, and a býretber-in-law of Mr. A, A. Gamsby ... Miss Eliza Powers,, lefi Wodniesday f, or ber home ai Fenelon Fai,.,,Miss Jo»an Wilot and Misses Editb and MaioHu-nter, Toronto,1 bave been vstga t M i . Herbert W, Renwicks.... , ' întAndrus, son of Mr FP L. Anýdrus, is one of the star players of tho Winnil-eg base bail club, champions of Mani oba and the North West,. .. ,Mr. N. J. McArtbur, Menomni- ne, Wis., is visting b is wife and family ai bis father's, Mr, I Moulton ... . Mrs. F. Hoskin and daugbler, Miss Florence, London, are vi8iting at ber falher's, Mr. Thos. Doncaster, ...Capt., W. P. K. Miligan was appointe I Coliector oft Raies in success7ion le ex-Reem'e Johnj Jackson, ai Ibe hast meeting of township - i cunil. .. Ms.(Dr.) Leitcb antI soni 'ar0"d, Toronto, andi Mrs. James Ale-, Cutcheen, Port Hepm), Who bavd eo'l visitiug irî1M %r 1i.C'&wa aer-1 turned oe Ms Gibbs, of tbe1 Home, Ptrorbsbeon visiting thet 'girls Who hbave toc ut fren the Home sud locaid he eab-outs.... Me. William Davuy bas remoýved troin Winnipeg, 10 Crystal Ci'L-, Seikirk,' Mau.ý... Me. antI Mrs. Jobn Davey h"ave returneti home0 [rom Itan3itobý,a aud the North WVest, aftex a ver y peasant tî. Mr. W. T. sîeadict ou "3biîi north Main st. WEALTEL HAPPlNESSI EALTRI i A person ay Ihave owealth sn 'wisdom, y.t fýeel most dejccted bo- canueofAIIiemia orgenaerail debility. Health ani happiness are assure«, byuinilg "lut Iron Tonie Pus 'whihntke owricli blod, Lea die sysýte,îin sud ton. up tbe nerve,' 8 EaOch boxc nta ins feu days, trea0ýt - m1iet, Pria. 25 cents, at ail dyug- gisteor nailedou receÎpt Of pr-icaýý .Adcdross: TiheDr. Hll M àed icine, ambelandCounv pssedawayaI hs31t. GIrSflitifll &k On ithe wëet ide i-eidece u Hldiandtowshy f Division S. fron corner of Welligtn the person of Mr. Wm. Spear. Deceas- St, to Mr. W. à_ Neada' home. Granted. ed was a well-known fariner, a Preisby- Coaàn. Tait preriented Report f rom Fire terian lu religion and- a liber alin- fpoli- "d Water COm wlth the followlng rate tics.1 fur water: A Red Hlot Season. During the bot G J. B. Martyn, $15; W. Glover, $15; surnmer season the blood gets over- G Freeland,85; Et . OïTit,$5; W.Cba-t- heated, the drain on the system ji tan, $5; J. Darch, $10; W. Cau, $5; severa and the appetite is often lost. J. Foster, 85; J. K. Galbraith, $5; W, liurdock Blood Bitters purifies and in. Glovet', $5; J. Lyle, $5; T. Bingbam, $5; vigorates the bloed, tories upthe system M. D. Wiilliams & Son, $5; Bennett and restores lost appetite. flouse, $15; J. I. J ary, $15, D. B. Mnny of our readers will regret to ýýlmpsOn, $10; Mro, Mccready, $5; W. earn that Col. BouItou, Cobourg, 6, J. Jones, $8; F. H. Mason, $10; T, Bas- 'onfined to bis room. Ho was recenîly sott, $5; Dr. Hiler, $10; W. C. Kine, unjured in a runaway accident and ai- $10; J. W. Alexandor, $10; D. 0. & P, lîough onlv partly recovered, he von- Oo., 5o par thoumand gallons; Durhamn ;ured oui, and a relapse set in which Rubber Co., ba per thousand gallons; bas acted more severely than when first Street watering, $125. Total $308. njured., ,kdopted-. No home sihould be witbeut it. Pain- Ou. King presiented Report fr,)m Killer, the besi ail around medicine ev- Finance Coin reconicending payaient of or made, Used as a liniment for bruises Acots. amounting to $147 9ý7. Received and swe-lln. Iniernally for cramps and adopted, n d iarroa. Aoi usttte, Lonn. Perey chah-men of Demon2tra. there i,-, but one Pain-Kiiller, Perry tion Coin, for Durham Old Boys, iresent. D~avis'. 25C. and 50C. ed report recoinmeadutg paymeint of Captaîn, R. A. Cockburn, late Adjut. accoants amounting to $252. Againsit ant of the Third Prince of Wales Cari. this the Concert ret-nrned over $60, whlcb adian Dragoons, who lof t Canada about leave' h oa xes ob adb wo s ars ago 10 accept a commission the town of $200. Received and adopted. in the Sierra Leone Const abulary,West- The Masyor read a letter from a Mr. ern Africa, is back te Peterborough Bell of Cobourg, re an Eleotrîc Road. "gain, being off on a nine menths' fur- Mr. Bell bas1 organýzed an Electrla ough. Transit Co. wltb a capital of $200, 000. A-r THE CHANGE 0oF LiPE-This tryin- R rpsst ie pnaln o perîod in woman's 111e usually coin""' eporg o ps-r Hopen s li natfRio botween the ages of forty and fiftyCbugt 0r oe hn n oBc 'ears and is marked by irritabili tyLake, uslng the old Harwood Uine. If headache, dizziness, irregular mon 1h- Bonuses can bit secured the lino will be [es, fiful apvetibe, forebodings of evil, continued along the front to Bowmanvîlle palpitation of the heart and constipa. He propose% tb carry freight and farmer's ion Dr, Chase's Nerve Food is ahove produce 20% lesa than the G.T.R, and ill a woman's inodicine bocause il helps 50% lest for passenger service. er safely ihrough--tbis _tr.ý ing poviod. Mr. -Galbraith read a letter received ýenriches the blood, strengthens the fromn a Mr. Stewart, of Toronto, regard- erves regulates the functions of the ing the establlshfnig of a Bitet, $ugar iminne r~'ný nt oies and invigor- Factory, hore, Roferred to Mannfacturer's tes the wholeboy Coin. 10 report ou. Ur. Hiin ll, formerlv of the Moved by R. Worth, seo3ndcd by J. ýw.nship of Hope, a brother of the laie Percy, that the aura of $100 ha granted [iss F,111 who was well known ini Port to th.e()ld People% Home, th. same 10 ha opwas fonnd dead in bis room at charged >to the Poor Relief Cern. Carried. tLouis a few weeks ago. The cause Moved by Mr. Perey, seconded by Mr. ) death was supposed te be the exees- Worth that the Conncl go int Coin. of v-e huat, as the thermometer register- the whole the Mayor in the chair, to 3 120 in bis room. read the plant and specificablons and act that people digest food after the Soin. shlght alterations were made and :omae lia bee rerovedprovs ihi afer consfflerable discussion lb waz mov- te importLant patOF digestion takes ed o3 by Mr, Percy, scnnded by Mr. Tait )ace in the intestines, foence itcomeslthat 1h. specificatlons be adopted as bat Dr. Chass Kiney. -Liver Pilîs axe necdad'ttthPuf rory troic ndiestonand dyspepsiaý Coi. be lstu tedo interrlew Mefers. he c irci n h eyyslv PennîotSonas 10 th0 amendments id ntetiesmakngthem he ith 1le1 h.ecllatosr ndbringi, n a ivrt- :tcve aud igor Msad1s sure p i nTendr1for th ieraainsd report etdietinand pomtremUoval of 10 t.Cuncil beýfo-re recxommendirg tu )sonous wasîe mai:ter. hih0'nr .0o teContrgcî for bncild!- Mrs, no, uiiîy 0fPlaîniville, Nor-, ing lb. hýFouudry 81ha£'l1bewrd.Cr îumerlnd îedver sndely Mo- Mvedby r.Percy, secanded by AMr. sy, ug. 21hfroi parlyss cftheGc1,bralth thst the Public Poet o >taèin, Sho had been abouit qailday as iterVie1w Mr. Painln sdasrti- -ni!bu aIlt a mapae oenif h,-lAcan malee heuilding by Nov. idin tin lue teee her die. D- 1lie8d on ÏedneDsýd&y evening., tased washigbly repected. ouncîl doned (Jrono ................S ep.2-5 Port Hope.................O. 12 Carýwright ....... .......... Oct. 1-2 Markham ..................cùt. 2-j., Millbrook ..................O. 8 COURTICE. Holiday i'isitors;-Misses Fie and' Marguerite Annis, Mt. Vernon., at Mr, Leqi Annis'; Mr. Geo. Tucker, Torontoý and Miss Ilattie Clemens, Tyrone, at Mr. L.M. Courtice's; Miss Ford,Oshawa at Mr. John Wa[ter's; Miss Widdi[efield, Stouif ville, with Mrs. Lititiejohis;Mr S. S. Rundie and daughters-ý, towii, at Mr. AýE. Rundle's; Ms oeL~ot at Mr. C. W. Lott's- Miss RandOe tort' Perry, at Mr. R. P. Riehardh'se "Miss Miller, Snowflake, Mean.,who hna& beeu visiting Ontario friends has returned, home; Mis R,;uby Courtice spea-t a fý,w days with fieds in Seymer >,«recejtly, ...Mr. and Mrs, S.S. Brooks entra- ed a number of friends ai a lawn-tennis partyl, last Friday evening. . . -Mr. li. W. Aison, Oshawa, very acceptably filled the Ebeuezer pulpit. on Sunldaýy evening, for Rev. J. Ward, who was preaching in Oshawa.... .The -mý-any frieïlds of Mr. John Short in tis local-, ity were greatly surprised aadj very sorryT to hear the sad accident which ended bis Ie so suddenly, last week., As a good neighbor and, a christianvL worker, Mr. Short stood hizh in the es-. imation of bis associates here, and b untîmely end was verv much eretd Ris sîster Mrs. Littlejohn attencled the fUneral ai Mooreield .... Master Mupert, and Mona Morrow have been visithig, theïr grandparents ai Oakçille for a few weeks. VigorousWomnanhood Ifade Perfect by Dr. Chsse', Neive 1POO,1-A Oomn nSenne Tren~t- ment wlsieIs Does .Exusct1y Wliat la claimeI fori, i. The happine-s of e-i ery h c nds1 very largely on the htealth of. hcw1f and mother. If she is nrvu 3 ea-ish and irritable, worried byý the -littieë cares of every day life, and tormenjtedý by pains and irregularîties -ithat a sure to accomPaiW« a rundown system, there can bc no happiness in te hom1e for husband and chldren. vous exhaustion, and do Dot know iz. Thiey suifer from indigestion amdiys pepsia, Dervous headache ind sep lessness, and drag them-selveos ,abou- the, bouse feeling languid and i î, red out YXou cr be healthy arid g jeu i you fo'Llw the ndvice of PDr. Chset famous RecQýeipt l3oojk a'uthor. e would flnot decelve You., ndLis treati- mient nyerdisa1points. Dr. Chaes,, NreFod 1,, intended -'for jstsuchj assas ariý,eier des -,b,.'vysupply- [ng t( tlie thin, water bl ï,1 nd ws lxhusodneves itheuverý,y n!2teIls of wh1ich nat11ure onstuos ew nervL Ly i anderany eostut 1at(mrj F-L î 4A Ti -rre J-J T-1

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