NOTES AND, COMIENrS. The British colony of Natal, in South Africa, has developed tea cul- ture so successfully that its planters hope before long to supply a1 part of the nee d of tha great Lmoiing countries from plantations that arel swer wilI depend upon which of the M00 persoos so e ngaged. Even if two opposed streamns of influence be- Russia'8 manpiuatures should ad- cones predominant at the Russian vance in geoietrical progression, capital. It is well knowvn that there she shoold hiave some 5rears to wit is, nnd has long been, at the Rus-[ before she would fiad herseif abreast sian Court a military Iarty which of her Continental neiglibors. proclaimis itself executor of the ictifUous will of Peter the Great, Meawv1u-le the tremiendous problein agreenment did not binfi either of the parties to co-operate with the otherI in agressive acts in Europe, mucli lcss to further the other-'s policy 'in distant parts of the'earth. But national combinations do not romain stationary; either thcy grow Trh0IKing of Ranges,- "Buck's Happyr Thought- m- stnte, of things whicli in r.