5ce P!ac.SImiIe Wrapper Below. tr, take as $Mgni. I~-r~ FORS £AD L. URTERSI FO WIFE'S DINNEIIS. Ah, well 1 knIow my wife approves That does flot noed to ho confessed. She does not tell me that she loves oIe, But nakes the dinners 1 like best. SOME GOOn RECIPES. ýlweet Cucumnber Pickles-Pick 'ýor ecocumbers hefore tbey are too fripe, or before the ceeds harden, let thein stand in a basket or box for a few days te 'ýzee, then lu the' alter- noon or eveniý.g pare, eut openarad ccrapo seeds ni1l out. Put into a vs sel, add onough sait to- maýke a weak brine, and pour over thsý hoiu- ing hot water. Tutun a plate o thom, wolght dw and lot thein stand tilli morninig. Iu the nmornlng niake your pic!ie,. usinv 1 lb sugar to 1 qt good vineý,,gar and ail kinds of sPices ýyou lke I-Have just enough o f this nickie jo eo-ver VîOur eiircjm- and bare as the deck of a xnan of-A H i -X R N war when cleared for action...- perfoctly mnade and furnished slco(.ping rooni would be neither povei W REOT FTH RETSWN str-icken in fact or in appçarance, butREOTrTH GEA WM it would be extremely simple," EXHIBIT, In addition, w2 aret, 'od that ce~ry -eIl plannod dwelling should have at Canadla Has fleen Very Suaccessful leasýt one bedroom where a sick- mein- ber of the faliily, whether he had in This Departineut. grippe, consomlyptioin or smalipox, (By MarthaCag) Icould have tIe ani safeguai ds he The last week of Auigust mrarked !would havu iin the bs hospital, and the ope,1ning of the live stock shw t atG the sainie ti ueavo the ret of the Pan-American Epstothe the fci-nly as secure front contagion succees 0fo whieh iH vnbyn h aýs if hc were out of the bohuse. expetaitions of the mcdao nn Suich a;j rooçnishiuld !ho iiu a corner aeet with vwjiiidows on two os, e and (,nO Xe eteehbt fsje ubr side the ýsouth. Thciro sbould be a Wietexhb orune- toiet oom no ncesariy abet, ng 'about 600 animais, is nDot as toietoo, nt ncesarly btub large as was een at Chica go, or at fo ikperson rrl takes CstabP for aheickrarely thelace, Lonýdoni, ytit baths, Thore should ho a portablewaeidt thmns0filp- wardrobe and a commode; gasen- wseie ntemrýo i!1,o çlosed shelves for: medicîne, it .pie Who witneSsod thîs eý (xhýiit tat s,,houidl have two doors, one jinto the inl point of indlividuîualit there- ll and the other -Into tue 'toiliet nover bas been a' show brougbt to- omand these doors should be gether in Amorica or ilu Euýrope that double; that le, one on each side of cap compare witb the show of swine the partition. This excludes ,ound 1at'the Exposition. and ensores quiet. h~d~It was th-ought originilly that the The floor should ho of lL r ,O) extreme hecat of August m-iight per- vnrnislied, the walls plastered * and haps prcventt the breedlers frntcoud- p ainted and ma~ to, bear washin- g ngther stock to theý Expositii. With hot water and coap. No waîîbt h tnpailnsdvoc t.h pape1, no pictures, no moulinge,' no swn show testify thatIs was a ÷Lnlie t. W -1- 1, -f nl- i1I LLa n PhysIcians are recognizing the extraordinarypower of Po*ley's Liquified Ozone to cure Iu'ng trouble,' The case of George Young of Roach's Point, who was cured of tuberculosis of two years' standing, has impressed them with the value of the condensed oxygen system of curing lung trouble. George Young weighs fifteen pounds more now than he did before he had tuberculosis. Many prominent physicians who have interviewed George Young are prescribing Powley's Liquiified Ozone- most success- fully. You should inquîre :.nto this case. It's youe éduty. Along