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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1901, p. 1

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t tesi St M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor.-- -Nyw SE.RIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO, Wl COTINTIES' COUNCIL EXCUI Coali J listil ~ ry ouflilOn Wednesday atwe-t due âlvlties' Councillors on invitativ Wm. Rickard, Warden, erijoyi ______________________________________________________________in Toronto and at the Indiuc hibition. It lias been the eu several years for the Warden tain the members at a lunct trip to some point. This year oronto was decided on and brs tberoughly ap preciatacd s Have pene Out the od the outing. On arriv'ing ia mave 0 n Out thEthe compauy proceeded tO 711 Hall where tbey wee to havý 4. Yenculplicate the parts luncm 5. Machies pirclsasc there are "S C. ilene yen-,ave thechojice cf s ever yelnan ed tatvonuilmnt ne thebstmtna. 7v Y.N ickas! bein a hwouwlî macin t h fr 21.0 M II D O ~~J ~Now open in ahl Departments ofth >slproinpt and persoual attention. CUfIRIIL IBISINISS COUR~f TORONTO. ___________ -~ Young Men and Women are com- ___________inz in from ail parts ef the Dominion te attend our School because thejy find ____________________________with us very supenior advantages. Our1 Catalogue explains them. Write for it, ýffENTER AT ANY TIME. Dr. Pience's Favorite Prescription and s4A , ricipal. Srseverance -- iisse Rwerk vwon- S v R a o sYonge and Genrard Sts,,Toronto. r fo theni:sthoipesswoman.If Machinefrom T. N. BICKARD. u or Fvrite Prescription ', las sot"Physicians had lâed. If" Favon- iePrescription"I coufld' net hielp there xaiothingteohope for, It did help. It 1. Ie lias for salesena of the i always helps and alm t always cures. ver,, best makes. OfI cs. It establishes rel ritdies wveaken- ilo ýýz1!S tilm au th ý-erVing drainis, hieals infý1lni ation an lcer- eyloetpricos. ynca ludcdÀf uins mninaland cuires femral weknes.Tt 8. BeingCai seres nearo ýý n ll impaný1ts streuigth and elasticity te the alwysbeslîwnanthig enparts of the Dominion are n eadY to orgaus7 of maerityad makes thie wihto know a,ý,bout a machine spa of tho theorougl trqining they bb' detpatcl anes hae eceived lu uiess subjects i WenIcnsie ou ý111Apr1il, Il, 'I Ywas aseoianinpoor healt," 11writesMr'. E.-H Newtn, o or othien of thp,e Fecnated Busi- Vanbluren, Aroostook coa., i.IIïe 1a beeni ightnnig"ns olgso nai with se-hools sck all wi1ter 1dt d aca rul a an iion the road t t e r t y v, ilh thc do c aid cd ~ 1>,11 tpucaeagInLIny l',if-Ime sOtwSni.BniatGep did flot expect any l, 1.-mîogh the enad purchase111llbe bulit propenly an,11d 0fSt.Catar ines obeter týime- :1, ae -,than wa, oiy a atter ftim , ad0oI mly two now te enter. poor, littie, terescile. î) "I asIq Ithis cniinchtIbgntheus m-echan 'ic, h i metnteaviseyen f yur1aiabl ,ndjineOu-ecipt cf vor)L li'lettertfeAprie 6thinîy nG 1andppuichase six .fOand w1at ,ve conider a far spe onMdialfisoer. Y. M C. . Bilding, Toront, ir0ed.We yvt' m ords o éz l'!ragenî c ltaolrl2t Ihdrc ive n ý ,Jing 'the ilrteuth au b (jboti. I have M-ey aygiltre eis 2, thaýt w hed 25e, Ai d1, eV 1:";:;v::nt:2Z::I'tle -joy- cannt elst ith"LIncR d- sg prfec helth, tauI-I ,ta y%o woer ni Watchmaker, Opticiau1 ai~~~t1,Jee 1enho. adits hssn'B. OW'SWOBî nIdc, t-1, eb Ioe n lt. 111 f tbm and rriaugeu LJJVLJfor ex. hibition. There is alot 0f,,abor incon- nection with the matter too. The D. O. & P. Co. Baud under the lea dership of Mr. D Morrison was kept busy during the exhibition. A first-class programn was given at the promenade3 concert Thursday mght, and Friday afternoon the large crowd were highly pleased- with the generous program wich tbey furnisbed while the out-door extibit was being judgedr.- They closed the day by introducing the R. T. of T. conneert and assistiig on the pragnim, The butter and Zrain exhibits are flot in keeping with the other departments of the Far and some other inducement must beo offered to bring out the pro- ducts which our couuty is se much iloted for. Our town maerchants contributed a lot of valuiable special prîzes again this year for which they are heartily thauk - ed . Iu our way of Iooking at things, the pensons who receive the direct tin- ancial benefits fromn the exhibition should lead the- way in giving' special prizes. Nota breeder, farmen. or other penson eutsido of this town gave anv- thing this _year withi one exception. If the meni who draw, big mones' every year don't show a littie liberalityin this (lirection, .surelW the towîî business man who derive ne direct financial benefit from the pize liot should handly be ex pected te sheIliout as they do every year. Neitheýr jnic or consistencyv marks the conduiet of the farmnersad blreeders in this miatter. Everv mer chant au othet' buIsiness manintw ti, buyýthwhy teS-1a wln hndb lani, illi B osb ±iJ2U ci u ; J1we, Allin Bros 1 and 2, S Allun 8; Sheanling ewe, Aliin Bres, W C Blackburnu, S Allin; Ewe lamb, S Allin 1 and 8, Allun Broq 2; Peu, S Allin, CoswoLs-Brooks & Langmaid, 1 aud 2 on ram, shearling ram, rayp lamb, aged ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb and lat ou peu. Fine Wools. JUDGE5S-Jehfl Miller, Jr, Brougham; W E Dver, B 8 A, Columbus.. SouTHDOWNS-Ram,Courtice & Power iand 2;R L Huidsworth & Sou 3; shealine rm.Ceurtice & Power 1 and 2, R. L lleldswonth & Son 3; rami lamb, Ceurtice & Power 1, and 3, R L [leldsworth & Sou 2;- ewo, Courtice & Power ist, 2nd and 3rd ; shearling ewe. Courtice & Power 1 and 2,- R L lleldsworth Son 8; ewe lambCourtice & Power 1 and 2, R L Helilsworth & Sou 3; pen, Ceurtice & Power. SnuIOPSrnuenDowtîS,-am, L Skinner, A E Mleadows, James Leask; Sheanhing Ram. A E Meadews 1 and 8, L Skinner 2; Ramn Lamb, A E Meado ws 1 and 3, L Skinner 2, Ewe, L, Skinner, A E ,Meadows 2 and 8; Shear1inîg Ewe, A E MedwJas La L Skinner; Ewe LambA EMeadws1 and 2, L Skinner 3; Pu A E MeadLows. OxrevnoNs amD J Gibsen; Shearling Râa-, U L Iiolciisworth & Sou; Ram fiLamb, R L Hldsworth & 'Son 1 and 2; Ewe, R' L Roldsworth & Son, 1 and 12; Ewe Lamb, R. L Hloisworth & Son ji and 2. ,JUDcE-Jnýo Martin, Enuiskiileîî; "j- Boa ndr12msand cever c6 moti und!cer 1 msand ever me s SuSow denl ilud2; Boan undner 6 msSSno'-ý;w - (Uontinued on last page,) "Good Counsel Ràs NO Pr! ce. Vse adce £s the iresuit of experience. T'he hundreis of fllicsancfs who ha7,v used Hoodrs, Savsapar![ta, Amrc' Great est Medicine. coanset those <whozz cwould purify an cenrich 'lhe biood to av~ail thenwebues of il's 'rîues. He £& 'Wise 'whO poisbyV this good .ad-tCe. Stomiach roubles- I wa greatty iroubted 'wilh my somahnd C'ven the sfgÏt Off 4OOdmae esi Weas Hre-d adtnui e otso Hoods Sasapaitta mai mefet lk mysetf aga~'n." J Jmes cse 5 q

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