bady rau dovu so herxng your Harit sud Nerva ~ilsIgiyspakenof 1 procured a box, nu b lc tinte she na-d uscd them she iad g.a!ncd oý lbs. iu artig-ic ani jenow i hcrfctbalth. Vours truly, hlls. P 1-. CURTIS. rehayou wat for all forms of feletroubles; an lufalile remae -ý, dsoered hy a foreLiiosi tf emale lm.;wili positivocly etbibtha 1norma-1l funtiarSuSed mnothly by ove 5,00 ldis;for sale at drug. gist, o sen o ;re.ipt 0f price 51. Ao1ari,C, 7 Wi'nc1Ftécr, Ont. Cane The rignal idny s peilfo 1',gh11-b Disase a n" i rnr .1 iU~Ob. IJon't aecept somothing just as good. See you get flue genuine tliesa distant daimnsv cno0thorland b cca n ; e uas ,1dm brouglit inta bing-tue trnis-1 roat, whlich lias beau axtendec Afdý,hau claiai. d -1 ChIieca1 Tîcea the firea Sberia r c c.'sc cci; Asa. 1Fiealli., inss t.cined fî'aln CIna aarlis bauid the rnsMcchra ut the Chinarodw iih extac-d"d ta Kasantuni, usn acqi isition, ont the LiLau tua), S'cLI, andt t Port Artior as-d W-111,n, w the Ru sluîî teav nyi. Th-e trans-Caspian ro, oigtnally a ptirelv litr The fret exl.odition agluk Turtam-ans prýo cecitiihea a'a nriid ta tranisport tha ,er trope0fta ce ani ax d Ilà e eea tIoî tli iarloacn~p" ~btRs itb îe taena aod piicenout a plumiî.,lntIb-t--- co-"-nla feu d--, tE-a-> - - 'aO intl'-'estaa c theeci'owd bcocaî t and WLîat a fiua boy arnj.- Jack Price 5%9et t.l ig trs nth cu.e ttr. lCelîîî asurf' -Casianaciagedld, and it te ta ho liop2rd ai- Dr. Hall1itiedic:ilu Co., Kngtn i aI ,tcîiaIj'eu i afi fi ta fLicways wil,, prirda hiurnýeaf oa ibs agri- Co ~tic'tii 0fthe Èuni' ti n . t va hodr.cultural etrengtlî. It le avell ta ta w BARS 1.1Q EHplACES. waxi ititI: aufi w t ti t le net enipty xanlty aith 'i1; i isîuali t o tî" whid lc l puledup "Imtatan1Ilia Saine AiaaTheose Organe 1 t 1 is ot wheripoee. stiok.i thc wh.h. hois puiedr pètiitittiotti ;sia, oh- _sîeu te 's lata, t ig panil- aL ofPal- )ad hafi >object. ho Tcta- itv foi'qa ,nrnius bult 10 f or the lion ita kled its iii'500 aaineria y Taai T ý .roa'saee aithnnLi 8' - ýu uoywc bobd a a18 h n J, a deire ta atei5s otiie .it w as sentt Mr. J aeUie. coi alii lurent aMih Autralia le ut A wisa ainelaec ara la lis liaaj Tlcl exlcaci 1 m Mroaflahly set- prsci af ing to a ie agrieultural sud hlmm ars id, utthAe s lttaierl-tr.Tacssecofstrg gasm ICanada. Our brathere under ogi i onecrea aepaa rpa.wcfa uf euo th c; tica eochr'a Craosis aeferîd cgrcant 1iuit seotC a i- îin h d 'r n; ter-1 At fi t Pa 19A orlc orto rte alahv o ti a in heirl'sk a i cs, w-ae , i ,te Toro itiotanh aO it - lu ie goir tieldesud sh;leai;- tîendases -nursC si 0 i:i'tr , c ?rnoFxflia the body Ywliic 0 1 p thsarnita p1c'11tl.y a'crt i excelent concditon. Cola o ay îaa'eeîaaiiat,-, in theasatai'.1 A rlari haefin y seîaalaîag di tr iIO i 'ii' 'IGI O Ma cilsldt of a fs' y is the scat of -THING. ocu a m r îcth aigaîls. 1Th iacîastai'ofai aicgvese!tl Iche ~~ ~W L i ,au :e c'cne a lebst-i'(ai' cntwn, prcded hiaasaýlf au'l' s gaf2., înur ticeîc'e~'îe. s Cî cd by L i u clai stil fadai eaîîuahteg u06af x oister'iîcgCou0moctAboard ceis L& lps OaiciC) up0te dc htte' aert a su mens in by whlc aucunbl S .he caure taLaer. l!imatomctrasel e~~~~~~~~~~~~~,ýr 'ta1r vryo icath -Teel itesîiîp h ps Rs' îrhai -i ~ t ea îus d reses e Sef i- -' rsllc air, nrvois -adcheRaiacc sh'im, ahieî las n et' in- lia" b na ra, asuo,-atheai niCcserre. i ta ecoar irn CtaIJeaPireo, ý0 tebd , sud is usa te atosjci, yae o7c' ýý i ght seji da se-; , itee? iu', t'stsufterC ih chertuvelteeclac cutmndMW ie"ly er est ýte yr c' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oc wn irs vudtk hhiîgeel a5ta u craua cni, li(ta 1eshuei tets, lpaiu a ds'cocaaangfeln wud cme100u foatatep, Mr fa ineth- littie irittli, ý ll.,m or'er mauc &Nig t atfe îgtm I ul1hPie aîdloii)' sre cfisce Cne 'î faf O o' uf jca'r l s ervey Fed, a Epm pea; S;Cai'rva uns' of taler in h iet iudo r hf a " , epo na tecatii!e ao aul-i- iA-- 1 ', 1,)aaagh. l'inronl d humac t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ty mtIhftatptmyb, u anitoaireswa;tat lt !atmtaic lx rLctaitrlev o h andtI lniied with a coller tlîat ri'alie one oî thoso new portable lags over witla tbe fronts ta tarin lapais. 1 uct then, replied bier wicked he B1elow if the jacket Portion la laid baiud, ;ve'd hava ta get poral iu box flaitai-ICI a beIt passes colkîig utenisils to go with it,. around the waist under or over the That's sa, said -she,dioalaey pliaits ais dc, lied. The ieerves arc il, 1 neyer thoectcit of tiar coat style, and a p atch poc]het je - ------- stitehed to oaci; front below the, U 'C-EE beit. TESIlâ7, Toe ut this suit for a boy of 8 Plet Evorybody'sr1n r1ng-. years of age 414 Yards of niaterini 27 Soft you arc au tiiat waty Ms iuches aide, 2l ards 44 or 50 inch- Wilfl'0. Wlîat are your chances wtvi e aide as 111 horequireil. lier? - Jack-Very pî'omising. Sl; i, e ino pretty avaîl, and P'n. doîug ni The rural death ratalai Erigland is 'best nwta yot lieir partnsda-e 16 lanos'ary 1,000; in teaas it le 1d. ac"ainst me. Do'ne1c teeto.î motatogasoiteboy s o wl e70 t.Hv cotrai eaya araqaissu lgr a oar it 'prulenaiasAhlea t a1aogiltour moispensoains dre rr ~CR2 O R OP Ifmiap Chisawu cdiW poutr F dne etlaopeelCrd;teraiu ~ymtansya riia eî;ld aran'g t t cinnedtcosmnat. oeut f untltolal, aitcnrt'iil. g \7ae Ifya li; erar (bat p T sionclnmi rnouhsalln g aA ura c lis ot 1thso a~ thcgst rohr~gsc this a, FRA & i ci-a L tu .W Ivaynax"itîgucrta acryo yo aiT STaVam w aOD ma a ruE ijhnt Mrr "oaohn u c ý-R -L -L