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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1901, p. 8

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!mI~ULIoIL lThe Popular Tooth-Paste HAYDO. Mr. Johnu Semon lias returned to his, home in Washington, D. C.... l4V, and Mrs. W. H. Creeper spent Sùn4ay jr Newcastle .. .. rMïp Anniie Creeper has -one to NewcR4Iýp to t4ko a pfl .uongratîtu,& JYÂr.wand M-1,, Thos. Montjoy on the advcnt of a bab.y girl...Dr. A. E. Aunger. home from a holiday in the Public Sehool on Frîday, on account of Bowmanville Fair.,.. Miss Campbell spent the end of the weelk with Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Clemens, Bowmanville, and with friends iu Port Hope ... Little 'Miss Vera Siemon fe- cited nieely at the Salem flarvest Hiome on Monday last.. .. Miss Walters, Mea- ford, and Miss Kiveil, Salem, were guests of, Mrs. W. H. Creeper, Friday. New life for a quarter: Miller'sCom pound Iron Pulis. Sold at Toe'9s drugý stoie. NEWTONVILLE. Ceylo.n and Iodlai NATURAL LEAF G~EN TP R pesembles Japan in flavor, but 'while inifinitely superior in quality. strideS in public favor because Drinkers of Japa Te'(as should give is NEYER IMPURE - It is making, rapid of the above facts. it a trial., Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed- Lead Packets SALA DA~only., Black, Mixed. Uncolored Ceylon Green. ýSALDA Fee saxuples sent.' Address "SALADA,' Toronto. WEST D)URHAM FAIR. LADIES' DEPALTMENT., THE MASON Co, I BOWMANVILLE. Clothillg àflouse. Are more tD the fronit this Season, than1 eyer befre llaving undoubtedly bigC b1i5'% and l"St 'tsso"tmel"t. Keeping sol ely the most deperutabe niakers goo)ds. Selling , -iely at the lowest Possible prices and doing decidiedly the bulk of the clothing trade. ~Now is a favorable time to bu-Y con, ýO-ur sok are at the top notch of corpletenless, rearly ail ouIr ordiers for Eall are now hecre. See our big, pile ofý Overcoats, pile after pile of choice garnients and flot an, OldCoat in the lot. We have actually scores of new Suits3 for von to select from and many of the best are not Procuirable ýelsewhere. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Our f alland Winter iunderwear is comncn g seli freely. We have receive m1anly ccomp1flimýents in conR- nection with our NewNck ar Our nýew suitingcs are i eing pickedl up, there are ome elegant desigîis in our new imported Suitings. A bile of En-lish hair uine trousering, honest goods reguflar $4,00 are niow beine qffered for '3,O per pair lea,,ve youir order. GROCERIES &0. Try our special blend black Tea 25e a poundI, we have been told scores of times it is equal to manuy 40c Teas, Didyoa ever u-ise our vincgar?, We have 1-roof VJ< igar Malt Viinegar, Cidar Vinegar andl XXX Wýhite Wine. Try our new Raisins, 4 lbs. for 295etc. 1Ev. and, Mrs. D. S.,iHouk Marmora, are enjoying a iWoweR vaainat Welland and the Pan Amner A woman wlo is weak, nervous and aleles nd wle las cold hands sud fetcanot feel and set like a well jesa.(arter's Iron Pis equalîze ýhe cin.culation, remove nervousuess, ~ud ie srength and rest. Eýi.omr Liek, Prcsident, and Mr JohnBurs, ecretar v, Ontario and Du mAg'riculItural Society, honored BEcwnpv:Ille Pair witlh their presence fINI'AGNEcTIOHELI - i spkband î'ttnduin hes8 lunes aI' b urhi ytelu motiod of treat iug dtes.The itnost rlÉ eirr abhcaesofmaguti lalngwhc lavue cone unier îlenotie o!î te writv-r cnave beeu-,those ilu wýhicl ,Dr. Chu,,,'- iutment was used. TUis prep- ara-ion s eems to lave magical pow-,ers !lu Cîp ie Idreadfui itcinig, hurv in 2, -,ations ,)f Sait Rheuri audE- zee, od wl-eii usedreurlmke the r horouagIhaud permanentL. v lAï,N VILLE MA RKETS, Uov'edby jJulartryeachTflesday FL( 1 I0bs........ $1 70 teo2 20 W, lbush .... 00n O 060i Sprrng......CO l0 65 edPife......CO 0 70 Goose 0 00 0 60 BAI , bush, No. 1 ...,040 n0048 2 n ... 040 0 45 3 - 0 ..25 î0 86 cil ily, Dui 1 BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 18, 1901. _KT. VERtNON. 11ev. S. G. Rorke, Frankford, on lis returu trip from tle seutheru States aud the fan west, for the benefit cf lis heatl, is spending a few days am-ong lis numerous friends lune, occupyiug tle pulpit Sabbath merning, giviug a very exeellent and, caruest address. Ail wera dliglted te greet Ileir for- mer pastor oncemor. -, -Mn David Anni sud daughter, Mariposa., "rs J. Langmaid, Eoecigei !Massns. E. Anuis aud EMijon"- &Ms.SE» Souch is slowiv recovan:ing from 1er ill ness. - ,.MNs. Geo. Argue is indispcsed. -... Mlaster Gordon Souch is attending Higl Scînol ... -. Mn. D. Hieddon las rpjnted Mn. Geo. Angrfue's farm for a terni. A POeD FOR LmAIN Aýii MSc)I Whetle,- il is brain fag, ls cf memory inabiiity tu concentrattt mind on bodily weakness and general debiiity Dr. Chase's Nerve Pood will restore Sour old time energy, strengthland healh. Tîroulh ehe od and ner-Vous system, it neaehes eveny part of tle body snd overcenies weakness, irregu- laiies sud disuase3 NEWCASTLE. 'Il -wo i'owOO < 40 le 0 41 Visitonrs: Miss Soper, Kendal, guesi lien............O 00 n0O30 o! Miss lys Rutherford.- Miss Annie ........ O 0 O()50 Creepan, fisydon. guest ef ber aut, 0AT 0.......OOO O 0 Mns. John Douglas; Miss Jessie Aikin- akeye bush, -0 00OOiO0O00son, guesi cf Mrs J IHall, Oronlo; âMisses anvinBeauties O 70 0 7O5 AleMKim sud Mledla Coucfn Lh l'an- imme0 ' O O ()O00 Areican; Miss Betie Bamnsay, Wel- n ah 0 Ci 4O35 coule, 3witlfriand's lare; Miss Stella iue 1 ý ( Mason; BowinanviFl1e, spaut Sutnday aia bdt able, P 11b O ' O 16 lMn Wm.Hucinos.-- rs oit, 0o-------- iii0O12 ivme, Mouo las bean uraing iil ~ us.....O80n 0 Mrs. Gao.HRiclardl, las . ýruedî bine _____________________ .MsssM.. .3fH Euichinison, N. A. Pickad dCharlie Moase visited Cle 1 1 an-Amnican on Tuasday.MA-iss ý1nioLo',ekin laes gene te Torounto Xtaike a situation itl The R' Sinipson ~~. X X X Co,--. . A cloice mscan sd litarary invite you to caî l -cici prograni Waýs given i thEpont Cossitt ot arîd Monday ev'uîng week solos rt G OSit ar duels were gianbyv Misses Ina Pal- 1mecr s to0n andRikard, 1s u evad JsseAtkin-2 uAm sWdWalir ickwansd rmAdngs~ lor (?rriges 1~lury's bCMn irBradlevsud iAsesLamra sud hore Pow nd hee-. liv Bikan.. .Wrd as beau rwý ca'ied lre a tledesl cf MnBi. ý, tchie u Na'slgs aae. twash ruthen of, Mn Castor Oiland M Î, L . Jaidu... .Mni.M.Jciflucn l"SAc Oil nd c on reunned Sanît teMlarie on, ~ JiderTwie foncav ahnsdn aiwida lm. ... 7Mr1. FPB. Lfuvek1ýin isbidi -O-O-O- a coalld a lsatin-M, .A aîd Carnage Epo1 . IMMSc uobreiden.Sd r p StrOppo5Ue TF Tod& Tohe'sdrug store, -- i.,inYforoswnoqetvCLVU ÙVVU excellent sermons. At both services maywere flot able to gain admittance; Ervavoilable space for -seats being occupied. The young ladies of the .church had greatly added to its appear- ance by decorating it with flowers and fruit emblematie of the gathering in of the larvest, On the foliowing Monday supper was served in the shed, adjoininig the church. IHere each appointment ou the circut was well1 ro- presented and there was also a good re- presentation from Bowvmanvýlle. Tthe supper furnîshed by the ladies of the congregation, consisted1 of chieken pie and ail othcr delicacies of t1ue season, and was served ilth ýe very best style, reflectilig girat credit u1po'n those Who made the necessary pýreparation. Al- thougl- the evening was cool the- Ice cream stand was well patronized. In the evening atter t.he wants of the muner man had been suppiied, al repaired to the church where the chair was taken b ï the pastor, Rev. J. S. Me1Mullen and, a good programme was giyen consist- ing of addresses by Bev. J. Hl. Turn - bull, M. A , Bowmanville, and Bey. L.9 S. Wight, B. A., readings by Mrs. L. Poley. Miss Vera SlemonMîss llowson, Miss Scott and Mr. Geo. P Preeland. The choir of the churcli furnished the miusic at ail services and were n'biy as- 8ssed by Messrs, Aluin Bros., who de iighted the audience with several well rendored selections. The proceeds clear of ail expenses arnounted to $72. marigoidaPoec E Morris, May Ga'.! laiou, iebFletcher, Chas Fletcher;iNs rimFlorence Bell- man, FloroeaFE 1lotrie, Begonasa, Mra N Home-, 8 J Jackmau. Gara- nioms. double, Mr'IR bughes,Mrs Kil- in. Geranluma, siï;gla, Mrs R Hugh- es, Xrra KOlman.i, a ,FebFlarch- er-, May Gaufi. Fuchsa double, Miki Medind. urgoanai, RJarvia, specîman plant, Mrs Rl MýOysa', Mis A 0' AinBei, tabla, Mrs ad bard, Clhaq Plieter. Ioqet and, C Uhas-3Plaideur, âMtiaspal.Fioral design, Ploren!ca Bsiimanbearb Fietch- er. Floral basket, Mirs a Medau FRUITS. Jun a-Ths. urden, Bowman.. vIlle; W, 1-1ickard, Wardc.n,Newcnatle. WOEItiy, bedton Ba3liL S J jacik- man, Feu de-sser-t4 J J Smth, R C1olla-_ cott. Wicter dessert, Cha" Fletcher, R. Collao0it. LN Spy, JuaOIe A A Gamabýty. King TrpknCharles Fletchar, Jas Hlancock. Spitzenburg,l L Brown, Gao W M'cG.1Ll Ribaitoa Pippin, R Colacott, 1 L Brown. Ra seit, R Colscott, A A Gamssy. R I Greening, J D Ioai-, Jas Hancock. Baldwin, R Collacot t, Frank AbIlin. Al- exander, Jno Da-,ay, Jnu Snowdon. Stark, Frank Allin, J D Huer. Suow, Doent Nearly Double water, R Collaco)tt, A A\ Gamsby. Ban Davls, R Coihacotti, jas, ancock, On- _______ îea a io, J D 1Hoar, W U Gibson., Crabe, & See,,eaie Torunîn Cae <~JD barGeo W McGhll. Briahtla Dinevae-A Jwstie-of the PEAus, Peaca certW1eu to ithe Clre bY Dr. TalJosbreDrong Fl Chas's tjdcy-iver1'lis, BeatyF Allin, aJia siowden. boy- Mr. Jamnes Diihna much rspctfal, 2nd PRFoster. Lawraceý, 2üd J D ed resident of CneoOtsae' I was 'a sufferer from rgt' aîliF A.lin, Mia Madbsnd. ion s,-eealyeare, adat Èlimes tht tor- Silochas Fiaicler, H Beitl. ture aimd nd body werealmost bu- Dmhcla2u Dr Young. B Cisnesu, ynn enurace Th panswere in mn Mir R Hunghes, Dr Yung. seclel, E h"ad, bu~ta no-n the hul nssddoa nBel the kidutys, whee1 was neyer entine- ly fret fr o an. W\An I got upi.1Fas lie m-or-ning 1I wentaboutilent over Pond's Saedlngi, AAÀ-nihJ D ienUy double.IU gvmeegrau pSan Ume.BnrbankA Ai 1)yJ 'u urinait. and at lmms htuarw asbar snt'sOea.J DHoaýr. W veyscanty. Mcnes seemed tahave Gobum. Grand Lu~k, iJDP oarHEn- tleor nu ffctl min ate uti1 began thte ofADr. (ChssKidnay.. 1r Beitl. las?'SetdungSVWAama, Live'Pihs.Thtfre dos reierd mHbBeitl.Shpera'Pide, A Am Md fve boxes enely cMeml . n by T Bs- i.Relue Ciueaiiko, 'ave nu pains ikidneympcs, an ca nWibGubon.Yd-iow eqF Alii a as goud a (anos woniras I aven olcinPur etnBihirm Mr.3. . WrdJ.Pof Consewon, ce- itd fs tah Lau vM communs Ae,. us edwiîou exggratan itseas oore'aDîmond, Cha, Farder, orov n knd. r. 'lx <-' ] dr~y-Lltr "Ie ch Cils F4lettI N. inýeiy, Tarante. AFt aic io r hs'~Eny in, ChssFtchr.Ward tn' as d sdcmet eip CAsr PlAdr HbilFiAtca Glilîlan; toilet set painted, Mrs T Percy, Miles FIMorrIs, Misq IE Morris; sofa fillow, Mras J J Gdfiý14, 11ss ýDii- la Os borne, Mies Eth-l Mirr is; sîde- board scarf, mies Renwick, amisa D Os- borne; photo fi-ane mboiermiess Bec wick, miss E 3aîcC1ea,311airs W Hl Dustan; piano dap,ïîaiesUHmorris, mies E morris; tble scar!, a~aE mor ris, Mass H ei ; fancy heid neaet, ars T Pecy aia Ps,ce, mien E aorrla3; hnkrci case, i s H aornls5 aira A AGmay misa Belle Allen; bedrom sI' ppers aies R. Perey; fanry pincniora ov~ miss J MoTavi2h. i s Belle AiLen; f'a- cy box, ai T Percy, Miss H Il )rs fancy aritchLes ou lînienor siik. aris Reniwlck, Mro j MdadisE Mrrio, workad but1Itonloles, airs A A Ganisby; Mexican work, ar T Perey,, miss R Perey, ara j audiand; tray cuver, mrs T Percy, aisa P Roar, mime T ai Penfound; suit of ladies' under- clothing, minse Jean Adam@,,airs P mûs- Gui,. collection fancy work, mies Belle Allen, miess Eaorris, miss yoonk DE-kCORATIVE AND -CONSTRUTC- TIVE ART. Palpting on china or porcelaiD, glass, celulleldi, kid, f ait, misa H arornis loti on each; n veivat or pluoa, airs W Hl DunýnMiEss Hlaorris; on allk or satin, mies Il aorris 2nd, on linon, miesa-9 morris, aira T Perey, on bolting cloth, miss Il morris; photo fcrme painting, am'os H Morris 2nd; foldInR ecreen scrap picture panilses E acitOlllan; plsque misseH Il mrris, arra T Percy; potîry decoration, jar or vase airs p eaicilll, miss Della 0Oaborne; maip rslg plain,iis may (Gandï, -ai3ssC Gii map-drawîng coo 1-,ms aiay Gand, MiaC a cii;ol.dcrtepinng by prc1fýssina, arias E mrri-. JULGS-MS N. uL~ai, Toronto Art Studio; Picpl(efiîtB . n ,rmogsdWiig Ol piitt, iurata bMrrs 2nd;arum, Mis H orri; maine MriabMis isJlaJnig;o igina Candien arin tuesIl Mia flowrJ Iï Jî!-g HMori;or- igini, ay iibjec, aiE Ja tas ,li Jenine;waer olra tgitu,15 aor ris,2ocl Lnua',El u"ri; orglua Ca nitfliil maine-v ti'l;u~rit ly ris; inocîtrlal deeign, El Morrip; photo, finisled ln ink or crayon, G P Free. land, m E Joneps; vertical wrlting, Flo Ricb, Florence miorrîs; plain writing, 0 ReGill, may Gand; prospective draw- Ing, my Gand, rr T Perey. DOMESTiIC SCIENCE. JeDGE-Alex. Luttrelil, Thon. Todý bakers. Collection canned Jfruits,jirsR FPlid- ing, E x0Ciellan; coll. pickles, A A Garmaby, J W Sparinug; coll. jellie, J W Sparling; chili sauce, FloreInoe Hoar, D Heddon; ginger enaps, E J James, W Edger; white brffad, A A Gatrsbv, J D Hoar; brown hread, ir D blar, R Fielding; plain bunes, D floar, R Fielding; cuirrant bous, A A Garusby, P McGliE; tea bons, i W Sparilng, m E rj.ness; layer cake, xi 1E joness, R Fielding; sponge cake, R Fielding. J W Sparling; collection pies, uv E runeesa, P arcGili; collection fancy cooking, milsa aicClellan. 31 E ronea; largeat lana' egge, 1 L Brown, 9 Snow- den. DOMESTIC MANSUFACTURES. JUnuxa-Thos, Paterson, Mrs. N. N. borne. Horse ahoeq, James aîurrow; 'wood carvlng, J W Sparling, Isaac Tabb;, rag mat, W Edger, R Hàghe; woolen raita, A A Gamaby; woolen socka, A A Gaznsby, Luke Potter; woolan stock- Ings, A A Gamaby, m E 'j oeas;' fancy mita, E arelelan, aiaYonng; blsnk- ets, fiannel, R Fielding, A A Gamaby; -aheets, R P1ildlng; reg carpetR Field- ing; crochet-qult, E aicClellan, R R. Bîrd; -oera]a] cotton, B Filding; hnitted quilti, cotton, Lukeû Potter, A Peters3; cotton pa1ctld qlt R Fi:eId- Ic.AAGmby qnitn , Fo2ster, re.A A Garnapby; Saiunii, coion warýp, ii)s oung; iauat ipe Lke Pot DS CRE. ý TAfRýy. Recmmnde b te Jdgswcrthy of specal nriza can drmxIng, ig uTre, Ia prXza A Pa3ters; 1-abnul, latpriefleenBli;Cygadc chics, 2d prz Aex Rvharord-pZ i The fruit' exhibit ras cnieal ie,'sened on account of the heavý nain- Tlnrsday morning. There were 13 entries in plain buans and Il euh-les in curraut bunds They were a fiue collection. Nu sieight of-hand men were allowed to enter the groundis thougl the Secre- tary had hostse! application)s. The artificial fiowers madte by Mrjs. Banker were very beautif ul ý ud recei vedi mul attention from the ladies. The exhibit o! fine neediework wa, an 1,,(ccptionally good collection. The quautity, icoo, was quite equial to anty former year Somie one caînied off fa jar ofchl sauce that didn't beloîîg to anmsd aniotier person some ptaoe inly return to Secretary. The exhibit lu Fine Arts was muel smailer than usual owing to the change in the Prize List which exciudïed ail teachers and professionais, Messrs. M. D. Williams & Son made a display of fine furniture. Their cosey sitting rooma so niculy aud perfectly furnished was much admiredi. Boots and vegetables - made a good showing but tle exhîibît imîgît have been lmproved iby being placed cOn tables and not crowded so much. The Vermout Cream Separator ne- presentative was kept busy explainingj, the good qualities of bis mtachiine to interested dainymen aud womea, The interest iu Dom-yestic Science is cer'ainly icesnthe exhibit ln thîs department being larger than ever 4 exhbit wre h wiiworthy o! meution. The Collections of poorpsby Messrs. G70(. Treeland saud H C. Tait were very a t--ia I ou wn Iphoto yowdou'tn1eed te go of town foýr it. TheDf),0& P. Co., made a fine ex- hbtof pianos aud organis through,î their aetr.JaImes Dev1mant uvisitora mIlipuat the kIcYs wý-ihcee Tfhe tdeso om.ý Science say the hîebread w-sexepioaly od andtiey auîd r iflcutotemake a - Cho ce i TItr'e were18enis.1he fine, nîan1 batiu iruproudl-y T Mr Ea:~dlo ai uidfth mGde'b

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