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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1901, p. 2

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wo or thre o eas oabout tue -pros- - __ __ j tlint JIli,-, mînufactu.uros Proucbyb okiq, f7r ceanSing the sapadtesopn ,f f1lphair, forsftsnwinngad 'oeoth'ngr d sg ad o ayrashes, cftetelt muhat, ad rairary. Mliosoff Womnen use CUTICýZUR(t SOl' bha 1for g1jnoying irritations, infiammaýtîer.s, and exeor- i~ons, or too freorffiv e rrtkation, in wsashes for ulcerative wcakn'esGes, asndfOr ranY sanativc atiseptic purpo'ea which readily sle.- gst $eMeeives te waennand aohr.N ~the? I catc oapis te be coniparewith it for prseefing rifi i , asnd beaut Èfying the skin, scalpi, s 1 an and. Neother forig or e tfolet Boa, hovcr expensive, la te b1'e csu-arc ith it fer al the purposes cf the tilct bath a nd n' 'cseY.Thus iccup bifi ncs ESCIAP t OEPRICE h -ETs)nsd cgn-pic.ion eenp, d the îBES T t.o letsu bbyaap lnthe world. Conmplte Treatanenit forEvery Huouer- CUu'rACelt S oir 0Uase Ille skia Off crusta Ptnd Ba1açz, and goften the thiekened cuticie, -,nd OCTICUPA INT rvrEN'r, te intantly llyith Io, nlammtion, sund irul1tion, sud Dt)than(,d anl, dCUrCrenA ItESOYNT, te cool and * lane the blood. 1,al drugiutu. MtfishDep* 27-29 Clumtcheuse 1 oTras j>GAND rmCIIEU. UsuIr. o. , flotUne 5, ~ion 1; ftstitntly o Pean tlion l sl11)t ÂSKILS t t b.t restedy tlbave aesr P 51 J." 12oSizs, 2k. snd 60- bottles. 0r 1L usîls ceacouo-oua ortu,o)tau1 ~ to Westosi uns-esin Oiental na- l ntmrrsetlm loc lFmOR s' sad, l l i iu ita Ope Srt, rases Sif JinsBits ndnists ou]cici aI aicle.Thopituisefort auy resiene ucklyo O pst r n o s u a o di io s imi lietJ a o n - b u t m n y omtiîu m c s o v s i Gada RmunalsrrNeragaBr:esti, w imitatione 'ci ltieni il- muiost lis"%eet adrancel stage. oryoff tèn Gffop, Sore 'T~a, nEýy' Whoopiagp'îpi sulîszdwsnte cp i aei petnas t lm Çlough ïnd ailP nuSwellingS.ioui'food preparatiens. .Foi-eigtcr's Bi-lîlelu Cugross titis sb Wtun -lui Jaai are quile uîatîioos iii d- dsuslby P'f . untdl A 7LAR-GE BTL, .e iiuig 10o nt.Tpcecsîo g-danfflmPriPcutofMd- table(S. what Wstern )idea brruo sidthînt n bi f Are wbat you waent for ail forme; Orr' l rel1-e ttcoîuae a-Pri orgue, hue bnc;I louaI icad 4 f erale troubles; an infaillible rem. :lithoooffWets-ima -;e dy discovered by a foremost femaeletiotis? Th(e Japaumose are ausds tb;chts ein.Ns'ur is speialist; guaranteedaa positive fui peole [but hve1mc teIecogsin thie sao'iyofcae Ie( cure;Will positively establfsh the ]coi,, bý>fOiO flcs ffpti cs aouea'y tae -'normal fonctions; used montlimby tmyct llrsresOnlt oîîny1,e reecctie r--- -;o'ser 5,&iOadies; for sale at rug- coainw'Loiion eWs:silasoatrs u Io)aiis. foeun ro gssor sent on reeptfo5fC5l0. l im vîl' înît. o lmet aheu e iansysem, lasepto off Aetna Drug Coq WIndborg Ont. Cane pro,,cuit lime, ai litîsc' prolucte 0f hbabithveli ia cf ton bceîî dpior- tise Éloianud facteuy, isoldistisuctly 1auly fîhhLadtofteovo steng pon- __________________________- &rsstnare far iei o l u orsîtte-dsae Iead WEARING u-111MOUT. Restes-n coniodities. Ve have hu ngit seiI i isae lead mîsiorcoepporhîmity te stîîdy Chue char- eou1mIis is-rauce, net 0on1Y anato- Daigîter-Papa, heu con yen jacter, copncity andî poîoaîiaîiîies off me )- ptilaitbut anil medical nnie us uait a yenr?- Jack deesn'l imhe Japonese Ilati tiosco of tîcî. r aie wio bl mode a sfieciai sludy of-tjicrhî,'aÇ'4iaiitined. i hobh 2V0TES A4ND COMMENPS. Prof. E dward Sues said la Vienna the otîter day Ihal îvheni China was b previded uiti railreads thie worlde vould find tlîat she biau]tihenîest L capable susrcîtants and the clîeapest bi abor, Thme fact le already knewn 1 tbat the Chinese laborer recoîves on-t y a pittaniice for bis faîlhiful n]. Lireless 1011, ndtiat ho is able te I save m joaey om wagfes that weuild siet d provide a w(,eter laborer wibh bs- f lute necessDiiesowinig te tho eap ness of vcgctnblc diet on which i Ime lives, bis sinli expeaditure, for t reut, several fainilios snb-dIiviia1g 0ne ,oomittia Liehuse and living iin con- telinaîct, anîd the low priceo of cloli-f ing, -tçlicli is made of China gi-nes os the coar-sest cottea fabrics. Travel- lors nieo visil the, Orient olten say tint we sec la ousr ceuntrj tic best off the ,Tapauleso and the poorest off tie Clîineý-e and draur conclusions un- fvr---tChn htaentarIrantd fi,- he real foots. It is ne disprageentOff tise Ciiese ameang us te esay htin mst of" tlîem are frem tie cooliecas They are gen- c-rally heuest saind faitiful laharets undîr thli' industry aald sobrioty Ci- tille tliens te respect; but,. we co n gain frein t] osa uttle iulIc, 0f the businîess capacity atsd iîîtollectual de- i clopnieat of timeir p~eople. On tIse otlier Iîand, illst of the Japasose a nas ai-aeducated rse- presenitatives of, the botter type off1 their business developamieat. They atjý-e sentl bore for Ihat rensen Ee ith-ose off thcsu wlîn go into doiesîl,ýc <eiIcare liiely tl ehoidt-eu ctue ita of or Iaug u ie ture nd our Socialaîdb, :sil),s me Uoe. Wen Prof. us-pek of 0îmelarge capabilities offIAtu e Chia- ose lierans o osly bears eut Ibýc tf,5 tilony -tisa lins beesi cominig for yea-s te tGrentatitaiin freni c Eonjsulat offcors. Chineso iroîatas aII clois,ni-e sirourd bsns oamd, Nu1at is ot gm-cal iîpe4scot'inter- nat1; inl as W4vei as la domeý(stic ta i le tîe arei m, ýc ioiioff tîscir word amascble usd dvaalgcou -reltions helueonJapaosoaud Vesermmer- ch-ente ta soy tint tJue nalegat iin re- peateIdly mside1tlîat mIany e4t tic ser- Limants of Japasi ivwili, sonîehow - or otie',wiggle eout of a business agreemient if tlîey happen te change hîmeir iadsL.- lins net been mialle. againettic heClîloose. Everyoee l as- -oiie tu tie r-iribeprogressi tho apanse hve mdqb it i e tes- Icai froiti 1 zlS i sr iatrpris1i 1 e- c-,1ý1t1ï-TL fc httcJpns i an oseronipt i est mn 9tn tish ioe prýodue'It le inlorier in qualily. Tue ,Japaznceei, laIor i respodî's niue rtiti sy ffbs ,geode b-lveite r finishtian titOýsu matie ini China. Luc is supes-iot' Leý lus Cilinse rival lai dycing and lie blenc'iîg off colore: but la substautiai, aussilasts'g uaitiieps msany Clîinese gi Iý îîsaeeqoni, andlsonue off tieua nie siiverior to Japncs producte. Clîýe suR geede, for exýamplec, are k~iuown te the inercliants off ail coun- tries foir Ilîir substantial excellea- cios, Ilînugli tley art' ullîdeubtetlly surlias. ou] in glossa ad snaes by seie off thc preducts off the Japnsé ltIose laya ýho useL b ,opradtîce 30 asid vu ty tatif lue eves' ould speut; anu sto-l es-o 1011 ldoff hou ho xoull~ly lis 'prentico os-tory on lis yoang brIý1othet, unîting titeni ah dilfesent aîîgle4s amuI distoances, and] practising unhicc ne ionsd every Word.- la 11505e oîy laye ,ý the Prinîce wuns ms. ohviouIm-ush nu]' pniuuuiy nros--os; aidiSa eveiu le-day ltm gilonglniir-Vhy ily lisuudrîe.hi rum ramI lia, uîl YounwedIJo you mean t yeu are, -,, years oldtody you bold mne six months ago,ý before tcw'llie a.v01i istances'a burnan being mnay have rceived the infection duriag lus pro-. natal or embryonic life, but ini Prnc- ically every case it is long nMter bi rîl that the bacilli of tuberculosis abter the body. 'As regards lihe te- hicle of transmnission, lowever, il ls been hitherto assusned Iliat the bacilli enter the body in tvo 1wnas, o iît: either byi lie luings or byý lie tLomach. In otlieýr words, tlîey wrre ctielr inspired orswlloed t, bais icea feýr caetiami ded ;eaeraly adittcd that ila)vr9 oer cent. offU!cases tle aene;f il- ec,(tion is titough the lung,. but, iilite recent meeting of 'bue Brit- sl ('ongrese onTubua-celosis:, il ias takn ~aforgranted bliat lanrn,-iar.y 10 per cent. of the cses -the bacilli wero introduiced tltrough the irgos- tion off aîoat or nmilk frin u kne ia- flicted with the bovine, forîti of -,,ie Cisease. Por tie latter assomption tho evidenco lias alwai s been less conclusive Ilin could lho wîsiod, bo- cause it lias been extrenîoly rare fot' pbysicians to.fiaiduliat ato cnlled tlîe i.rinîary lesionis of tubercule in tie course off the hlin aalimentai v The senasatiohamflfe.cture of the te-, cent congresa iras Pr. Koches an- nouncenieîît that lils experinients biau convisired lîiiîtliaI the tubercule of- is an orga,îismi distinct, froni tie tubcr7culeo0f catîlo or of folews, ai-d, consequeîitly, the mani canot bc ilifected frein.nient or milk. The conclusionî was based on tie exporli- iitalps-ols obtait-edlolî-v isîî thtt mti n]sosîîe otlei ahsp lsisc Lssie sses, ccei ad goat,ýS a il iugue-ly vullnera.ýble te tue, bdý*Ciili off bovine tbuuo i, ai *ïamaînne to ýiinfectiîn. ivliether by la- ocuîlatjinmorini otîtea ways, a-, re- gard ith bacilli of the lnin di- Pese r. IKocli dees net ipreten covrelo the propositioin-tltat bo-ý vine tohberculosis is net cenatîunic-1 able to snan-nîost necessnily hold good aise. He subatits. however, that the very fow iraesa midhinl- tesîhmial tubercule lias heren found la chlldrea aipart froîm pulmeinary annd bronchiial tubercules, are iest easily explaned upon tlîo cvieur tîat occar- sionally 1lî1nia tbecue adilli may bc wloe ri, r Ih"n inhf.led. Dr. Koch p-1)s furtir, nnid asserts, that i ýHl dimts Iouchbmg e lîe itrans-1 missibility ofbovine toerolsi 1 Inan 1111Y ho set ah l'est by anlor - ganizcd1 appeal te the expeiii)nîcatal test. If, -he says, th(,,disease iiithe hu- man subject hco0f 1bovinÎre origin, then cultures of bacilli for. their bu- man1) foci will tasi h ies t) catleitoclaeu Vithbeml: bt, if Ihe dsènle hooff lmi noig, May it not , Ioweve, ihalal- boiewe shold ho (,in-oclntiig witî viuspessisîg a lwrde- grec, of Iirlece thn is peoSsecý(2 byl b)ov*ý ine tuercu,ýl iS ? lp ee ai-brn las îe endsicl * raiseýd ;)y Dr. Kochi, adevideail. iuat ho answered by dcsv xei mleiits hefore tihe ntayatioi lties in civilized countries can agree opon the preper mesureis fer coping with the disease. Tuie Cerman Cev- 1 rameiont bas already ippointed a cemtmissiotî with tliis eau] la iew, and luthre is ne doubî týin)ýt in Erg- Lnad l the lclGvraotIer aI onercgieteimporta;nce of ,thialtIs esigivesi by' bis exprt siients should ho subjected te, careful veriI1ccation. As Lord Lister pointed out i bis commente on Pr. %ocli': address, the henltlî officers iii any cenîmnlinityl would alsume 'a serious respens-ibility if ,vwithout 'the nies' thoreuigli ivstgtin hey urere te -cet onit,, assump ien tano bara eau cý,ee fronbubes'lou mal m illi. Cou~es Thousands Greet Them On Their Tour Through- Canada, A despati fsn'Matei s: lie oye cou Id ra l,ever-.y ro and '[he Besc iru Doee fCrnai iidoir cenînand(iing aver er anu] Yen a ýccenîis1lifltho firsl oves' distant;, over-y treca itaordel ao plitoff vasîlge vsns tilronged statie off crjouirne(y lireuiCaiviti human bhomos. Some distance adn on Weiis]ynaki,,:ag bl a oy a human bIng mande tirp off bon- riu off five bioums fs-om Qtsobec te drede off littie girls in s'eu], bite and Moatrfeal. 1 Tiic morninug vas ideai 'bloc dres. arramge la tho liinos off fer îsvhii, nsîunny, coej eptcnm- the IUnion Jack sang paluietic songe. ber day-, 1but uimen n oti-eau uns This feature une particuinrly attrac- roaclisde rc 'ainchoude wiihi seeinitire te the Pucimees, irbo miled on to e h Ivrîgosisnously isutItheutliechilîrea fron lie diesance ubile unie off lie Dîiïk'e bumetonce nmore, thie publie adît-ese uras beisîg rend, asîd fou'a xhi tateisel theo suc- ond] reiaiel on lbt, toies' udies-in- cesoffi ho Mesurea -Oil n s lhîey uriig. 'T'le civis-.addrese off Mâon- ho]dope'e tuaI aI QuelmCc. 'rie ts'c-l iras roîl lmy, Mmyei'Preoestaine mîisfeoîio wiras toaory,iioîrevet-, li Fretnchloîy. onu] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E hiee 71b e ustou f lm E 3MIG CELEBR ATlION\S. asa -ose ftic i oy, tsnee, o as . L i e vesîiîg a state diles'u as Miilueolle cncorel.gix on, nusilhe1 city cf Montreai ci- Ali1',rT',_E 11',LN MON(1\TREAL. chralcu] ui ths siagnificotit ilumuina- No, Iuess lion tnty tieusand peo- tions andh freuet-ks. The mes'- piehl aie ini Mositre-el lfs' nchants came fouuard uith intense sigiýt,,off limeIilke, ad practicalîy Ilotcal paîrieticun te mnie lime secep- Ise( vixhle ppl tieitrneiou ot for Ilion a grent success. Haif te ilie mîid- tho, ocaion. As ho train puiioî iu , ings ini lie business district w ere te lime, inceViger St tiei ius- icautiful wti iscandeoîl hlights. asil of as o ui ho1ïýIU sceu, somte Frrrsoff lie meet bliaknt clint- thrioiiýngîg ic bridgeoul tohie 5t0a-ýcteýr ucre usol l, afrýee ini Ilie n'l nan1y tesneoi Nteiupeints around ieiyascnss1r ian a-eu ii iesIon anIl 1v1- tîme spectaciteaîl tmuï vry c iti zen iait off ahonu]ovroesiho scoe. mu a.cinusjcete ecsme ing l Il iamree' dsmortol ih c1101CTimesi1u~oflemgi htiey ssî-t.Fig xcn 'l~ctî lie'offs'îorksIi M ei ing inr ee sfaQeetcRoaa enfront lie Cînhýnîi do ai-ici eulisis ie, 11net charios'os'jlcuout las' ap on lie bsý-ou off thll nmak as aucinois asan Eghis- rok un a l as he firijîîg peint, speoiuugpepuaco uonîlhave donc.tndt ietae ye tint secîlohu off To IIu(, iise iNbo have heen jMount Royal eas-ol liRe ia iving, linuf arouiî J Ilue uos-hd and] back ve(Lcanjo blwcîing forth sîtoîers off agaLîîivitite OpLir, lIbis uas Oafie. TJ'ie rookotis iere sent up fromi amates f suprie. t Cape Touan aisc0insoff lime city lan u]zzling and ah le Australiaîî cilles the prýofuion). Tic people Ilrongol the cieeiîî un sletermebut thiee tî-ets, astI you voulu] say tisaI o FrecluCaalimiis nmiela lusty jgrcn t fetia un upregrese. sboutor ou(i otcloa,iýs off tui ida. Tocnolho1off theo cic recep- A S (A)YFSIITSEIS ien i un au isesneedisappoiuîtnst IVmn i aryeieglfs'om ia bi-- os-ceres ýoff l'dies uho 'mu] spent dopo a unslrfti sigt set timis'- mouey ila an ieffort te lok eys.Ti grdneoff rePneVgs xelxieîtiey uere 'oentod -to lie 7 t ii batfu Icslybefforo ý DocijmV-Se. Ilmai ovueln'li iousadeoff citi- ThuIýrsday flue Duke poil, several zen s. A lino oif soldiere friagedthue visite te local institutions, andis cr-outl onu] 1(41 tie oavenues off np-,1usosl in"portant excursion -une hie proaci -os. NteFuturr ýiel"vieil tote ueAnglican synol wicihi unseblz nl)aovp thue entramîcel iras ia sessiomi. Tiitissday aftermomu off tie stat0ioni.A decomateâ stand lie lob t fer Ottaw'ýa, uhuere thie Royal v ias crdt l i teit-ent-Ooff lie place train fer ticel tinspttoee týnu] uhenit utuI s-oas-heu] ti ue ae 1ou11na somexîbwatL did1ent basis Lion 1ht ;rmless, Reliable, Effectuai, ard should be ini every home. family for the last -nine years and would net be wîthout it." ACTI1O'N WONDIERFUL, N.S., urites: I have greatconi- fidence in Dr. Fow,71i's Extract of WiId Strawberry for various dis- eases la old and youang. - îMIy littlc boy 11,1 a severe attack cti mmer complait aad 1 could get nothing te help him utntil i gvehim Straw- berry. The action cf this reuniedy was w'ondetýf'ul and sýoon llîad hirm perfectly wl. Riichfitî!u and Optarlo N7aïigation Comnpany. Niagara to the Sea - SURE REMEDY. Mr- F. Chorchill, Corneli, Ont., writes : "XVe have used Dr. Fowler's ýExfract of Wii StLraw-- berry i l he hme and ilw-avs fiîîd ia sui-e remedy for dysenitery." Mrs. Jcines, Northîvood, Ont., writes :"M ay ihmnh old, uns very ba-d mwithdysen2tery. We gave ber Dr. Fourler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and it saved lier life. We have used àin a or FAMVOUS GAIIBLING PALACE. Tic City off Ilexico lMas a ilagnifi-. cent One. 1ossilkly four are aurore tint ini the City of lMuexico limes-exe Jts asn estLab-ý liimenît ixiiifr apleacier an im- - - fduILI iUii 0 U yr usessse -usî Mnte Carie ýý-- close. -m emnammît esoluou] e aboisi ý k dolwig i uhi, b ie xa o i l oj"ýA _cij a d ýS ati"w1 hart onu] pir"e, cf lie MoxicP) p--M., turc as off lime.lip. ieti Ch4sieo. 'I lic be,,ismg(Iiî'i 1ou porpets.iot eî but ~ ~ ~ ~ w by mmuniy ofklne nost iiiluetio nal ivealtliy lsbeedtslofsîandileptibîlo, h. uerinh' ilton,", IiA1 O Uiîi nd Sats wl Doleram Ncu]Imuer siet tebe i- OîSttea riwel VCO r0 togtie ieudon, lteand m tts Jae t. Inviger ingtnn p2 colîcived thas oie off ismeth aessbudTusa3Turds n roer b a 1i le 11,t t' cnsîîn diyI-friltat ~îs egerv ri alw Oî îis d.y its nsCse checasî,e in the isteamers p a ri throgh t d\eors, il sîo ' -m i.lefi orii',otel w. tinqrese ieefa ie-txga e-Li driitRtsaniQik0ipt cnee in m ls imd. , onu] dseil 'L'l ie JJ1%O-cf dIMC., AN- iiieg off kecpismg pea hteie o.,.BomnvloO Ts(, (ric hicetîs f iasg sbus y ine ssii U S IN fouadere ot tIncials, nl lng oe- rffoMngr Mnra. nweige.i hia îie iloe' tî ______ ýh riit o one ottIe ccln tedrotco, £1 tiositestit arolmd "ase e ov uelIt tslu t!maudaibion und hlosur u and Wt muent official n-asÂrappoinlen le pso -_______1e______________ _ 0 sulde o v oi o Soni Agotese pi cs l ii ti ,,iý' grelo "lirereS ir's" te tabishismentf e i Ceof t.xi o f imiariol Ms . e i carsunt ho tle bic redpack. ' sum off I s i i r rý 'I îit '" <"'~~~ Ie sccededsewl1l t1lt ho(,was e- HE 1-S A MN FE-INR'pehsaeol ye notje _PEAKER. niebsneewthGrmnn- Speaks II«-'I Distinct En-anciat ion ri etrvaan gsur. 1 1spas And ithiout Any 1Hesi- so lwithIL adistint nucitin 0 tancy. ,;ci word and withiout anysnsp "Thraarefe spakrs, sid hecion of hesitanicy, each isenitece hob,-ý 'whom sidlite ig as skzilfuflly dd as it-,*dston',1 grarefullyand eloquontly cexpriessed. to xvth mre peasuýre thaîs the l3rvty" ho coitsidors,' is th: Prneof Waes 'is spees are'souil of oratury,", as of wit; atnd hc înxribl mrv :,f cenciseness, neot onl ,maes short, speeches hint- gracfulexpesson, md lea elcu-self but expe-cts themi of othrs i tion" n -Mr. Pepthe late studiously aoid (uotationosci- Astatr i can iAmbail s l ,ad(1o r at London, 'IV of poetlr; and nonver tries to bo hisof ajane ilveýPr tongue," de- fuTnny. Blis aittitude is easy and un-1 cilr ed in lie lîVr i ter s h enring tint conventional, hîs loI t hnnd resting on1 tiiere was pirobabliyv only, one botter the table or on his hip, and the right afulor-innerý spealger ia England, if'hand 10f t free for the very limited indeed, Lord os;eeory-was the gestures witi which he empliasizes Princo-s speIor. tic points of bis speeëch.e King Ewr VIT. lias been endow---4 cd Witutiint pr jimne requisito of a public soleac!loar Iand benutiful withOnt .psrnt effortl holaro haluU oc elrgolyý \atraN 'tcal efforts o (lfort,'ye, sor so go resuifýt of a ong ranig aICoctin- ling hatd o prtoff blis pu'ii o of bis; fathier-ihasoîf lia taro n effeetiveseae-nu îde nolct hisscchsO . PLEASAT To LSTEN O. CURES Diaàrrhoea, Dysentery, Choiera, Cramps, Colic, Cholera Infan-tuin, * Choiera Morbus, Surmme r Com.. ~ plaint and.,ailFluxes of the Bowe Is. HAS 13EE19 IN USE FOR HALF A CENTURY. E-1,1,1ý1111-P't E ef 1 101 là

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