Bowmanvi lie. TELEf-KONE 5 7. a very inhe of 31111 PiseseY lu otties, very cheap. Haeyo4u tried that Je-AVA--the be;t out. Goo Deivý,rcd Pnptly Give ýus a CaII/ Ref'rigerator For maIe11, Choirie el Two. I Uhecn We Wil Want Twic At The Pref iolowig ext IcbrwsX, 25, N ot f1,1 1a tuli eibia111g 0forurselvei St ntiliag ist temea-ts bhav e beeîî made iii inanat0 f tu puipits and lnu salue oaithe religions no nwspapcrs. Il is heard ai or and ovoýr again that cbnrch attendanco la America is ii docde 1e Idomy tlue statemoats1 bypreseîîtiiîg Sounliardfacts. NT 0o anc wý iii - dispute thc met .tiîat tiiore are- iiiove clnrelies iii Airica tiîaîJ ovrbefore, one denoinaitian aver-1 agiag twa IiOw churcimes e(very day ai' he yar. The lnw of demaad and Lsuppiy ils inexorable 1ai tho Kingdaia aof00o1 as it is fa the world. More clîurchos suppliid argues more dhurcir prix ileges denîîded. Maebanks, more bankers; mare fac- toiles, more manufonctnrcrs; or sliips, moîre ir.îporters; maiýre clînre'hes, mýore attenîdants. Vou arc nattaaruei(o)ey e loueedfCod.NhesIbaii hrada onmt, t thelîrcbosrcnd famif ion ardi HuE CLOSINO .SCENE. JFROIFf OREST TO IPE8 I ~~ ~ IIll~ ~iI~[. MeKtney's Remains Borne to TheirWODR0 TH TETET ui Éat etngPae CENTURY DESCRIBED. A despatchi from CnoOhio, says:-Tile stroots of tlie littie city, The Manufacture of Paper from ce As Malny As WeCHveof Cattl or ~iMonda mrnig er PIlwodby Mauy nterest- sen Tiel)ied wi wai1lg plumes-, prancing g Processes. hores ad ensiy aekd bdio of To-ayin aIl il the hariness of ai viýsitation nnd go gaddiag abot t huchto WetLw Cîecyspruce tree.l Ind(, il,t secms nost thrýough the village or the city elnth atrnon mil iiigt longciv- incredible to thiak that we rca 1io- errands of coi-plete ,nathitagaess nd ailtrxfîtrnl sc anad on a spruce inilitsnantural state, and wap their braolls' aro'iad a cigar in ton or t cire hi.. àaiterwards be and suioke therm up, and \thenon cu! ii rgniaton -fonli the reading the news of the xvorld from Saturday afternoon put afIcw cueftu uroî ai e cî shad off a portion oý lits prodfuct. thoughits together and on Snndny beca Pouring faind so fasis, di d the Such a an achieveaientt bis been male inorniag wonder that the them" 0 tiLiiis arrivethat tho- appeared to possible by the iîand of geaius. With- Christ and Himi crucifmod does nPOtLin the past few years processes 1Live bria. a large audience, and on Mon- en contintnous striug ofý, cars un- been discovered and nclinery ia- day sit dow anmd write ermisIoa(diog their bumain freighït through vented for the rapid transformation îor the religions newspapems abou tue sttion imta thecagute streets of sprnce, or fa fact, alimost any the decadence of beyo-(nd. Thirty special traina ad- lind cf wood irnto paper. But CHUR11 TTENANC. ditioln ta th,,regular tis liad ar- spruce lends itself mnore favorably CI-IJEIIATTNDNCE rled befoe noo. thlan aay otbci' sort, on account of People wiii not go te, churclimco TePOiCoedwo I idc- it.s fibrous nature. And this is an Iy as a matter of duty. Thore will îvaks ad ltsiy okd te srets especiL1I.y fortuiate ihing for Casnda noV next Sabbath be a thousand reI sîetIsd Iew -sr;cken la view of the great abundance of peoplep1 in any city w'ho wiii get ii- crwd uontci aria aqi lmovcd spruce in ncarly cvery district, which fa the mamiag and.,say Tc is by acmmnipletwr the natif oniy a short time ago ivas re-- Blible snys 1i nust go t hrh todfnlirMno otage, Mllwhj ee garded -as of ao' value, cxcepting for lis my duty to go to church, there-- teroan wr yig jIlitryfuelanad littie at that. fore I wiii go ta church.- The vast uads taiand t.îl our corners ROM TUE ýWOODS TO PRINT. multitudL of people xwba go to ,ftî lawa pa>Ced lcir etbu hi mashvebndvi o muttueaipopawiiostaf wa hae ar dw. A lonig brer pplro 1igi swii ls frolil c111llýî siýpro ,ýimy tQ tI mniiner, y, un-' albouit thp aytc ld ou( ttatl hnsio Wdosdy ihri-métsafo teswercstI legtsl)nimIg mfrom "eight o cf Ic hmich nigîtir tan ue en-ni-io, aî loalel îIi(Iitand twelve fanches in iaierrTiiese ar'e tiga.t al kud ith l the cmiftinf bis thton drawn ouitof UtIc îoods oý ver an 1 s ty thicyourag mciui w'o are p arty. improvised roadwavýy, ta Hie nearost eatoriag the miaistr, we.* niiusti put No badge of cnetinlmoura- lake eor streaiîî, anditra upon the ,on niore force, Dmoýre onergy,;andl- ing wu, on 0thl dooî'I. Iisea herei~ wcote oanuîi u to our religionssvcs t marc vS-%i'vac- sasimrple wenlî(-paaiF bset-'bo l p' lantue spria'g, aiAthon ity if WC waîît the eole a o mme. Pd by bau& aibad fiidepu- r1r1onf1t_1a1rt1temii Îou fool iat:la chuchcorlalay i tirbon. T dIfs in wte r oeatMll.o donîiiiiaio cfCîrstaiî. Frs, Srrofuly bo lîoagi trad te srue rsta'a nt aihagfa yoiiiifind to mciiiargerm Wvtopolet a1uptors1i ntne ,Cwbroitiscn f mon sene aîd arn st ook Tb poitins t hethcuc, te o r- coe qlric dity io lta a riIway, i n education ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l oftormidtepoy elaie aso hi icsf I hippýed i lafit cars. It is alon i1 up ni) t!beir iîears, tHelî oIiaoýss of toîII îaia roesnll wstaagaaig-way from the watlcr ito a suP- lix os, qualiify theax for their wr.flo u oan atccaeey lt iii iisnea ag ast Thon yeu wilfiadifa very echnrc(ýlh TIctwo scims0 I rainbeart - aa w!m1i1, 1is rua against a sa)w and cout a evry enointion'(al graup ing the oSona liîd tbeIbse ai ct iita two-faot iongtlîs, thon taIa cf aiea who utteriy amaze you with îf11epreseltatiýe's ad other Coora- mchine bm it is stript cd o a i brk, tIc et tat sen snîi-mbecl cmnt officiais froniWsigo ar- and tiine into a chopper, that sifeos can got any puipits ta pre1ach -la rixcd during te imi iornin. 1hn to chips. From the chopper Those are the Mon wbo givoe forlora; SML h hD alino ag ietr n statisties abont chureli dccadence. 1 IMLESEVIES te li -l t mi intolarge digostors aa .4 The Z.UnIgof RnoMuW ep'To~t A Range Té wItha '-Tlhat's wIhat you get wlienl ZI ouy0l 1Ya 1Happy Thlougâl-t. ýII WaSI one of the first Ranges mnauactured in Canada. 2 More Happy IXrhoght Ranges are ianufactured -,ï sold each year than ail ,3other Canadian inakes combined-SO,O00 being now in use. When buying buy Canada's Favorite, "The Happy 'oehought," e flot an xperiment. >Zaiufactured by e The Wm. Buck Stove Co., imftcd, Brantford U- Write tue mannfactiarero o e utatàctlgz ý,î 1 ï UST;M R &e HOAR.ý