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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1901, p. 1

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Ilgaing to clear at a Specal rrîce of $1.10. Ask to see theut, They are the most comfortable Chair you ever sat in. Don'tII -uy until you have tried one. I E M D.WILLIAMS-d SON. M- Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention. E BOW IMANÇVILLE. Wh You Should B uv a Sewing1 Machine from T. N. RICKARD, H.fe has for sale several of the very best mrakes. 2. fie souls thema at the very very lietprices. 8. Beipg so niear homo you can aiways be shown ani thing you wish ta kniow, about a machine. Y. Youeautidupl icate Éthe parts l i ctofauanaccident. NI acines purchased there arce"iight runniug." 11c.fere you haotC choice of several kiuds and lu making yaur selection a u eu(onotv that you wCH not, need ta purchiase again lu your life-time, as anythýiug Iikadadvics py(ui10 purchase will be builît properly, aniffof tIc bbcst iatertafls. nmu- 7. T N Riekard bCg a thorough mechanil, h is competenlt tcanavise yau lu tIcmnter and if you want a low-priced dr.p Iead st3 le lie eau gve, you the New York Singer for$MAC)0and, what we ansdra far superiar machine ta it, for $21 .00 He has ne wQIIsoîue real gaod Second.and M31acliaes For 3 $Oan 4.00. T.oNrRicard BOMNVLLWThmeOt înaj eelr Pail Term Now open in aIl Departments of the RFNIL 113N[S3 gO1[[GE J TORONTO. Young Men and Womeu are coin- ing ln from ail parts of the Dominion ta attend our School because they find with us very superiar advantages. Our Catalogue explains tîem. Write for it. Ew'ENTER AT ANY TIME W. 14. sl-1AW, Principal. Yonge and Gerrard Sts,, Torouto. T H j '~ 1TfllF11l~ If the woman at work shoil1d ak Opportune 'auswer ta thfe ather wmi.semgt perhaps sy:0Yu eyer hiad to scrub TiniaandclÏanwheu yVour hcac c$edso that * *11ll ~ it seenied thiat every mioveillent would 8a break it in wo"Itsbald einO11g for a woman ta sufer. Butl wheul sheý must Grasp it and success la rours, siffer -ilid slave at tile sanie tlime she Thsis tIe opportune hour ta take a reaches'the Iimiit aoflier endirauce, business course iu the Federat6td Weak %women wlo havelec madle Businessi Colieges o! Onitario with strong by the use of Dr. Pieîrc's 1avor- schoais at Torouito,-Hamilton. TI- ite Prescriptioni, recommneud it taothfferu don, Ottawa, Sarnia, Berlin.' Galt, a a godlsend. Iit estahu1ishes ,regullarity, Guelph, St, Catharines. Busines riswekein1raiiis, heaLs juflam- mon ail ovor the province eau testify tiou and ulceration and lcu-reýs femlale ta thc thoroughfncss of teacýhiing, in weaktiess. these colieges. "I have been -aaitiing 3sanie timniow,bin BRIIS AMIia Buml, ol îtried mnydiff.erent mdcnsawnd nothin5 1 Y. M, C. A. Builing', Toronto. gavee eifotil I began nPr. ereme- cines', lsing tzwo bott!tes ,,f 'Fiarite rsi- tîxm osasa ChrtredAcoutalt, i and two of *Gle eir icvx. Prinlpa c Thse ed1iiinihve eured ie. Wh n i began vortreatmleIÏt I was nol able leo very muc tn do hework for ioy È1miî77 ofn:ine. ______________________________ o fetbtr odaytlIzhve for ayer. IT S saplasntta taire tbM i irn D.Pierce's5 Pleasaiit Pe1iaýLs cure bui- ','Y for it: btI'dahto ivorme 4,a i ousiiessa and sick headache. They (Io 1mda 1ti.LO'SWOLýSY r<' ot create the .ilhbt MIl Lbt phere breathing of restfuluess and quiet and especialiy soothing ta the Wear- led brailu and shattered nerves. There is probablynw spot in North Ainerica 80 re tutothoseo suffcariug from over work Lor oxhaustion The P. E Island llailway traverses the Island from end te end, and with its branches touche8 the shore at many pointsý -W'e wcre very favorably impressed in aur journey hy the neatness of the farm homesteads about the Island. The farmer'l4 are generally well off, and not a few of theni wealthy. Thev have given. attention flot only ta the cultiva- tion of the soit, but have doveloped ca- operative dairying toana extent flot excelled in any part of Canada. Almost every settiemeut has its cheese factory creamery or milk separating station. ln no part of the world are the praducts of the farîn, the garden, the dairy, the stock yard more abundaut or more ex- celont ini quality than in Prince Edward Island. Thia ass-dres the visitor, wheth- er locared at hotel or farm house, abund- anco of the best food which is produced on everv hand. And the water supply is aiso abundant and pure. To those interested ini ethnie questions' the Island population wilI afford engag- fng interest. rhose of Scotch descent tîumber, about 50,000, the Irish 25,000, the English 21,000 and the French about 12,000 There are aiso about 300 Indiaus of the Micmac tribe, a branch of the Algonquin race, Thus, while English is almast everywhere the common tanguage, French and Gaclic are spoken in many localities, and Micmac among the few remnaining aborigines, located ontheir two reserves nt Lennox Island and Moreil, respectively. No other place ini the Dominion, and we have visited every province this side of the Rocky mountains, reminded us saý forcibly of our native country as Prince Edward Island. The grassis very green reminding one of the green- ness of the Emerald Isle as the ex-e of the voyager acrosa the Atlantic feasts on the coast ofDonegal.,flere we-saw the hedffs, tue, and the grain ricks in the fields. Vcr_, littie waste ]and is seen and the quiet pastorail andscapes and rural scenery remnind anc some- wbapt ofilavi- ooshr aroi buildings are mostlyv framne and the dwelliugs are nenrl-y ail painted white. Rloads are,-,gaod aud thbere is a generai inia iof tirîf t and camnfort about the farm homes. We did1 not think tu inquire when down ther, but conclude friom theý geuerally good conditýion of thle fan buildings, fences, orchards anid gard1ens, that the farmers own the farmnS on whh jthey ýlil,7o Tenaint,3as aruleý do not 'keep the farms as noat and odrv and bildings iud fonces in as gond repair as we saw themn in Pr-ine ,Ediward lsland. SoI)enlyarc wve in love with the Islan11d that it is aur initeniti o avsti again befove 1any ears andspu lor l ime Oso that we mnav bec ime botter aq ne wifh this"Grn of ihe GCuif"' and its prosperous inhabi- (twelflng lu tabernacles, pitching his tent here for a niglit, a rIking tent in the moruing, going ou and pitching tent, perchanice for a week, or for a mouth, or for Fix months yondcr, and 80 on as ho went, quito obediont ta flic 'Divine cosnmand,apparcntly indifferent about the home lu which hée dwelt, flot auxiaus ta have a palace rivalling that- of bis neiglibors, but as Mr. Clarke put it, "Content ta dwoll lu tents," lie pointed out that Abraham was a man everv inchi o! him, for when neighor- ing Kings made war on Lot and took himr and ait his hou se and goods, Abra- àam gathorcd lis warriors and hasten- cd after the marauders, vanquished them and brought back Lot and ail that hein uged ta him, ref-using ta take af the goods ho capturcd, even ta the value of 'a thread or shoe latchet" as roward for his brilliant victory. Tben w.,th that wouderfui sympathetic1 power, with that spiritual pathos, that reaches the hearts and soufls af ail who hoar him, Mr Clarke poiuted out the reason, the great motive, thoeguiding star of that wonderfuli Ufe, "For"ý-as Paul gives it,-, he looked for a city, which ha~s foundations, whosc builder and makor is God.",After expounding those words, Mr. Clarke made a refer- ence or application, ta our lost Bow- maux-Ille boy, and Wiuuipeg's lost pro- fessor, so pathetia that there were few if any in that vast congregation who coul1 restrain the sympathetic tear. Mr Clarke and Prof. James travelled over Europe together and they became '1kindred spirits' and when a feNv weeks auo, Mr Clarke was passing thraugh VN inuipeg au lis way ta the Coast the Prafessar, with a large wholc heartedness cared for bis oId comrade iu the city,asd t ook him ta ait the prin cipal places ai interest, and lu the dim moru iîîg hour when Mr Clarke lef t for Bri- tish Columbia, Prof James was at mre station ta say 'Coadbve, " a "goodb3yc" which neither-had the lest idea wauld ho, the lest. Mr. Clarke closed hîs reference by saying-'*As the train drew out of the station,"!I could inot but look baca at that- tait, erect figure,,retreating lu the distance, and say to myself, "lthere is' a grand, a noble man, a spirit truly Abrahailo" It was not much Wonder indeed, that Mr. Clarke was so muchiovercome as scarcely to ffind sýpecch for tIc utteranco of those words ab0out his aid friend and comrade. WVhy, Oh why should not ai] aur young mou iikewise grow up with spinitsî trutv Abrýahamie? Londfon, SepLt. llth11901. WhIat tvould thc great Peterbaro Cental Ehibiionhave beîîwitnu thc Durhiam counwtyehitoslth sheep class? Ms L. MI. Courtic abcd >Thos qPowcr roceivcd 1ailt, awards for Sauthown 1A7. Madw nenv al lu ShropshiYres, Allun Bros lui Lestmiad Brooiks andLiga< Ieverytling lu iCotswolds.RVac and wson 0f Ca van aRISo) aprurcd aàtil Spriz1e for BýrkjShire swine. Mi 's Maggie Oke is visiting fionda in Syracuse, N. Y.. - Miss Edna Van- Camp is visiting at Chatham .. .. Mr. Arthur Britton spent Sunday at home.. .Mr. Gea Fitzgerald and daughter, Heien. Toronto, have been visiting Mr.. E. J. Burk. ... Mr. Alfred Manu visited thri I-an-American. . .. Mr. Jno. ýMet- calf has erccted a silo. ... Mr Fred Truil is busy ceutting corn with his machine. It is agreat improvement on the aId niethod l? r. Arthur Burgess is alsoa lu the business... . Mliss E. T, Goade bas returned ta her sehool at Stayner. The asfirsnUtehit you deep cnsinptyour lutns and Ch uerryesCtoralyand top. 'wth cough.uli P The sizest cenuh fr nodo d2repr hic es youlekeeIungsband th. O. Ay wil00.,oeil. Blaso

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