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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1901, p. 3

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H:.eal Bros. 3oWm an vilIle. TELEPHONE 5 7. We have just received a very nice line of Mixedt Pic'kles in botties-, very cheap. Have you tried that Tea-AVA--4he best out. GoodS Delivered Proinptly Give Us a Cati. Refrigerator For Sale.,,,. Choice of Txvo, Lady of the bouse looking into the1 ernpty flour barrel said-1MO. 1. C. U. R,. M. T." "Well,,I arn glad as now Ican get ail rny Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Lattrell's and save ail the bother of baking myseif." Alex. Lulttreli, Kiig 13t., l3owmanville, Telephone 97. BUSINESS CHANGE, 0 9 0 Having learned the art of Em- balming and Funeral Directing with Mr. B. D. Humphrey, the lead- ing Toronto undertaker,aud having talken possession of the business lately rnanaged by Mr. R. Katerson ail orders e ntrusted to my care will receive rny prcmpt and careful attentidu. A fulli une of useful fur- niture will also be kept on baud. N .Rudé 14-6m IIAMPTO: 'N. Arc YoII Inslrod? NCom bi-io-ielhandi Accidet-is-sued byv the Domninioni -ofCanlada naaneand10Accidenit lnsurance uCo. Every business yes. every man should carry eue3 of fhiese New Century'Policies. Cost littie money. HARRY CANN is the Agent lu Bownanville. Von eau maire your an ne" naa sofi as.a 9-7gi9v letisenl ife-màake la lat 1'cOa0lng asIt p 4re eay ouleSci, s hieouuirisrpard CALit Xj .0e&tflS1, 1 HANDLING APPLES. Since returniug frein Buffalo I have had tise geed fortune te runacaross Wardeu Riekard of bbe United Couchies et Durbaus and Northumberland, and ho gelt an lut erïiew from hum regarding sonne'et the points raised bv 'Mn. Go) '1. Powell, et Briarctilf, New York Mn. Itiekard fias experted large qusufui fies et apples te the Old Country. sud it waa hoe who sent te) the Pan-Ausenicani fji thenîef let fSpies ahown duiflg Ib ýourse cf tise thole Exhç-ibiti, -%Ir Iliekard ag eos eiroîx wisMn., P'oweil as te the Occsft tlntingl applus d cirect ly iste th)e barrel frein fhec trou. "What I ike, " said ho, "N te have i the apphos phacad in ftfe barrot as seen as they are pineketi frein tise Inca, and te have the bamrel hoaded up sud put unto a cool place diecf'y alter filling FThaf la hîew I handled 'the spies that Iweno sont te tisa Pan Ainorican. These wene put mbt the bamnels wif fiet omuca louching, the greund, and the bars-ah si-s headed up sund ioved directllv jute a cool shed :iith ais opaning te tise norîfi. Tfiay wmrethus exgludi3d trou] tise raya efthtie sua, sud fhay gof the bonefit efthtie cool air that was passing- As soon as frost camne thuov were placud in a dry cahian. Fi-or thèb fume tboy ware place>dtIbere unfil tfiay were cciiit te Bujtao thsoy %vene nover once abeve tbirfy egres. I bad a thermmîeber ini the cellan ail fisc urne, which siîewed jusf what the turupenafumewasu regm-lsated the lenspenature by opeing sud closing the windows. If is surpris iîglow long a cellan will r.ussus cool aftten eing fliled wiffi cool air. B v kroping the winudows caret a-lîy closedI ne mnaferial change will take place aveu duîning tIfrce or four da-s-s et a warms sI oL. TlisaIlis ow ahi appîca iafended for imurlef shonld bu haudlud "Iwïýoulduoer," eontinued 5Mr.Rie- donc by my ewu mon, at my owa ex. res.the a-n usttethe ,-iin--of nS l, lise work ton notbing. The average! grewer is certain te braise tise apolasq more on bass. Moreover, ho woahd1 pce the applos on tise ground, undar' tise froces, snd tfisc bo f the ground, as Mr. Powell toîd you, iiîjuionsly affects the quality eft tisefruit. FamIlier. mucre, if nain comas- whie tise apples lhîey sutter stili turîher iujury. lui ad dition te ail Ibis, wbere nuples areý pick- ed frein the troc and passcd direct te tise sortiug rack, tise werk et sorting Cali ,»c doue su. haif'thetis ime required where the appies are final picked by the producen, sud tison put luie barreis by tisoseý doiug fIle bnrneing. Taksuig evter- tbing luite a'cceuni. and remom-beriîÏ- balteceaI etof eklg la niy 'UbeII cenIts p7,(r barel, anyisow, I proton le have the pickinZ donieby my' wu mon." MNr. Riekard aIse had sometlsing te say bearing on the question of the de- velopruant cf varleties, "I bave," said fie, "for somo year.s past been giving a good deal of attention to the habits cf trees, aud I have cerne te the conclu- sion that tho saine laws goveru iu the vegetaijle kingdom that goven in thle aiimal kinî,dom Tihe trea lite begins' wvitts the ge'm: and if you are te havù'a satisfacto',r, trou ýou must take the gern,, that pr duce s i ts, fr m a tree you ant I knowM',iy trocs and the strahP rin wfiîch teycorne as 1I know the strain of a heýrse. There are soee treeýs i l v orehlard whici arebnnu This ls b.causo thoy arene bed igît "Che germn that produices trip tre ah0111(d fie fakeni frein a tree whicb is net ùouî'y vizorous and capable ef produeing a good quality et fruit and- a tîrolife Lýearer as weil. '-Tooizte Weekly Sun. Seven lu eveny 10,000 people who die tLu England are iuntc:?ed. to- water , but you make him drink. can't You Can't make him eat either. You can stuif food in- to a thin man's stomach but that doesn't make him use it. Scott's Emulsion. can make him use it., How? By mak- ing- him hungry, of course. Scott's Emulsion makes a thin bodylhiungryall over. Thought a thin body was naturally hun- gry didn't you? WelI it isn't. A thin body is asleep-not worig-g-one--on-a strike. It doesn't try to use it's food. Scott's Emulsion wakes it up-puts it to work again making new flesh, That's the way to get fat., Sedfor frc samnpie. m oset fastet ully illtmsln tated. -Th ewhole cet oben unsfýer et The Deinealonisa full et hîtereat 1te monas Weilias te women. There are tew more pepusiar vessels un thle Nerfh Aflanitie fracle than the ',Panisian," sud hbe r mauy acimirara on lise Canadian ide wivM be p]oased te learu tisaI ibis favorite linon bias, se Jax,muade t tise fpe b snet eu England sud Mpîoi.ler Angusat outward rmn ibeweon fisc twe mail stations ot Mf ville aud IRimouski oc- eupied enix'O d6 s23 heurs, isiie ber hremewar( eNg wasi close upon f wo heurs shorler. T'iis P excellent steain- iug ovon for aat wlÂhî lias achievad stîcis a nupvfion fur ansd nugulai- pasaes iTe -pniian" is coimandf dbyCaptainWihae, whusbh ton miany y\eaïs, Limited. T-IIS COMPANY IS BEING ORGANIZED TO ACQUIRE AND TAKE over the plant and business of THE DETROIT FEFNC,- COMPANY, a highlv suc cessfl going ceaccern now manufaturing a very popular and satisfactory ciass ef wire fening and r and automatic gates at the Town of Oshawa,, and te carry on and extend such business and incldde o'Lher classes of goods as hereinafter indicated'z In view of the tact that imnilar factories in the United States are over-loaded with orders, and that hardwaie imerchants in this Province this season have had their orders, except for very late delijiery, refused by -American factories, end that the batter have in several cases withdrawn their travellers fromn Onturio on a'-count of their inability to f111 orders ; in view also of the scarcity, e'q ense and want of dura- bility of wooden fencing, thc. dangers te cattie and herses attending the use of l axbe wire, and the increased demand for miles of w oven wçire-feiicin4e by Rai1vway Companiies and iarm-oiiners genet ally, and its cheapness and durabiiity, it is beie v> ed that tbe proposed Company can and will do a large, a growing and a very pro"fit- able business The plant te be taken over includes exjgensive up-to date loomisand! machinery for the rapid manufacture of this fencing, quanitities of w'hich hav 'e already been mianufactured at Oshawa this season, and a cousiderable amouint of which bas been put up and is in actual use on farms in the Counties of Ontarie) and Durham, and is giving excellent satisfaction and bringing numerous orders to the, factory. The proposed manager, Mr. A. Hesselbacher, lias had a thorougli training and experieuee in the business lu Michigan, and uow resides in Oshawa and gives lisý piersonal su[erintendance and attention f0 every detail of this business Th'le pro posed general1 sales agent, Mr Thomas MNulheion, lias provefi very successful ini securing orders aud introducîug the manufactured good, produced at Oshawa, and has had a wide experience as a general sales agent. The experirnental stage may fairly be said, therefore, te be past, and the public are oFfered shai os on i eiy fav'or able terms ini this cstablished and successful business which premises te bce very remsîinerative The shares aie rnade small in amount be 'ause it is dcsircd that Itheir distribution shah fbe extended as far as possible over the tcrritory toefbe operated in ; and subject te the stipulation hercinafter mentioiied, it is intended, therefore, to limit subscriptions t te enty-five shares as a mnaximum for each subsc riber *A streng local Provisional Directorate for the newv Comp any is coîîtemplatcd, wîth F. L. Fowlte, Esq., the Mlayor of Oshawýa, as president It is proposed and agreed that-this company shaîl be incorporated under "The Ontario Campanies' Act," with ti-e objýect of buying, selling and imanufa-turin.z wire, îire-fencinuý, ire gates, automatic gates, wire goods of every descril;tion an-d tools and machiuery used in the construction, erection or manufacture of wire fený- ing and. gates, also to manufacture and deal in t ence î osts of every description. The head office of the Company is te be at the Town of Oshawa, and ils bu ines3 is te be carried on, at and frein that town. 'The authorized capital is te be Fitty Thousand Dollars, divided inte two thousand five hundred shares of Twentv Dollars ea-ch One thousand of these shares are te be prefference stock, and the remainder ordnar stck.THE PREFERENCE STOCKE Wil be issued at par upon the ternis that nio profits shial be allotted, distributed or paid in respect of ardinary shares, cxcept out of the surplus of profits -whi .h shaîl remain atter dividends at the rate of seven rer centum per annum, payable haîf yearly, ai-d wherc not se paid at maturity accuniulated and compou-nded at the same rate with haîf yeaîly restsiinhl fully paid, sball have been allotted, distributed and r.aid or the payment thereot on demand tully provided for upon ail the prefer ence shares issued. And on the windiîig up of said Company the preterence shares shall ranis as preferred,and the amotunt thereof be paid ia full te the holders thercof betore the hoîders of ordinaiy shares shah be entitled turec ivc any payment on account of the ordinary schares hield by them. The dividends on the ['rcrdice shaies shal he computed on all shares paid in upon samne frein th, time cf such p ayment But ne further or greater rate of profits than thbat hereinbefore providcd for shaîl be paid up on pieference shares, and the remainder of the profit shaîl, subject to the stipulation; as te a Reserve Fend hercinatter contaîned, be payable te the holders of erdinarv shai os The Directors înay, becfore commanding any dividend lupon ordinary shares, set aside as a Reserve Fund out et any profits of the Comany which might other- wise be dîstributcd in any year upon ordinarcy shares, such sumis as they may doeem expedient up te but net exceeding ten pet centuin of the ameunit avalable 'in any suds year for such distribution, and may similarly add te sucli Reserve Fund fromi year te year wNhenex et profits allottable in respcct et ordinary shares biave been earncd Such Reserve Fend shall be used for. equalizing dividends, and particu- larly and in prierty for b eepîng paid up the dîvîdends upon preferred stock in any year or years when the profits earned by the Company may fie sufficient te ray the saine ia full The dii ectors May invest and accumulate the Reserue Fîînd in such securities as they may think proerr and may frein fume te fime. alter and vary sucli învestments, or may use any unexpended balanice et samne at the- end et any year in adding te the plant or otherwise extendîng the business et the (omlpany. The five hundred shares et ordinary stock i emaining available may be sold at par by the Directers te sufiscribers for any even number of shares et prefereuce stock; in the proportion et eue share et ordînary steock te every two shares et prefer- cuce stock held by sncb subscribers rcspecfively The stock is non' in the mairket, on the toeg oing terns, and May be applied for te F. L Fowt e, Esq., L.G Cassels, Esq., L K. MulLrton, Esq , or Pentound,Esq., or at the factory in Oshawa; and aIl depesits on account of p urchase miust bce paid ,int the Dominon Bank, Oshawa, and wil1 draw, divideuds in respeoct of Preference Stock frein the date of suchi deposit. The fllewing are the Provisienal Officers et the Cempany: PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS.-F. L. FOWKE, la, or; A. HESSELBACHER, Manufacturer; T fl. EvEasoN', Merchant ; L. K. MURTON, Barrister ; JOHN CURulIE, Agent. BANKERS-THr, DOiuINION BANK. SOLICITOR -L. K - lURTON, ESQ., B. A,, Police Magistrate. AUDITORS.- CLARKSON & Ci'oss, Charterod Accountants, Toronto REMARKABLE SUBSORIPTION Tho wel-knewumaaieSucs" of New York, fias 'juat completed" one0of the mest novel, sudIL, le its resuits. ex traordinary campaigns for subserip- tiens, ever underfakon. by an Aniericani publication Abouit a :vear age. it se- cured frein seine cf thec strengest period icals in, thoeeu runustnally how prices ffor annuaisbieitinand, combinin-g an- anul subseription to ivuces ith ffl)scrjj)tiOns te other inagaWines, iÎtonie adyertised ucesClubbiug ott,4Uns"'at large ne ductioisfront rogular pr icos. The ne- suit l1as, more thanjaffd the confi dence of "Sucüceasî" iLu e abjihitv of the '~naî mencanpublio te abysorfi par- lodca lierture. Net onl'y bas it add- îd ever 15.00 ow ivsubserintions te it,ý cw isf, bLI ilbas isent "Tho Review cf Reiw"iors &i,uO0 nw subscrip- tiens; the 'empltn"botweeu 50»00 snd 00.000; "chres"over 30,000, and oth#,r îmagazines maux theusand a cdi Tiscampaigu bas completelv revelufioniized prevailior- ideas about circulaition getting, and -*Success" wil! lodeutedîx' have sorne cepitioïn latis lino nexit ai. but if lia- jasf coîpleted tcontraefs with the trn e sud bestf magazines lu the cutyfer t1lose steri;ptîn seasen ju'-t poiganid if l udcstothaf theî "Sýuccesa" elers will fie even mere popular this ear tianiàlsat, and mOýst"to-dte"magazines pub lishod. Il is brig-ht, cheerful snd op- timiîsti,-aunspirio and lite are inu evers pjage lu. a ttousaud diftîîr- ent a s irect and indirect If tola he eIay the ted icftine sute- coýs aha it,-how te clinîf the laddc'n et seieomn Is etbuos intclude thO beat Lknewn ine i apolitics. ne- i ion, siicarit, lfmau and ilu- d sîtry. EBusiness Imou et the bighesî lïsuinlg-men whe ivihi wr-ite fer ne pferodial,-aro wvillug te give tire- readers eft ,Suceas" the benrefits of their wido arîd valuable exporionce. The illustrations of "Suiccess" are bý tire best artigrs lunlhse eounfrv, and th'aI inspiration et a ifoieflnoaiscoin(- thîroug-fi its coAlumus te thousands of 'Suceoas" rea'Iers. The Raiston hîoalth morivemont cFis au didly discussed fy a ff(i-oiuvstrtident et livgieîîe Iith cîiin d praiso lu Octofber GoodHuokeig T h e Taminngoettishessî ansd the discussion of br7ead, iaculuiig --toat are tinsoly articles. P'hlps Pufuishing Company, Springfield. Mass. M. A. JAMYES, steamship ticket agent, Ilowmativille, represeufns the Allati Line, Doi-inion Lino, Beaver Lino, Eider, Deinpster & Ce., -Montreat- Liverpool service, sud Whiite Star and Allan State Lino fre1in New York te Liverpool sud Glasgow rospecfively, aind Dominion Lisne trom Beston te Liverpeol. Booking fromn any peint lu Canada. That the f eudeucýy te amalgamation riew-a days bas been exle tuded t e jounniistiecîrelea as woll as coimer- cial, is showu by tise receufi purchase ef Thse Canadîsulns Journal, bv Mn [lugis C, Mcaipubhlshier of The Ladies' Magazýine, Toronte T h e JIournal, whieis as etaîliid mauv. y ears age, iwill i ieofno as a district publication,. n7d xill ho mergod inte flie The Ladies,' Mgznwhich fias alreadv won aPlacefori, iself as the popular home papr )ýfer Canadian women The Toreuto Gloe has added anether gemi te ifs isf of book.i4ot publications. eutitled "Jtow te Seeo Toiýonto ini a Day." If is a souveýnir et thaf eity, aud routalus muefi valuabl)e information ilu relation thenefe for hoffi resident' anti viieIf is handsomeýly illusfrated,, and aLIse confains a itiap ef the stnee. cas service, a streef and churef dimee-- tory, as well as lecaf ing tIhe parts sud principal buildinzs sud places of Inter- est. If la indead a handsonse aud croc]itable publication, eoeetfwbich thfe Globe may justly teed prend. Mr. sud fins. Lvyman 1). Revuelds, 29 Vernon -Place, Buttfale, N. Y>, arei personally knewn te THE STATESMAN( Edifor. They ha-ne a cemtortafilo boeuse, about 15 mninufet.s walk frein the Pan mri3 grnmns. Our rendonrs willd good lodgiug thiere at 75 centsE pe nighvith 1br7eak,,o iilt'fast if desired at -25 ecents extra. Bot ter, maýko arrangýe nts by letton lu advance. Take to 1vnear sfatioi-,Maiu Street cily Lin-to VeriiunP~Ne;chage e cars.If";sthe S5h, ousewef of Maiîî on rnerth aide e toci.22-tf -etLter of ton than a biter frein home ia a eopy ot THiE STATE-SMAN tout everx week,pnepaid te ait*" sddress ini Canada1 or United States ferý 25 oeufs te end ef 1901 te uew subscrioems Parents, senti if te voun chldreu as mnassv are doing Citizens shouhd 0dsop a note in TEE S5-rATESMAN leIter box giviug tee full naie nesd addreas et il visitera. Ve canuot ho expeeted te L now when evenvbody cornes aud wbo îlsov are. THE1 When M-.ollie bathes theo baby Sfio always snys te me: "Isn'i hoe just us cuaning And sweei as lie can bie? Just sce thsose preity dinuples! Aren't his eyes a lovely flue?" And tribu: 'Von prioius darling. 1 couid fite thoe armas in twe." Whea Mollie fatîses the baby I always Say te lier:' "Leok eut, aeîv, de't yon drop hlm,"- And sheo answoi-s, bacIe: "No, sir!" Tfien I tnlk about lis resy cheeks, Tihe muscles iii lis arms. H-Issl bon Md, bis s Isrdy .legs And otisor maaiy chas-ns. s When Mo'llie f aibos tihe baby Thie heuseholti fends its knee, Anîd si,os bim e ïateI deter-once Than it over shows to sue. But I f001 5n0 jenleus gonding As tfieylnud hlm te the skies, For overyeue assures mne 'b1iVbe la ins Ntither s y. I To prve to yen thafi Dr. Chs'sOinmnt is a certain an'. asslute cure fer each and eveny tom c f ltchlng, biocdinrg and pretru,31ng piles, timoia'slu te dlyprs and ask youraorigh- bers wht they hlnk0ofii.Yn, a s I n eu ioulmno '-,baekif' net curedC. caboe ail deles rEïmNsîsBas Cooofi% O r Ghase's O InCment The Uing of Re! ies - Bucli's Ilppe Th:ought" Thn btre vol; Zv SWhen bnying a range tbuuk befere you bu: buy a Happy 'Ihought. Ini buyuag a He have Me unstinted recomumendafion et 150 The OctobUer nuamber et the WVoman 's [bine ,Compiauiou la (f parfienlar in)ter- est f0 worneni. Xrs. Lann73ed,th noted ivniter n inie cotskery, contribufi's au article on "Modern Savonies lu Antique ,Seftîigs." Mas. Krefsehmar writes about "Servants." Publisbed by Tise Crowell & Kinkpatnick Ce., Spring'fild, Ohio, eue dollar a _N ar; feu, cents a copy; sample cepy free. Throe f Iings you waut-(î) a benuti- fui double portrait (the Dulie snd Duchoss et Cornwoallsud York,) (12) thse 1"srm Pots, (Paul Wicksen's fanious heorse pictumeone otf is beaf pleures) and (3) 'lhe Weekly- Globe frei nuow (for new subsenibers) te Jan 1. 1903 Ail fer 81- Seud ail endors te M. A, J AmeFs, Bewmnanvill a. These pietures wsll b ftaithffut reproductions ot tthe originels,! fakiug 14, 15 or 16 colora te showý their superb beauties. Get the portraits et the Duke aud Duchesa as s souvenir ot their prescuf visiftet Can- ada-. "If 'twere doue, wisen 'fis doue, thon 'twere well if weme doue quickly." The rcmark its snanv acta; especially uows-- paper illustration. Tfit, Illustrated Buffalo Express, cxperieuced and ne hiable la tisis field, '*knocked Iha spots" et ail ils would-be competions iuictnr- ingfli Meiuly fagcy. The Pres- ident was shôt on Fniday, Septoinher tff On fheholoowing SundsFy the Express had threc pagea et pfiofognspfi- le illustrations bearnug on tIse subjeet; and lhough doue se quickhy, ne botter ,7iews have vol appearod, exeept ln tise Express et the following week, which breke tits own record et enterprise and excellence wifh ifs reusankabie iMeKiD- loy Souvenir nunuber. Whe The Ex preass gees aI a tbing if nef onîx' dees if qiikly, ot does if sa ellohi at the orîser feliews look like 30 cents. "ManufroinGlengar" RaîphU-anon 'a new sfory, wviicis the serial featuire et Tise Westminster f fis 3rear, displa, a the chîaracteî-istie marks of Ba cký Rock, aud "The Sky Pilot," sud beada is autso n m new fields. Ifs scenes are la tise Ottausa sud Quebc districts, and thon shift tte o Wsf 1 hocharacters are remamkably well drawu, the wrifiug la sfrng andflhe stery throbs wif fi lite. IL is a good sfemy, 'The magazine numbens et The Westminster, cenfain- ing- "Thi Man frein Gleug-arrv.,"in full Inay bu ha4 ton onu year for eue dollar These monthly isumbers are religieus but nef sectarin, They coufaiu uive- bass than sixt -four pages, weli printed abundaurly illustrateti, sud bearing au artistic cover design. The bes t wnileî-s lunalllise chsurebes contnifute te these Monfhlv' Magazine nuinfi rs Anv person in Canada or the United States soudiug eue dollar te l'he West mninister, Torouto, befere ectober 5f f, uvili moceive Ihese magazine numbers for oee xer troru that date, and ail the proviens chapters et Ralpis Counoras iîow story,"The.-Mau frein Glengarry." free. ON CRUTCHES. Even if yen are e'bliged *0 use crutches Dr. lnl's Riseumatie Cura oanfix Youu p. This' was the expomiauce et John J. Petons, Shan- bot Lake, Ont. li1e sulYered with rheumatisîm in bhia legs (sciatica) for a yean nand had te creep about on cmutches ai the tino. Plortunately« lie tî-ied Dr. 1-Il's remedy sud it enly toek threec bitles te cure hlm compleiely. Tisjis greni blood purni- fier la put up in bottles containingr ton days treatinent. Price 50 cents ai ail drug stores on Thse Dr. Hll Medicine Ce., K1ingsteu, Ont. NOW TIzBY NEVEII ý3rEAK. A coiness, growi'ng eut of the tel- ion ing ceanversation, bas sprung up f ctweea Joeues and Smiith. I had a splenisdd time last nigfit, said Joeues. I spent tIse evonlng at a littie social gatheîing at the Good- asan masison. Are the Geodinans ale people? queried Silis. iVell, I sficnld say se Tbey are very aristocratic. Te get into thei- circle oisc must have cuie- a gi-car deal ot moîsey or a greut deai of genius - Yen don't tell me se? ,And yen, Say you uvore tisere? Vos. Yen wemo invifeti wereyen? A\I(d tnte i ited a i. ais bas te ha, eplenty et moaey uor a great deal Precisoly. Well, 'Joues, 1 amn very glgd te bea- yen have f ec- e e iels aillet a suddeîî. Lend ime tweafy-f'sve dollars. Land then yoii wili .appy Th 'Ouglit yen 0,000 proviens happy They are mnuafactured by THID WM. BUCK SýTOVI CO., I4mited, 3 Bfrantford Write for an Iiiustrated Pamphlet. QY DUSTAB, & 1HOAR. 0 Our Goods Speak For Themsolves, We only a'sk youtt, corne and go through Sour store. We buy th~e nattiest Furniture on the market, macle iii best woods and we sell at close Sprices. If youi intend furnishing a home, see Sour lines and get our prices,,anci compaîe with the goods of any ,city store if you wish. If you contem plate a fancy chair or any piece of Fur'- niture for the Holiday season, see our display, the largest and prettiest evershown in town. KE.EP YOUR EYE ON OUR DISPLAY WINDOW, Le M E'.RI BODWMANVILËLE. Furniture and Undertaking. Tbecaver BokSl We have sold plles of Boots the last five or six weks and have lots to dispose of yet, arnd very eheap-first-class goods atevery sinali nrices., Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and blaek at $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, frorn $1.40 fo $2.50, -wortb $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50a, 75c, w ort 0, 75c,, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' andYouths' to correspond We wiil tell yoti what the stock is in each and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now in stock in every fine. The publie is invited to inspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels;- Shawi Straps, fancy and plain:- Dresýing, the very best that can b8 bought., Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will muin the boots it la appli- ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work mnade to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking sy customers for past favors and hoping for a con tinuance of the ý ame, Bus-ver llock. Bowmanvilie, De . VS PElISONAL POINTERS. hlle au say rith truth that ho has nover regî-etted the stop which fie Before the Eiupress Frederick's cot-ithen toek. Mr. Mather is aise able fin was finai'y closed ail the love-let- Ite say, wbat few employers -can,ý ters sfio received froîu lier late hus- that lhe bas neyer had any trouble band], the Einperor Freclnrick, toge- witb a. trades union. ther witbi his Ilast writtenl messages The Kaiser's barber is an lacer-- inscribed aftr ho lest lus powver of gifle late-comer. Semne time ago ho speech, uvere placed ini the coffa over lier heart. kept bis royali master waiting sever- Comt, arlSchubrn s te frtali minutes. On bis appearance the oucn CarlScbonbon ais tbefrst I Kaiser, in a fit cf gonorous irouy, tle asscnreauvoie aua efr-car.u-presented hlm withî a costly gold Honl 5sCet, and etae Autri an Au- cfrenometer, ieaving it te the bar- toînbil Clb, nd iad th asentber te guess the reai reasea fer the with bis wife during the boneyiuooîî g if t.Tbe set',auit's naafillty te ar- Hoe reached the summiit of the cene, rive up te time confinueri, bewever, f,700f t. ighin la1- bouts, iu spite until at iast the Kaiser demnaided, of stenes and lava streaias. i-ptety Hv o tl o h Lord Brooke, wbo returnefi te lauathInlygave you stili get the Sout Afrca s Érd iM2ajesty," was the answer, "bore it uer. bas begun his lifer-work osrly, "el"creterýlrpy fer hie is inet yet iulueteen. l s it , car eentheg ryrol, now in the Lifo Guards, but lie went 1hae s i ot eo"Ante o ery wel te the front sbortly after thie eut- mfltoe setper." d fiext uto- break et tise camnpaign, aud was the a. m ent tho tef iie aleser I h dad youngest cornrnissieaed mnan thon ~nce-itdtneeprvl da sorving ia Seuth Af rica. The 11ev. Hugli Frice Hughes ý OLNTS N)S>'[-,,, preacbed bis fîrst sermea in a tDay CUD TN AIE seaside cottage la Wales te a cou- i A burgiar, wbjle attesuptiug ite roýb gregatien of half-a--dozen humnble a- blested boudhoider of rsile hearers,3. The sermon. Mr. Hughes by miistako got iste tise humblerosI tuated. by hen.irt-s-oudiag groans frein uasuccesstully fum-bling about f' or a eid cîippied sales; îvhile enaetof ultafie asseis for seine tinceiho was the ladies sustainod bei- patience fy disgusted te oerv~e the toentf tnking trequent pluches et snui. the luse sitting up lun bed and A charaîing anecdote is teld et laugflîig at fini. Pilae Edwýard et Vos-k lich shews Aint yen eid Skladerscus, the cap- that bis taste la somse thiuigs is net talist? inu1uired the bouisebreakes-. se widely divergent tîem trtha etof asy tire, cluuckled the jeurnahist,' people et mere Iewly degmee. Ho; inuîtac editor etoftise sctcasning wouid like te do by way et n specini ýj crusaiemu'.said tise' bus-gins-.Ioeek- fustbdny treat. Ia a momsent he me-A ms at iis stemi-wlnder, "an om piied: "Go for a ride ia an omniblus I've flecis wastlisg tour pi-ecieuii oun ith ail thie ether people,. on thîs fs-anch alisuse. Isa, Ms-. Wiiliaui Matber, M.P. tes- the!,oltiqîuil-driver, yen ncevor poke fnii lieseadalo Division et Lacashire,i at your subscrifers, do yen? England, whe epouied the Lafer Ex- Net the cash eues. hihitien at the Crystai Palace nre- Exaciiy. sali the burgias-.1iaK ing cniy s the fisst essployýer whe ba),s eut b-is w alief; he's çsix iuentýh'o ago hoiwna ue et!1 the4 firstt, o adcptterc' ee tring on earith I cnn't tUic eigstliosda iiifln oknd tn t aio ~IJCf<specialfy with us-it's net a side issuc-we leave ne room for impreve- nment iu our cnstruction et the - \~~ Ha.ppy Thought. de 0'..0 0 WIIEN MOLLLc ýBATJIES BABY. WhVisolli011e bathses tise baby I lay mny book asido And watcfl thé epei-nties Ititîsdeep'patoruai pîids; 1 seau tise diîupled body Of trie struggling littieeloi, Pot usudevoioped points of l'esemf lance to mysdlf. 'l p L;VLibU. LLIULI Lrttbb LU, MU PIUKIUK 01 LII(J 1 mit, illumsciiient, -as plllic- dene 0 It -t 1 i 1 1 1 1

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