* ~**COBOURO CENTRAL FPAIR. The West Northumberland exhibition was a far success last Friday. It was I/' ~ '~ D " I f A N prettv good ail-round show- but flot beniool itequism SOMSTATINEAC ites inf great var- IN REGARD TO TR PANAMEPIîOA,,Ex- POSITION AND Tua LÀCKAWANNA fR.. iety. The success of the Pan-American ex- flposition has fore&4he Lackawanna L eaders 'in ailroad to Put On a fast vestibuledex S~~ ~ prbbeg nd ss tran e~ver.v four heurs bctween 'Seri"Obli g a he hie ofBuffalo and New York. Six sweil club trains daiyiynlu cd Eýmxercise -Books* direction between tIhaltes and the ocean, This means mmcli. If incans * the exposition is a succcss and flic ÉN Lacltawanna is a success. PR Tre bil U COCyunwheakwnnite tracltcd lu the congcsted district? Thur, fANCY GOODS BUSINESS FOR SALE. it offers a choîce of routes te New York -over its own tracks? That il gives the MiYss Martin otters lier fancy gonds business in Bowmanville 1er sale ai a great bargain fo a premj0t cash pur- eliaser or on epprovcd tiotes Reason for selliig : offered a gond position if accepied ai once, Dont Iait if you waut it. APPLES WANTED. Will pay the highest cash price for al linds of sound appli3s for Evaporating purposes,-large or small, swect or sour-deiivereîl ai Lyle'à Elevator, Bowmanville, on aud affer Ibis date; also delivered ai Newcastlecat Warrein s Evavorator. J. H. FI2zKLr,. Bowmanvilhc, Ang. 18, 1901. AUCTION SALES. FRDT cr. 4t,-iMn. Williamn Col-ý wil), lot 7, cou. .1, Darlingion, will sei by public auction flic wholp o! bis fanm stock, implemenfe, etc Sale ai 1 p.m. Sec large posters L A. W. ToLE, auciioncer. $ATURDAY, OCT. 5tb,-Mlrs Margaret Brimacombe, Oshiawa, wili sei hby auction, at flic Queen's Hotel, Oshawa, fifty acres moreý or lcss being lot 16, con. 2, Dalingf, 1 m I miles froni Bowmanvilie. Se aýdvt. lu anof ler columu for partîculars. Sale at 3 p.m. JAsMSBISHOP, utocr WEDNESDAY, 0Cr.T .r . C. Bond lot 31, cou. 7, Clarke, offers for sale the wholc c! lis !armqtock, impIe- ments, etc., latter most%,lv ew. SmIe aIt one'CIOCk. L. A. TOLE, Aïfcî LADIRS.-MmS, A Ný. Gfford bas e- inoved te fie double fm'ame dwelling aws nd) directlY opposite fthe Rubber Katry ing street, WiIl go ont aewingby flic day ortakeif ' lu flic hoeto suit customers, Perfect fiti guaranteed. Your odr eiie,8 son and faimily have moved into the house recently vacated Mr. Austen, miller. SOMEFINI ABOUT FAITII CUiraS.- What a great variety of faith cures there must be some have faitli in so. callcd divine hlealers, others in certain doctors and still others i the medicines, thcy use Every person wholistsd Dr. Chase's Kidniby Liver Pils lias faith in 'tlem, but f ailli or no faith they cure just the same, for thcw act dh'eet1l' and specificaily on the kidneys., liver and bowels. and make these organs healtliv, active and vigorous. Judgýing' from the enormous demand for these Pis there must be hosts of people that have faîth lu them. TYRONE. -woi ennLg u ienciifi Mr. Jas. Walters,. Grand Rapids, wrdai no higlier rati than on other ii, is home attending the funcral of hunes> 400 ilfes of pîcturesqiie beauty bis brother-in-îaw, Mr. A. Wyborne, including thc Delaware Water Gap? Courfice...... Mr Wallace Staples lias That if bei-ns liard coal? Ras flic finest rented Mrs W. H. Hicks' property, Puliman coaches? The bastdining car King St. West . .. .Mrs. A. Harris and a-la carie service? That'trains lcave lier son-in-iaw, Mr. L. A J . Short, and Buffalo daily for New York at 9 and il family, Pickering, intend moving into ar.,. 5 30, 8.30, and 11.20 p.m and 2 .45 lier propet-ty, King St. East ..Con- a.m.? Local trains at 8 and 4 30? 11 zratulations to Mr, and Mrs. A. W. not w rite te Fred P. Fox, Division Pas- Clemens ou the advcnt o! a young senger Agent, Buffalo, N. Y , and lie dauLgliter. ... What we weud like te Iwîli dIo the rest. Eiglit trains daily see.-A geed tmm ouf ai the Epworth froiniMi Morris. League Friday evcning when Haydon - ~ League wiil conducit th service ; More CHIN A WEJ)DING, flowers cultivated like Mrs. F. Wilbur's - thai are admired bv ail our citizenis : A A verv sociable time was spent ai the new church bell; A full attendance- o! residence o! Mr. Geo. Overland, Erin, meinhers c! The Sons o! Temperance at Ont., on Saturdav oening-, Sept 21sf, Division Thursday evening Oct 3rd; A the occasion being tlic celebration o! number cf new members added to oui: the 201h anniversary of their wedding churdli choir, The Duke and Duchess day. Mr, and Mrs. Ovelaud had neo! Cornwall and York. prôvieus kuowiedge of the gaflicring-, but wtl tle wontcd hospitality m4de, D 1,A M ONr %Y r everyone welcomeâ. Sliertly a! et- uile N D U U E'S o'clock 1ev. Mr. Dîke was asked, te -AND take fhe clair, and in bis genial 'nav asked Mr. and Mrs. Overland, îhe DIAMOND DYES MAT AND RUG liridegrooni and bride o! twcnty venars PATTERNS ago te marcl inito thc rooni while th1cm ARE THE FAVORITES EVERYWIIERE. daughier, Miss Vida plaNed the Wed- 'For overtfwenty years the Diamond dinu- Mardi. Then Mr, Hl. N. Axrey Dyes lave been fli c cosen and popular read a very kindly worded address. Ai ho me dyes aIl over flic civlized world. au appropriata lime îlhe Misses Near, Ia Europe, Asia, Africa aud Australia. Ranishottoni and Smithi presented Mr. Diamn ýe r segrysuh and Mrs. Ovcland wiih tîrce pieces o!f mn ysaeasegrysuh Frech hin se insiler-uttr dshfor as in thc homes o! this continent, Freclichia et u slve-btte dibDiamond Dyes dyc perfectîs' ail weiglits suzar bowl and cream pitcher. Mn.o pbicIroducing'ricb and brilliant Overlaed neplied feelingly, thanking osta ee ae ail for thein toltens o! nespec.-Advoc- at(-e Mrs, Oveland is a West Durham Thc "Diamond Dye Mat and Rug girl wlo is well known liene and whose Patterns" anc also deqervedl.ý- populan'. mnany f ricnds john in wishing that sIc 'Plie designs are arthstically colored ou and lier busband may live te ce]ehsraîa the best Scotch Hessian and read-v for manv more anniversaries in thcir mar booking. Any lady in han fpare lime 1 ied life. ca malte up a prctty mat or mg at 1 - mahl cosi. Send your address te thne INS'FANTURELTIEPguaranteed byns- als&Rchrsn oLiieMon- I(-fNgMLBIIBN'S STERLING RAD-c AHE poWDERý. YNf)depresfing after tel n o il ev reo! cost oued - jshetets 01 desigus te select from, eswock ..,. Mrs, Saunders, Oshawa, isÏt. Hockin have, returned to the cît*v.... c, d friends liiea reccntl.y.-. ..The choir Mrs. Wm. Patton, Toronto; is.visitilg and congregation ojf Eldad assem bledli er sister, Mrs. A. A. Gamsby ... . Miss at he esienc o Mr Chs IogesEvli Honey is home, hcing niceh re \vednesday ý-eve(ning and presented his coc1 dfomhr0een1 lles,,1Ms cidest daugliter, Mtarv, wîth a purse of' Katie Beamish, Port Hope, is visiting monev for lier services as organist Mr. her zrandfatber, Mr. Wm. Ballagi, ... W. Chas, Werry reýad a nicely worded Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Williamson visited address àand Ms A, L. Pascee maie at4 A. J. Rae's, Hope,..,NMiss Nellie the presenta,,tiozi. Miss Roarers made a Britton and Mary Cornish, Newtonville, vers' suitable mand fitting reply. RekT P. are visitîng Mr. Wm. Cornish. .. Mr. J. Anclerson accPs chairman. Shr Neil Taylor, Who lias been in the arn- speeches wýere maafer whieli refresh. pie y of Dr. Beith, Bowmanville, for thée mets were Servedl and gaines of ail p8st fifteen years, visited lis brother kidswreinuge i. .. h nwAlex, bore recently<.. . .Mr. and Mrs. A. cificers oi Solinia Division, S. of T. arc: Tour-ije rat1urned to tQwfli Thurseay' W1 P, J T Bundie; W A, Mrs'. C. Blanch- even4ug from" Oshawa.-fie has au i' li-. ard; R S, Jno Bakýer: A RS.M!s98 Hilda çueke....rWWiky f N'ew Westlake; F S, A LPso;Treasurer Yri deigol cuitne. Sulas Werry; Chap, L T PseCon:u, Mr. Ths0owau lias started tarming Arthur Cox: A Cen, Miss LIa SMont. on Mis £arm, purchasecd from'Mr. A. gomery; 1 Sen,.t, Mrs J T Ruridie ;o0Pollard... MssizzicBodisoao Sent, R J MýcKessockç; P W PMiss the soprano soloisis lu a lcading Metho- Acidie Pascoe; Worthv Commander of dist churcli, in Winnipeg,. Mr. R. Ro ai Crusaders, Miss Mabel Pascoe; Iockin and family have moved to Bàow- Organist, Missý Margaret Pascoe . manville .. .. Rev. W, 11. Chidlay. Oshi- awa, preached in the Christian cliurcli, Sunday.. .. Mr. Wm Hollaiid, tliewelî- I>&RIiIITON COUNC IL. known barber of our village',lias gone 1 to the Home for the aged and infirm at 1Bowrnanville. .. Mr. J. G. lloney lias Town Hall, Hampton, Sept. 28, 1901. pllrchased the, lowcr orchard and road- Regular monithly mee3ting, me mnbers waY of the Tuclier estate .... Mr. Albert ail present, Beeve'A. E. Ciemens pre. [Chapman received an ugly kick in the siding; minutes of last meeting read kuce frCm colt. .Mr. AùbertJ.Bowèn'., and on motion conflrmcd. Communica- Evg. Wilkes won a put-se iof $1,5 CO tions: Front W. H.Lilarris in reference at Port Parry. ..,. Mr. A. J. Staples lias te accounit of lie D Dcaeon,-fylc, been appointed Collector of Rates in From J. W. Kerr, Clerk cf peace, ad1 place of Capt Mîlligan, wliose timo as vising number of jurymecn required to an ofcro h 46th Battalion, !S fully bc selected from the municipaiitvasocuped, Rev., E. A. W. Dove, who follows-Grand Jurors for the 1{igh has been invldd1o om ie pati Court, 5; Grand Jurors for tlie infeiuir the honte of is sister, Mrs. (Rev.) WR,. Court,5; Petit Ju'eors for the High Court AýdamsnýàClaremont, leaves shortl'y withi 18; Petit Jurerýs for the inferior Court,bspaetRv.D.ndMs oefr 18,-fyled. Prom W. H- . Brouse souici, lis home in Nawfoundland, ting the saleo!cdebentmuures-fyled. Fromt Mr. Niechïleaimini.- damag,ýes- C idrn Cry 17br flot eutertained. Mr. eynoids com plaiued o! a wa.shout on town liue-re- ferred teo cRee'Thc Treasurer was autliorized to accept aý draft front Bear & Co. for bid a bridge on Zih line, ifpresenitedl. Bv74-law(No 586) was passed imposinz *two per cent on ail taxes unpaid, Deceinber 14tli. The %M Ileeve was authorized f0 confer wif b solicitor in referenceüte opening certain roads and stree3ts with thc view f0 ta'k- Uhl Jen Cy o i egal protcedings The Reeve wasa auiliorized to granýt orders on the Treas- urer as flosF Rogers. nails 48c; C A q A. Samis, gravel .20;T.lliott, gra- t] vel $5.80; R. Mîartyn, sheep damrages '8; t Geo. Ta' loreta work at big 7 con. 0 $5; H. Eliiofi, jr.,, quartLer's baay$6.R l Indigents--Janet Wlo1$;Ms Hoidge J$3, MrS. Lano $3, 1,1t 1WicX S2, T. Wickett $,Mrs. Couliter $8, Ms o natsadCid . ti Sýpronîe $.C pni djourned to 'etfa SaudyOctober 2Gth,'ai10 &lock_, ha Tow'nahip Cak is rccovering .... Miss Gertie Creepeir is visiting frieDds in Tororto and Buffalo. ..ISuiidav Sceel rally day was a suc- cess Ail the dhuel services were along flic hue of S. S, work. In flic morning flic pastor. 11ev. F, J. Anderson. talked to thc sounger niembers o! the school, 'lfext-'Songs of Solomon 2-15. In flic affernoon th,'e paster conducted a public review of t1îcQuarter's lessons. Mr. J. Clarke, Winnipeg, also addressed fthc sehool. A number o! parents -and non menibers o! the' sdlool bcing preseni. lu the evenin- the sermnon was more especially te the ofilcers and teachers of th, seheol. Text Dan. 12 3. Thek ser- vices tbrouglout werc vcry interestîng. WOMA 15AS 01,) 1AqS 11E LoOKS-It is not age but disease, weakness and ii health that makes woecn look old, care worn and wrinkled. You cannot looki your best unless yeu, feel Wel, strong and vigoreus, with pure, ridli, blood and, steady nerves. Dr Cliasc's Nerve Food mnales geed looks because it maltes good licalth, yestores the healîtifui glow t o flic complexion, rounuds oeuthlforni and trives clasticity te every motion o!fliche ody. PROUD 0F JHEMI* The possessors o! Our pliotogmaplis are alwax"s prend o! theni. Tley arc iceat, Wel finisbcd, and besi o! ail tliey ire life-like- Our photos alwavs take lhe pthzo Iccause thcy are considemed ibe lest hy people wvlo are competent o judge. Oie dees nef always gel a barzain liy geîtieg a lai genplioto at a 0ow pri(c. Our ploies areý very reason- a ble for flic hizh grade o!o worlt we- u-,ruý onit G. P. Freeland. Studio ni-et doior'to SiiTnsmAx Office1. EÉ R. BOUNSALL, 15 BOWMAN VILLE, ONT, QUESTIONS ASKED AND ANSWERED. W herc canuI et est value in sinzle or team RamneLap Rugsprettiest patteîn.s and la-gest stock b toselect froin, Horse B]lankets lu large qne.nîb. tics aýnd vanied pattrus; pnices lees than most bouses,an points or soles for almost any plow made? Why Sure Thing S- A T - J. S. RUNDLES East End fiarncss and Implement Emporinm. Opposite T. Tod's store, Bowmanville, NV w~have re-, !eived a full stock ý, of Schaol Supplies at the BIG 2Z0 iready for the openiing o1f Sohools. 3BoWMmNVILLLE.