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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1901, p. 5

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No eye defect which glasses can remedy is too compicat- ed for us. We are prepared -to do the most delicate fitting. u tr experience and sklll in this -work is ample and our outfit I of eye testing appiances includes everything needed. Costs Nothing to Know. We make necag for _testingj eyes. Profit will not Stempt us to advise glasses if they are flot needed, nor will we - supply glasses where there îs organie disease of the eye. Froin the careful examination we- make we know when: an oculist should be consulted and, frankly tell you. Such cases Srequire the services of an oculist. We charge for glasses, and el eh re xnoerately,-too. lA nPMI!NDPR--There is no remedy that will cure roughness of thie hands or face as quickly as Stott & Jury's Cream of 91 Violets. Large Botties, 25e, Your money back If yeu want it. DRUGG8S8 ND OPTICIRN8, BOWMANVILLE. Seo our qpecial liue of Euv elopes a BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 2, 1901 Lhd e quirin hair done oe _________________ s u]deauonM ckinson, King st. M.iIer's Grip Po wdevs Cure. Sold ai M. A. James is Gavernînent issuer Tole's drug store. cf Marriage Licenses for Durham Medicinal and mechanical ienovators Great bargains in fancy goods at ai Tole's drug store-. Miss Martin's- during the next two New sub-scribers can get THE STATES- We e'iýs, MAN o ed o(190 for25eMiller's Kidney and Bladder Pifls IJntîl further notice TaIt & CO will are sold at 25 cents per box et Tole's b1akîe chic photos every day., drug store. 2Mr. and NMrs. W. ichardg' visited Now is the time te bring in your furs friends in 'Whithy last week.- for reipairing. M, Mayer is the man ,Miss Bertha Cann is attending Ont- that can üo it. ar1a0 eçhlgWhtyWo have a large stock of Quartered MWr. J ames Jarvis of the Police Force, Oak Furniture in Antique and Golden Toronto, is hnidaying ai home. finishes. L. Morris. Miss; Ethel Trebileock.NormalSehool. The beîst value yet offered in blue Toronto, spent Sundlay at home. an-1 blacÉ day twill worsted suits'is Mr. Allan Wilmot. Toronto, spent Dow .ust to hand at The Mason Co's. Sunday at Mr. R. R Loscombe's. 1Tne Provincial Sabbath School Con- Mvr. M Dowon, bas been -visiting vention will be beld Oct 22-24 in the lriends in Victoria Rcad and Lindsay. MetropolitanMethodist clxrch,Toronto, Mr.ý W. R. Clemens, Dr. llone.vweil Promise no living man your order for M nd sonu Bruce attended Cobourg Fair. papers for 1902 tilI you learn what M. Cout o reisin metsOct8t aiA. James can do tor you. S omething council chamber. Seo i oig notice. Miller's Kidney anldBladder Pills Cartwright Fair is to-day. AmericaR moncy taken at par at Nicholîs'. Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Soki ýat Tole's drug store. SMr, cLea, Winnipeg, Man., is visit- ing Mr. J .H1. Jury. Fsrrmers sbeuld read preparing for wintcr on an inside page. Miss Richardson, New York City was guesi of Mrs. Wm..Trewin. Our new stock o! tooth brushes jusi arrived et Toie's drug store. "Waîden Rickard tells about handlinz epples on an inside page. Miss Evelyn Dumas, Bristol, Vu. , is -isiting-h,6-nriilCeMr-R-Dumaes. - Miss Edith Scott, Brooklu, 'bas beau visiting hier aunt Mrs. Lewis Lyle. Mr. S. Lockhert, Chicago, Ill.,visited his aunt, Mrs. Wm . Kerr, recently. Miss Gale spent the week-end wità -Mrs. (Rore'.) Jesse Whitlock, PortPerrY. Mrs. J. M. Joues, New YOrk City, i18 visiting hier sister-in law, Mrs M.Burk. Mrs. Albert Eckhardt, Toronto, was recent guest of ber sister, Mrs. A. S. Tilley. Miler's Compound Trou Pis, only 25 c.for 50 doses. Sold at Tole's drug store. If Yen want reel fice wedding eards, THEE STÂTESMAN ollCO la the place te go for them, Dr. Garnet M. Trewiu bas returned te Toronto te complete his final yer at R.C,D S. Strawberry planta for sale. Apply te Gorden 1). Fletcher, Duke St., Bow- manville. Mr. Frank Lyle-if the Banik of Com- merce, Montreal, Que., la home on a short visit. Several new orders lu Frencti per- fumes just received! Exquisite at Tole's drug store. Miss Efflie Bond, Oshawa, was gucst of bier grandfather, Mr. John James, over Sunday.' Mrs. T. Symomi and deughter, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, are visiting bier father, Mr. Jas, Morris. Mrs. John Elford, Providence, is visit- ing her daugbtcr, Mrs. (Rev.) Il. A. Strike, Lindsay. Mrs. and Master Dyer and Miss G. Hlugh, Port Houe, were recent guesis o! Mr. F. Canning. Dr. Hlounewtll, Hunier River,P.E.J, wes guesi of bis brother-mn law, MrW. R. Clemens lest week. MY wl! e is having the best of health: Millers's Compound Iren Pilîs did it. Sold at Tole's drug store. Mr. Thos. Hall, Minneapolis,' Minu tormnerly of ibis town, was guesi ai Mr, Thos. Burden'sreceiitly. Mr.Thn', M. Fairhiru left. Weneso, Stationeryl A full and complete lune of Note Pa p erPap- E eteries, Tablets and-En-,~ l-w pritces 110W on sale ~at the~ GrandCepal Cartwright Fair to-day-Wednesday. Compare ibis vaper with other local journals. .Jnteresting reading matter on an inside page. Dental student wanted. Apply te, Dr. Bonnycastie. Report all thorobred stock ýsales te THEn STÂTESMAN. Mr.Walter Dickinsoni, Toronto, speni Sundav at homie. Do you want a pleasani home? Sec Mr. Turner's -advt. Prizes due exhibitors will bepid Frîday and Saturday. Prospectus of Oshawa Wire Fence Co., is on an inside page. It will do yen good, reader, te read Dr. Talmage's sermon in this paper. Mrs. E.E Stickne-v, Port Purry, is, guest of hier sistor, Mrs. J. E. M cWain. 25e -Any new subscriber can get THE STATESMÂN te ced o!1 101 for 25c Popping the que stion is a dielicate duty. Read the peculiar ways3 an inside page. Portraits of the Duke and Duchess are on an inside page. Read Encircling the Empire. Reserve Friday Oct l8th fer the Boy's Brigade grand concert totbe he]d in Drill Sheci. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wmn. Colwell visited their daugbter Mrs. Thos. Osborne, DISTRICT LEAGUECONVENTION. The sixth annual convention of Bo w- manvifle District Epworth League will be hield at Maple Grove Thursday Oct l7th. Threc sessions will bie held open- ing at 10.30 a, M. A splendid program has been prepared. Papers on practical subjects, discuskions, addresses and miusie will be given by promainent Epworth League workers. Printed programs have been sent te each league and a good delegation i; expected te attend. Reserve the date and make an effort te be there. Notices of Births,Mu'rriages and Deaths 50 cents; Insertion free when mas,- niage licences are obtained or fanerai notices printed. at tht. olce. BORN GIL13ERT -la Bowmanville, Sept 24, the wife of Mr Arthur Gilbert, of a daughter. GILL-In Bowmanville, Sept 28, the wile of Mr. Wm J Gli, of a daugiter. RÂHEm-Near Burketon, Sept 28, the wife of Mr R Rahm, of a son. CaEEs>-Near Tyrone, Sept 20, the wife of Mr A W Clemens, of a daugliter. AUSTIN-In Bowmanvjlle, Sept 24, the wife of Mr J B Austin, of a daughter. TEMPL-At 494 Huron-St, Toronto, Sept 25, to Mr and Mrs fi P Ranfurly Temple, a daugh- ter. HoAnR r Dariingtou, Sept 20, te wlfe of Mr Silas V floar, of a daugliter. this space for New Advt. ~ThePo. ADIES' ---------------------------------------------

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