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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1901, p. 8

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GESERAL PURPOSE. Bodare, L Annis, J Osborne, J Dvey; 2 ear old gelding or filly. SSouch, Robt Stewart, CecilGlass; oine ' Bigelow; sucking colt, Thos Little, A THE IBES Sharpe, F B Lovekin. 31 OE ~HMEDIINECARRIAGE. I Jýbs IuneJo e; ekinJeDîato, Jg 3 0Hý ývLý1 LhN& ons ar, Casuner A uthfr. ford mrGEClel nl SoND Carcadey; 2 yr old gelding I _______________ - or filly, RWa low hep, A aBrunt, J Gamsb; one yr l do, T Clemenc,J à JBeacock, JLitte; sucking- colt, EJxD * âsioosJsruneARuhrod TuIie 1d.~~hab e c rc ae, Gas oWell, W N Bick-& UUK VVJJJ ~ owill, W Brunt; spanWroasters Gaingbyhandnand underT I Clemence,SJ e&. Sp\T ands, WoodrpseR ley, Ue G EMoen , r ngle roatr adsr 5 an ~d under, J L Powers & bon,, f -~ O A>wan, J D kloar; single carriîige over 01 on s 15ýhands. S J Beacock,,S J Henry,D b ','~ _1 B Simpson; saddle horse, S Henry~,DB DRUG STORE, BOWMANVILLE. elt PCAS % f JuDGEs-Fred M-atch, H Elliûtt, John Prcy. ~ ha mess: Village Boy, W E Leitch lst; _____________________________________________________Ladysmith. W Hazzlewood, 2nd; Gray Ned, H B 'Lawson, 8rd. Open to al z horses that have only won Agriculturai money: Village-Boy, W E Leiteh, Lst; U Hazle Dee, W HlazzlIewood,2nd; Minnie Ni c nIkesV,HilB Lawson Brd. 'hree year 1 IN- someet road rig, D B Simpson. Hand- somest gentleman's turnout, R Wood- Il .1.ley, Robt Fos'er's Special-neatest riage" o's Speciai-best turnout, Thos Cowan. Special-Lady Driver, Mliss Roar, Bowmanville. BIG' 20-DAYSI SACRIFICE -SALE, Having disposed of my whole business and the transfer to take place the middle of October 1 ofter every-' thiiig in stock, absolutely at cost for cash for 20 days-i Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Ready-made Clothing, Groceries and Crockery. Lose No lime For Choice of Bargpins. FA . COLiE$ We beg to e l your attention to a new and indispensible article in ~,Barclay BsPatentkttaehment FOR THE CURE OF Balking and Kicking Horses. breakDg In colis, Cao ha adjusted in two minutes, and used withi any lharness, vehiele or lînglement To the ~. poressive farmer andi horHeman this article is a neces- sii0, Apply ROBERT HOOEY, 338-1 yr BLACKSTOCK. Ata time when ail the ask. "1Wbat mnannen et man is our new Fre edni'Modern Culture reprints lu the October number an article cntitled, l'Théodore Roosvel-The Tpical Man of tle Tu entieila Century." Moder n culture Magazine, Caxton Building,7 Clev7eland, Ohio, Cuites Chronc and 0 Co m r)11cated Cases of huaim 17 'bT ANISES EVERY TRACE 0F POISONOUS ACILY FROM THE BLOOD. lias Made M ore Permanent and Wonderfnl Cures Than Al Other liedicines in The World. AIl rhcumatîc' sufferers dread thc variable und trying weatlier of October aud November. Snffereî s from the various fomms of nheumatism-artiular, muscular lnflammatory, gout sn umý bago-suffer more intensely in the autumun montbs. Chiliug winds, damp air cld ains and night frosis. aggra- vate existing misey sud ag-ony. TbonsAnds of victims cf rheumaiism bave coule back from summer healili résonis only te flud-tlemselves as badly toi tured and crippied as they we before the' started for thein false. Mec cas of beailih Minerai epnfings, battis sud mas 1sage systems can neyer drive out-tlie' morbid principle of terrible *lenmatism fom the blood and joints Careini medical tests sud a long ex- enience, prove ibai Paine's Celery Comy onnd is the only agent and mcdi- cine t'on the cure of al lirms of rheuma, tismr, asud succeeds wheu everything el1se f ails. Witli a confidence created riidl sirengibened by lhnnsauds of vie- toie ven rhenmatism, we urge sufer- mens sud-women te use Paine's Celer,'.% Compound. Its marvellous vir- tues wi meet your, case sud do fer you what ih bam donc for othens. Mme. J. Vince, Barrie, ont,sys. "J1 ain happy te sav I have ùaken Paine's Celery Compound wiili gresi resits I.1had sciatica se badty that I con"Iid nett umu in bcdI or walk wiiliout belp, asud for a periodI of thr ee weeks 1 wa.s hlisiyllp and ;sïffcied pain that ai. times was almiosiunUbearable. I1tiled mu eiicbut ail lui Vain, I was aiterwardsd!iecommeudcd te try Paie 's C'elei Cmen.Iu six n. les ud u, îutiul~cured, su-d eiijoy 1dheht. ake great 1çleas. unein cemmedine le valuiable med.1 BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 2, 1901. CLARKE FAIR. FINE WEATIER-LIo- CROWD5I)-GATE, RECEIPTS SATISFACTOY-MANY Bow MANVILLIANS PREsENT-GRAND 8110W OP STOe-DARLINO-TON PEOPLE TAXE PRIZES. -- - 1 Tuik about doing away wiih town- ship faims, whv the Clarke Township exhiibition ut Oreno, iast week, would put te blush (A envy hall the eounty faims lu the Province. Wliere else eau be seen snch a crowdl' Why ihis yean il over.iopped the atteudance ut (an-' ada's Great Couuiy Faim ut Bowmun- ville. Then, tee, outside of West Dur- ham Counny fair, whera cun there be sccu such a large and excellent display of liorses, Short Horn catile, the popu- lar bnecds of sbeep, bwine sud ponltny? Net in ihis part cf the Province ýat a township show. Look thnough the prize lisi pnblished herewitli and sec the prize winners of- the last century at the big faims flgning conepicueusly amoug the new saccessful exhibitors. We arc prend cf the Clarke show, even if tbey are ruuniug the speeding cen- tests strenger titan the other depari mente. No less meitorions than the stock show was the Ladies' brandli. The fancywerk, fine anis, and other wnmen's work refiected positive credit aud was a decided attraction at thle ex- hibition. Who are the officens sud directors that the credit may be rightly piaced? The feiiewing live men: Presidet- Norman Alun, Neweastle Vice Pros- G. H. Linton; 2hd Vice-Pres.-W. H-. Renwick; Sec - freas -R. Moment. Direcors,-Mark Blackburn; Arche Siaiker; Joe Henry; Ezra Hall; O A. Gamsby, Orono; Uuderwood, Kendal; H. Gibson. Newcastle; D. J Gibson, Bowmanville; John Davev, Leskard. Geed erder prevailed. fakirs were cx- cluded, sud in eveny'sense thc slow was weil managcd. Fax Bros. itut on a fimt-clase vaniety prognam ai the concert tIai pleaed tlie audience tlai packcd the tewn hall te the celing ulmosi (in the gaiîery). Followiug are tihe awarde: PRIZE LIST. HORSES. JuDoGE--W J Sta nley, P Staiker. Bmood mareWEwl, Wm Brui, Wm Andlews:2 -,r ohld geldîng or filly, Samel iekrdJ Davey, W E Jewetl; one yeam do. S R'ead Thos Under- wood, Wvn Stuti1; scii,-clt, J Dîîiey, W rui, SPowers &Son. CATTLE. DURHAM JUDGE$-Jersey and Hoistein-Jos Jeffrey, J M Joness, F T Ouy; Durham aud Grade- Jas Leask, W iMvointjoy. Aged bull, Colwill Bros; one yr old bull, R Brown; bull caîf, W C Black- humri, A Tamblyn, Geo Mitchell; cow, G Mitchell 1 and 2, W C Blackburn; 2 yn old heifer, HI W Jewell, Colwill Bros, W C Blackburn; one yn old hieifen, H W Jewell, Celwill Bros, H J Souch; caîf, G Mitchell, H W Jewell, R Brown. HOLSTEIN. Bull caîf, G L Waddell; cow in milk or cali, G L Waddeli, H W Renwick; two yr eld heifen, D J Gibson; licher caif, D J Gibson. 1JERSEiY. Bull, L B Duvidson; bull calf, L B Davidson, T J Edmîson; cow in milk or eauf, L B Davidson, N. T Slielbvy; twe yr o-id heifer, T J Edmison, W S Gums- by: ene year old heifen, L B Davidson; heifen cali, N T Selby, L B Dayidson. GRADE. Cow, Allun Bros, W C -Blackburn, Aluin Bros; twe yn old heifer, Aluný Bros,' F B Levekin, W C Blackburn-, one year old heifer. T W Underwood«. Allin Bros, Jas Hunter; heifer calf, Allin Bros 1 and 2, T W llndevwood. TAMWORTH. Boar, Colwil Bros;,boar one year. Colwiq Bros L and 2, sow one year, N T Selby, Colwill Bros; boar under 6 mos -ynd- oe-'--- ' -C-e±wiHBroe-j-N-T- Selby; sow under 6 mos and over 8 mos. Colwili Bros, N T Selby; brood sow in pig or having had pig, Colwiil Bros, N T Selby, YORKSHIIRE. Boar, T J Cole, A W Maguire; 50ow oney xr ld, T J Cole; boar under 6 mos and over 3 mos, T J Cole 1 and 2;,sow under 6 mos andi over t mes, T J Coe, N T Selby; brood sow in pig or having had pîg, ýl? J Cole 1 and 2. Pg)ULTRY. JuDoE-George Rice. Pair Game,Nakes & Dilling 1 and 2; Hamburg, A A Somerville, Fokes & Dilliug; White Leghorn, Allits Bros, S Snowden; BrownLeghomn, Allun Bros i andt 2; Brabma light, Nokes & Dilling, T-J Colo; PlymGuth-r- ,Ali r 1W C Blackbnmn; Plymouth Rock white, T J- Cole,A-4lin-BroasWyat-eslenl A Tambrlyn; Wyandottes white, Nokes & Dilling, S Snowden; 'Golden Wyan- dottesý, A Tamblyn; Bld.ek Minorca, S Snowdien, Nokes & Dilling; Langshang Nokes & Diling 1 ani 2; Dorkins, Nokes & Dilling; Game Bantans, W C Blackburn, Nokes & Ditling Plartridge (3ecini, 'T J CSole, Nokes & Dilling; Ges.T J Cole 1 aud 2; Ducks Rouen, WUC Blackburn, T J Cole; Aylesbury, A Tamblyn, S Snowden; Pigeons, A A Somenrville, W C Blackburn; Canary, best singer, T W Jacksonî, R Morion jr. GRAIN & SEEDS. JuDo-s-John Lyle, A Tait,ý Fail wheat, T J CSole, Thos Little; Six nowed barley, John Aluin, Isaac Allin; Large white peas, John Davey, Isaac Allun; Bine peas, Jas Leask;, Oats white, Wm Brunt; Corn,, yellow strnng, Gamniet Hall, S Snowdon; Corn, white strutn , T J CSole, S Snowdon; Beans, 1F B Loveýkin, A Sharpe. FRUIT. WINIER APPLES. JU!)OE,-Eýdmund Prout. Beet col., N T Selby; Northern spv, F1 B Loveokin, Allun Bros; Ben Davis, N Ti Selby , W H Gibsen; Rhode Island Grueening, N T Selby, Milt Pollard, A1 iMag-uire Golden Russet, F B Lovekin, N T Selby; Ribston Pippin, N T Selrov; Stark, Allin Bros, A A Gamsb.y; Spit- zenburg-, O Scott, John Beer; Seeks, J D Hoan N T Selby; Fallawater, Allia Bros;ý King of Tompkin's Connty, N T Aeb, J 'D Hoan; Dessert, A A Gamsby, H Fletcher. PALL APPLES. Sîîows, John Osbornie, A A Gamsby; St Lawrence, 0 Scott, John Osborne; Bien Pippin, N T Selb.v, 2nd; Desent, Robt Morton jr, W S Gamsby, Cnabs red, A A Rolfe, John Beer; Crabs white, A Magnire, John Davey. Special, Roxbury apple, A Maguire 2nd. PEAMS Bartiett, John Osborne, Walter Scot Gnb';Flemish Beauty, Aluin Bros, Saut Snowden; Sheldon, H Fletcher, Alun iBro-s; Duchess d'Angoiileme,AIlin Bro; Wntr NlliHFletcher; Beurre Clairg'eau, W ý H Qibson G L Waddell. PTLUM5. Best col. red, A A Gam;ttsby,Robt Mon- toni Jr; bnRMenrton), J D Hoar; gren, H ibsnA A Relie; Grand i)kJD fHoar; Reine Claude, A A Rei;Coe's Gle Drop, W S Gamsby AA 21Roe ; oi. a ny ether van, R Mon- ton, jr, A A Enlie. -- GRAPES. Herd ni Jersay s,' L B Davidson, Herd of Grade, Geo Mitchell. Red, WV S Gamsby, Hl Fletcher; black, SHEEP. W S Gamsby, Allin Bros; green H-1Fiel. LEICESTER. cher,. W S Gamsby. JuDoES-J R Magee, MeFeeters, W JUDoE-Js PANTp. R Cole. ,DEJmsPip Aged ram, S Aluin 1. and 2: sheunling Geranium single, W S Gamsby, Mrs ram, W C B'ackburn; ram lamb, W C John Beer. zcraniums double W S Blackburn, S Aluin; aged'ewe, S Allin 1 Gamsby, John Beer; Gladielus, Hl and 2, sliearling, W C Biackbirn, S Fletcher, W S Gamsby; Begonias, W Aluin; ewe lamb, S Aluin, W C Black- S Gamsby, Mrs A Tourje; folage plants, hurn. W S Gamsby; Phlox Drummondii, COTSWOLDWalter Senti Gamsb 'v, H Fletcher; ten COT5OLDweeks stocks, W S Gamsby,, balsams, Ram lamb, Colwili Brus; aged ewe, H Fletcher, W S Gamsbv; astons, Hl Colwil Bros; ewe lamb, Colwill Bros. Fletcher, W S Gamsby; petunias, W S SOUTHDOWN. Gamsbv, H Fletcher; dahlias, il Fleteli AgeJ. rami, R L Holdsworth 1 and 2; er. W à Gamsby; verbenas, H Fletcher, sliearling ram, R L Holdswnnîh & Sons; W S Gamsby; plants, ether than gmows ram lamb. R L Roldswontli 1 and 2; in bouses, W S Gamsby- greenhouse aged ewe has naised ]amb this season, plants, W S Gamsby; eut howers, W S R L oldsomtl & onsCourice Gasby. Mrs F B Lovekin; table bon- Power; shearlings, R L,,Heldswortb & quet, WV S Gamsby, H Fletcher; liand Sons 1 and 2; ewe lamb, R L Holds- buut H Fletcher, W S Gamsby; Worthi & Sons Courtice & Power. floral desigu, Il Fleteher; wiudow SHROPSHIREDOWNS.pIa s W S Gamsbý; Pansies, H Fleichen; Fern3. native, W S Gamsby, Aged ram, Levi Skinner 1 and 2; A W Maguire.' sheariîug ram, Levi Skinner 1 sud 2L ram lamb, Levi Skinner S Allin; ewe, VEGETASLES. Levi Skinner 1 and 2; slearlings, Levi -JUDO-Eis-W Uuderwood, T Smith. Skiuner,S Aluin; ewe lamb,Levi Skinner. Laie rotatoes,J olu Davey,N T Selby; SWINE. potatoes, early, N T Selby, John Big&e JUDo--ThO Woodey. ow, turnips, W P Ridli, James Leask, JUDG-Tho Wooleycarroe, table, F B Lovekin,'W S Garni BERKSIIIRE. bv; Beets, table, W S Gamsby, A Sharp Boar, S Snowdeu 181 and 2nd; boar -cabage, white, W S Gamsby, Jus Wad- nie yr, W P Ricli, S Snowden; s0W one del;, cabbage, red, IlI Fletcher; Onions, year, S Snowden, 1 sud 2; boar unden W S Gamsby, W CJ Blackburn; Onions, 6 mes and over 3 mos, S Snowdeu i sud white. Jas Robinsen. W S Gamsby; 2; sow under under 6 mos sud over 3 Onion Potato, Jas Waddell, J Beer; mos, S Snowden, W P Rieh; brood sow, cauliflowers. W S Gamsb 'v; ceiery, W S Snowd en 1 and 2. S Gamsby, Il Fletcher; tomatoes, W _________________________S Gamsby;, W C Blackburn; pumpkins. Two xtrme CsesG L Waddell, 0 Scott, parsuips, table, Two xtrme CsesA Sharp, Sam Snowden, large squash, O0cei Geo Cain; hîîbbard squash, A of Itching Piles A G4anasby, R Morton jr; van garden ___________ W S ('Gamsby; carnets field, John Osborne, Jas Waddelt; maugel- That Were Positively and Thsor- wuntzels. F WLÀoeiî, R Brown; Citrons onghy Cued >- D. ~ W C Btâckbumn, G K Hall; nadishes, oughy Cued y Dr ClmelaMme Johin Beer, W S Gamsby; musk- Ointment-T'he Only Actual Cure melons, Jas Waddell, W C Blackburà,; For Ever>- Form or Pilen. - Water-melons, Heber J Soucb, J Wad Mn. F. Stokes, 116 Dunlop stre7et, delI; peppers, W S Gamsby. Mmm Beer Barrie, Ont., writes:;-"I was troubled Specials, sugar beets, A Tamblyn, R wlth bllud, itching piles for years, and Browni; yellew culons, Jas Robinsoný. could get nothîng to stop the -constanti 3eil Itcîîiug. 1 was uîways inu pain until a pcil-J Henry -& Son;, mangels, frlend of mine told me of the wevnderful Chas Miller, sugar beets, Cnias Miller; cures Dr,. Chase's Oointmeut had made cern for ensilageO. F A wde. axneng bis acquaintances. I only used one box, and am entimely cnred. Iu DAIRY PRODUCi,. gratitude for tbis marvellous cure, and; Facetoryv, cheese, F'red Huney îst sud for the benefit of others suffering as 1 2nd- butter relis, Mrs Jos Robinson, difi, I send yen this record of mY case.'* Mrs'F B Lovekin; butter pints, Sada Mn. Ames P. Fisher of Somerset, Bro wn. N T Selby. crock butter, Mrs F lClng's Co., N.S., a commercial travel- 1er, well-kuown throughout the Pro. B Lovekimi, Mrs JosRobinson; preserved vines, writes :-"It is great pleasure tc ris Mrs W 1, Cebbledick, A A Gams- lnform vou that I have been cured ol b',';ý pickles. Mis W L Cohbledick. A A itclîing piles by using Dr. Chase's Oin t- G (amsbx; jelly, Heber J Soucia, Thos ment. I was bethered with the abov1 Ltîle. hom)iie-made bread, MIrs W L malady fer twelve years, inud uferd obbled1ik, Florence Heur; buns, Mrs extreme ugony at times. TbakV c IL Cobbledick, A A Gamsby'; honev Dr. Chuse's Olntment, 1 am completeay1 cured, and would i'ecommend it witii in coinb), 'r jCO-e , MrsJ Beer; honey fullest conifidence to ail suffeing th1extracted, Mme J Beer. torture cf this terrible isee' ç ( Speca- W Cômish.1,boem e cents a box at alele, or LEdmlanson. bread, Les',aed fleur. Mrs XV L CýobbPlt jBates & Ce., Toronto. Ag9enýts waned r Dr. Chiase'* isat dick; buins. m WL Cobbledick; pick les, aud cop ets iteepiBï-cQk, A A Gàrmsby. 1 1 AMATEUR DRAWING. Cray.on drawing (copv) landscape, Julia Jennings, Rate Colvîlle;, crayon dIrawting (copy) fl'ure, E L M Waddell, Jultia kinings; pencil drawing (copy) landscape, Kate.Coiville, Julia Jenn. ings; pesîcil drawimg, copy, figutre.Julia Jenisg's, K'ate Colville; sepia or monlo- chromne, landscape, E Morris, Juilia- JOnnilngs, Im ikEMAS 0 Go, BQWMANVI LLE 4 Specials-Jas McConnachie , larg est haîf doz hens eggs, F Awde, Allun Bros. Sprcial-Best exhibit of butter, bread buns, preserves, fruit and Jelly-Mrs WL dl bblediekr_-_ , MANUFACTURE, JUDGS~z- W Underwood, T Smith. Farm harness, J L Ro we; flannel c ot- ton wrap, Miss Young; fiannel mixed, Ronert Morton, jsr: home-made fiannel blanket., MissWaddell, Maggie Stewart; rag carpôt, Mrs A Tourje; raz mat, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs S Bowen; counter- pane, May Little, Mrs W L Cobblenick; woolen stockings, May B Little, M4rsA Tourie; woolen socks, May B Little, Mrs W L Cobbledick; mittens. Mrs A A Gamsby, Miss G Young; woolen varu, A A Gamnsby. Maggie Stewart; crochet quilt, Mrs Robent Mor ton, jr. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS JUDQPS-J W Virtue, Robt Katerson. Double canriag-e, McLaughlin; sin-le arigFoster, -McLaughlîu- _punp, E Hasýtin;gs 1 and 2; cutter, McLaugh- liii, Poster.- UOMESTIC MANUFACTURE JUDOEs-W Underwood, T Smith, Quit, cotton, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs R Morton jr.; quilt, log cabin, Mrs A Tourje, Mrs M Burk; fancy quiîtîng, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs W L Cobliedick; gentleman's shirt and collar, Mrs Vs L Cobblediek; machine quilting, any ma terial, Mary B Little. Mrs A A Gams by. plain quilting, Mrs. A A Gamsby, E L M Waddell. LADIES' DEPARTMENT JuDGEs-Misq L Chapple, Mrs W S Wight, Mrs J L Rowe. Workied slîppers, Mrs Jno Waddell, Mrs T Percy: knîtted slippers, Mrs A Tourje, Miss R Perey; sofa pillow, plush or silk, Helen Morris,'Miss E Morris; sofa pillow worked, Mrs J J Gilfilan, Miss E Morris; shopping bag, Mrs A Tourie, Mrs W L Cobbledick; silk-om broidery, Ednla Lenwick, Miss G Young Berlin wool work, Milton Pollard, Belle G Allun; ladies underclothing, Miss G Young, Mlrs A Tourie; girls' dresses, Mrs C G Armstrong; boys' dresses, Mrs C G Armstrong, Milton Pollard; Toilet set, silk or satin, Mrs T Percy, Mrs J J Gilfifian; Toilet set, crochet, Della Oý- borne, Mary B Little; toitot mat, Miss Young, Miss Gxertie Rutherford; crochet tidy, Mrs W L Cobbledick, Mrs A A Gamsby; fancy tidy, Miss E Morris, Mrs J J Gilfilian; crochect-work Cotton, Mrs T Perey. Mary B Little, crochet work wool, Mrs C G Armstrong, Miss A Perey camp stool, Mrs Jno Wadciell; darning. on net, Milton Pollard, Miss Young; tay cover, Mns R Morton jr, Floreuce Hbar; wail banner, Helen Morris, Miss E Morris; lamp mat, Mrs W L Coble- dîck, Mrs C G Amstrong; pillow shams, Mrs C G Arinstong, Miss A Percy; drawn work, Mrs T Perey, Miss A Percpy; ta cosy, Miss E Morris, Della 0,borne, table centerpiece, Mns J J Gilfillan, Lena Henwick; table scarf, Helen Morris, l fiss'E Morris; picture scarf, Mrs W L Cohbledick, Miss E Mor- ris; crochet work by girl under 13, Mrs Burk, Mrs C Gi Armstrong; worked whisk holder, Bella G Allin, Mrs. T Perey; silk pateh work, Lena Renwick, Milton Pollard;- outlîne work,- Miss Young, Bella G Allun; fancy knitting- cotton coarse, Miss A, Percy, Mrs W L Cobbleotick; fancy knitting Cotton fine. 'Miss A Percv, Miss G Young; fancy kniitting wool .Mrs W L Cobbledick, Miss G Young;- braiding wool or silk, Miss Young, M s A A Gamnsbv; braiding cotton, Miss A Percy, Mrs C G Arm- strong; col. fancy work, Miss G Young, Mrs A Tourie; arrasene work. Miss Young, Edna Renwick; fancy table, Mrs A A Gamsby, Francis Awdc;e; coin stitch, Miss Youn.-, Mary B Little- Mexican needie work, Mrs T Perey, Miss R Percy; Ottoman, Mrs A A Gam's- by, Mrs A Tonrie; foot stool, Mrs A Tourje', Mrs. A A Gamsbv; brackets, Milton Pollard, Mrs C G Armstrong; lace work, Mrs M Burnz, Bella G Allun; Applique work, Mil ton Pollard; smoking c-ap,t Mrs A Tourje, Bella GAllun; Ma.te draper., Miss E Morris; Photo- graph frames, Miss E Morris Miss G Young; toman emhreideny, Bella G Allin, Miss Young; table mats, Edna Renwick, Mrs J J Gilfilan; doyleys, Mrs T Perev, Bella G Allun; panels, Miss E Morris, Helen Morris; ancient article, Milton Pollard,' Miss V Jackson; butten holes, 6 different materials, Mrs A Tourje, Mrs A A Gamsby; fire screesî Mrs A TIourie; fancy chair, Mrs A Tourie, netting, ceanse, Delta Osborne, Mary B Little; netting, fine, Milton Pollard, Mary B Little; table cover, Della Osborne; pin cu<3hion, Miss Young Bella G Aluin; battenburg lace, Mrs S Cuttie, Miss E Morris-, painted pin cushion, Helen Morris, Miss E Morris; worked photograph frame,. Lena Ren- wick, Miss Allun: painted photograph farne, Miss E Morris, Helen Morris; couch rug. silk, Milton Pollard, Miss E Morris; couch mug. wool, Edua Renwick Milton Pollard; fancy whisk holder, Mrs T Perey, Miss E Morris; ornament- ai pottery, Miss E Morris, Francis Awde; ornamental pottery painted, Helen Morris, Miss E Morris; ancient worked 0o Black and populai new shitdes in ail th,, new clothsý at prices that will please you. Ladies' Coats* We have a fulil assortment, of'the ne-w styles rangîig in prices from $4.00 to $12.00-Splendid value. Special Sale of FlanneletteBlkts Having fortunateiy secureci a lai ge quantity at r- dcdprices, we are now selling them at less than present wholesale prices, viz. 85c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per pair. Ladies' and Cùhldren'sWinter' Underwear. Boug ht dirmct from the manuf acturers we have an unusually large choice of kinds. See our special, heav A~ long siceve Vest for Ladies; price 20c. Ladies' and Chldren's Rose Now on sale, an -asscrted lot. of, Ladies' Plain Ribbed Rose; (ood value, regular 35e1i, yo-ur. choice 25e a pair. T oI NEWCASTLE. Mn. and Mrs. S. W, Moore spent Sun- day lu PortHope. Mr. Stanliev Uglow has retumnefi to Chicago Dental College ...Miss Bertie Rickard is guest of Mms \V. E Jewell..«..Mrs. (Rex'.) T. J. Edmison has returned from New York _.Mr. Lou Barrett f ell rom his wheel Saturday night bmeaking bis leg .... Mn. Biekerton Edînison lias resumed studv ut Toronto Medical Colleze. .1 Miss Iva Ruther fond will attend Leam- ington Business College. . ... «aily 'Day services were heldinluthe Mthodist Sehool Sundav aiternoon and a special Children's Day service lu the Presba ter- ian chunrch... _The Methodist ciurcli was rQ.openci Sutidu y. It lias been ciosed ior thmee weeks for- nepairs and renovating. SUNDRIDGE ECRO INTER'1EWEDILhV William Doeg, a Farmer of Grey, County, bas a Word te say Reg-arding Dodd's Kidneî Pulis. The Local pape r Publishes-a Columu About His Case-Worst Form of! Rheumiatism- Dodd's Didney Pill av~e Proven a Blessing to 1-1M. SIJNDRIDGE, Ont, Sept. 30, (Special) - The Eclto nf thïs place lias publislied a signed statement which cannot fail te interest ail who understand the, full Meaning of the word Rlieumatism from a personal experience. A representa- tive of that paper inierviewed Mni. Wil- liam Doeg, a weil known farmer of Strong Township, who was cunefi of Rheumatism by Dodd's Kidney Pis this spring, and the iollowing state- mentifon publication: "For four years t1 sufiered excruci- ating torture, during whicli time I was scarcely an heur mecef rom pain. Tlie the trouble commenced lun my back wliere it often remained statienary for months, and s0 intense was the pain that I could net lie down or take resz, but liad te sit nigbt and day in a chair. The pain would then remove to ether, part-; of my body, and when lu my knees, disabled me trom wulking-, confining me constantly te my room. III was treated n)y several doctors and' aIse tried mauy medîcines, witliout re- ceiving uny benefit, Almost in despain I feared I would neyer again experi- ence the pleasure of being free from pain. "Eanly this spring my attention was called te some remarkabie cures et Rheumatism effectedby Dodd's Kidney Pilîs. I procured a box, and soon found they were cden i e good, 50 I kept on, until now I can say I amn a new man, entirely fre.frein pain and have cou-, tiuued s0 even ince, being able te at- l tend to my diydte on the farmn and! feel strongç and able to work. J, venily believe thiu reai change ,wasefece by Dodd's K,,iney PUIS and I think ili MY duty te mkethis staremen)t public ion the bene4fi oCf ail afflicted as I wasý."' The Anneal Convenuti f the Wo en's Christian Tewperan,- ' -,fo this Qcunty vwas lied in ls dic Jielpp Chuncb, on Friday lest. 'lhe morning session opened wlth -Mris ThoÙmas Ho-an, Çioaty Preesldnt, iLi tCheir.Aier devetienal eximcises thte mil wrsca wlier Officers and Sproednsu D,ýpartminntri reported p.-oress in ,veiy departament. Minutes nf 1 st, etn wlere r.iad And adopted. R -v. B . H llaydon, MI. A , was i ntmodnucsd and welcomed the Convention, sekn very kindly regarding the wnrk oif the W C. T. U. NIrs. M. Crydtr!mar to'jk ithe noontîde prayer. In the aitemnoon, airer devoilonal exercises, Mrs. V. A. Coleman, Port Hope, taklng the Memorial ln the ab- zene of Mrs. Luxon, Orocnoý. The new officers are: NIrs. T. Hoar, P-resýi. dent; NIrg G. M. Lo)ngc, Vice' Presi- dent; Mri. L. A. Tola., Orepodn 5ertNy; Mra. (Pr') Tucirer, Treasur- et. Mr-, (Reýv.) W.,1Joîf, gave thei address ni welcome, wh;ch wsrespond.- ed te by Mré. àMoniens. A peper frein Provincial Supertntendent on Temper- aros in Sunday Scbools was read by Mna. Lo% ngsd alIed fouih dlecnsslon on the- work that the 4uantevIly lewson, teafieli lad dons. A paper onScientlfio Temperan7ce, prepared by Mrs. J. Le. Rowe, Orono, was read by Mn. g. W. Aluin, and was well reudeved. Greettuga weie then given by Mrs. T. O. Jewell, of the Royal Templars; Mis Wludatt, 'Vice Presldezàt of the C W. B. Mri, Allin, Rediands, Calfornia, a former- active member of Orono Union gav) a very interestlng address on the work in Rsdlandu, whfel alil appre- clated. Mn.. Jonosa gave a. paper on Scientiflo glvlng. 1The foltnwîng Superînitendeznus of Dapartmentri were appoted: Evas- gelleal-Mns. M. Crydermian; , 'NarcotÏ -Mrs. R. K. Scott; Children'.3 Aid- 'Mies Wade; Fair Work-Mrs. J. M. Jones; Premse-Mrs. Haliiday; Fran- chiae Legîsleron and Peîition--Mlag Knox; Jurenile--Mî, Bunner; Larnm l bermen'a ok-isClark; 5yste- matta Glvng--mrs. Geo. Wilson; U a- fermntned Wn-n T. C, JewelI; Parler and Mothei'z Meeting-Mre, T ' E. Htgginbothaný i;Sbbâtii Obaerv&%noe --ms. J. G( one; Sie 'ýc Tem. psrance-Mrs. Y, A. OoE.ùan: Trem. pemance in Sund,-ay Selîooe--Mr s. G Long; Fiowen Miesln-mim 1Reclîo; At t& close of Ibea nUernoon aesnion, tea wm5 îserved l teBaement of the, (uroh,to whlcl sevoral oatslde friends -11r1 lnvlted aud a very pleasani; hlr A public meeting wesF held ic the~ evecug, Nr. urîp'eiiu. 1orý addreessssontemperence w.ork Wei_, glven, by Ruva. B, . HEýy den, R. B, Greenaway. J. H Tombaiti, M. A,, and Uev. W. J. Jelliffle, B. C. L. Du-. uets,1 ' save the Bo--y" anid Beausiiul Ilte n of Aher a e e iceiy sang by Mies Br3iac ck sdPte.Mmm. NI.- ment ead sevenal nreso-eîions that ware &,doptrd by the Convputien. Tho wmeet- ing clood wlth the volps nf thanike'ta the i ficiala nf the tduli, coiorn ',d orgeanlît for aerv ,e, rsnclsned, and the. endconby Rv, W&p. Jo11iffpý As a resuit of months of planning, and workîig we have now gathered in our store as fine a stock of goods fo fa Il- an 1 winter trade as was ever shown inBwa- ville. To acomplisn. this we have considered noth,Îing too much trouble. G-oods manufactured in Greart Rian wrere bought by us in Great Britain direct frornthe makrs f teg9ds.Whengods-coufld be bou< 'd fron) Canadian manufacturers to better advantage wo à id so, always getting the best goods and -at the lowest priçes possible. As a m-atter of fact, so well have we planned the tirne auîd methods of our pnrehasîng that it would bo impossible to get the sanie gQods at the same pri -es if we had to buy thcm now. Dress Goods

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