~eureThing You Did on- Earth. uï:, ÈýA despatch frein Washington says : their nestrii'i what.are uniread blo- 1ev. Dr. Tainiage preaclied from graphies in the alcoves of a cit'y 01 the following texts, -job xxiv, 20, library, compared with the "leshall be no more renîembered," MEIHBL EOD ln 'salinscxii, 6, -The righteeu P;MUàs t B8'a Signature of 0folvoon t dfasIsekcies of those to whom you did such to-(ay. Th'lere is an old iensUtrknuse ogttcnTe Ifthat swlosdexn everything. it cannot forget tlîem. Notwithstand- cronchein, idividuals, fairilies, coin- iflg ail their night and splendor, inuMitic,states, niations, continents, teeaesm hig h lrfe honispheres, wcrlds. lits diet is of heaven cannot do, and this is one &~~cSaLW~Pr Bdaw. made up (0f years, of centuries, of of themu. Tbey cannot forget an __ ~ages, ofcce,0 mlenus f earthly kindness done. The kcind- giec n si That monster fa called by- nese udotohrs il san ez 3ae,.r oah Webster anti ail the otiier as long in the oupreiiLion of nîhers ýi" 1 7 'l e 9.dictionaries "Oblivion "I i as thle gates of heaiv<en 'iii 5stand, as the -'house of ma ny mansions" wjll ~ . steep down whi.fh everythingrelis. ad it is ,a conflagration ia which every- stal, as long as the throne of aod R ~IL~SNESS. thing is consumled. It is a dirge iltad ~ LIVEni Another defeat of oblivion wii be which ail orchestras play and a 'oudin the character cf thnQe 'i~TIPTIf!~ eriodi at which evorything stops. amid aIl the pardoni irij,,quities of a lifetime. Blo0w aan Not one of them moves in the deep grave trench- es. But to thi s poweriess resurrec- tion trumpet a voice responds, hall humnari, haîf divine, and it miust be part man and part (bod, saying, "Their si ns and their iniquities will I remiember no mr. Thank God for- this beseblivien. -Se> you 1e I did not inv-,it e yov d4own filte1l a celarbutup un,fl a thron; net in- tO the graveyaro, te whihal ilam-, terialism is d1estined, bu t into a gar- den ail a bloem wiheeratigre- menibrance. The frowp 0f nîy first text has becomie the is f the Sec- ondi text. Aniilation ibaýs become coronation. The ninigung hands 0f a great agony have becoýme the clap- -pi ng hands of a great oy.The îre- (ll.len w-Ui liIidh 11bgan libe coic the grand îarh ith whý1ich neclose. The tcar 0f s:adneiss thiat roiled down our cheek bas struck the hlp on which sits tbe liaughter cf etero ai triuniph. TOKIO A CITY 0F FLEASUIRE. In Sorne VWays Japaný's Capital is MNore Fascinating Than Paris. 0f ail the landis in the world, none exerts the peculiar fascination of Japan. (libers have ceuni beauty of Any of the chiildren cver have it ? Then _you iI neyer forget it, wil y ou ? Don't let it go until midnight_ again, but begin treatment during the evcning, whe n that dry, hollow, barking cough 'first begins. Get out your Vapo-Cresolene (for you surely kzeep this in the house), put some Cresocene in the vaporizer, light the lamp be- neatfl, and let the child breathe-in the quieting, soothing, healing vapor. There will be no croup that night. If it's midnight, and the