Heal Bros., BowmanvilIle. TEL EPHONE 5 7. We have just received a very nie e o Mixed Pickles in ýbottIes, very cheap, Have yout tried that Tea-AVAi.-the beit out. !rOTE~S AND COMM1ENS Thlic eed of education 15 quietly assumied by many people who do flot stop seriously te inquire just what education means. The word is in ostutuse, but the content o£ the terr isclerlydeiined by only a fe. ducat ion 15i an omnibus terni wh4ich covers a multitude of educa- tions. In general ternus education isaplies an instruction or discipline, but the instructions nmay be nf diff-, erent kinds and tho disciplines be intendcd te subserve vcry various ends. No real progress is possible until the fundamental idea iu cdu- cation is cleanly developed as a pre- question, Why educate ? Not every teacher is an educator fltevy application of the niid i,îlt r edcaio. i hi s n vey t-accerdance with our ideas. As Dr. iecatinvlustiain evey th rnnt sas,"China- must bc leit to une0finvstgatonwebegin ýwith Worlç out li- owVn salvation by be&r recognized premises and we proceed if wciniake any progreas at ail, by own metliods, foreigni nations giv- mean of lea defnitins.ing only sucli lilp and encourage- mansof leardefnitins.ment as tliey arc invitefi to do." 'Ihis does net mean, however, that Thli popular, idea of education as-thlesn flst yalisbu !sociates it witl ineure knowledge. telso fls erhsbe 'Tlic man who knows is educatcd. wliolly fongotten. The government The chlolar is1 the flniislied product at least was tauglit to be cautious, of education. Formerly education so that the troublne o! tlie fuiture arc likely te bc coinfine,ýd .to "oa was encyclopdia-the entire circleupiisings" ad spoade dstrb lof kno-aledge. 'flic coilege professeroncs"Buo tepesn hoei of a few generations, ago was expect- 1"1unr-est ailaruu,"to u'ise, Sir ced te kaow sonîting of everytbing. obtlar'deriinla" e Tedalwas gnealculture ad retond ord"ndtese the ýstLu dy of Uc la:Ssics nssisted to at rt diesaaota qii thkat end. Newadays a professer is retuLriiocf missioiary Famiilies to Ilie a specialist, and maust know every- s cecres of their fermtier labors. - 1 Uthing of soiaething. 'Tichente fWrl, - b p of the south that she was not to be interfered with and that to attempt te punisla ler would be to arouse the whole empire and invoive the na- tions in a bloody war" Those vicereys could nfot bc ignior- ed becaiuse tliey had ibeen of inestim- able s-erviceto the allies. -Thcy had kept heirprovincres quiet through the exe%(rcise of their immense person- ai andi politicaýL influence and had donc cverytlîing they could to dis- suade the Dowager herseif froua giv- ing couaiteniance to thc Boxers. But they owed their evattion to lier and \verý intenscly Chiniese in their sen- timrents, though they ivere enlight- encd enougli to sec the iuapolicy of provo -îng an invasion. eshur flot expect therefore, that rcform will coic in any parut of the country ini !nflucencc in the region south_ of the Sahara. Se far as influence in the Ottoman Empire is concerncd, Francel bias nîanifcstl Y lest ground at Con- stantinople durng thle last decade, and is, secnîingly, reeeiving no vcry streauous support froua Russia in her efforts to, regaîin it. Even if we admit, liwcvrtatthe benefit de- rived ,by rncefroun the Puai Al- liance lis ee egative rather than Positive, it dloes net follow that the beniefit was notc) worth buying at any price. TJp to the date when she an- nive cd a eiie understandiq g with the St;. Petersburg Governuac France wvas enitircly isolated. She Wqs iÎternilly at the miercy of the Triple Allian1ce. It was notorious of Franlifont, and( while the relative- iy p acifie Empiiieror WiIlialW I. was' stili alive, thie milîtary party at Ber- lin lad desired to attack France once more, fol the pus pose of reduc- ing lien to impotence, and no one could foi sec wlien that party mniglit obtala asenanyunder thc young and afiventuirous Williamn Il. It was thc instinéctof seif-preservation tbat iuapelled France to enter loto'rela- tion~s as close as possible with Rus- sia, and she, is justified in making great pcnaysacrifices to that end. Ah tha11 t aninlitlh ielac i1l give fo)r bis lif,d the savings and thcý credit of Frane imay b1 e eemied NO DAN4G6P. "eeis no dangper of throwing nuoney away if you take Dr. iIall's KIng St.,Boxnvle Telephone 97. Ilaving Iearnied the art O! Ena- barming and Fuanerai Dîrecting wjth Mr. B. D. Flump)hrey, the lcad- ing Toronto undertakxerand baving taken possession of the bnsiuess l'ately maniaged by ýMr. R Katerson ail orders entrusted îo nMy care wili receive may procmpt and eareful attention. A fulli une o!f useful fur- nIture will also be kept on hiand. N. R CBudI 166m HAMP'TON.1 New CmiainHat n Acede~t-ssedby the -Dom-inlin of Canada Guarantee and Acdn in1surance Co. Every business, yes. *vory man sqhould carry- oil of these NwCentury Plce.Cs IHARRY CANN is the Agent in Bowanvtll 5,Mnte -WE fequentl ecPsu Mbiaine, âaps nd il iieon whh bau rcmedy to bave near t had Ueýd Inzraly n xernaly Two &le,2c nd 5oc. boules. o! iife. Courses o! instruction vhicli lead' upte a position n'bicha enables ani induvidual te support 1unsel! i lueý are a gsimi farcec unless il lic of iinportance for the Individuai te live aIt ail. The earniiig powrer o! educa- tien is a inere incident ho a larges- puaspose and a longer cancer. Tic truc expinoablea o! education is moral and not îichanical, spiritual rallier tison inhelleehual. The more knoavledge tle licIter, but tic knoar- iedgc smust b l tIcknoeldge o! po'- e,> net mere ýf net, anad tic educahion mualt qsubserve tîo ternai as aveu If it is arortis 'Ii e hve bcas lue4 i's ,0o l ihvcd foriGdandavl a lopre o! gio)ry4suleyond ijfe, îc the' lircad adbuhter prolin ila d- ucatiesu becomres ipra t tgi 011,Y relativejy in po)rtant, as19a means o! liveiliood arbule the la tehectal nd ieriniterests are bcing meanavhule suhserved. 'fhe life is moorei thasa ment. Whetluer btch liy bbc nehlîd tflIe old chassiecs or of tic new 0 pîsysics, culture mush bl I ad., ometlpowers diseiplinIedI the vIlianod leant stimulied ùb ahi good t eiis ad thc social sma theslroadeoed. 'flic -piroclamuation avisieiLi 'H-urg Chan.g las issuied for thec nestorabion o! order io lie province o!faviicla li is viceooy is an essesuialiy Cnssîese pnroduct and possiseg strango lu thie i ng ont o! tlic troubles o! last yeari are forbiiden. Mfis avould seenu10 pcceod aythusig litýe 'ajudicial c- aniaton bt insome avaý,y Boýxer leaeisarete llnade tegveseý- Box2crs ad od ceaotar indaa mti surrnder le iands liey bav se Iod te the laaful ownes. Ap Berýýýs as vrebls anld leniis 'flic f ctnay lie taIten ite de-nuon- strato tuai I these ý510 licnus hang 1!hp idrgsu, mdha la ic de.an oua <0hlier accoumîtýs for. souse liie. Spatiug o!thue hbec&ia Vas etraîe ah -PeLing byfor kIgnerstnthtcemp-a oa i'udlie vremoved, D.Aaacnt says 10 fli iideeadutthat "it nas ot hiotliefoe ord "n'as sent by Chang Chili Tung anidthIeadnviCe-oy- lent te a irec gif t of an inimense sulu o!fasy As n matèer of! met, lio.'- i vcir, Fi ueliasnont only oîiobledl Inussia te acthîe annualiîtcs on 1er previons indcbtedness aith ia smnallcs draft upon ber treasuny, but shue lins donc, wait ne othier Euro- peau conhtry aras able or willing 10 do teo nything lite tie samneci-lent; sic lias made il possible for Russia greatly te increase her proviensia- debtedness. Ib is truc tint tic St. Petcrsburg Goaernnnsent bas naae te borron' a 1111e nmoncy lu Genuaaauay and aise, a 1111e lus tic Usitefu Statb os, buit it is safo te say sic las foun d Fane illiusg teleîdtea limies as souch. 'fIac s oUitive proparltion. of te ic p- ilusi ion Gs-te, on tse on linn, ad1f0i-sI Frnce, uitIl("oier, n'as iiadcnted initise teiegramis re- ceived frona St. Pctersbung nd fstom_ Brin., On tle onse lînd ave ai-c bld tiat thae niîeting'o! the Czarad i tiorcuaisKaiser oh Danîzie lias beeci folloarcd byac agreeiieist on the part o! a Gemmasdialîe, saîutioned by tic Cesîriiua ovnsme tehosub- scribe for $*-0,000,00() o! Russiaca railroad bonsd. Otishic other liaod, we arc infor mcd that the zi' visitl to Coropieguae is ceunhed upen te fa-1 cilitato, liofore lise close of the year- the p fcu e sicav Russalan lbau anaouritiisg hoi,$200,000,000 liy Paris ba !er.I is, in a Word, principal- 1,y o c ilt!accial sreseurces o!_ber] lFYuilYpr er liiiRussia relies o île ~~~o thupeho !îe fras-Siherianl Riîyfoi- Ilie->coitsîuctliof ohler prejechf cassi, ndfor tiseelre menh ad qipmeîto le- ry a ~Vlit Finocelia don lforRusia- is 01b suddobienýs rogi, bttis 'holatapsimsevien'o h queIl s crtauu tis, during bb zýIllffi'l'lil' 4ýfmgraninither of the present Emipes'oir, ' 0 the French sevolu tien, -after -alie no9et' but even tje younigest gi was atce twice by xvould-be a- di-;atbof atein i 1796. Hie had oughlt to begiin topear for a sassins. Osca Beclior tried te shoot ne knowlcdgc cf the art of ruling, beantiful and hecalthy old aitgc by usi i- MENS AJA3tAý. hua on .Jully 14, 1861, but liaPPsiY aving hecilu iI1W inteats alid pur-'iing discretion in idiet. faiicd. 'fli attempt was repeated by poses a royal pnisener, as fan as Inidulgence iin qunatities o! n 36te14 ci rcast. a Dr. Nobiing on June 2, 1878. Ilccourt kiioaledge anfid cusîoins u'lerc \Vliolesomne, though.pîhspe- 'fl ic oufot an'1 fpe utility cif tie was likewise unsuccessfni. Wlicn concerned. Ile -weulnined tic prude cf ant swcctmieats and ohninïdigos- pajamias are a lcknowledged facts. Nobiling nealizcd that liec au misscd'lis officeis anIci arotised theo discon- tible foeds w'il slwly bu suely Like uaany anoiitier garment brouglit the Einperon lie hlew out biso tn 0 irujet yls ako uin Uhc be>t ofcopeinhlh to us froua the Eaist, ilicey have bc- bs'ains. Surely a fit ending for sucli judgmclia nefi tact» Ho 'vas aise ac-a -ie goos on, w'ill beom ticle coruc n ne-'ý_, itynd moite an essen- n iSýUfi. cused (f injustice, A party of bisand ceai-se, or, eenwons, pnal ti al patIf c r asuieoutfit. AbralianLincoln nwas thie firstpre- gileis scenel he palace, got inte To rtaiin a godompeioin 'fictrusrsarcimpleand straiglit sideikt of tUe IJnited States to e Il i weroiadct'nldllitil h gsin.fr i aegnrlyg dna%ïniun. at iseu a tby meons of nsssntd.'bs dastac'dly decd za ýýsîlion 'île igit of Marcc__24, togcther-tlu food ake soui h tapes iln1s ('t1, at theI upper edgc. uvas corInnitted by John WiIkes 1801. Hiurple, but euihgnn t re- 'fliccoat isloos,it siape, and ooti et Ford's tlicatî-c on Apnil le, Aiuoig the inost notable o!f thegular'leu-, hisuus i noabli re eut onuxelntue.At tc ict1865. îeris uost i scsntdisyto e h aoidcd .ond, asia genienll iui side is a a ich pocket, adthec nee liurinig tic lninetec<ntli centxry itiene bce mentioîîed Jlccsc'y 1V., cf Fr-ance, 'stimul ants ssol netho taen. is nsic with a se!t, tizs-a-overlwas Imrdily a country osa the face Of n'ho r. ~ebd to e dctl i îlo Wanm nit wle founld an xcel collar, >1heIw'globe it i dmont have one or driving in is cant-iiage. 'fhis foui 1lent pick1-me4-upsi-inced(. Te czt teepaansfor 4aman of mrmues olynurdcrcd. Somne- deedarsdocby lnve;Hilauin 1610. ITfhe cdcny oroaa mutist rean ý,iiiean aîduasize B8yrs f ateiai1 ue icasasis a ofe 1i o flc nrdre 'a trurdubmis 1t iccnnt nero smul wie, o ( y r s 2lo he vie wîî tioe o e x us o ali i o rf b 'id hoss ja d î,î she slaon ul , while s kn ni] iInot te overdo itg cries avebeen pL-jýjsonjs 0f edu1caý- avisostabhcd lima ïi1589 Sc iul as h cre-1t.bv WAf IS IIPiL SADtio anild st anding in 1Ic ýcomsîî11unity. Wiliîi;the -;,Suent1, l" 0t Prneoli'uftin leadifsc 'bol Bonsis Wiippenlry (cr say ny I u li4th brais o ftiliese latter ange, n'as siot by Baîthalsar Cradcihance te sa teep late heurs, thîgaou e sieiCzett, wio must hiave Iseen abîsonînal. Fortun- a t Bel!ft, iu 1581. Gerard aras i tun- su hudlie a i-est kand aisleep' araa-ed -e cn et he r c-te4 t eiy uast o! hlI, attoml terenr.lirc a~~lrniblc e. dnig ie daytiiae. Wei, ys, nswredGobett si liesof petecitates Pi-ove 1unsUCcoass- CsausVsking of Savedesa'4, -Ul tirore teclcl wma asked nlietedyairyohvef, or scarjýely a year, or evea a araýs iassaiýsisaiedi in 1310. V1ol erudicohlg'fro nithî,. aonld pass Ilsat sontie n'on-, 1iLIes Il.. -Of ! SctkIi, asnu slodaes-uducosigfarl licu e pisîorsl.Silo sed Yu0 1ar0li oi ie i ile.h 18 xhue!in ruior silk. oradt caiildolierfoc!tu laI tvo 1873 President Guitereocefrike,o!course, wav ii r, but or~~erz hnoînue.Iiof nonciocithunas j1Ecuajdor,w.jIIuI.OfSr-)1(, as iilod by au assassin, i.aîsIo ctadna lm eaoa shss ets saiii life ne' pa---- - ,ývIsliýsot lins. This happened osyby S.u- Robes-t Gral, nnaIPestîs ilafistli aîlet ios1frto 00le yeur alter lus predlecessos-, Pic-1437 efa! to foty yaîstes-e avero ne aident lMoresno, 1,ad fluet n i iuai-re ticrit aends110 otnt fate. je- hee t w i!- 1w 1a Dnnsi a evit n einPrsidsî1I A-N TJGRATEF'UlLV- avwant cf irrteileet, if n naant cf I beart, B:1alta w a nprisosîcd byis ini-IMr-.' Blossocîî lsad heesi eryli (à i r 1iaer of Welas Cites-r nez dfi lte-asîd hy tise lise lices Gutre.T(ai ale to 9gýel or itii"cen ain tsneii downsessai tic tehequai na naavater, a d moehuasifaditts-addo'sîi- aanl emldg tnnhie daiiy lepid bathsheuld not e ORDEED IAL11A ro a conideablelenth. henilforgotteci . That's a good naine for I ID , ALASHT. nas tats. B. v oluiteeCred ,t As te theuirlis o aoscl ieh 'fhils exceution tot Place on ,Iu!Y cnt it for heui, acîd 1Biossocn. prob- loî- csatssîe int(Eede d il, foi. thw s s;Î S ots Emulsion. Chiidreîî 22, 1872.IL would se to be n ably oaviig lubis waentconidon, arîi avs itietic o pexoîoe arc ike vouo, larl-Il b1; bv aiiiii I st one haitiado MAis- Bfa,tieel Uic leiclothiuuide ci will cgrow l inordinar-y soi . isei olW r oe'0sef.Blossomi's clis auiid gelte obusicîcss. SieP ci;glit Ior vuyslli -Olse o h lsso ! j1alvi i_,let 'le lsoc -pcse i ains.vucc.Fn epecclt h Othes ned frtilzer. detiaat te hasîd cf ii m asia n (mut u-ugr! kCr Isavliellelcd, laiu ofsec. 'ate wara sos1 n'ieiature tif sornlýe ehildiren 84 sotirplssneo îcta is.B aeindtcpit o!ieroc-eeynkltbfr on The ssrïad, esu-ahnes, Iso n's iuses( iso sinbs ect aîatliedik bd.Ue iih, 1liard pillw oik, 1prevents tilemfroin iîîîughl ousu- seie lilihr!idfyuii- ynsedin s f i aad vtou s lo 1o11n oria food Suh hi- ,iiJ80,,-d va.lsefi-s Sa i-Ms. P't',olytlcsosanes ie Ieetion- tto rculr :cai dren grow righit if treatecirgtdoassiae.o i tntoh el ti.aiitaoscsiei b ocydy Ail they zieed is a littie fer- OcMac2,184 cn, I, ilen. uao!soctf p, PITDPAARPS Tirougss.il .oi fino ii eeideInce îo rcs l,0,lu cl o Plasiadepîsa in 1877. sts,5rils acu lunefi lsd i ehapits .i ai Tliat's Julst what Scott's ml 't u hf nisgt us1t.s î'~nî ouîiaeu o aheeupy lsdlt u suon doies. It makes 1cidren eeeîecyJnbusof! 1dm. Tsy'I hulilevslegin tetru tlu;e aceîsd iîs 0fviiotsî tIe i-u- ir. Gbl tn.Uts isl tnu-Lushepsisbsyti grw nflsh ro n trîgt, hh !lie-"-oitwiOl Cpe eiaii iibe heus so.' uads- euhaca Seuad f~ free ample. rick -ns, bld-l psoIîcsad o i le ýOntouclry (,Oicgil epeolo l a idevise -euiforiît fr long draiienîîo imsa aa s ot i ohdslead ot$0O PEN1iLTIESi OF UREÂTNESS RULERS WH-O RAVE BEEN AS- SASSINATED. The List o! Victîis- Is a Long One anad Reaches Imb bte Centuries. The assassiîîat ion o!f ri(-icot c- Kinicy secuas; about île plost coar- andhy anîd tuncahfed-foi- cýArcat it 15 possible -te ceaccive. Il is eerlainiy a dreadicîl blot on tareutieti con- luny civilizatioii. I-lcens o! santionus bave, sinco itie begiisning o!flslstosy, bicothîcvidtims of suurdemeus f an- atics, and theis- exalled positionas morktltieu as thîe objects of assas- sias. 'his is one o! tle penalties of thueir greatness. mode te assassinal thue Shah of Persia, Il happily pc-oved unsuccess- fui, ilirengli no inuit, lioare cci-, of tic anarchist wavie nIeul le thi hu. This attocit on lie Shl's 111e n'as iode on tie second o! August liy a monn îaîîued Salseci, aro dlsgulsed lisaseif as a vornaan. It urilibe îememhbeed hy every- body îlot oniy thrce days before tie, alleîcpt osa tue Shsa's lufe, Rcing Hiumber-t o! ltaly n'as kilied. On Jrîiy 30, 1900, Asîgelo Buesci. ani aascclist (saidho o e foui Patcîesn N.J.) "slaot thueting, n-ho dicd aviiic a fen'hours. Bcesci n'as sentenced 10 life imprisoomecut, in soiitasy -on- finemnent, ou lie taent-fiftl 0of Au- ,guish folloaving tiecreisue. TIse deails pelh i net afulI mii oy. Tare former ailempîs l ad lieus ode ou Ring HIumbeýrh's life. CO in I1897 by isn cssiîh aortman, an!Ihîe ofiier by a iais nailied Passatîleý len 1878. Be(jhso! tlese avouifi-bo ai-dorons sa-ýe-cseuil ho ,pesol se-ri- Inde for life. In tle autusuun of 1898 the ~Yhe L n of Rane;,- ~ 1anSes, Shave been, nade for mecderu -Cooks and the careful housewife *ho requires to use econoumy 'and get the best resuits. laphought Ranges are not expeiaents. They 1hav e b e tested in 150,000 Canadian homes anP.d ,have been imitlated by Imore stove. mianufacturers than any other Range. B3uy a Hiappy Tliought, you'l get Qualityv that Means a Saving il you do. blanufactured by SThe Wmn.Buchî Stove Ce., Limnited, Brantford, Wîethanufacturera foau utratdCatlge We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dis5posýe Of yet, and very eheap-flrst-eAss goods at very sminoiles 01-11 earry a good a3sortment o! Ladies' Oxfordj,coIored and bi-ae at $1.O.- Men's Calf and Gordovan BIms, sewed. and rivitted, f romn $1.,10 to 82.50,,worth $2.00 to $3.50. Childrlen's Button and Blius 25c, 50G, 75c, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses. Povs' and Youths' te correspond a 7an IR-fU-qeA- - - ý - .. Il - Il ý -il f - - ýt 1 L.n XTàNlýc ý