Limite d e o T1H153 COMPANY IS BEJNG ORGANIýlZED TO ACQUIRE AND TAKE ovrtelln n uieso H IOT FENO.. COMPANY, a highly suc ccesfL ig on erFn now v manufa'4uring a v ery po pul ar and satisfa ctory class of wirle cilg Zn. farm1and automatie g'es at tle Town of Oshawa, and 10 carry op, anld extend sud business and include o ber. classes of goods as hereinaftei licated Jo view of the fact îhat similar factories in the United States are over-loaded witl crdcrs, and that hard\xai e merhants in this Province this season have had their ordeis, exc.ept for very late delivcîy, refused by American factories, and that the latter have in several cases wthdrawn their travellers from Onturio on account of their inability to fil orders ; in view also of the scarcity, expýense a;d want of dura- biliîv,, of wooden fencing, tlie dangers to cattle and horses altending tle use ol barbed vîréb and the increased demand for miles of woven -wire-fencing- lv Railway WIIY JAMÇS CK WENT BACK As James Murchison looked back, over whnt he was pleased to cal lis carcer, it seemed to him tbat al that had ever happened to hilm lad Leen the resuit ofsome. extraflEIOIs. and irresistib],s force. Somnetimies, felt as if he had been compressed into a mould by circum- statnce; soinetimes buffeted from pil- lar to post by cruel accidents. Captain RPobert Arnini was almiost the last pcrson likely tb be ln bis need; indirectly, perhaps cliec;ly, ail that lieliad carne fromn Arnirn; in time Arnim liad asked hielp from hini;, it was in his poiver to give such assistance; Arniîm was waliting for it now-for the aid ihat çould save his wif e, probably, ýand Nvould set bis inid at rest. And heý was vrning away. Where was'he now? It struick him Iwlth something of thec force of a thiought occurred in a haîIf-broken dreami that hoe had been walkinig lea- gue. is watch had stopped. mlight be after twelve,!for ail he(, as xvell as after eleven. Petr- haps Arnim's f ate-his, own-migit be decided by the fliglit of time, andý that he was free to go homne and get some rest. He stood at the bead 0f a naýrrow street, branching off at an amite an- gle from a broader elle. ; Tiierewas SCIENCE 0 N THE FARI4 THE WORK OP THE FARMERSI INSTITUITES FOR 1900. Report of Superintendent Creel- man-New Features-Year of Progress. The Ontario Department of Agri- culture has just issued the seventh annual report of the Superintendent of Parmers' Institutes, being- for the year 1900. It is of much pï'actical interest to nil concernied in th6 pros- perity (if agriculture, as the valuable adclresses and discussions which are included emb9 dy the iatest resuit of the experiîncl'ts and researdhes of speialists in the agriculturai science. GAVE OUT'* The unhvippycondition of Alex., shîpper fer P. Freyseng (à CO.. manufacturera, Toronto, cxred perma- nently by PowIey's Liquified Ozone. If you are troubled with coated tongue an-d bad taste'in the mouth in à6-