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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1901, p. 8

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When 1 wrore you for some Do,' Ki d t sPils 1 watt so discouraged (it lat reni to save mv live. 1 sultteristNwîtb Brîgt's Disease, Ileart Disease ant Rhieumatism anti 1 was mucbblatt Slt.o witlî Dropsv. I wals-so feeble thdui i was rinabie to do anything. 1 suffe3reti for t'xee ears with Rheum.ui8m ' nore were two years and a hsilf thLai lni . fered iwith Bright's Diseas, I ha,-ve triet sl1 tee remedies iu tbe world andii alw\ a grwworse and w'orse i re-ilas one time wbenfotre unotî Iab~doedalilMy remodiles3 1)1 reoec Ito Jet myseif tite ,wihoüu, visite,', bo Pan-Amtrtcan. . .. Mr. Thos. Doncast er, Orifia, visiteti bis father recenrtly,.. . Mr. W. G. Bryan, manag- er of 'Frader's l3anýk at Newcastle, was Batten, Toroîtto )visitet bis father re~ cently.. . . Mr. a intiMrs., John Allin bave gone, to MidIint to visit bis sister, afrer wil thesi returu to California.. Miss Sand(ercock who lias been visitlng friend., lu Turo(nto anti Guelph, bas re- turlieti to lier auîtt's, Mrs. Rý Moon... iMr. Rob)er-t est intentis ieaviDg for CaIifournia, where hb3eyepects to make bis borine sory...e'J. Y. Cbap.. ma!i bas heue is, sudies at Victoria Qýolleýge, Trno....Mr. anti Mrs. Alf. Tiull. Leskprd, are visiting bhis sister, Mrs A A. Gamisbv..,. Mr. Wm Arm- 'will corne to hear Father Roberts if for nothing else, ~an -Shol tiUfenara Pale, Woegk and Norvous. D)ebilitated a'nd Exhanmted lu Mia and Body-Dr. Chase's Nerve Fýood is SurprIsIngIY Benefïiai for Chiibren. The severe and ever-increasing straIn Of ICOmxetitive examinations coming at a time when every boy and airi is undergoing tryîng physiological chanzes does much towards mnaking mental andi nhysicai wrecks Of achool surog, mnage(orthe Newceuste r icilssren. 1- dtown liii tb Wt ps r-r. I eati f he ad i Ytid t atclîery, aiiMr. H. 'Mouton ,ar,,I the blood iîn and îwater Y andi the uer- Wu P' ou sud try ayain with your gorgtogre teuua upy of j vos Systemn exhacsei hlrnhv remti'. sawnMrs Arstrng iîaco-n cacet scp h man 11 have ny rtt wus UV, surprie at tce gond Pau r ".la d. Mr, anW MrS. D. 13eset a feeble body1. 'The're ls no treat- tb~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ I).deKde ul ae ewr tvnLti Bianwr eer-uent knowni to scientats natural- 12ae u loh Mreu LO Ehh, mw we e- Iy anti thorough1y re-toùres strength anti wi it llst bo xu senýt, I t)ook f hem ntl.Ms 1. Gmb ikt ia itItlteMrvus system as Dr. au f u hatt ws retl~imrovd.fron ergarena qanitvof rpe Chars's Nerve Fond. It reakes" par- Sf-c theus Ihave taken twent; boxes. repbris sudti Lut.Stike as a ents happy by bringing bac7 the color si Ya rei f v Bighs es e, mv 0,rn bush l'Kwrhbrns,Mnto tis cesanti the se-,th an( .Iltï)ý lu,,aas atim11euars "Y . Rtwcawjutige on neavv elaselUY to te bodies cf thei pale, i r <n1 boxe tous nt ~t ossann Mhs p Hnrtigr tpliny chil Irenr. t', t i xe finiheti tbe I shahne lu <'"onrg Fir-..ný. Austin J.Fod rsS.DmsyAbrOn, f O. I ii erit'ou o PL tnatr tint'«u, i bis wfe"yitigrndah rne aid i n1 ihr,, ae sos 0a ndwat .. rdwsk,'q'b ~~~~~~~~u 11' f rerwutupa'sc nt I netie adg'co i e paO ai ~ au fa ci <f my refowdý tl eatvsau rcti ygoi"wak- ' " ' ce nt ta' o i Ilon t freset. ore Bor foronl beoogei rt Fotip'~oed nvatuete nlvrca- re n rrrh tmo Iutal c C l ,' F ossa 7'uis! toizu~ur riclr r nkn stn.iuecorno w nd Detins ~1 'ýrL 'm ,, be" "i g a m m e of A e i b rsr n at e.. qi rgauiare, Ofltfl&Wtti tu tkttcrea3U.i It consists of the following members-_ M r. T , C. Jew ell, M is tlacoc l, M i s3 Veate and Ms W. W. Allun. Mondavy evening o'Rev. J. J. Rae faced --an otbe-r new lecturIe "Cream andi Scum" or thîngs whýichI risc to the top. Hie matie bis addJress sttfficie!atly varied to suit ail tastes aud leliciteti bearty applause. Miss Gertrudeý Cawker plaved au organ solo ver.,,,nicely. Rev. W J. Jolliffe, pastor, peie. Roy. VW. Jolliffe pro nounceui hebenedicti on. Proceeds &n.,35. BOWMAN - 1 A MARKETS. Correctiedý by J-If olnrtryeach Tuesday tLUF 0 b...........1 L70-Éto WBEir Faieus .O0 0t 't Reive ro.000 't "nos.........OO0 ti t t a . . 8. o u2 i $2 20 0 60 0 48 o 45 o u smJail ana easy LU Lake. 1)011 itforgel thîs, Miss Maud Campbell, Taunton, was presented by tlie congregatiun off Zion quatrter eut oak rocking chair anti a beautiful silver fruit diali for service rendered as organi.-t. Sbe is remoçtng to Chicago to continue ber studies in medicine. Mr. J. IL. Greenwood, Whitby, is lu receipt of rapiti instalments of a fine legacv from South Africa, About a quarter of a century ago Mr. Greenwood undertool, to provide for flic eartbly wanýts,of Mr. Thos. ilunt, a blinti rela- tive wbo stifl makes iiis home witli Mr. G. lu returu for this Mr. Hunt ex- ocet' d a document making over to Mr. ooer, Boston, Mass., is guest of br[ III sister Mrs. Geo . Eilbeckz. .. Mr. ai Mrs. M. L. Argall, Oshawa, visited a Mr. Rd AlIin's over Sundav.. .. Mr. A. W~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~y y -74 Bw~avli.-pn S~nA' day at hiome ..... Miss Annie Moore. professional nurse,--Boston, Mass., us E N i G. visiting ber parents ...Mr. Ed, and Miss Clitra Symons and M iss Mabel Rickard, Hope, visited friends here over Sunday ...... Congratulations " to Mr. Powell and bride.... Mr. tîud Mrs.Jesse Basker 111e spent Sundny at Bowman- ville. A short time ago Thu Cosmopolitan u u l ne of a.1 publisbed an article by the well-known o k frai writer under the non de plume of Raf. fordPxke on "Whau worûen lîkein nd Ti h h n uienuwooii ait tus propertv resent anti only in America, but also in làigland. prospective. It happened Mý1r. Huiit haý Inthe ompoia for October tho a brother coellecting a share of the mi n- sanie auithor dicssswith 1briliance era we ith C Sout-h Afrlc%, and thiq an keunes "W iamnlike in WO b rother reetyded, lavig $151000 to iien," inLr invantslean lngn fo Exhaustrin andDebtlit. You auho " s Srblnga r d xeri~ Book, il -l -1- ahn-amires- and -L -L -L

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