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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1901, p. 2

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Ladly of the bouse iooking into the exnpty flour barrel said- "0. I. C. U. R. M. T. " "Well, I arn glad as now 1 can get ail my Jread, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Luttreil's and save ail the boher of baking myseif." Alx.Lutrli King St., l3owmanvilie. Telepbone 97. BU SINES8 ý CHANGE 0 0*e Ilaving learnedl the art of Emn- balrning and Funeral Dît ecting wi;h Mr. B. D. Ilumphrey, the Iead- ing Toronto undertaker,and baving taken possession of the busîsess lateiy rnanaged by ]hr. R. Katerson ail ordeýrs entrusted to my care wiii receive my prcmpt aînd carefîil attentio)n. A fulll une of useful fuir- 1 raja a fnd sweat hnes trad do Dt break. Madey - Iraperial Oi I Ileresnttivs bc he foward of New Quîinc wD!scovery, T II r AY[RUN Tt is ïvell known thsat most of? motion tu tihe f[fct that îtîis desir ., 1eGi-unn those svh a~~~~~,ýbl ajiid essential thatt Jhe Awtra- 4 alt cooaeWNES0 RZSA H o osesvre-t~o bring about a IVESO PRZ A TH tighenig cfthetic be-wce thebanComonwealth shiuld decre ae~areaertnGREAT HORSE SHOW. UntdKngo nis Cooista "ay t{mtfsn reg cure for' couighs ýeassd1coil. T h e Caaa Sep he 7-.'-,eld 1 l- a the beliee tht thir ccd mPay be beost Po3 r"to'pre1 atsi-irtislîr s , n rip-oinia Tub attainud by t-ise initution cf an iesctrn enspre ilbee-uaiv powers ain lsss imperiiZivra or Cnstoms grldn igîu oorpaeodnr unn, Mra.Snloteeyas o Union.Sncb Unionhappieas ad sssfty." he moion 0CI NEVEISY iBOX. ohrcrtv 0 ri, , t 1 1 ri1 Js~1 bt bers of the BiailEmieii t irg d oine f these eSouthern Sea, produce any f-asty ufÉirefetCure any 1D. Ely, RIetrNY;4Li pi ie, the raiene imposin a comtmon islz.cds ir sacredly vnsted in Austra-- colt'quiciad snreiy. 2.5 cents a box L. 1), Ey,1-ch1,rN .; 'th protective tas-itj againe-t tL-e prodisets lia nd tisut fustb"r annexaticuis cf ae ail rgct.priZe, E_.1). ilinds, Pittslorcs, V. o oeil unre.Tepatc-is inn s therein by fcreign- Powers Staion, 2 years a-nc under 3.-lat cfn forctlgnzcousLstres. ElypRoctec- wil le consirlered ats cf bostiiity." ndLdpie. .1 ifohs bility c-f the scheme was discussed Iat n isay be snid that titis motion, ter, N.Y.; z3rd prize, A. M. Smith, the recent meceting of the British As- wilsih on its face ie calculated to and Scottishnusoai. The own- 13rend Loaf, Va. StLljjin 1 year and sociation by à1r. Archibnid D. Clark ensibnssîcss the fBritish LFore'gn Off!ce, ori ftefinss iie y no .ltpie .b ltc iii a psper that doserves more at- bas cot yot becou cdopted by tihe Great fi-ita,, in,'ad th bulk cof sncb chsester, N.Y.; 2ndu prize, E. 1). Auslî-xiian Parlianient, nnd may isot tiade as tbey baý,ve ir ljansatetecl Hinds, Pitasford, Vt. hMare. 3 ye-rs tention thian it bns hithierto received, cspotdb r atn h with Sydney- Nevtcsthelers, seine0 old- or ovr-ist and 2nd prize, dos. Ilefore examýinicg tihe question of 0a Premlier and Sinister for Extercal ye'ars ugo, a Frcl iilit'crY post Biatteil, -liddlo-bui-y, Va.; b3rd aud Zollverein, Mr. Clark cenceded that Affnirs ini the Federal Conserumiient. nas cstabiished 'iii tise New Iebri- ith urizes, L. 1). Ely, Roechester, a linige and grcwicg exp)cisaure on Ilhat lq truc. M'i. Barton inav deem des on tise Fplea t lzst, slsNewcw'Cl- N.Y. Filly 2 years ccdii under 3.- th ans cd cay tth Uitg it inlexpedier t to forsulate suris a edonia was annexed. [the words "ai-d lst prize, L. D. Ely, I ocleater, thdecisr,,tiendataths oimehe Unitenoue s depeusieucles" %nere incîndesi in L Y. Filly 1 year nnd under _2.-Ist Kingdcm was irzvianbie, lnnd lie re- tle e sscertain ', rtoni ancd the prociaisation. After piolotige pize, Jose-plisBatteli, Middlebury, m indod bis auditors thlot not a fow coire ,of Iis oer,gi_ is have expre- ngoiaticus it nas coricecdi by 1 Vt. 2nd iiiJ 4tis piizes E-D .T Englisisuien now argue ulat the ed ie'wsr snbstasstially idesticai with F-'rance ibat tise Sol dePendency qf tliisds, l'ittsford, Va. Blood mare to Colsiiswhiisoqall wih ren toseembdisi a he otin,.sp~4New ,Caiedonin nas -,the Lo3 altý7i beshown with toal at foot by a r- Colontepublieiopisiion iii AnsiGreata.i Gronp, and a !rcigy tise Frencs gistcred sire -IL U pris-v. Josephl Britînwoud prfitb'lise resuit- 1t-ecding strocgly l h aedi rer- garrvýi o swiida sm ts atel iueu t;2dpie ani security, isighu fairly be asked t ,il. Intelligent tind prînîroic ius- Isexvlebrides. Thiý e sccb Gvern- L b1. Elv, IRochester, N.Y.: 8rd to contribluas'toward the expýense. iralians beliove abat the interests of ( .s, soLIe, as otcsed ghtto rpsVt JspsBat-.Mideuy luis, c cons s, is jut isbctGrec- ir coiiinent have boots sacrificed covet aise isl"I 'd isrnltt a This, oefisoarsercontry lu thetmaties'acquire thoem indi ecl, sïsariyFrenchi Frencs 'Ilroasers.-Stal lion .3years ville, Townsbecd and otisers ,salid of New csledjosiannsd in tise sîa11rrenigranýts lia i ben cons eyed tii or over-lu. prise, , 5Vîcîaugîsîin allr tseNevu ccr~ as. ti, c Sane. ad isa tser j grvetUIs asî setldo dclimned by Bros.,. Columbus, 0J.; Qîîd prise. E. Clak cceiore su], deass undacer f iel beug ubjcac totheSe-lot de NovelesIlebrides, M. lBarton, IllurdaleILIi.; brd frize, sieor wons ronrsi li asean rat similar u.riof ce lu t!,b. î te- istsaiior- stcsbMe rsf ILaihlin Pros.,Colusmbus, 0. _____foi_ c eissf :Incte.firt asiel busuidized'a by Stallion _2)ayars ansd under 3.-ira place, ]ue mainttined tisaItise Unit- New Calcdonirs, it Plany le recaiied, jts Frcnc (oi rnisc-ancd organ- prize, E. L. Barton, Ilinsdaie, 111. ed lfingdonï la already compensaaed n-as discovs'resl lvCaptain Cool lu izcd fo r no caerlurpose tlsan tise Mare. 3 yenrs Oros'ver-1 st li e. i for aise fart that it boars the wisole 1774, ansd, tîsorefore, by rigbt cf dis- exto-s1i o fFesel influence. M. Bartoii, Hinrifale, I11. Filly, 1 burden cf providlng fer thei îiiitary coS esy, beiocged toe(Iront 13iitaiss. ycar anid under 2-lst prise, E. M. br1 Barton, Hiissdale, Iii. Blood marc nsî nval deecr c tie ritsbNeertîs, lors, Fiance wns permnitled Tise plan, cf Cous",f to bigte c ho esn i-itisfont at foot by a an nvl éeneofte rtihto an in a1853, rince îvhicl about a poode-ueof French Tise ceniipeilsitionl, lic snid, dl ubsbosue sacsvc iciet nas e lbie-twiîî registercd sire-lst prise. E. M. Bar- vatestly gronilsestaerconictiesdesa isu tise l-ý- ois, llinsdaîile, 111. wa he-stygrtier , n-ht in Ec-the iiebrhbto rous arilynceof n bore<ailed tkat a preWtiiÙ il- Cydsaes--, io,3years or lani eriesfc'sc tie ossssesicf . rTLeBritaihForeign Office lbas tiona - andi t1ison tojmal-csuch pro- - Idpriet H .Beag, tianm-riiedendtiie. iealso persiitd Gerî ny to di a pondesance a ra ground for tbe Chsurchlul, Ont.; brd prize andi 4tb linge trniîriedpýdice.,epsart of tIse luge isiand of New Gui- uredr fpiialonrl t prise, Rlobert. Ness, Howick, Que.; submnitted, lu the su-ccod place, tisat c leu, ubicis is sepas cted fromn Aur- Franice.,Tihe rearusî for Aistraliat's 5tis prize, Il1. G. Boag. Churchsill, recesit experienre lu SentisAfic'a ulal- ci'l asînt Icpo opsiintosr - r"dngaeOnt. Stailion. 2 ys'ars and under 3 inicfe tsa tselstecus f m-tetive proxisiit-'ycf a Germssuscol- , licietiy obioiis. In Frensch -lst p lecclrasus lror., Cinre- eîsy not usssaturally excited ots ai tei !brdsntolmotot. rzTh.Sk- periai deferre siglît bc bettr -sersed0ou unipat sof Que ensland i ltoetas ;' ud ai-eoneoil-bides nt onl ot n.;2sars, ic.5 ,byth spntncos cton f he ndstisteri plaii'svisidrs ; -oudLecnnreIricif tO a~ Mitchell, Ont.; bril prize, Hobt. by he potasou acion cftheasd stic ases, ugIisda sitdsn'-rsecondsiconvict stati, but in tise Ness. bcwick, Que. Sta'bson, 1 Colonies thnn bY a f crisal ai-d bisîs- alifrom the Sssmuass Arsiipelago -lias ci ont cfwsini betwe sîc adýeas sicg~~~~~~~~~~~~ .oa tFranpceoo eces-rcsr i-ms(rotBiai ol castand a rsndunder 2-ist prise, rraa aýopooedrroitrlc rIi Cr-tBianw,;!!cnttt rsClarensoca, Ont.; 2cd prize, igcnrc.fnr-siglited Austracdians. n ayai base for- o,(Per-tions agninst 'Wielthain,&_ Fiack, St. Mary's, Oct.; liavng ut sideas eiogicg to iseAustralia. Tlu ýIs siesthàib'sthîe 31-d prize, Grahis B ros, Clas-etssost, 1-laingputasie a beongng o Te iinîediate case, bowever, cf Anstraliais co1i uic, uow ilat uisey Ont.;4th prise. Weiuisass&-, Fl'ack, St. the Iimibo of clsiniesras tise notion cf tbe nmotionu iitroduced intise Austi a- axewcl pgressa i usd Iï bve learniesitise Mnry's Ont. Mare, 3 y cars or 'bver ettetrting acy deinite and binding cr- lici 1-bouse cf Represeitativeas was strength duivbl fonsi union, will -lst prise, Grabiam L"es., Claie- ranensntby licis tIcCoossesundo ubiedly thes' rrepocd'nce, no longer sie'Ecisdte use tise miont, Ont.; 2nd prize, licdgkiisson shoisibe acl teabae iu tc ssp-nis'~i b.kisnisto sav ineisplae ilaîis f ctiiSuhernsSon ns & hadale, Beaserton, Oct.; 3rd and phort c tiçe irupeil, 1r-ny nd cf laie betweec Mr. Joseph. Chlaî! rusis- iibi'l gume of give and 4ih psizes, A. G. -Gormley Union- beimi, is PrtilsCoonil ere-tale sitîsfooiu Powers. Ter ville, Ont. Filly, '2 yea,-s ccd under Pavy, Mir. Clark nddresred lîimseif tari', ansd Ms. Bartos, Whso, as ve aiciswcrd la to bu ishenceforward 3-lst prise, llodgkinson & Thadale, to tise more plausible pi oject of a havs inise onlvxsei'nAfis but "IIassds cithe SuilPacifie !" and-sBeavesion, Ont.1;211d prize, tobert, Zoliveroîn. Ticisoprocet, alsoflierrein-they have, Inot scru pkd te precliss Ness, HosicI, Que- Filly 1 yoar Zoeein.seversl rounda osîsie r-the Australiasi Fedes-al Cooeisuient. n Monroe 1Doctrxine'cf te owfl. ansi under 2-tst prise, Hodgkinscc issge ion sei-st, frouns.ciocut 0f Tt sougt own ntos& Tindale, Benverton, Osst.; -2r*d ise it, frart, rcf te TTiewpd int-om - ba olgt n-ollearli foïgIit ii Aîtain lTWL.prise, IRobert Nessa, owick, Que. Tlle OZONIP COMP'ANY, Ltd. Gentlemen: 1 have b en tÎodIed for over five years with bron.- chitîs; sonietines s0 se,. ere I vcas forced to leave off wTork,. 1 conghed s(e badiy I could flot sleep at n1ghts. I)uring the five years 1I had b,ýen tt-eated by several doctors, but 1 could get no relief. About the first of june, 1901, I saw your remedy, Ozone, adver- tized and 1 procured a bottie and begdan taking it. Before I had flni-1'1 ished it 1 began to feel bettper. I have now taken three botties, and nry cou ; iiail gone and 1 amn entirely cured. 1 can perforni my labor with gre;iter easa than for years. JoHN Ero, Driver for the Bell Trelephone Co., 177a Chathami St., Montreai, P. Q. When you have Nature assisting you it means a great deal. When you take Powley's Liquifled Ozone you have Nature assisting you. The principal ingred-- ent di the preparation is oxygen in liquid, stable forni, and oxygea is Nature's health maker. Powley's Li4ui- lied Ozone is the greatest-discovery of the age. WriUe 0cr doctors about vosir case. Gve evcrj> detail and g et advfce abso- Iutely free. Vour Ietter is rondeiitîal. Address the Consulting Departsnent The Liquxd Ozone Co., 229 Kinzio Street, Chicago. 5oc. and $î.oo at al Druggists. THE OZONE CO., OP TORONTO, LIMITED, Toron-to andi Ch!c:ýo We have soijd.piles of "oots the lait five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of x etï and verY eheap -irit-elass gools alt ve;v ssial flrieff Ou ctrry a goot a;ortinerit of Ladies' 0xfOrd,coiored1 and biack at ~00. 'Men's Calf and'Cordovan tlmsn-, sewed and rivitte:l, froin $1.10 o $2. O, worth $2.00 Io $3J. ýO. Chîtdrea's ýutton and lilm3 25c, 50c, 7ý e, wor-tb0e 75c, and $ 1.00. Mlisses', >1oys' and YoUîhs' tO correspond in re. r

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