VA11Wil o Foundry By-law on inside page. Read the Foundry by-laW on nsid h~f l (iiiOntario Lord's Day Alliance mee.ts Page. Wr ~ 111in Toronto On Nov. 8. Methodist churcli Thank offering ~ Koff no0 more; ue West End Coug Sundav Dec. L. - Cure. Tole's drug store., Report ail thorobred stock sales to We are headquarters f or ail kinds- Of THE STATESMAN. I * ured fish. 'Cawker & Tait. St. Paul's Ladies' Aid excursion to, ll ü -n -_Take For Au Eye Buyu 1earsa o' and ceî- Toronto on Friday Nov 15.____________ lC WE tlïd y--.Loveiy wedding -stationerv just ar - . Neorolewod ta1ý,e a fortunie for Don't miss seiug the Mason Cols fineo rived at 'THÊ StATEsMuAN office - ~Y the sight of a single eve, yet mtanv aeasotetFfLdis aces Seo our new and stvlish stock of Furs throwlng vIaay thei sight Of both eyes Ms .Jboin a eundt efore purchasing. The Mason Co. Z--Th by not wearing roeryflted glassme. Toronto after a month at home. Reserve the date for the cheap ex- WehvTutrcie oenw lnso oua Gass aet ret ad avo the TUE rýSTATESMAN is worth any two Cursion to Toronto on Friday Nov. 15. -11WOne-price GrocersM fl w Îne o Gl se r o r s n î 1 1 otlher local papers for home news. If you want rea i nce wedding cards, OnmrenC-fc i n r h ch a e v r i o,&~ U ) ) Marshmallrepeput __d[r1llfor CJJRthNIF[du- They aii ohrset ffot are just to band at the Mason Co's. for them.itto o -WhteSaisFndLOU1 fte.Ladies, remember the Bargain days We seli Herbagium-feed i WE DEWitLIVtnsad arhmllw, uTOpi at Miss Martin's Don't-fait to cati. dri ring horse-it gives tf and spirit. ~ vr etpcaewihsl t6.prbx ~ elth et rd o pc Many townships in, Ontario have Cawer & Tit hoseree isntht aeare and braeeoushùll--re redep---ed if oar not perfectly -suited we -fit Our special Cod Liver Oit Emulsion oeudraeadbasateucd Or expcnsive accor Jing to the amont of good lin adarilnt onces atsppy urlyeMrarisMnda5cerrg bs.e.To-' dugtoe.according to the price. -If the goods are fromnthi tor he r agan. e uppy uralefraesand85. lrg boti. Ties dugstoe. Three Bargains Davs-Thursday,Fri-E The delicious Oriental Nongat Bar at 6c. a bar. cheap because the percentage of nutriment in Eac rit.svr the finest tenses made at very reason- Ladies requiring, hair done over day and Saturdav-Berlin Wools Sc hg. oseodepntrewlberucdiprhseae able prî.es. shutc.Al onewMrscrickison1 Kingst. per skein at Miss Martin's. made hers, Small quantities of geod quality givolrersls 2cAn ne susrbrcngt The Mason, Co, are noted for best 1%ý " ( % tt S& JA ruewspaper card i ust as es ilblankets, underwcar, gloves, etc. 4Gr n d e e n ra 2 THs gocenRiis o- 5 to professional men as a Eigu on the Tcfrtpsag tm enn The Druggists and Opticians. door.Tpo rst ostaig edard aben lÂliÂhÂÂliu111l1l1aîîîîîîîîiiiiiiuîi ~2 ldans To s ato regular 1 c. a, fr1 M. A. James is Government issuer issued by thc govern ment of Victoria. MÇ1000 doz. good fresh Eggs7 I IJT-I- ~ ~ of Mariaar icnss orDu am MniHcHBlcksM.s, asorl Oytesuirbhaorbyth dii tjANED?.00 lButttoerttr5foror chwcpa Csh I~~..UDDIS~~I~ Saturday nextý is -King Edward's Saturday and Suinday at St. Paul's Tod's.Th Ho yitCAK R & T IT irha-a publie holiday. Business Manse, Cheap excursion to Toronto on Friday YOWMAN VILLE Thc Ladies Aid of Trinity churcli Nov. 15.-OR - VVitlh Life in it place ijltneomed bas complebed its witl give a social at Mn. J on. Stephens'. Cronan Taffy, 10e per lb, Friday only Th ay fteCr s l6th year and is vigorous and bigit as Scugog St, on Friday Nov. 22. Reserve at Tod's.Th a ofteC s. Wlien vou buy anyýthing in a maillon at that ageý thedate. Mr. John Dickinson spent Sunday in A production tiat hotids an absoluteîy ru'bber goods it pays 10 get thec A banner wililbe presented to tic Do you want a hat ? Having a large Toronto. uniqucîplace in tic entcrtainment field. kind with rubber !il it. May ounty showing thc bcst record 0Of Siun. stock of Christies-and Fedora Hlats, we Beîding Sîlks at 40e per doz at Miss THE DIVINE NARRATIVE, 1aesofrbergosare day Schooi work caci Ye3a"il'u Otarlo, have dccided to run them off at and Martin's., Ticgrand and impressive Story of tic pliant to thc demrand for cheap- aCulisarcids, hoarBeDlîeady.o-Ireo-'A n elo aM.y er. eà nDental student wanltcd. Apply to Dr. Cross told as it was neyer toid before. nesand hence 'thc market 1 lientarequicklr entseDebylox C O niesaysri uSt. ,Pa""$sBonnycastie.SE OGADM ICT h e neaslentabetstenentSero-.Alidrufgaists. Presbvterian churci wIlllhbe hold Nov.Itrndbyaetdvolssad f1looded with infenior goods liat Couci, Johuston & Crydlerman are 24. Rev. G. R Faslen, B. A., Sý'tPaul's Mn. W. S, McKowaul spent Suuday Inepetedb aot 'clsan ONLY IZESE11BLE RUBBER,. showing tic best overcoat for ton ($10) church, Tr-oronto,wili be the preacher. with bhis inothier. 1 embellished with artistie and dollars to be fournd anywhere at tic Mshete akrt akn esn Home- made cneam taffy Friday only beautiful stage settings. Quailty counts in Ibis lUne pnice. -on pipe organ fromn Prof. Vogt, Toron- 10e per lb ai- Tod's. Wouderfut Descriptive Vision a n d Soe and >e are careful 10 buy of When You pay $1 for a local paper, 10, and wc tearu that she promises tobeo- Mr. J. T. Nuun. Coîborne, visited bis Marvellous Electnicai Effeets, I akers 'who hav.e a reputation get thc best. Compare THE STATESMAN come a player of more tian ordinary motier over Sunday. A sublime subject presented in a-rever- o r frtrigothggrd o's any week-of tic year witi its competit- ability. Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Oslhoruje arc visit- -ential and impressiy'e form. ou bg gadPoos os no living man your order for M. A. James wbo ta thc Globe's repres- Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, B. C. L., preacies WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th. in lie rubber goods we offer nlo papers for 1902 titi voou learu wiat M. entative lu thus distiriet. Lowest club at Pieton next Sabbatli. Reserved Seats at Big 20. malter liow low Ithe price is. A. James eau do ton y0u. Something rates. Balance of 1901 free to newsub- Afi n ffncakrsyrokt ,RCS: 5 n 5e Bulb Syringos, 50c up; Fountain bgLfin, cies and roman ca ndles aITods Syringes, 75e np; Hot Water Overcoats are scling very îreely -reachens and scholans of St. Pails .Mn. J. B. Sothcnïlandi, Hamilton, -Arthur Foiev Wiuniu'gton-Ingram, Bottca, 5e;Combnaton Fun- now The Mason -Co. bave sold an Presbytenian S. S. are commenin,- to visited friends bore Thiirsdcay. Lord Bisiop of Luocnnbtsa Èti, 15cU; CSyingati Fu Rot immense quantity. Sectheir stock oractise for aChisîrnas enletairiment I nocnrbtsa Water Botties, etc., ail at îowesî eoebotu.-fr i hlrn rbby ou Fniday Mn . .Manning,, teacier, Hamil. Interestigppe 0ticth November pices.Teiy u fn nd an negb s T a evening Dec. 20. ton, as had $50 adàdc to ushai ay CGSopoitan on "T ic Overcrowding STATESMAN and Wcekly Globe are f ree Have you any: article you des 1ire to Mn. Chas. Young wa3 able to attend o et -4san eeie o t rTVOTT a IJURY, 10 ncw subsenibers to end of 1901 t0 nci soli or barter? 'Try a smatl ad in Tiia churci Sunday after bis serions ilîness, Notices Of Births,mQrniages andDcaths subscribers for 1902. 8TATESMAN. It bcings buyer and seller Mn. Archie Bingiam, Sant .te 50 cents; insertion free when Mar- Druggists and Opticians, u ed owa lligl i e together, at, a tnifltng expense, and M1arie, bas been guesl of Mr. W. G nae licences are obtained or funeiral BOWMANVILLE. an-d rmade up in tic ltlst style and as eyitetrul.cov.frNombrBR- cieap) as any bouse in tic Irade. Couci, Every reader of Tua STATESMAN!Sis Scribner's Magazine frNvme ON9 - -« Joinston, & Gryderman. unÉgently requested te read lie sworu contains a veny interesî.irig article, ORE-In Darlington, Oct, 22nd,the vifs of 1Mr. - - . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Consutt us early about the papers and tcsîimony of Geo. H. Keul on au inside ý1Among tic Dunkers." UlIc OeIowamanviier . ltto1rad want f 6r youn borne page heapcd I'Additional Evidence." Mn. J. E. Barnett and Misses Annie Mrs Geo. Rice, a BWMANvuij STATION,. Iya. ewl is e rey t i s most a remankabie case Rteand Lye and Margaret T-ebîitcock were rWERRY-At Suonyside Farin, Ee hty benefil of our knowiedgc. adjdcfr orefkuests of Mn. C. Bain, Taunton, Sun- Nov. 2fld, to Mr. and Mis. 11, Fletcher Werry,à GING EAST. Goîze WEST. Lde'FrRisGpnnsPr Fuas! Funs!! FuRs !!!--You will find day. aWson I mieOt 91,bM, n m Zir jrewr . à2 Ldie'mur.ufs, ExpressFr..ODinClrke Ot.295lt15r aa. mL, Fxrs.0, . oa.81 ie ae u ur oas -no'. tiuer at M. Maycr's the fincst selection of Wiitby Rugi Sciont foot bai lcam Richard-H. Wood, a danghter.w ?a8ssen(ger..._ 5 p.m. 1Passenger.. 1 50 p. in, Purs and no botter value anywîcre. Gaperines, Collars, Rufs, Goats, Capes playcd a game withui urbos aturdaY QUINLANý1-[il NeWCaStle, Oc1t. 25th, tj Local.555 p.m. Expres... 7 88 W Couci, &and Caps, .Cil on iim before yen buy atronadwr itolu n so' r.Thomas Q euinlan, a11daughter. JohustonsGryderminand lhe wili positively save vout money. o e1 f.Jo aîn fasn prss dasfot go west mondayniorning. edyu tudy1 icRîtnx. aePalia uir Bwa. Nty ecr buinss anlu ow- ______________________ of P -~~~ U~~u10 odate,, Parcels, caled for and AarilfomtcpufHnrblias sigued a requisition sai We MARIED - tiink ' should vote for GARDNER -FRAIsER-IO rn, c,3, yl- ~t~t~~mau decr e . GfPrmc02n aent -Atbert J. Beverage, United States -lie by-law." UvO. .CarM.Tos. Garet,, y TT~LI Ordr aprsfo 102no ad elSenalor from Indiana who bas speut Rv m.Jotif wlpCa. l ican.MssMrta griTsen Gw, TyoDQ BW AVLE NO.6 ' balance of 1901 free. M. A. James wtl tie past five motis in lie Fan East Rv WnI WILKwilprah nth Is-BicK'LL-A the re ieneParkc. IXl1I'i NO.6 901. take veur order for any paper or mlag- iuvestigating cmeca n pltclMtois hrhnxSiifi nrigbrd' lteo 9h yrd Wîîj.jn, Osîia,n commerciabaudspoliinatCanada,. J.eS.M.MS.torTyrone, in B. c LMr. Mord Wilin, h 1v.W ollie,an ___________________ zn ubiidl Cndtc .S rconditions. will appear November 16 luadRy .S.MMleF Poundry by-law ou inside. Europe. leStra vnngPs,0 il-tie evening. -.Mis Bll' May R., youngest daugliter of the Drink Mousoon Tea , for sale by Tic Mason Go. have more orders on deiphia. Dr. Harnden bas gone on a d cen WÂKELV MÂRTIN At Prescott, Am nU them books for lothing than thcy have TrnoDîySa'ssuei ttchuuting excursion 10to teMuakoka IS., Oct. l4tli, by 11ev. in. Bennei. Miss Ena L1pul j CawkerbTi. a eTuorAE w ers Laeyu rdrnw ieonto. Tiepht'orvursof the atMr. BenesnaettP pila.S y1 s he u ad at any one - - du i --stRylvsi oTrot sra- vavr District and Mn, G. E. Gïifilan ofTo yduhe of Mn. J. C. Martin, edltor of the iAN t o f l191,for 25e onlv 5 weeks before Xmas.Kig TQen phDuk gadvucs of tic heoffice duning bis absence. Wof fr. JonWaey, hesaweace. les o maJ Unticptos erytie ait&Gowl We do a big. business taking ord ers York besides many prominent men of Mr, and Mrs. John StewTart, Gooks- ~makechic hotoscvenydayfor oier papers and magazines. WeCGanada and views of Toronto are cx- ville, ceiebratepd tic 201h anniversary of pl d dA s o tnt Miss Lynden, Mimico, was reccut have a list of 3,500 differenl publications cecdingly good whiiictic workmanship ticir marriage lasI monti aI Belicada . BplEYIO oriGanAssctortOim gulest of lier cousin, Mriss Mi, leverdon, and eau supply any of them at iowcst ofthe iepblication is a credit 10 tiecehurci wherc tie people surprised them Bradley, aged 71 yeams. Nonmau's Cotd Cure stops bic shivers club rates. Send us your lisI for 1902 prinhers.1 wili a nicelv worded addresýs, a iand- ERANTON-Io NeWCaStle, 'Oct. 22nd, Wilbert and siake quickly. Toie's drug store. Messrs. Casev Truil, H1, Hoekin, "Tlic Holv Ciy " whiii labo b playcd soine eock aud qSitua berry set fromtWesley Branton, aged 4 years. ' Belhesda congregation and an addness PATTON-In Clarke, Oct. 301h, Esther Patton, l l Parmers' Institulte meetings bore finît Benj. Wcrry, Gilet Jarvis, Jowmau- here onl Wodnesdav Nov. 6, siould not and dinner set from Gookville fienids aged 93 years. l 1i lue i December. Watch for partie- ville, and- R. Woodley, Tyrone, bave bc confounded witi lie popular song BLAift-At Greonb ank, Oct. 25, James Blair, *i~~iars. ~~gone ho Minden, front whici point tiey bcaring liat hitle It isa draina, an prscofedaby iss Bnchowl o-eai7 or NrJaPipNecslasbe will g to Brady's LkAs -w- pramscl performance, aitlu f aiignn FORFAR-At Ellesmere, Oct 31, David Forfar, visiting h7S si8ler, Mrs. R. Higiet, siip, for their annuai deer hunt. ene. Tcsacred stor v bas never before Tccre tn flenwCbugi iTt er Cobourg. e0 Tc tcading foteaunes of Modemn Gui- boec presented lu sucli an impressive Golegiale Institute was laid!c0,131h i o0 heAIA-i Oshawa, Oct. 231h, Ellen, rellet luneZbor for November are Emma Goîdman form and sclting, No ,one nced liesitate the presence of thc sciool ciLîde n eSaulGa%,ag~ iye Invila-kc hisarliLÀY-In Oshaw, O ict. Llîh, Nfl4manl Inie on egio t aieIbsand ti(ýC levelanrd.Anarehisîs, an ac 10 attend: you wiii bc sorry if you miss a large coneourse of pesople Ti,ýcce- James infant son of m. and Mme. 1». C, lay- tapr.Ti batisli ebapatths out rom n cyoe wîîness of the mccl-il.Sec advl. emouywas conduectsyS.Ji'sny l~ 2 ots Istiabeat. ing ot Cleveland Anarissa ic Tioneak"acmedy vdramna Lodge; A. P & A. M , and Pal4 Grand BERRvi-in Bo, avle o.ld ae -r - - ims a wbit "he Mnutba.k oaco 0wmvilýe, o. - ---- - - - - - - -----