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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1901, p. 6

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ittti cotele-'scPartiesmanti ejerredtit ïlte in lytletthe -'"Io"'Y and" '" c fl'p'i Cy 11 s'!' clatis iom i;ately preceding thiâ clause a, t I î1l111t or aeiy rights thercin the galaCsnpu hy law , iliathte scid The ttewxulasilville FTe-s. shahPertirrn1t ltýb1 hi tions a8 herei dryCorpsy, f'nto, hvfu' ontssufllu spicýd dfor a fteatif!.tee ytýs bu iua frt 'A eid ft'àee c-na eele ae (hi.) it shall ho nin usaunerafrai frete in lime c'q- f ta esneeusu lvsf hti t auy tsewihitell year rote,ýli tise <'irid st d es orefiai is olialinaasdate of thes aid les., e to thse said Colinaetiseh sptastedfe h~ arceeiîtheweetie id dC uapary aslit becane atikrispt, oritusl - Geie ietedn aeid thesdCreaiudvu.e cnor Ah If make ally assigemneut for ti'e inueu4eucd fa thits hy-law, su iinlîsifi tiebouefit -if credit-ira,,ci shall c4juse or sifer any te ena1.3' t)ay souts of reocf f6 6 4 eaelîas exet'eio ereffher under an execution ta seize ro brdy thse saidleise. shall bc Ltise' at'6litc the preperty of the said Company, or abs i ewueîs cf the plaint se insstalled, but si dgo sufer a final J.sdgmosit agaisat the said Cern moit shall ce c îudftioeud tlîat thiesercn ay t-9 rîmasiaunsatiefied for a perli]od f 30 pany or the gald Liston shali have n i, -h' tiI ayq saor if Itfso said Conr.psy ta flot cerformine- itle te sala plant, tir any equity tIeein, inetiI aoblaiesa hri dÇe,-ad conatnues thse whoeo f the said paynents cf 1;645 hy le bcti defaul ils ecetion tisrewith for a way of reut are fuliy iiili by fthesais ci spauy perici o f 120e wrkiiig days, cie lcase an order ta the sald Crperaieon, aud le case tise leape la ls made fer thse iielug un i)r liqis'idsîiug the teîsuiîîatedanulle,- thse previs(ieus çf thse gala sald Compnîy, th"îî sud ini snch cases these aid agreement wi tiie thefirst telî;h asaof the ICorpor atione ray terininate tise bosse lîereiîîbe- terni auy paymntîsade by wý,ay cf reîît shalf tafre î'eferred tl i graiited isy it by a mnnËl' net elis cte tis e fid Comrpany ssy igisotlîte notices te that efetrn;îlod lusi a registredletter said ptant, il iseinge emploieby eýsdrstod that udtiesdt h ldo.laya omlvle tae otitle fte salit Company ta thse titie tad eIe a aCmnd ttosua vle reot nsid plan7t, or auy iglit toblsgan ad iler'eup"en tisesd COMrtan~d tise said tiers as specifled il lu afi agreemnt antd thiss ily and severallyho hlable te îsy te the aaid hy-baw fer a tersa et te years. Cttrtci tt suece3sors or ass-igna te urasnmof 111.Il onlland ýi- ,-.lavo z.5ece as liquidaleîl sl'uîges fer iset carrytue- III. Iof phig i assa o asflforer f p0r.ît-ot tlise sg. eeoitroerredie ou flioc tvenauts payug -ortisa preperty snd the o f thse gala partia ies. ts id Comnpany aid idr r rected sudlte0 be eeuîpbeted thereen Fthse safiLi -;asd th, sald Linton suit fer thiP Mayer tif t1!e sid Corporatiouîoita rrow sa'd Casnpaulyshaiglve tothe salCc perati1eîî' t -IlsescfSIzasu arcec tea ay literesi Iloir covenalit sud tereemeutt aesi tieenal h at ffuCa eenpruyne if, tise sald Lintoti hiudis-g thesclf bis anu avsudle ýý f îsuenty dehentures of tise fers aud lltrsall ràpestit;, 3 sald Co pesafjinitheO79caifi rst psY- (i)'The sa-id Compn-y Bshall it ritiu r tgre abl i te i t(In dy icf Deueit ber, 1902,a n oliser ocf sasnie cit el, a -t tda y acf ed nea to tpav tuilissrauce e peeiil-as . Ile pelice ttruiieludinse-tishe, arl921 wisieis ,sz% reafer 1wliec-hie safî Corprationn mi tîýle on lhi turcs will repreent t0e aneuolnt cf said 1býan gaad luldhiesil sudthe plaut iutrstedtherein. Wjith iistrataddied i ab ili l saeedile AsdtiesatCis-paîy sudthe afdhtc sa IV. ,It shah ainay71ha lzawýîfil fer tii h j)Tsesi o'eatesaixnptfbe aid paessaforeý,,iul fertise MyarfIlise saut e cupu soetaain[xcla tas fer poratllielse'bw.tise. ate cf f5 000 s d arastebpo ifr rprai c tlsyt'lssu ceîtn pr ilsumtsdtau cteudiset ureaef cf loisyears as 4fuiby sud"; leetive iysy or ise saild C',j!pratî,ý cifor 161645 isls, ictirsi cai1 nidecoer' tIse lrvsoi e eto 10 suis payabM' le ie 0;1 dY ;cf Deom iliscr, >52aundserricîs (g) cf The Mtmcps oedsoîc f ()ue ethser oet a-urne payable il eseis year 1 "(0. lroti, ofhicsaa dloe ires ill eprse iei peiat5in e agrea slvftlithe gaafieuuany tîsat urnuntcf aidles wîis etresi afded --ta at th,-oxpiratîce cf the tsrenty ycar tern showu lusschedls "eB"t t ila y-law. gîsîîted isy thel!case tir et the eixpratioce cf the V. To ead diseifurs shhih pavahîle iiitlirty ysar terni lin case a reniewais asaked fer tise offie ef tlhdTicasurer attisaid Town ei laand gi asited sud tise Comapany has hbeudsssy ins Bowsuasîîfle. eporattons ieretnder sud lis a erried tiut ail its VI. It shalt aitfi isy be lawfnb fer flhe Mayer chuuig4atiOus sud tise Said ]case has siet hotu put otuie gatd Crpration sud lie il hereby aseloýler.aisnduftte hythe galal Corporation uesder iseý lzed sud isirecttd Ioe aigu and isk said] powers bercie giventa isitse te do,thlisasit!Coin- doienueres liereisy aetlsorizcd te ho, iaauad asmd ïpuey shahlissae the rie-ht te purehase lise ipre te cause tflinessa e hoigssed isy theseil 'sauer rty leiledta itliet a valuaticîs te bc doter ustisos oftuflisaad Corporatfon sud flic Csrk cf the onilite isasia of a ien goeg coeeru sla valua- said Cerporatide fa hereisy retherirofianditien cute hodefermis eï 1)ya aitration ecdi parts' fnstrueted ta attacis the sou cofIslegaladCerjar s5eleeting- ene arbitrater sud tIse tare a ths rd and aticu te tise said deiseutures. if tise tss'ecuisent as1see rpesu a tixird ariitritfor wiîhin toîs daya after the arbitratorssa-l have VIL. Tieresas'c ho rasad dleviedfil beaunualiledis y te rrties tise Senore' Jssge of escisyear bv peciail rate i ail tise rateaishe the Coeîsîy Courît acftise United Ceusties tif proporta' cf tiese aid Corposration issent, e' Northuîmherlansd sud Durhisassaerstishe ap- *367.90 te bc used in discluargug tise several 'tiencufof thsr party ait intici eatisealtiser debenurea acerulue- due ci) saisi deist ereateu sýîdieapplsît tise tîsîrd ariitrater ans tise awaîsi Uoder claiîte3 of this by-lttwas tOu, sameisecrre tif 'tuy tss-c ef tleessliall bceitding botsveodtme 'reý,etivly ayalleaccorifug tescisedule part",butif tise gala Compasydoneot fil wit. VIII. There shah h1), raiscd a'ai levied le twenty yeaU base orlise ttirfy year lease a8 tise eacis yetin is'sî,eial rate aou ail tise rateablhe case suay bocsgnify itsint"ntin teacequtre ltse proc)erty of tise saisi Cerporations a auin acf said bisldfsngs aitpreperly assdtinwritumgss'lih $616,45 talise esed le diseiargilog thse soseratl hi tise ssîmetfimeaieisaties ariitrateiisudwiith- deetcre aceruing (dueetntise saisi deisî ereatedýte saie tÏime dcli ver a eopy cf catis cf said unser clause 4 of f usa isy iaw a s tise-lme wrstlsugs te tise gala Corporation, or if -tise saisi isecome respectively payable set rdisi te Cemi aey do crt wilhin 31 daysafater tise said ase'pli B'ta tibis hy-hass. arbîtrators shsaîl have male tiseir award pas tise ýi. , tit l 5W shah 1take offeet o an es u aiete hs.%titCorporation il shali ; hfi drat dy tif Deceisber. 1901. bho deemefi te ave lforIci ted it8s rie-bts te saisie X. l la heha'deehareul and esiaecd tht 1onde'lsadne Ibisisa-lav lapas~d subjet e lse fhlevisg (1.) It shiallana isa a usliwfu fer, tise Cospos' siutissdcui t eu1aeUes tse ueferauintaOt agrea witl tise said Companîy tisaI If aoces and fn'lùl u tsre ts afilmtte he tocladCemparly dnugtaselere0etits8cep s*id TiseBcwsau hb Fndry Ceespassiy ,Lim altitso 1et iesiipremises shah coeclude tisat it îled, SQbalhe rsied requires furtisor busilding accosuedrtium it may (a. Tbt te, qýýd (îeo,-o H.Linon ilicstsruei sch biuldings as it roiirea. havin,4 (a. Tiat isesal blorg H.Liton ilireg,ïisi teielaset buildings ibit syh fuùsthssitis afler t1ise cassism-of' titaisa'y-ls aotcesstrt ldlier tise sy bas-sof flic salulCor: sueobstepo s asy bceueceasary teasroosîse a seraticiis wftsilucor tain limite, ans i iavilig re- chearter mnder-s Tise 0starlo Joint Stacko Coïiu gausi te tis etias et buildings nol ou tise preus- inles Act isscerpcraliumg. Tise Bowueauvible i8eta ereetise- tuenu ot a style sud quality whicis Funodra Conmpay, Liseitef, as a Cesrporatieon ivihe b similar ta tisa, presentsi iittgs, sud at xvIdicisshall have its ciief place cf business lI h use iledof tise tweuty year terse cf eecupauey Bcwinauville sud Shualhi bsve powe. r te cundue of tise laeds yhaelsComspany, or at theisensicf a geucral esachuie sund feodry business sudtieiiraycrfusfccnuc ofl ea absoplaine etaIldeariplions wicsf sailthie case nsy ibe, tise saune ai=11flhe vaunes as have a cspittsl stock of not legs a isuÏ40t,00 of tisey are at tise tusse of tise vabuattonsas a par't ei wlhue he esta iseS14,OOslshallbche suisacîfises 'a non-gitighsunes-f'oeisle, sedaucis valtias ansi 7' saune fuly paàisi p.' shall ho determiuued in tisaume mariner as lisera (b.) TisattlisladTise Bowm'snvil o l'eidry tihofeore describod, sud tise vaine shah hoiede- Company, Limilesi, salh immediaielya ater tise duciei tronstishe prico thse Comspanyta' la e yffr Cerprrafron bas instaaled lu saisi iuidings thec tise broîerla' if it isrcisases sanie, or sisai1bcb lant reterresi te accepl a bosse of saisi promises pais Ilo the aid Comspany' if it delts net purchuse froms the aid Corporation for a terni cf twomsa'ti hesamte. ysars witi rie-ht cf resewa tif saute for a Th-votes, f thi naified loieios--of ,bct urtiser-peio-dof ton y carsatwarectal et iStîti455 -aad Corporation sialbch takieu on ibis by-haw per aveusfr tise lst ten tarsansdat s nominlal pursnant te tisepbrtision cf the Statutisilutisaii sentai of $1 lier atrum foir babancetof terni et saisi behaîf at tisefoliosylng places, htis tot sa,- Isaae and saisi bosse shall ho couditieued with, One tise fer-ma otlheatgreeientoentercdinlo istsve Frtflche WotWaz-at tisePolie Ofie tise Co'mrallon snd tise sa!i Lison sind con For titis North Ward attise Drill Shedi. tained i utIbis bylaw bus suris tanii(r asecunse Fer tise Soth Ward attise Fire Hall. for lise Csrporatioe may adsise sl"d shail coofalua adevenan tuof tiso ss-ld Lintue;in emado iiTa tisesaid WIaida cin tise fiteeontîs day of beisai f et hîtesif, is Ileirs ;,eîîsre cvaiaiethe year of cuir Ler4-ioî,froiïiu asimnîsrstrs nausteeiog mdtlIp esssc sioolcol in te toreucosu f0 fia-c o'clôeeic i rieut1tfil i said o an'!udaisean s-rtÎ is tfcoi, Sud tsut tise folewiugpesu 1. [ts 2?uri1ty. 2. lus Thousands of Cures. 3. Its Eeonomy. le a dose. Regualates tise Stemacla, uLs-es nIIBewels. tgelecIrs thse Secretiona, Pui fici fteBîod and reunerail h imptîrties frein a common Pim ple te fthe werst Sceofulous Sere, and DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CON STIPATION, 1-iAISACHE, SALT R-iliUM, SCROFTILA, HEARTEURN, SOUR STOMACH-, DiZZINTESS, DROPSY, R-HUMATISM, Se-AN DISEASES. The original kidlney speciflo for the cure of Baekache, Diabotes, Bright's Disease and- &WUrinary Troubles. Don't accept somethlng just as good. Sce you get the genilino ire- - s les A. Blanchet, Um, lslee- very cati uws. T mýo oua nsagIpîc is terrble imeaud1e-pskie b e e etc., amnd bef ore Ihtjsimi ttLuý,at aeda als lird s n-dstfriolahr difi malte a eolem idi ae-ati 1oue-- Surcly, Johin, That us net bad theýý poreýs aiLl hvng csdua, gardine- My eec-y f- 1 sen.Butht dd U eetof?" andJ slYrcdtis t-es agmazin- right's Disease by t iseus tiI "1'ronjuc îhac-sehsi, sir." "Too pan.I -c-asujettepeioicl ldd's Kideey Plaadstig nui ostctl.JoIita ? Wherisei'str speia o utte-preste-li on al fotttie fects Of my case aundiidl i -e i ros1 "TsecRrleg jeseaibiilyte a site fasi lut crna iwa aie v 1tm cure. tie ethorses, sis'." \he-t ? Are thmea lut Côl-li 1wasals a"'tm 2 Tht i th dclaati-n se dedtee ?" Yes, sir, Lied of dangeio s Ccnvsitnssoilewich' trts tue-t 1behieve tset 1 was thuro-ugis ver-exce-tioe de-ew ieg we-te' My fcil xpression aed other ahaselutela' and pelntiusiiatly curcd the nsigbt oethtie fre' 'Priset fise ?" meuscles wý-oid becenie, ses-crel3r by Dodd's Kidîîey Pillsafater tihe ""iThermansione, sir." "Veti dom't contortefi and( teause. doctora hafi given tee ut t die, I eis to eiay tiset tise isiesien la 2.,,y rgeairuysiciste at is'. 'Tisst Iarni now absolutela' isus't, Johnti?" "Ves, air. ]t waa tetadeif te meisd, timougis modical1 cee-te-fn tiset Dodd's 1 KIdey'pillaeisurnt thec nigist cf tise fs.neral." . ensiulttwo tla eee olorser me-yJ aufÎ and ifisine-else savsed isya'lita "Prisose funaesl ?" "'suzoce pour caseby- wo ity octrs, etiIne an-ti lereby umhesitatàngly reaf- 1esot9stm's, aie.-""W liast 9 '? otiser coiitibedon. M c-segr l fire-îeey statemient made le my1 demi, tee 9" Yes. Slsc gs'edusthi- vworse anti lattetia' i1t declarat 1ion before ilr. Bislaht Isueser icldna uesiserifi tif te-. 'eur -,vas gis-en(iiUp as hopelesa. Ia' on Fcbs'ua-y l6ts, 1,895. J paccî' fatheî' died." "Great Scotth wîe, fJiàida a negiboa us-ce-e 4. Timat Ilavse ccxci since tiset 1Fatiu1!":' gene eas well ? 1 cesor heard cerainfroai viat heyse-v ~ed date ised the s'siglîtest synuptoila wcrd et e-ny tif these nuisfoi'tunc-s. l eto1 ua Ie iiiîgdct o f tise settire of tise Brie-hi's Dis-iWhat tsirte caisse oif tise stuiiie's tisa i wulddie inLa ase-y dseort case or e-ny Kidncy Trouble luas-- rcath?"-"Wel, air', it e-ces tlîis 3. M' wfe ws c-aesuii rea- 1i1e-enjoyefi uniseittiug geori Wd - le received Lttteslegr-iu.telliîîg lacelt ani lstvîsgwercd tea- jhlmtise slip huaidgo-se dewti tise-Lt lm-d teg aiaewtep-içer aît tisatile, ly ced withsout interrcptionulisliewhole of luis fortuna cioi board, ced e-a a dsertatof eta siCii-sf tsir' t îy segusarc'ipIeynment Je-sd tiese hack kiflied Isilî." "John- jieltief pafi-dure as a pgiutcre-eey avo(amug tîs 1i n s'tiî'ely e-sised.- 'Thet yoss u -tiuesuarcf ise tdcur ifomise,cday Dodd's Iiea'Plarai, sir. And the o!d susigruitis tIsisiîed ees efecedon hlm bha' seutl, tueback to work -te e-dtelead." li- se vas' r i ls- ilt-% de1-ugisteyrec isrrle~tefeeîe secl eru- Tcaiicîdtekeg 6 hatii dIclie-sic e-eôse-sicnde ebicieo ada' s woik usitiaJ f iil ecdzipe -etîî i daf laby their aistihave lul's i'niis.le-eyrPille ,ii og dohtOa'ctei mie haPUIîSe run- toe i eîuqcmiig botit tse-i; e-nd1 sis-tisroetctel' tse totek tno hlismg tollowas tîmany ot these sc vr'pcaec oîlmr siqdclie nintecee. taSses ehosely. I kîsoas-of' îo case i m-kotîms salmsta. e- ist-cthucy have been sîi ste - ( clAeefie cemsietesis eica- ee- flue- ngte directions that basý rip ,"U2Jî2 sue tsese-tctehu trc, tnby ev, net been ecurer], arnd 1 kecw posi- T lt ItS1ng illisel'etey casi-spersenal :imow- virueet is Att'ledge oif sevei'st exteese canies1 1"XTIA JUIIClL OAIIS.svîae-c Dtidd's ICitley Pilla haive 1 The li~ htcie 1)cÇl~~~~rdtl betore u~nt'ie tIse, (ify Cfected setisaectoe-y and peusa- ____________________ et Ote-va, s-stiseCocefy t ct cures. Vrsc tstItis lOtis îiay tof Ieb- Andu1fiîuake thi s seluesasîs OCccîn e-ste-e-y, 1895. afioa, cssi a G. l lsJtT ,' it f0 lbc te-neaaseking tise>-1 tt ITA. . LACHT, it ta et th-srainse force - fti t t The Whole Stoiy ACosmmissioun-,ec as if smaede tîtdce- cati nsd byt\ tl . îtet' lis Fece1'rssiintise asticte puis-, -ie-tve of"'The Caniada Evideece tiai ,es.'s Kitney ' Iilis asndee- D ad i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~O Itli t iS5 i-fulsei ioitv- At betteeeat tise Cita'y s'.ceO eitticl se lîuas-etit~u otawn lu ie- 1 oul' <V(C' 0s-si. t tuisgstseitise Oid, ss'slt:e, C'arleton, titis 3t-sA day of Octo- lo e nd i, i wi0ae- iiosi espinie-h e- ber',1900 ri aiF oe lef. ',t r7e lesse ispm,'r Kent lis l sîs-ntSgd.) (G. I1. KENCT. itisra:"efe'elyuessa ste-eniast1Tie ['-c roi's- itîso sid (ýgd.) A. IV. PEBASEI, cirieissfsisfaesfu,.sfs .vtiuIouiîe-liicaiou ltbat ieu-oet A ota-a'Public n lia -d for hfî e n srpate. aen et Nt; oaviisattcing tii thaï,wee espce sd mle -ti'c cessanduuam,îo ne-any wl-secositi ntî',i-elles-e tise-t e-Itf tu- article et 1895. flan with oue fotetnautise gr'ave e-s 1 Tise Kent case, usîssat, tlmerefoi'c, g o R Me-. Rent se-as ceisîti ect e atig~ nrecord eas the t-est sveudea:tuahi l AS[L ce-e.- c cueo e- Isheard of le tlis City or'FOR TEGAOAM P itOcre otise Feei les tise province. Les-c ecteil tof wih.a'si1 O.T EH other day tiset it weciti bc inttct eu n'tul cbtasitd bau ao ne- toenoquiro now, afterth ie lapse. tiswo-ma esideece. s I Mawhtek"'e eua teee-l' ss-e-s eaes, -s e iow e-. 1Te Todti's Kidnea' Pilla is ditoe-ll -1e sf hcbilic-a Kent wls fýlIinf.istat of /toocaudles-f ~~eut wa feeling, tise cetdit for havine- roscued aud e--resî L--lceeys mai - le -hat i ~c-ovcti dýte-4~0 8- --Ge-ittitiite-ate-ttis yl mc n te- ttrS'pleudihfor readiug or sew- Street, and at thlat eOdesa a Frocee-Il hope hstd beesu abandiuîd andtitise , .ig.C p'tsentiai 'e-cs rportr fund lm.coid waters oethsoriv'er-cf deait C~ a ayho r t Vo- andy After rcitiinig lMe-. Kent efthtie woer -e lppsse at lais feet.'reuueifbapdoaml e-ticle e-nf isaaffidavit tise ncws '- 'alpee au an li hicspoli-stbla-k- I4'r ecn i t em'expeet. "la-o volr bost a-sa'titnt eoea 11ýAt Saîttu, lsAeetr eaif bgeto 'c0ur uegulae- Wcrk- sasi-yots Weu'ebos-nit'howuîlt-ctaiiteei- sJi uLreti of B.-iglilssDise-aseha'Ddis , d"ite- sbs'a apsbiîcdiiI AUeZr LIHCo-.MurrL Vic e"-A,,C., M-relu $ aSst Tise T. Miibura Cej., Limit esi, Tornto, Onît. Doe- Sirs,-Sose tisss e-go usa 2'5 ' sgilss aged 59yora jwitbu e-f)iue-d t' ' r acebos and los I of abpelite. J ' Sise- was tired iJ aufdb'stleSa Mosi 1'-of et limue, and Wae ioosiug - ifer -yste m got f se erigyour Hcr nd Nervi, Pilla hig-lily spolien bf 1 pseeîsredý a box, aud bhtIe time se 1usd Lsscd them ise had giued 9ý bis. in weigist asîf i in per e ualîlu. Yensu-s trilla', Ilsa .IL.Cei. D iarrhoea,DsetrCo , Choiera Morbus, CoeaIfn tum, Cramps, Colle, sea iknz and al Summer Comipiain 1t s. ILs prompt use wiiI prevenl't a great deal of unneeessary suifer- ing and often save life. The T. Bllbura Co., Limited, Toronuto, Ont. There are îje tbe world70 1.c ants each hrt4sohtin o' than 500,000 :attid twulel v. th popultionof more tbhan100,t Greyheunds arc itrdoa igp tientuonimetta arye 3,014 1 4) SMMNS, WOUý;0SI Lieul. SE, OR SMi OF PAU and Externally, Avoldtheweak tvatoryw. preparations ko Ire restn!ed te be -'the Sarm 21s', Pend" 3 Extr ýt, which easily $Our 1 ', 9 t 1,ýhrA7an irritant Cnc( .in no naib, nad, f_- iv. a Poison.

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