___ __________ don't it ? An' the cbuldren's there too,, ail riglit. Just lit out an' loft 'ouias 'nia sinner" I~IA Hother voice indignantly. "Jt's brutes do' t' io'gs like, that. ,Tbey an' - I7iFlhOiiTO~ There wÎî- asrý syýmpaýthv in both rougli TLi ho book slipped to tbe00or ad oisbit Ilonioria did neot biced. TE AM EAI so. Irenor it Keller sat jack in lier chair Tbe ords, flot the toues, burZpt in-se e e avt gt.i han oer brain. Was thatit ? W, a I ofteiiwonder h!w 1. ue te g t f ter is the nstctlt is flot a jfrjI Si 1Ih i1S splitter, a sbroddo-'r, inor a slucer. GerJ UflJ.IUl flihUË L GLASS fIN POULThY IIOISES. Scientific men cdaim that glass in poultry bouses _makes tcmwarmner- in wiiîter both by itigbt anýýd day.] The theory they avneis That tbý liglbt \aves are so sh1ort that tbey willpass inte the bouse tbrough the TY-EY SPY 0TJT THE SCIIEMES 0F OTHER NATIONS. Jolin Bull Pays 'ýl20j00O a Year i n Secret Service MYoney.- Dangerous Work. riglit and loi t, !lý ie rauïi4lly remount- ed bis pony ancl rode out of the vil- lage, just as Major L~eatlics entercd it fromi the opposite direction. Eventualy it tr'anspired that he was a nenier of IsaîoleoW,<s (-elobýrated secotser.ie.But, su bolVlv hai leplayed bIis part, thaýt fioe ft moepl,,ased at bis ecp t nthe Tc-mmi-ies ho had so clo-verly hoa-,o'd. Those who bave rrad l0ennimoro Cocves itil iohs 'Snr'ad, ihaver DOUBLES OF8ERJUS UJNDERSTUDIES WI-1 PUT AS- SASSINS 0OFFSCZIZT. A Very Dangeerons osiionta sinated.