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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1901, p. 8

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s, JUSI ARRIVED New Cuî'rants, Selected Rat*siný, 5 pounds for 25c, Figs, Dates, Sweet Pota toes, Cranhbet ries au1d a new 1ine-of Ufan"y Bis*ýcuits andl Candies. TRýY OUR INEW SYRUP. BOWMPANVILLE. sevellly-sîcîuid Yeg The NIYAgicoltural REWSpaper, L AuI AriclIturalJoal r Me ti~WorId. E'~ ~~j ý sr darten ritenl, lit-thi- 1. NGotomer Paper pretends te compote witb it in qualiiicatious et editerial staff. Gise the agr!caitraa NEWS witb a degree of i,'Omlsteness neot evea attempted by ethers. Il81iJSAiLETO ALL CO~TRY E8IDENTS, 1-IstxP UP WITH TEE TIjIjES, SniSubsription, $150; Two Subcriptiens,,$2,60; Five sebsîriptiins, $5.50. SPECIAL rNDUIEMIENTS te RAISERS o-w LAM-GEPR CLUBS. .Fou mt lomts' ffjmil rip 50, cents, SPECIMEN COPIES wli ho malleS free on reqa'st. it wmi pay any. body î - - s ed ;a any way in country life te sent or; 1. 1. Address the pablishers: LUýTIî9R TUCKER & SON, onto are muel nimsesu"' sinLue village... a z'wnDrnyj ,'iie auci - ~tieua Goyne, Oshîa%.wa, was guest off Mrs Wm Aunger beg-an to despair Of! mV reenvery, as the racetly..Mis Nei ller ii home from medicines 1 took proouced nnl gond, Burketou-. .Junior Leagne takes charge off prog. m n xt uday evening. A cordial and I wae growilg worse. Tbmough invit'ationi is exteudn(ed te al... ýMiss Campbell the influence of Rev, C. M. T-yler, I was lias bain r-eangagLed as teaeher for 1902. induced to give Paine's Celerv- Com. pound a trial. I can truly suy7 it worked NEWCASTLE- Citv, le guet oni bis fether et "The Willows.. ... Mr. J. H. Mititleton anti son Elvyn anti Mm. Henry Diekeon une hunting witb a party lu Muskoku .... Mr. anti Mise Aunue Barrie, Canton, were recent gueste at Mr. Robert Barrie's .. - Mrs Crosier, Toronto. le guest nf Miss Fothengilll... . Mise Ethrel Riekarti is visiting ut Welcom.... Mme. H. B. Allîn le visiîing ber cîster Mme. M. L. Argail, Oshawa.... Mme. MeAlpine, Mr. Tmank anti Miss Ina Rickarti have joinoti the Methotiiet choir.... .Mr. J.W. Bradiley attentiet the funiemul ni his father nt Pot Grumibý on Tbhusduy... Roey Jos. Wemti. Courtico. viii preacù missionarý ,ermons lu Methotiiet ehurcb next Suntiu. LESKARD. Mr S M Chambers, o vlagemihta leased tedrlîî iM.David Be11. his..isier w ol ep Ious 1f orhlm. .... Leskard Methodiits ever te thse front, willl bld their auuiversary ibis moalli.'-Miss Jenny Lenderbeek, Man- ver',""a rerurned home aller an extended vîsit wit hber cousin Mrs, T, G. Pattersen ..Vill- jagers who alteî,ded the amuivers-ary services alid tea ai Orono and M cOrie's report suceis- fu ei vents - .Root barvest 1a the order eew; nur teacher wonld prefer moit season lu Jaly ..Mr W illiam N5il, teàm0ta for Mr J W Corniish, lu tends te go farming. Mr Samuel saunders is m1-g11h- bs plaee t0111,s son Albeai la ready to de iver lthe fleur and ebop .. Mr John Spry,- Miller for J W Co ish, will move shorly te the bouse soon le bc vacated by Mm Neil.... Leskardites wlll go on tIhe excursion le Toronto Frictay isiuv. m ...-Mr W J Inch wbeeiedlo To- route, Salai-day and ri-porta a good lime in the Qexen eity... . Sivxs. George Wright Lakefleld, viteS lier parents bore ... Master Lomne Rob- bine a'ndi Miss EmmaConisbi visiteS Mr James Moýf att, Raglan, Soiiday ý.. --Mr aud airs J W C, rai8h rectnt!y viailed atMr George White's. - * -ý gshaoiS sono ceheaper. Mr Thos Snm- nie'rville liai over 400 liens and 18 feeding tbeni ai the turnips llwy e,,,, mit. wners luhe -frst bottle-.gave' me great- relief, and five bbttles tompletely cqured me." MT. VEItNoN. Mrs. C. H. Pascoe, 'Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris, Hespeler, Mr andi Mrs'1 L. Bradley, Enficld, at Maple Corners; Miss M. E. Abraham at Detroit; Master Harry Annis at home; Mr Ed. Milîson visiteti thc Pan American reccnty.. Mr. Gen. Argue's stock sale 1'asa dciti cd success .... Prior to Mr. and Mrs Gen. Argue leaving the farm a large number of their frientis andi neighbors took poss- ession- of their home and presented themn each wîth a hautisome -uphoîstereti chair andi a friendly atidreess Dr. J. C. Mitch- cil lu his usual happy manuer prosideti and Rev S Croo,. shauks reati the ad- dress. A number ni speeches were made expressive of gon w1 Althnugh the affair vvas a comPl e Surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Argue they sufficieutly mallied, to ma- c vemy feeling and suitable replies. Well filleti baskets were soon emptiei,' everybody doing ample justice to the gond things Provided hy the laýdies. A most enjoyable eyening was speut. Mr anti Mrs. Argue and daughters (ail of whon were present) possess the happy'l faculty of making their gueste feel at home. The committee of arrangement Messrs. John Pasoe. C. W. Souch and Eber Milison. (Atidress camne ton late for insertion-ED C S ). . ... Miss Sidella Werry was here Suuday evening per- forming the Gond Sa marîtan act. Dr. Chase's Oiitrnent A Food for the Skin. An Aitiseptie Heales, Whicia Prompt. EN FiEi LD. yAiy tiigaa un Recent vîsitors: Mr. and Mme. E. Har- and Thorougiîiy Cures Every ris. flespoler; -Miss Mabel Pasene, So riorin of Itching 5km Diseuse. .....Miss MNiiol Pcwell is recover- If the extraordinairy value of Dr. ing fmr ber sickness .... Clox er seed s Chase's Ointment were thnroughiy un- vîelding well in thi- loéality.-ho derstood tiiere would not be a family in beef ring met Friday ni-ht and engag- ed ~ 'li f* ~U& nt do,,hekHlig p Canada that wouid be without it in the ï]h1rtiitg -awsttier ye;ïr,.. M . F. ýhouse-f'Or-a sauin-e da- - Huribut and family w Inageabv l the firet place tl fo n surpri sed oie eveiiioig b'4fore leaving beautifier for the skin, and is so pure f or 0sLsmwa. -T!oey weme preiented at and pl,,eaant to, use ha.t n lady will >thir omewih achia te etlemn.delay Iu applying It. It emoves pim- 'th ei hoe w(h chia ta st, emo yipes, blackheads, and ail sorts of dis- i e ýot z' oneldriess raad hv Mi B àgreeable and disfigurlug 5km Lsass p ilîîoo of ti teir relatives As Inl the sevemest cases of, eczemia, sait the iue ecm more trian filled thex' rheum, fetter, scald head and other pmoýde t the hall where Counicillor 1tching 5kin eruptions, Dr. Chase's Rs,.ewas, apiîoiuted chairman OIntment-affords instant relief l'y al- Mi oî,,dMctuilchread a well laYing the- bumni, sfinging sensations, m~a,,-. iMr. J no Ormison. and will pommanelutly cure If applied meu ~e Xs iuri but with a purse o regularly. alo t~2 ' t 5ifofth'jir friOiids. Dr. Chase's Oi-tmcnt la tbe standard ýSpeetLiswre de bs Mmr aud Mrs, ointmnent the world oves, and. 15so ,m2r- Hiri ut. J-mî ) MUlnlJohn Vebously successi-111 sto ffer aur -ss ail rivas. X~k~O~P'~b1, Sab i i (grojio' du onrs.îî~e~mxed There 15 flot a sinlfle coîvîto- l ii San'ckil1ig wai God Save our King Canada but lias souoo 'e oesi W . ar~dehit remerv&y b wro ~,~~eîs iuugdin treely. 60 cets a box, at ail deal, o ileatie, tmlchesboen manson, Dates & Co., rorin. M.rsJohn ton, laro and Aiberi min. LOW 8 WOTII e SVP V1, asfe Nidaer mindGý 'tarcev bave retumnecl sua-E ,nd relfable worm xti,7eî,e. A -S~ j fmm Multoa, qualy weii ao eldren or iadui*s. àD sure You get LoW'4, niU , UO. iiLtUV Li miUtlay.. . .Lur. inc10 IP' Rowe joins a purty nfi ra ppems Rand I 1hast mesults. Tt restomes health -andi hîtuters et Minden for a week's hiunt renews vitaity. Davis & Lawrence nea te~e.As Johin is a favorite iii Co., Ltd., manufacturors. thbat distric w it the f ull limit ni We have receiveti from R. A iBurmis, gaine auid 1tho choiceet vonison to be Port Arthur, a book ni twelve nages, had,. ..Tlhe Epworth League helti ro- describing Nbw Ontarin. It is full ni tvival servicee. every night lest week and useful information, and anv one going- miuch godvies done.. .. Mr Win. Arm- to tha t part ni nur Province shoulti senti strong nf th,,,Hatchery whn is gather. for a copy. iug spuwn3 at Georg ian Bay wee home The immeuse pines ni Canifaa uruish last week .... Misî Mintdo JeffQry. Tor the ba.sis for' the peerless cougli and 01110, vibo speut a weok with hem slalom cold memuedy, Pyny Balsami. It cures Mme Jas. E., Richards loift Tuesday for quickîs andi certainly. 0f ail druggists a short visit unjder the3 parental moif et 25e.'Made by pmopriet ors ni Permy Port Pem ... .,TheLitomay Society of Davis' Pain-Killer. the Public, Sebýool propose giviug a grand concert b lu the ear future mno Port Hope Methodist church proent- ceetis in aid n) i the orgun recentlv pur. ed Mme Jabez Millur (mabel I Glîddou) chaseti by the trtustees. ... . Contractor J. with a boa utitul mnomocco bounti hxmn Hall and staf are at Canuington build book lu recognitionni ieithiul Services iulg a boýuseý..,. Frank Allun joins1 a renderetinlu-the choir previnus tohem ,party from Port Hope and Peterbomo to Iama e hunt deer in t he north countr. . .. The essential lunz healiug principle Jarvis Jackson and Mm. Waldeincy ni the pine tree bus flually been succeass Hunter are tkn course at, Leam- fully separated anti refined inito a per-ý ington Business College. .. .Messrs. F îoctî cough uiedieinie. Dm. WoodI's Nom. Tambîxuý anti Emnobt Hamm have re way pifie Syrup, h'old by ail deniers turned fo a six weks' trip to the, Ou a guarautee ni satisfaction. Price North West greatly taken Up witb tIse ý25 cents. couatmy_.ibers nf the Methodiet churcb have býeen hiolding cottagepa- Belleville City Council has deciti tt or meetings lui the aitemnoons ....RËum pumechase the street railway which bias our-bas il that the club ronm is flot been offemeti ut $6.700. Mm. VauDyke, wnrkiug vemy harmoniously, cos-Gisy wl u oud from the quenti mtali attendunce this seabon. Council, parîng ton per cent'doivn and ,Mr. Frank Paimfield, an oId Urne ros i'- exteuti il to'Trenton by Aug let 1902. dent Anti jeweller, is anout to open Up Imitations abounti, but insist upon a store... «Mmr. îcbýam Martin bas coin- gettiug the geuue "The P. & L" pleteti paintig the bose tower on the Menthol Plester, "The D. & L. " bas Fire Hiall ..,. Miss Winuie Jones who stooth Ie test oi yeams. It cures. Its bias heenvieiting ionde horo bas me imitations are impotent, "The D. &, tumuedti1owna ..le,.. The i3achei L." is madie by the vieil known Davis- ors excelleti themselves as wiiiters ut & Lawrence Co., Lti.- tbe Prsyeintea,. .Messre Jflo, Ma% or Fowke ni Oshawia ongageti MeConuebie and. W. Vann, Bowman two spocial cars for conveying the ville, woie gueste ni thse Misses MCu membeme ni the Ontario Touchers' As lougb l]aet weýek,... Messrs. 0.A. Gaims. sociatin to thse McLaughlin Carniage b), andi C. G. Armstrong took part in Wnrks, Williams' Piano fuctory, -the tbe pmngramu t McCroe's Cburch Mon- Mulloable Works anti other places ni day anti delighiteti that large gathering intoreet lu thiat town last week. lu their uasual style with bumor anti LoxG LiFE 15 INuaaIrxn-7This clate-- songe. . M. Hferb, Brown bad a narmetyucr ovb iesgaon mow escape ise ing killeti, Whîle Wmen youearsovhe hy nvestigs atin cmuwinig ot i -) a bhumwindow lhe miss- Whn a er ison midose acetosbad eti hi bold &and tiroppeti several foot lon- ies isl ntt g o a Messs. ,'ýýs.Thonto an Wm Jak- n nîne cases out oi ton trace the cause soseersWe. Thomuton asti m ack... disordemoti kiducys anti consequent Mou moder eidlebl sstanba lced, .suffering fî,om Bmîght's disease, rheu- Mm. Beuti. w Drstndobn plcedmatîsm, îattv heurt or dropsy, Dr. Lu abeatifl nn' omiionplano,one 1I (hase's Kiduey-Liver Pille proveut anti oi thieir choî(,cet grades .... The Orches-- tma ni the 'M;ethotst Sanda y Sebooli cure Ihese fata Ï andi painful diseuses nlainauwLi snip niMm A. JT. Ktuox, le excelliiug o û a ý etsabx thiemselvos\ They pluy evonv Sunntav Whitby Giazette's report ni South aitemnoon et ý.2onur Sndu Sool 10 a Ontario Teucliers' Convention suys: laro adiece.Mm.Kux is,0 oonBy meune ni charte anti diagrame on gratullateti on tew& u hoias se o e-Ithe hluekboard, Mr. E&T. Slemoii,B.A,, imlly trieite Âttend our sehlool Oshawa, lkept the intorest anti attention tanti bear IiomfnieVvyore e isýnt for upwartis onian bonr iwth t ise pmesysubjoci of "Mou- suratiîn. " T his was uidaubtodly1 ,roun A CARD. of the eos admeiseean a mathemnatical topfic Co erïgi!,en before a So-ith Ontarini W13, teudirinei io herehy audience," agreo to miut imoe na 50 cent ' Lv EXTFLSct-vr bottle of ,ene Wrmntd rxup, oi one viho wù have a clear, sott, vel- Tam, if it fais to cure yo)ur cough or votY 5kin fr,-, fmom piniples- bl.ckheatis, colti Wje a,, gaeue a25cntrdusaatids ,rin4r eruptusme hottie to proveoaifatr or momîey use Dr Ubse ltumt, It le a truc, mifiat oti.S01 r & j Lcaad foodi fr the k, oes not clog the J. k t.-,OmrM& ON ms sdo poviders, ranitiinsures per- mnatiemil neneit Timore ïss ont a sinîgle itching t'mniqg s1kia dirc o ofnimcn MuîmiU'~S SERINGHEDACHE wneln or cildioen thât D Chase's Pl) V ;;ele e- huahonOi'n-n lI miel cure. Mothers finti i fmon 5 m iUmIutes nd leve n ba i iv iluabla-for Baby-Ecz -nia, scaiti afe.-fet.O.pwe oor 10 koo. iea andi chafing on the little one 1 For Uus, vs mnus, Cunuolains, unup- peti Haiîds, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Burns, Sculd, Bi_1tes oi Insecte, Croup, Cnugbs, Coltie, Hagýyurti' Yeliow 011 wiIl be inunti un excellent remetiy. Price 25 conte. Aliealers. The uoxviy-elocteti officers ni Soutb Ontario- Teachers' Association are Presidout, L. C. Smith, 1B. A., Osbawa; Vice-Pros,, W. G.> Ward, Brougham; Sec-Trous , J. A. Browin,, Wbitby; Boardi ni management. E. R Eddiy, Bmooklu, W. W. Noble, Wbitovale, Jn. Blue, Duiibarton, G.. D. Wamk, Manchester,E T.Slemon,B A., Oshawia; Auditor, J. H. Gale, Port Whitby - Dolegate to tha- Ontario Educational Association, G. H. Hogartbh,B.A., Wbitby. Pollowing are tho e n'ly electeti oui- cors ni Bnwmuuville District Epwortb Lêague: Bloî Presitient, 11ev. T. J. Edmison, B. A.. B. D ; President, Chus Snow4en; icI Vice Pros., Dr. MI. M. Tuckèr; 2nti Vice-Pros, Miss E'v Couch; Brd Vice-Pros.,-Mise E. L. Run- tile; I1h Vice,, Miss Evenson; 5tb Vice Pros., Miss Ashton; Secretary, W. H. Courtice; Trbasurem, Arthur Apnis; Confemence Ropresentatives anti Ex- ocutive, Miss G. -Cole, C. Langmaiti,W. J. Riekard. MAPLE GROVE. School report for'October-names lu ortier oni ment:-Sen IV, Leslie Cox, LoIn Snoôwdeu, Leslie Suowdten: Jr IV: Russell PoWer; -Son III, Miltim.eti Col- lucutt, Mannell Bellamy; Jr III, Shir- ley Suowdten, Pearl, Snowtion, Gladye Cox,' Davidi Hamilton, E[va Snowtien, Edu a Adiams, fHarold Powýer;d Sen II, f RI' a Jeffery, Norman Wood, Ethel 'I U Atims- Jr Il, A'Etia McReynoltie, I," Merle Pover. Arthur Charles, Frank V I O Hamilton; Son Pt II, Norman Juiid Sen 1, Eva Wood, Hazel Power, Ceeili Joffery, Etina SDoviden, Elmer Cex, Ceeil Adems; Jr I, Cvrii Ruutile,Russell Foley, fierbert Jeffery.- BERTA L.f HÂNoOCe-, toucher. iO EN NG0 day mornîug Nov lUtfl,... irs. Alber Jobunston, Toronto. Mm. antci Mrc. Thes, Bîughuîn ailtiMiss Mabel Binghba, Boviniauville, visitet i endsbey -3 ceutly. . .. Reeve ant ,irMi'sA. . eus receutîr visitet Portý Per frlends .-_Rev. -anti Mrs. J. S. MelMullen being ut Bethanv on account ni bis uneWs deeth,' hic îuudlay Pappointments viero filleti by Mr Jas Gilfillan, B. A., Rnowmanville, viho is always' appreciat eti.. .. Congratulations to an old Tvrone boy, Mr. W.E, Birugham, Roland,'Man. on bis necent mamiag-e with Onuef Dalta's faimonues. We alsocongrat- ulule Mr. anti Mme T. Gardiner, jr, who necently vieme similarly blesseti. THE PUBLIC LOOK FOR IT. Th e public loo)k for anti tienti true- anti bonest dîsýpensing when prescrip- tiens are taken 1t he tiruoe s;tore, Our tiispensîng tieparîment is conducteti on sucb ýpprfocteti planýs tibat errors are impossible. Strict attenition to busines pur dmge nq nmorlicinesand- low prîes have won for us a p)osition second to noue lu the timug trati(e. Tu-TE KmN ,,TnAT CITREIIa if you are suifferinig from heaace indigestion, heurt trouible, liver ô' plaint , kiduey tilsease 3or ilusulting from impure blond, we s1irangly adse you to use Paiuie's CeleryCo'pud. l le the greuteet buflisber o? ous;eae, the ouly medicine that, eau »rirîg you health anti nn' lue. Tmiy a boutle or Puine's'Celerv Compounti if you f eet weuk or untiown; il le a marvellous strengtbener. Solti by JH IBOHM&SON,, The MVost, Bffeetîye Desigils ARE SHOWN IN THE DIAiIOU BE IT-11D_ RUG PATTERNS. Diamond Dye Mat and liug patterns are the most effective and artistie. designs ever shown to the ladies of Canada. These designq are colored on a; Verv superior qualit-e of Scotch Hfessian, and show to adv autage the ,colors that should ho used when marig Up tie mat orru,-., Diamoud Dve M, ý;at aud Iiug Patters are made in the fol- lowing standard sizez;: 18 x 30 luches, 24 x 86 iuches, 30 x 51 luches and 36 x 72 luches, aud are for sale at retail dry gnods stores. If Your mnerchant caunot suppliy xou, send a poîufl with vour full add-re-ss to The XVells.'&R;leharde on "ô [Lmr;itod, 200 Mmtanst, otel pQ. and thev wl edYou ospad slîeets of designs to make Y~our seleC tionn from before ordoring. Biooks forP'r;o: and Hligh SGhool ites in grueqtvar- iety. Leader-.s lu ExercisBookS. pz 1 tebilcruck. Ê las, no MWS eAnlý -M et i a ai Li-Li rt 9

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