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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1901, p. 4

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*0 .AnI Equal.. 0 The ladies-are continiÏi'ualy---praising --the Equality of our 2OTrH CENTURY BAKING PO-W]PER. EThey say it is without an equal, it makes their Ebread and cakes' lighter, sweeter and more Ewholesome than any other and it is E Only ioc. per pound at E McDERMID'S S-Wes%%ýt EnI-%d Drug Store. 8J9P5 RERD AND ICON1iMIS[. Rochester Radiator. * HOW TO DOUBLE THE O ~ ~ e CAPACITY OF ASTOVE, h pp Q: Place Rochester fladiator on tepp i close to the stove. I**HOW TO HEAT AN UPPER BOOM. O O ~Eun the pipe through the ceiling. con- S necting with Rtochester Radiator above;0 the upper room will bc as warm as the one belowO * HOW TO HEAT AN ADJOINING BOOM. O Run the pipe through the partition wall t and cennect with Rochester Radiator. Both rooms will thon be heated alike. là- Our Radiator s n any of_ these positions glve entire satisfaction W. H. DUTAN BOWMAN VILLE.O DARLINOITON TAXES m ill be at tedlow, ji p'la0onth lda aod ours here stae ) e olleL,t.Taxes: - Eunfield, Friday, Nov. 29 Burketoni, Monday, Dec. 2 Enaiskillen, Tuesday, De- cember 3 NEW BLACKSIVITH.> I wish te notif v the publie that I have bougbit eut the Richard DacBaeýk. smitui nessand iain nwread-y t do0 sbceing anId aIl kinds cf jobbing,. g vihad nitme years experiene in a first î6ass slsep w e feel satisfied wq can suit ,-ou Caî and ISe-us., prices. are ihtA. W. PIGKARD. INSTITUTE MEETINGS. T he Canadian Statesilail. BO-WMÂNVILLE. -NOV. 27, 1901 THE PRESS TRIP. LETTER No 9. We've bcen east and we've been west, And we'vc been to Muskoka, But the place that rcally charmed us best Was Truro, Nova Scotia. What a royal welcome ! The first rousing, hearty réception tendered us was at the beautiful town of Truro the "hub" cf ovaScoia.The7-%eatlier-was-ideal for a carniage drive and sume thirty car- riages awaited our arrivaI, Thfse wce. furnished by citizens. Wcll groomed horses, brightly polished harness, comn- fortable covcred carniages, small Union Jacks and yards of ribbon in evidence on harness and carriagc-only ionce did we sec anything approaching it on this trip. Such an array cf loveiy ladies, and sucli a nurnber cf them, toc ! Prcttily attircd in the very pink cf fashion, in immacu- late summer costumes, bedeckcd with nice buttonnaires As they lined up along the station platform thiey present- ed an cnlivening and brilliant scene Our party Plainly dressed in their comn fortable travelling suits and costumes were placed at a considérable discount in comparison with the weli dressed Truro- ites. It requircd cnly a few minutes to seat ail ccmfortably in carniages. Sev- cmal cf the carniages had lady drivers and they hiandled the ribbcns with:the skili cf the trained horsernan Wc questicn if many ancthcr tcwn in Canada can turn cut sc many sp anking fine carniage teams. Wc were dnivcn ai cund the tcwn thrcugh the principal business and resi- dential streets and the flags, hunting, ficwers, etc., displaycd along the route gave the town a gala day appearance. WVitho.t any such adoroment, Truro is thé prettiest town in Canada, and there- fore ail this artificiai garniture transform- cd the town into ài veritable Eden cf love- liness Truro is plcasantiy situated on a slight cievation and thc IntercoIonial Railway runs along the valley close by, near cnough te be quite convenient te the business centre, and yet not toc near se as te, interfere with the attractions' in which gocd taste has been combined with what Nature bas donc to mnake the place s0 beautiful. Thc wcll kcpt streets are wide and profuscly shaded by maples and chestnuts; the comfortablc looking residences arc rendered more attr active by evidences cf culture and taste that sur- round them-weil kcpt lawns,ornamental shrubbery. flowcr gardens tastcfully de- signed" and other evidences cf comfcrt and thé many electros that give an air cf prcsperity and truc home likcness te the homes. No wondcr visitcrsto Truro fal quickly in love with the town, for it has aill thé attractivcness and bcauty neccss - ary te win the admiration cf ail who can appreciate the inherent lovclincss which the place possesses in such a large mncas- une While wc were compcllcd te admire the bcauty, added picasure was contrib- uted by the evidences cf bu'hness activ- ity anci enterprise te bc seen in cur tour. Truro is the second city in the matter cf commerce in ail this province. The an nual business donc hitre cxcccds ?7,o00,ý ccc. Hummiing industries werc in eper ation i-vIdecand financial qstr-ngth te the tcw. Its ntis include iron worîks, ining -machinerv, furniture mian- ufacturers, bats, knitted wooiens,. flour m1ilis, carnaàge factories, condenscd milk, and coIffccýwirc mattresses, wire fen es, etc. -i{anàd by the tcwn arc great coal and iron deposits, which afford cxcept- ioal facilities for and advantages in al à&hns-iigOvrot 2Ot~Celtury Branldo The uiame of the 2Oth Cenitury Clothing is a of quality and the only difference between their wear Garments and the Custom-maade is that you for the latter. s ravineýs which !or its moatst iking fea turcs extending as thicy do for severai miles trhthi-lÏl le lhart c2 it, -traversed thrcughcut- by a beauiitiful stncam, which i n i ts cou rsýýee la ps do wn fromn the hieighits above for ming several cataracts, thius cuinbizing the attractionsi both cf tbe wcl.known linnehaha Fallsl guaran tee Èeady-tc- Men's Faultless Overcoats. 3MNS Yoke Style Overcoats, same ýas cut, in grey, aII-wool cheviots and blaek, very stylish, 815.00 MEN'S Raglan Style Oyercoats in greys and Scotch tweed pat- terns, perfect fitters, $18.00 and $5. 00~f MENS Chesterfield Overcoats in pure wool, dark grey cheviots, French faeed, hair cloth sleeve linings, lapels silk faeed> 0 13. 50 MEN'S Chesterfield and Short Box Back Style Overcoats (e3omeM have slash pookets) in blaek, blue, grey or brown, pure wool, auburnbeaver, big vaine at 000 111N'r3 Beaver Overcoatsin biue and grey, well made and llned, a first-class.coat for M00O ' Men's &tY--lish Suits.0 We carry, the largest range of Mcn's Fine, Ready-to-y-A ear Suits n l West Durham. We start them at $8.90 in good, strong Tweeds up te the finest of Worsteds at $13,50, .THIANKSGIVING BARGAIN in Me,,n's Suit>, ehoice of any $7,50 Suit in store for $5.90-Thanksgiving week only. Men's Furnishings. No matter what your taste we can satisfy it in our 1urnishirg Depart- mentNewThanksgiving Neekw ear, Stylish Muffiers in the newest o- silks, Gloves that will wear and look styli'sh, Underwear that is warm a eheap. Our 50e Fleeee-lined [Jnderwear is as good as most dealers ask 75e for, Drawers fumnished in fine satin. GXOOd Th-Iings for Thanksgiving. 5 First of ail corne the West Durham Turkeys, splendid specirnens of thefi great Canadian bird, fat, tender, well-bred Turkeys. There wiii be pIenty of faney Chickens and Dueks, the very finest that eau be procured. It'sa goed idea te order early, there will be nothiug disappointing in our whole64' poultry stock,, Besides, we have the cheieest ot Table Fruit, FreshRaisins, Spicy Spices, Superior (3anned Fruit and mauy other side issues te make a perfect dinner. Lord Mott's Famous Oysters kept -here. Joejhn LLMcMurtry BOWMANVILLE, SIJEFERBI) GREÀTLY FROM .ASTII- MI AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. WE WANT MIEN EVERY WEEK DAY. 1000 MEN WANTED te leave their measure fer Faîl and Winter Su.its te be made up in very latest style and fit guaranteed. We make mens~ and boys' CE[ MONUMENTSU.I BoullsaIrs mIaible WIorks,...

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