iN ugTos uiorce iNwesn, n& W Prsin, thnC nax of Uermainy, the' 1ricestallis of China, the richi grasses MISS ETHEL MORRIS, of ltaly. ILt lias turned up the ARTIST. Iaistructions givenin PAINTING manmoth of Siberîa, the mastodon L-_ 01, Water Color and China, Sketchiag andi of Egypt andi the pine groves of aît gfo are. KIAN 5n1.6m. ~, irThessaly. Its iron foot lias mardi- .ras~~ea, ureseti where Moses wrote and Ioe DR. J. C MITCHELL, sang andtiArstotie taught and -Alex- M EMBEROPtCOLT,EGEOF PHYSICIANSaiider and Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, MOYN-TEI> 1115 IAR CIIARZG3JL Resldence, Enniskillen. 74 Lt liath wrung its colter on Norwcg- A, R McLUGRLN. Iian wilds anti rippeti out the stiunps! Vitrrîster,golicitor and Couveyancer, Office:- of tie Anrican forest, pushing its 1 Btlakley Block, KIng street, }owranville.I waY througi the sarcînnas of the Morey to loan ai reasoiable rates. 48-lyr, Caro] mias and trcmbling in the grnsp of the New llampshire ycoiuanry. ]RQBBRT YOUTNG, V. B. To get an apprecia ion of what dPtCE BINi WEST DURHIAM NEWS the 1>10w lias acconipLsheti I take! UJBoek, e here hinieif or lis asalotant wiU I yoit into the western wilder- te'cuipdfrom8a.m. ta p. m. Night cala at ness. Ilere in the dense forest egidemee, direetly opposite Drilil Shedi. CaIl& bÎ £ n acletin fLdinwg telçrph r eleboe Wn ecl'î. r.t'_wams. Wth boits 0f wanîpum tic, Ai.en it. lzily on the skias of deer, 1MAJRIAGE LICENSES,-M. -A.I smoking their fc'thercti calumets, .vI aM, Ismter of Marriage Licenses. or, drivsen forth by hunger I ifîsidence: Centre street. Ilirack ticir nioccarsins f ar away as- they imake flic forest rchoes crazy SIMPSON &BAI.with th.eir wilti halloo or iai in the P. îE.Z;ItSON, Q.C.,CHS. . BAI 1 atrs 0f the stf111 laie.N-otrbe i'aiicere Solctr~.Notrie, ec.,Moris iiiIogar-V(o'nti gnncs flci blaz recne'alene a l~et atî iýc 'tomýa11a wks foýrkbaýttie. e -______ _________awh'.ilc owagon.,s from icAtÏlntic FI. F. 1UNTER, coast corne týo these forest,1s By W P.IIUNEItday 1trcec are fe]llet, ant iby nghi -Y.,>AHSTEISLIITONTARY1 bonfires kecep of f Lc wolves. Log Pule Conve-yaneer. Money. Privatanti Ceapiai un~ eualenetwest carrenit raies cabinsilseanti the great trees be- ., IÇiS: RIng St., opposite Dr. lIarnden's1 F gin to grow their branches in the ienal toois Bornavrle. 13-m5pafli of Veconquering white- man. Farinas are cloareti. Stuxnps, tie $r,'O.d'-Oo 00 TO LEND mnonunmerts of siain forests, crumble $) V000 &0 ongood mort- atntiarc buriieti Villages appear gi ge Feeu ity ai inhderate ates et lnierest!ith iltsa h elwms A. E ldcLÂuouUINSoicitor,flowmanville,onî~th mta h elwmsn 16 -Sm, or.flihe'xiill, carpenters on the house- -top. Churclies n-lac in lionor of the SGreat Spirit whom tlie reti mcn ig- U noraaltly woî-ship. Steanmers on tie eelake convey nmeeclandise f0 lier. BENTISTS. whanrf anti cariry ea fie unicounted -- bîîshels that, have coiete o flic NUI be at Blark&tock ou the frst Ilnareret. Bring hitiri rea ths of Mýonday of each inonti. at Orono 2rîd whiCut anti crowti-, of ry e anti let 1t<ùudar' ail day, anti at Newcastie 1,st Ilic -anilIs anti tiee aaacincry of baru %Wýedriesday from 2 p M. ant-,llt uthetIoi v ie b cdc St., BOwIman- rat, the Ctiumplilu, oic iî m sillerar o! figginiobam oidug stor ENTI STRYI fl 0f illage, hýasebco a C. HAIRNDEN, L.D.S. K1iY1ý'!tioînaî tivnfg as tic ý" iradunate o thie 'ltoval College ot nof ueigcofgot Waeidant i; Dental Surgeons, Ontario. oseoes i forbitdic-a. l cuare our CLf -.FICE-Opposite TBingham'ns office. farmis. They worc Wvorkcth by y our VITALIZED AIR. faflicrs, andi periaps youî- arotice hlpeti preadthefic ay in tic f!Glti. On l ,r hetistones ans-cheflicnesc I1nf ..iI faea u As, wlieia you wr Always jtu d tubys ntahiag Vcie noonspcll souhti foir flic iarvcst field with r-cfresh- aientsfo your fates ant ifounti > tis is rny motto :-Each 3ear as asle ne teths o ecfil 'ha new improeements are placed on nosce ndr licteesIn somecacuntry lie mnarket, I always niake it a special - -e~ cune point to spare no expense lu equipp n x - rhas . No moi, atigueti. wv sliop.vwith thc best gootis antiappli fîeaowcfas grae. o hm edecp ances, giving my patrons opportunities teeo f rae unobtainable outsitie of largo manufac- . Altiougl i irost ofius liavecnofli- :uries A supply of high grade sun- îIng directhy f0 do witli tire tillag,- -(ries always kept in stock. Brazin o f the soîl, vct it aIl our occua 1namelinZ, (rnlng at eeral fions wc e d lticetfect of siacce<s Izepair work. Tire vîlcanizing a or bligitetdiniitustry, We mus t , lu specialty. Your esteemed patr-onage ah eoue occupgations a-joice over flic respectfally solicited. victories of flic plow to-day. The uX75E maTir T eur crtit ,as ocei- ureutifor nman'is sae an ocsnaiy ncorm- B0WA~VLî,-a. Market Square. venges itscîf on is by- rcfîîing a -_______ - itlifîîl han csf. I1atappaOsofhiat Afte Wor orE^Xerc 1 butfor sa he flac atiawoflti be Pro- duclag heat aiii ori ati iret 'Ifi i-as iuiatsll y as ý;qif îîow pro- ilduces linlna ,siaîka ati JCaîitLin antifli lnooîn cfFieta.betweeli tic oac orciari New -Jersey neaand stiff- 1 anti total dcpravify. Tie thoràa nda messand gis- e lac ey cfeeling o co! tandltiistle seain f0 havo usurpedthli Oirength. soul, anîti otig but flic reicihion Dont take the weak, waiery -attuls hazel of flie plow rau îrptoot the viii preparatione represeeaed te bce "tht caMe supreuîacy. as" Pond's Extract, which easily sour andiBT 0 generally costain "wood elcohol,"a enadiy BTGI \ O VoIan. oi f one cf our s asosia paatially provosca afailiro flic carti secuis f0 repenat o! if fie acxt suialuier in fPeaise Goti for fia g-caf lîaîvcsts TRE CÂsNsÀINi STATESiMSnela UUbliahueti e-eu-y 1fiat have been 'reapedti iis ast ni eliIstsuay .uuriALng as uic umot ne uraras- f vear f So~iic tif f hena inhuecti mAN Block, King Street, Roinvllle, Otb M. A. JÂmus, ndltor andi Proprietor. Subnst-rîbp !bY di-lit or insects or f resia tien $1.50 per anînura. or $1.00 il paîd t eilctfy in eCfa vc, tact as bortiiil as; ads-anee. Adsertil amte, tramient adýe'- sM. & rx îr in -cP- lslng, ten eespar int, firs l insertion; : euh ra. oturs fr lu e e1c enta perline eaei cubseqf iuIn nuin. en. waIra, ce1cmb, t eca atitmnd tract racb on appleatlon. Iwha]--l, !-r rcawilhcp rak and Piiînnciaaand Nr,w xoea anti 'and ti reoscope. Tio whole 0f this Washington are but flic long pro- minîiature fool-box îa but four anti a trated hlf incies long. trCtOE S OF.HI HAla I'ushing your chair up undter a lanap Fader flie hammer evcrywhereecounry ,l; Lre ravoeetifoni. - orarnngcdî 0asfnik .1 fie ligit fait confortably upon one'a dwcllings have gone Up ornate anld As 1flic peu î as ativancedti r ol- ho ok, are troubles entirely obviateti luxurlous. Scîîoolhouses, lyceui, legei 3 an, tiuiversities andt observa-, by a îaew invention. You sink lut o hospitals anti asylunas ba t tictoies have flhowed t he waviag of atiitona goryfofieenusrric s ~plume. -ýOur ifenature is oftwo a largo andi confortable easy-chior, iveil as the betieficence of tic DcOfle. knis fat nfofuat it nat fa coicie of iht f YU p o iVasf public works havae -cen, tOn- fll ic wrng.By fie former I mean flic ligifs a oupe c lon acfr han, stu1 t, brde a eben built lirm anti 'tubstanflal woi-ks whlchî ovr rieraanige îshdave b,ý_ill o tiwn tirougli threcenturies.senfeti. anti go ont wlacn you lise. !ovr rver an tunel du uac, -llgi)Handy for ftose n-in arc contionn- mounfains anti churcies onimaaethes , n otite ha I 1 peak e'd f0eflicteeilotal naiscrica of a y 'beauty have gone Up for Rirm who't!lteaoe nfli ig,fmanttpf lc eaîiiacitl rolie lad net wherec f0 ay1-Ils hcntiandtihie nwpp-s ffa anti. wp-roeivn nlalyptn- ýtheoldthery s exlodd ta-tbe-: mavelus cd. To ail appearancea if la a dry-- cause Chrislt was bora la a manger, changoti Wc usedtio ci-y becausc. we as-çtiust volante of 1tr or pliitsopliy. wc must always worship IIim ina h ad te o f r>schanol . Now chiltireniBut a finger appliedti f a cvt.nringlv- bai-r. crny co1ret tapdocr pushea up tho tail.roatia cf fabulotas leiîgfh baye I 'fHEY CANNOT Gto. neck of a fhask confaining tlhe own-- beca completeti. oser wih iwestern Man -i aem au uclh 1g t fy i cr's favorife liquiti. :trains rush past flic swlff footeti1 - People have a vrty senîsible dislike de, maklog flic frlgtened bi--ts to h olf-l oit og oo e iy or gi-ing je-welcry f0 chltîten. Even, dart int o fie heavens at fie couglalaais-en abalotbox, or, feaseti by I1f fcy, don't spoil if, it gcaera1lly o! f lie amoke ppes -îetkl flican ~-g oepei u-,euCompose ar- lias tic cllect of making thîora 'a , r. yel of thc stearn vnhistl. lu i fidet -'rq f ire aewsapcrs. Philoso- 1 But no fond mother coulti object -te hast ou natona iniusty as-crdespîyantiasfonoy aa dlemhtî-vI jwelery xcept ona fie scorecrf un-- have hr(laeho impeovetfhat ih mutwîococns.Jewels anti golti a nd lierbreti ie ir f 10000 lue bpa gnluset ullcas'ah kaws 'pa,- ci' epîcetiin iatse lag an les irsn levlmn icut-nfhigaotfît.O n ietcma reccat f, orm o!cliluu cd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l fatr_,lir:tsc fefahc Talk about, nafectiiuviran longcvity f --e I tink tic average 0of Juan h e i more now tian it ever Waa:' eug -uf aignt, ant ioa ei-h-CPIBING AT EXAMINATIONS meciancalfac-liiesmc wok ~yeaa{~ cougrsa the leat faf ty will" become aflac an-f wbcn aitict by mcaia acte on pis-50hdim la aJ las aof a newly-invcîafed pair o! spectacles, nauci ~ater ~d a ifrailapltters andti fer., ahong fle ic-ms of whici can be ar-- aroo l e.liftiuc fat jun ea aal rovrs r nawîîo lavc been rangeti a nunaber of tiay photogi-aplis atordf dia now at forty years asacutmtif iin wtifc aihktossnaie stlfic d wchl as to one cf th fcliilkcatos900.eties st iithke- fi as e of buman poin fatifefotof -an ora-amental pen. A wlolc page' teeabot of800 la nw feriinct f, Ia ganfrlshaie pased tineir ofaIldctioray or geaaaaar coulti bc accomplisimeat i owlivalnt arvi th bo e icveto of drouglit tipoLgrpe oma f0a circle cf a abu 0 ears, ns inear as I1 danantli eug.Tic freiglrt carsreiofcîttifanlcilaiaitrai calula e.liaailnueoccpatonSant lago niihf0 bîing down fie !ycf rejadercîl legible by tic magîîify- professions we fiel flae oltet cf a grin 0 tc eaboarti. Tic canal sng-glassswitli whici flcanse scc- crippleti or enlarget i uielaîiiicah cri ' - ba e rowtictiwitli breatistuff.ta.les ai-c peovideti. TILavention :s f~~î cers.W h iscsokl ve akt lcr lng cf tic wieat!iutendedt for clergymn anti lecturers htouse fiat is bidIt ant i la ciry pub- tiecagi ue ecaf Chicago coi-rcn wiocmemaorîce are fttulty. lai Jovoadefithaco trctteîtosther f0flcrohing cf flicejFoi- duck-siootiag, wicre flic usc laîdlu lige-icais f tfie Cincainati pick lof a boat woulti distuu-b bleds, an SVLIA 1311F THTAT 15S 3I.pahur EOughî fo caf, anti at * nis )Ctor h-as corne f0tic rescue wiif W'îawe sec flichîart-workiuîg aiealoi rce -noujghitf, war, andacof a suif of waterproof- cloties, fibteti of fhel ad lix ing la comfoatable lou- îui-cue.I ome1C have *witlî a sort o! lifcbîsoy round flac aicties, wib uu-euo iir an;ti sone bs-' cf , 4bhýienmay G ntijwaisf. Got up la this attire tia tabes întonc evît ina crtîi hdp ie--eWhhvetlini ve-Apasrrnan dncfir-wl nlot atotiaigtr aiatg -f ioe b x affCer lcapoilcbton usîllwwt Now ý )fi ua oPen. cffic cn-be-anifl01,tirani vryhiu t ehs alaEhbto bol of L,1infellectaify. The paLe- Li tUp,î1 1e yaO nain f-a pparat Lus, ,hici app;earetl atiat er's penîcilhandtihflac ulptors hle-Gt's - 1lf aue1t.flcglOriOus,<siglt tof0bc notlaing but a ticrîlînuse andtihficpiilosophie's laboratory ai- rc ts f Bîili la)ýrger youe barnsîfor aaiî.So, intiect, if doucId lie aIl brotlicî-a f0 fli pets, anti theacîore 1r1iharis; dig ticeper flac vafa usedti.lifd withi bunks anti tables. flais may bc useti as a symbo'i o!fiiu- f - ifi !soicf flic xiieyards;est- -But bmy puiliiag eut a few boîta flhc tellectual ativancemeaf. Thiceareagefa wrhos for bCe unr-r- wicle rîsslips oîcrboau-t, anti bc- lirose di-posedti o ticry ci cry th .iigcaaiisuitpy galîcries cf art Cornes a large anti powerful lifî--sav- Aaîcîicau. Iîaviag scea Mels-ose antifor tr reue anti statues. Ad_ îng raf t. Even shl heflcslip sttikc Glasfosibury by iimncahiht, fleylvanceZ, C iai if Gods rigit hianti, a t-tck, anti foauden- hi a moment, nus-cre ieltiamoiig us an 1mrcasi.vo!but rteni-rfant national wafi ii 'aigtîcîsuenoh bt- structur-e, or, havng afecîlle t troirgi I f unacici e-sumptucus wasf c, rmticallY d tactr itself. anti bea- rci thei pictule gallea cs f flic Louvre! is anoual m. in, fa unagalicent wooe, Is saf'IY ai ul avio we ainiL. an nt la Luxembourg, tbey are tdi-splend(id r--tteniiess, la gildet deat h. gustet i wll (ue acadenaies of art, Woc 0 u for fhe çUc vafs if FOR OVEI PWrY'U YEAIMiS. It î-aakes masi ki toeear tlaesc powaakncesaahows li ticun! io' r.ialw Soln'g8rs asheeni uqad-I î plc as%-ho have beour iniEurope (,nt-c 0 15fIThe I',arvest- if greeti si esa tlotsc sairsfrfit hiltiren selie borne tlking wif if a foucigaa accent I tilOili f --eWoe 0us for fthe mercian- ta g fd4rida rgi and brîr> auat apiag foîcigut custciis and atitk- ds o ul walw t o oiitr' paietcof t- teetla.e d t Etoncead iîag Of môonalightf ou caf 1s by tie us fca ta cibles if nîasrule walks get a b 4dtte ci rg. iXîw1,ow,, Sc ii-g Syrup fhiL totl d if Cdcl tir Cirldren Teetlii:g. Ih ill eil eheve the noor ~~ ng crimetauchaca it ! Our ouhy lteieitne mi'talre abtlt. t cures L'harr-ici-ni bsîrfet l ii mocrt,,Bibles., uce mo te ir e rniafu a wehe, curei W nr-l 1 o~irftîrs tise giredtirees nalanimatînn. illchaurefres, înee mre ofree-cc dools, 11nca'-eandi gis-cateint anîtieùen -y 1tirhe ole sycren g'oilmi anti more gooti avimenî, ~n.Wntn Soatli-g Syînp for chtîdreti, an~d Liver Complant, mrcoiseraet.peintinug presses, teîeth islia p-aant to the tadte and h ltre p,- Trociblemons andi Obstlrate Ailmexs w sh i liPoptl ,ti Seaa-c-iang anti lncoîhAto or Dr. chmme'eKtIs e-ivrPISa Son, ci lot, wiirliwalyet paealwroîug-s antid i o !-u Ynarly ceyfannily tte smor olest sffrfg roa iver dsriri billouucs i he-ad uiaanin o Apronmyhv ahohibe wthu ac r fr ucli de--Widoye't fl !Most nenenstafas D-. hinr- Itday-Lu'raîcas f-, niaorgel f~~~~-r drppiani0ccuatip:Itiou. T,,vv arc tic gîceateaif faiiîly iedîineeer whîichmake w, riofi1 djierovereil, as l i testileti f0 by tien- tesyim.n tn saatis of people.-h i-tnadtoeU Mes. Faulkner. 8 hdrscr place, E ach box contains ter Toront o, aays:--"'After dcctngvitih- ment. Price 25 cents out suct.ess for billouauneas, Ilver cota- gso n-ldo o Plaint -ant i ai-k lcaýjlichfor os-eu- tii-el' gse rînie years 1 arn glati te tcatify te ml-y appre- dres TeDr ciation o! Dr. Ciascs I-iduieY-Li cm Con., Kioý'gston, Ont. Pilîs. Atf fleaf fley seeniet a lIf frît stroîag, but bcfng hoth. se-arrahîig nd 1i'i ' thoreugl inlftheattion, arnpîy ret-psUIV iKae s rvaflî any luconi-cnieu-c by tilttr-ute, (a.fii' at ac U'i_ anm fe-eling bettirr fa e-v-uy way. -a-ad * -tu -Pt iriii L'arîa. inToi blood îp the en day tab E ceipt Hll 3 5l 01 the ýt extir- lCI e al nbians andi nurses tla h15e tntei utI cIe1 I a bottle. Satti bya Il drnggfsts tire gh cut tiheseorîti. Be &iîre anti narl for AMmi. %SiN fil,,&iI IO [~ALT~ luconaariso wita fl c lîhie-l inelish bn]rfoge orewigu te g Tesseuparti-1 cedns 1gimonho sl n e wý a o e; rey ania-a teul l cthers. Fo la-ýl deiit.sancc-,iL s i psthe l te -ikn ys trest- - lthere s nof fl ic Arasicl totcon- ail drug- îey the itea cf - stîaling" perliaps of Prime.becalase flue itica cf propen-Ly la 50 Medicine vagi;-. If is relatet of one or flic errly misaîcaaries tint, ila ttempt- mue ýta fi-ansi-utc flic Bible haLo -Ah- g o-Ik!u le collti nîl no wi- tef0e-- Loc-düan-caes - Ici î, --uind seas comepcledtif hialf h fi na ont if. e. Di-.Cia-s s n-lno--Lie- e--in oy i ? iosr taescwvwéanaic u, Dîes& C,,Y rmi -n 0i , scient i ees.tle-,u'h lst ' By" hfo atoa T oate. ý- Iso .îc ~ ,- Ii ec o t Da. TÂwr Baûs, M wrla.CI O. Feb. 5, 19XL. Gentlemnen: 1 wai troubieti whh Asthrna for 22 yearo. 1 have tried numer- nus remedies, but they have'all falleti. 1 rau acrosa your adverttsement anl starteti with a trial bottle. 1 foui rele! at once. 1 have since purchaseti your fii-size bottie, and I arn very grateful. 1 have taxnilv of four children and Inf six years was unable to work. I arn now ln best cf health andi am doing bus!' uess every day. This teStifflny yOU ceau make use of as sou see fit. Home address, 235 Rivington Street, S. RAPAE L, 67 East 1,29th st., New York CICy. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT 0F POSTAL De not delav' Write at once. addressing DU~. TAFT B5110.' MEDICINE CO., 79 East l80thSt , N. Y. City. SoIýd byAlruggcists. __ Agents, Bowmian-ville. Made qy the GURNEY-TILDEN Co., Umited, Hamilton, Oh~,I mvLil nK àà'2 E ? T, AL Ae0F P , wý I ae Af istory utrys~r it u ty eo r di ag W ion. ait, n About byaftir - -ri s agik., ry hrigbt c,:i n dstse and his kJýent oe i ng sitie hy earil a ti set ein ely.yar I iindtwrat triatRLi fo ratar 1 fo Ar. 'VuîoîîthA, 13aS. ontt res, ote nr ber f pryskn n annanr n ot th e ot nr a eStli s ruecajtc he itwh oti ne rçniYYOU G~ prtonril l ",ACUREr' tsiOU'y rs ]v ttitA T H0 Lna osSw l InaeiNTRiNAT-IiNA AUne e CINIeedC ~ oI 96 - LA SAtLE VEir. P ,IL is taei wyl ra ecry -ycnotaeciLillttyil IwYr aer n n.e orhe niet.tes Iofinad nL-th o'shy fdv codu ovotdreGntr nie e~d i :1ai ta1i-, anti d t oni fl-c' l titIs-îson taos flueaama 10s tîil in ii FiIO if- - rs i -s upe- ýl 1