A' *: uu T dry t lu te ovn, hen whli ai, au * N~~ ctp tc l ù~y ufiliii oler 5 ike'v tacern n coil, ýntact uis tOc' 14; * a i irchoppet. TU iss. vos se mach face, and tIOE MAGAZINE kneatiýing, und the bre.ti is as liglît, faly anti tilicious uas thoac'h tinseNMET ~, xlliy by thce lti process, wltjli, tihe TM MAl]ONMii. siunply unequalled anti indispensable. ] abc],os' a iOîsearly se todiaus. The vos-y boit lotion for tisoti amd If you are not already a subscriber e Soft Molasses Cak-Oneii-haif cap aChlng foct may hc matie aI hoeofn ta itbe most heipfui, best printeti andtii Moi 1 1 lraiLaa,.- iiitstla.nscaapa..u pulseweivt crtn cPSfor ,cep hoilinig waîcr, 3 the ca fat, ishicli nuay be tise trim- e Usaplseti ce.inviteasrutiny of a 1tablespoons rne0ted butter, 1 egg antd igsgi imchops or tte kioncu u, r~sape oy. otcadwl ring 1teaspoon soda. mb asnsaul ieaces anti adtelathoin a il free. Address Graliarn. Broati-Two quarts of (ira-lý O0f 5WPOtato, Peelig and ail. ~. Tu WILL~M WED Cn. fleur, ~1 tswet ml, a samaîl C~'nibi-iatc andcifs-y out in the m ~cap molasses, 2 teiu'JîYltcns croaruon Weintîicfl11 f 0 a OQNDON, CANADA. taIntar, 1 teospoon soda andt a iituoOn snkla'i c-ain, ad(-1 a f cw SSait, Bakc orle hour. dtap0)of cawujs nd tiipou nto bcgg subseription prico, $x Sponge- Cakýe-Beat tise whilcss astid i ls- seI jars. DruOggisIs eu/or pe cbu, iw1-des aisoe Oc soecb Zyollcs1&ofusree ega scprîl ni thlies- v s "!dly a salin luiu IXu a s u ? s b e r a c a d a d u c i c ci p s u g a . S i g n , L t b t t u o t u l s togethe-, anti atti1- cap fonIfnts-om ils cnopej 10n f ;-ý,,j,ýwhich 1 tosoo aking powd-, la'___ _______ bc ets 1 i nti a Pincli of saI. Ilkc E ITPJ Tf in n, ila well-butîýeci pan. ç J ohnnyýcakc--Take 1 cup wheat flour, 1 teaspoon hnkiag pnwtierailt- r' EDRRIA1c '21i cd througls ien, GRct itst T±Ii N ii Ir"ala(t 'ullrw or , isiltitg), cup granulateti sogar, i- cap butter (before mielting). 1 cap swoet mniii, SetSs. ssei-~ n~la ýiÏ 7 ~~~1 egg, If ps-clos-ed tC o bcles ricO,anAms rpoeîldEà-1 use 1 losel tablcspeots buitter. Put MietIls-cihdti- se ii. sin g Kedicinies Withcubl itlgsedicnts ln inixing --bawl_ in -order yFen i - Agair -x__-___lia-s [as ahovo; donlt bout tise oggs. I1 iiF1"Cr fe 1c Mr. tephn Wocott9 Freeport, have ss ui eio o 0years, lk PillsCure AfeFaji.e N.S, gîves thefolla11wing experîençe andi it Ilias rBuc' ailîct. with Durdock Elood Bitters. Colul ats,i Silver Ck-Prthe ail- nom t i lccOastlr , Italita, N. Sý "Iwas very tch sun dowtn in 'ves cake, ase thîe ilsof n7 cggs 'Mr. OîisiCoehranc, a - li la at1- n -e sp d- u I2 ~ qph -bouton tc,- asti iit ~ sp~ n -~sie t's nous'va, cla wh ai-e de methre onts; doreti sagas, --lcuîp buttesr, cup Haliax 'CIO (isolîins, ih onio ro cia Wo ttnde re hre tnts sinlk, 2 Icaptions hakistg i'ow'dctor tha'c wîviîe s'ulliaýgsy bî ctm finally my Ieg brake Dut in running tebu -an.)oiiercati ara itt d l-t 1 it ame pores-s stim- ony- sores with faflburaing. 1 hall is'o"tiýodat8ttps floie, anti1 ii- lDams' I LuL 'iiu A reporter-ni tIse three unigsores ut one titre s Cnsvaliilla Ort4-dropss almo id es-AcadftPîsar îol 1uýaid h'a-jd aof from my kace ta ,ýthe top of my foot. itur, loraigi aktaMr.t -Ca C 'a'i, 'usllfaîeing. a'nilsilO- AIl h lm eiin oek di ni e no yîîîks eofîthe 7 ggs, atWti nîetîso- g,-, ctd, ' dti tliihne good0J, SO Ithew i aside a n red ant i mute just tls'satieaas silver ulsea 1le gqcCnt!"' cunt nf bis Cx,, B.B.. Vhen on-haif:Ih bottie cake, Willia littie suore butter ccli- ptcc as'usilyas flilnws:- was gone InoicsiCI FnVi ih lcnrnne-sonde ri-e ant t,5foiay ytrs bear a cen- change or gcntcooL las sshe nmuaI IcJ lierPaul ilby an aggravated forasni better and by teciicken, cven it. is a genîlinc srîing kitistey tro"ble 'tisa latter trouble Cimle 'Ihad flnshe ciclceu, Jbîng iutil lite Imu'sdieahave cause(]i scsrrc Paliasinthteoback andt two boties m,-y leg rlaxed, about 12 tir 24 boucs aller loins, anti at Itacis bis. Sufirings %vs ereclyheSIlec ciickenssis kiedlit nid limes iesa . r cte.tc lIe raid 0elisati nl- -as perfetly heai ed and my healîh beoe lte deys a n lois ral-iges aloi-s 1MostiaV't ie1Iisuseif htyisîg greaty im2ouvdertsca caîunon Part Of tise kifcll cnis iisoitin,- of al Unul-,buat b no aU'litI, il uvusliaposshîetotakeoirajiSSPS tiotrulaso In.u'Ln ~c1îct-tîuîlilil wa fis tl'e bot seaJnisol -,agtew unstas tise yOttts codotitiont loi-coeking. Tise luljudice jPas'sa Ms-s C-tissanie sailli thal agamîta q ",lith ifiunial lieut fi l eya s'Iaiftqsssy soe c tr isbanti EnýtrbLe ity hii eio ad n Itracs, feiWle, aing roadqa ind ailcora- sure o l, (li oitn ,;liîp epicuuuus places,, a: lt uîtrtiig sual advertisisg ' occilntne-at is-i cfr î 'fc csn cwyoaca natter. CommOtýion o, salary fOut dO per month antid i!i fduver t-. hi- bs encnursîerct ugoOc itetï,tstisys sIn tie Vi;ctoria espeosei, not ta exe12 -5ieperday. steady tth Itu lttmnîiîso a-1eta iu tl Ih icosto exeiae eduu.Wietr e 101- fjuil ntiintoso wn eerlïus Th 'fc sto epiuuyms.n ta good, ben or flli-di uable N t peuîîry, thsemuscles Jhave ne t thotglsî tisaIt tcepainsala the bock THE E~MPIRD MEDiCiNHD CO., London, Ont, i d leand tii"ha lest nne *-Ofn crc (3u,10-teo or-exestion in it, ts jaides in 'ýitigla fisctheMuscles busines as a f easies-, bat gave hlm - lerelax. Il is impossible te 'Prco tcta ccu cîI. ýAfteci ltaving the îq pare chicken ini lOis ivuy unies', Iroin s eiiai, lie 't. cclbo'ttisana eottlcs yoas- <suai flnek. Pick tOe chickeai as o icn îeliciîîo, but flleil to inti a cure. A rrï lë CO ghe se00n as lb is killeti. sisnge il, le-A tneishborc & bis, Mr. Lowe, wlsose a'ove tihe oi bag, titaw il- cnsefuillniîlsu onmteasI nas a ri(Il ut iita picces. l tsn tiseiftes cars <(f silcneas, hy the tsO 0ofbc Pl picces arc a3tili ,waras,, sea,'nsDt . tî, lic X iiis' 1Pink lills, tiÀ'isedtirsas31 ~ /< diptp 1m iîîbn a buttes- tadetof tihe ' leuse-i a l U oI t a bs-ty bOom, l i acoupoe yaikof a eggboutn wslt a'eui boxes wittoutt apparcnt resuit. anti aiiil, anti scasen, like 10e chicken,1 fot sosnacliat scouî-agea, but Ms-. of ~ situtii OPPt.S<tii I i.50l5Lowe adtvisoti hirs ta continuse tise liko a ds-op o os-l Xofio. Jusdu I - tua balle~R. ollbte picýos f cîttak- use of tise PIl, aîibeeLtO hr f etsna in ttbrentits-umbs, and irîy itIbox wa f istoi Onhea t l q lin Ihot fteogste caver tlitons sad Prise D- iiî'Piltî Pill brown thons in eigist minutes. Eacl'hav i'iia<oioil e'stt picco of cbicken sisoalt On fluttetioti1 Mr. Cciass:- 'Ilsy aie tIsa only by giv'ing ;il a sasp blow oet wo tîtudiclicI1ihave taisais uhicb aceaseti wiha ah peeple me euid ood, 1 areont, pre \\ ~1 uril a mulleton a block ors hoat-ia 1 t m n gaof1Ot o'pc n ood, befnco il is covorcti witis egg scripuisifs-eus a dotinttr _hsi ceaIo eoahs and aIf raic-m.s îyos uitt.gel tc$7 ot-, iasik azay i coitis â iitrne i _th DTr, Wod's Norai FineSyrp, ibes wcldbe ewe ~ Isajikîletictickerss anti fs ioa o,;lîtà. 1'ciscaIt-k:nsjatuna desolate.tusepdtasykeplttiia ahnciyn'"o. Iiucsds' sntl i.-ep, ant iltise11-t stagsoiasnp aei Ol l i- nici a ia sl' tien y*Celd renduly te liis pouverfu, Inn- eu let s I isa ne- LLaling remetiy. '11 OIJN JCT . e-bl trin ia esntsh Beati uvat Mss. Tlts. Carter, Nes-h0tisel, taift ia ntîcltclitdy Ont,sys: Il 1osuglit a sîvere e-aId, whicb ielrokthni odo 0 tiîoîît.ug iaet s bsa saliled, en xny isrot anti lange, se tisaï; riiiv1asswhnt, ithnwas mdci 'an( could scarceiy speakl above a whisper. 1 iti5t' as k amssiy 5tooiit, wbosn ojdlig IMost diseuses have their os-IgOt la alo hall a terrible coghuhich may friendiiWal don'. on a cratia by uts Opens poar hioti or weuk lisesves, andîtil is thanglit umUItI sni t o aty grave. 1 fis-orund whiel lte f anily s-Otain- Occa-usc Dr. Wiiar-i' Plik Pilln trieS tifferetst remetiiois but ail failîct t do ers gatiteroti while the feast was ho- 1 rake ricli, yod binct ana,!atrec'gil isc mie any n rpr Tesn-cue lo good unI il I toek Dr. Wead's Nor- i'thepiepareti Tise sunth-veoas-uti floor Fa ine Syrup, andthie contents oetoee nae Onti-a gentionn ormoteoofisrc-c ittOyhvusI'is ~otecomip'taly oas-d me."' wiaien, bts nthe paistloti fleor tanes" h ccnsafis, incrtysss, trViu-sa ln fushionandt for a genlesuantn-wo- r ascii, Iccîreeforce af habit, scout- i aCtst toviiProstration n Vcd tisePaint aif. Brtawu ils thn kit ani lia retitrosft'le' Se- ta ctOcW eher, nus a tradition. Bras-n ba t efl ssc'lc WijsFtk15 ¶hb 'rcwlîoiîshe rina stises-e orfot- Paie Pal,--ilson fluta 'sppcs- îlot.Tîses tOcactaunI pohiei, m -cuittci îbo- .If in tioubt, su-ad i inî-gn~uçteriaiized eut of tisaIvos-y situationl,ý. direct tae ils-r. WiliV ais' Medicine s icaly ituatiton, retiucedti ls Ca., idvllOnt., andthtOc 1115 190 2 Iicost born", sîttas inibOS ny - willl bu' lîsil0ti Psst usilu) 5 cnt If we woald bc propocly sos-ted %7e a btox. or six boxes for $2,50-.T i muaisthave bs-a iil tisekit Otan; andsii"+ -1 c tise kitcheai, in oi- e t apt itacl ltiste tinte, mîsst bho nauins rt"-AliiscIdi Scatcîssomar lay 0o" lier ij 10 save stops and id cîoa ban ng'lî.e __idk ý ei. -dl iigtise ioral, Os-[ Iho ONY Agrculturl NEWl'le f Ts oodi is no bottes- for tishe at'suayec to a ret-ispacatiens for 0cr liSaouEgtaI a womaa uvaikt iùeslailsadea-tiîe.- tnt,"sOc siie tiatsstrayTaUE - i aring il. lsIn " nîtiol kjtcltcts Imsrii s sinise l_, tii lus y me lu the S lia U~Ariclil tral' Jurnal or the 1.Itoa sf-ttfa îeîtasat utikr~r u ir'vs eii yS ftiCanvenience-1. iseunh î ls ile.I sohua sestlain eceS Il-siy dopariuent writlen by epeciaiîsi-s, tise cals acceta1pîîIise s uperlatlvecColi- asagutc akiri tOc dis-t ant Iugtstntertiibs 1 c5ci-vuie ii on u!a thlie lessI esp!ense eof vital s i c usoG as nw W oieh-cl, S No Otites-pap >ees- t-ci-catiste copete tsali-bil, ocel is e doîsîetic genicta nI tOc 1Jcaiv,, îy norma xi" saiS Ji bi, STA fu esainsa ditriaI st aff.L l1e.soathigiî - we'illjust tcy yc In 2 Giv s tise agricultus-a 1 TEV,' 8 salt a degrea e 01 lrgtfirs î, an' gils ye dinsîa bc8 ,ý.ù11Vlteneqs 0t .vo. 1- -- LJT~RARY NOTES. I SCI~OOL FOR SPORT~ME~ I s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~al ruZQu e "enIlti os6f1 a certain oxte-adittiba eut - and V"i;, an Spencerý Churchilli . with alinost any gun aftcr a ittle l Happy ThogV5ht Ranigea; are lot c:,periin*,ent, They have been P.,whsdrigsepefoaaBr practice, simplv because they arc t ested in 0,0 Canadjan homes anadilave 1been imitated by prison l nenberedtPý ,A enÏi, wiïi qicl to discover the Poculiatritieru of more Stove malnufacturers thani any ether Range, describ anm eoxperiences "Ons thn the weapon and to inake ailowanceBya ayThgtou1ge_îit i lai of te rfny"' o.ten -yaIlpy huhyu1 e ult Alffl this la buit a bcgýi1Ininlg of the ________a_ avli i ,villLe set Ic,,ýnyaddre-ý fec.,The WmIr. Buch Sta-ve Co., Lim. ited, B3rantfcrd_ ill t!se sontto a;- acidoss fe e T- lircblshr' asaa n uac 1 thatoVCWrl e the lWaefcturers for au Illustrated Catalogue. tile 10102 vlu ll ow ,,i111receive ail _ the issuesfortOcresn'ining woeýks of lI001 Hec Iru! nthe tinie nofsuOTW. H.DZTR. se rpt!on; lso the Cosapanion Cal- endar for 10-ini additiion to ___ thc fiity-twaissesof the Cesupan- ý.. ' lion for 1002. Theaesst~ folurs o tO Chist TH NVICE ,AND rTE liXPEIîT. clud ane aorat coorei cvcr y Mst onhowever, neet ohv aWgaatc ieLts MtoT11eo~~eee b~~Ib Maxf c id a gun tOut LAst10m, and fori, s- nltairacigr osc rnl arccýmtsrstc 3gaq Pavis ad iotîpicepoo n djsîr hie try-gun is useýd t !IScry odton. ecizcuaainiaat~sasaanhgJ lÀ yCsageanios sc- 6"uet-ithzes the parts ard rcstorsbtO ,rl tttr la SLf 1h, rp 'oducei fa thei origina JenoseCriso es tW, caflbc o 5 abthe tissuseAstops smnarting sensation, nervnl eswasesbcah Synith, at ,L , d-etetiiand modified in shapue as te hlialrsttnralsithte treatiîein ïa eeloae nsccM(,t exac tîy any natural peculiar.i- rstorwtaoractshdramawîcryuhtQa :reurdaci,e by Gue i,prnt,:.lin is ttssin tciÉ, sportsmnan. Anah or ot bl a t ear ii ba e g ell^ p .V ce l witb a suitabhie P A Y IH E N CU R E D Ai h e c o ll e c ti o n 0 f p r t r a iu t s u sr i- e i s u a t î , î p i t~Y u n e d p a ý a th ln g u til y o u a r e e n v in e d tF a t a h n m t a n i C r phlns ilnraltP'weta cira bas cnetbls It mLsno hait fiaicti la tLea ta ]cary) hnw ta, take the'y et mcladcataw ilgvyuatoag xmuainfe can chilIrire iora pamntings by sar: ai -sialo Ls -th at -iayprsc fet ,axgea-n(iay-be theitemeanof sAvsinyouyearsof ulsesog gent, Misn cii.eax, Kendail, Ae înýhemnsoîvos, antithis la usually I7acý- ah m yo cliyuseD G I er pe on! der, Chase-, Miss Cassat Thayer, quirecl aIt tc cosf. of long Oxpirience Rechas 18 diomas, ecrtificates, etc.,whicttiyhipadoaebiisTenmrf Brusli, Lcwedandi other. anti th(,experniture of no sillail yearswc b tva taon cs.rablithed in Detroit andthttc ures wa effectetd hava-a, dusts oe limonI ofammuitio. J3 meas n'st sisecialists of thec ountry. We oau rive ne atronger garnej o aiitest er -4. arront o ammnitin. B meas on tOm tl'e iact that yon nmcd pay nothiag until oisred. -~~~~~ e~ f rtfciao irdtlirown from traps:ETO-TPAME'r~AATE OCR Y ~ducoti 10thse bernes-. Il has taOs î ariescole and Stricture aittouît cutliig, atretctinaý or lai &cf lmaAe lecP". renieombereti that as no truo spartS- t5troviio, Privata. iNcr-ouîý, InpctcncV, Kidney, Liver, Bluaer, suaac, F , l nMd inan hoot wincd gire hil Troubles 00CONSULTATION PU; Ccli or write for blank for homle trouta-i Ent,30 mn toos iiaetiLam ewsl it- FREfi.j 'our, 9a.m. to 8p.in. Ssndays, 10am. te,3 p.n. tiîg, ho imust malte allasanco for the Ail Medicines for C"aadian Patients Shipped tram windasor,Cad, faet that te bo hyet ut , ilian la mioving more or less i-apidly. IiLi a Ao thcae cul fast crossing bird, pas-RG1 - _________________ Patielits' îpriva te egitiwnlce, 7 Wilcox st., DEI, JIT! IC 110VS NOFOLXSUIT. The Norfoil it as lies-o shouva, la mie cul the lIat modem, for littcu oys, anti gcoinýg lads, anus xili bc uunc acu ai 100 !.ýiluths l. TIe or- fia ssi lunie ni ýCheviot ila amix- ire of rsssat lai, usitO tîsseuds >! gro-u, b al i-ul isailing cioths cesalab o coîti su ethc i- son,I setant gaulu ls stullier sauiS. T o c i t O i a s i a a b o y 0 f 8 j sacs icg 4 - yards of nma- eri2 -ies uide nUll o s-e- iVIAT uiA !KING? "lutauht a i ng 2 "A ng, y cud, u apcî-se uviose a a puie saWthat atr nascure cor-teuu's tua Th ulealvasLaque iîuv Dt she si-t, ridh tOcduisneý't iiJat Dr. îig s Re- matic Cue atiobuc fote reltfhonst Fuuada oferu-tl o efor yau. Mrs S. O. l'aycui-, Charlesote, Ont., sufferosi ciii ilountaits inlatic back (lumbtago) fo feus- years; lirec botties cf lDr. 1Heu 's iheumalbs Cuiracsumpiotely csul Ithini, -le lias Ocea r îse fram piai- cc sus Asa, bictipuiferil haitneeqilal. This prpriicolapaf up ln baIle usni-aining ton i<by,; treatass't. Price 50 cents at ailirîgit or The Dr. Hall lctilceCem, Kipu"lnOnt. sUlSrtlPl'ON RTS 1A 7, sGob iu rcum I8 ATELZ,AN nS ansc (icoi')i rATIStSNsslFrc'Avetî9 rTAvi tsatGa rtWC ' 2 15N FATLSSIIA-l anic)-;'nii v lcalul4t75 PATESmAN a O ant Wl-ttAdSttares2 5 7ATESMAN ani Beninrsci G16i-c 250 7ATESMA's ti ulyGoe 47 7TSA n Weekly Sýunl 1 9j .AESM %N ani î,Suturtiay CGlobe 2 50 'TESmAN sud ýTomonto6 Neaws 3 50 wiîls Prom-ïlium ag for I t i >aI cof Iyoc. Ai md oti cOul 011Clu. 1 oiin Sporsiî - i fronI ofi Faon 'lias palc STs-'uunaSi - jlaix ALIFAX brus been Pt' ~ ý,t tla------.Nov. t3 mous. Nev i,,haveo lua', Numixa, ----.......-.. " ) - cc ibird will Cuiuitbiius.......... 21 "35" e - ..,...su RATES or, lASAE -- lu, Lerdandet iy, Lociisus, Ci sZonwand 1"ou-Tlekesa nitev es-y Ilfornmsttlsn uîpply ta M. A. JAMES, I' ALnecAgct ihauvasasjn,vuij ing at the rate of forty miles i ellie-" You secmai mci 1it£-Ist- ý it is obvi-us that the cd -to-night in the conversation el n m-ust aim considerabl-v la Mr. 'fo iiso." ; tI- Y s is it, otherwire by the trne he conversation was about se'nsible rulat- ed the trigger, the cartrîdge ters, such as few of the y oung iiVpnr 1explo'led, and the shots of the day discuss.- Nelle-"Wha,4t Lvllodti trouglî the air, the was it ?-' Edith-" The supcrior nad- bc a long wa.y a1-ad of the vantage of rarried life as con1prired w h i l ~ i a sin or i l b r L f a c f i 2 - I lng slà % te. wîu co IDOYOUUSP Y-%ffpluIncas-syiag aa U theatuazie 1a. . WLS& Co,Toron shocul iti h 0r ho paintecitibel he ClovcrRe Tl Oi gre îund, a- Isc .it sisoultibhacars-led I " onathe ai-.iNIter witO thec uîzzle rais- N O~S~AL, TeepIlle d ut a htglî angle. Ntig smore daîsges-oas te one'sj j1inis ltian le curry aat-;.iet gîta -- halls-on tal1y oithtOcshtoaltes, È.'to Byso doung-- you ai-e injuxîingsun acdideutal tendît on toc Is-riggc..-.i -lis brsitefs, Pi5esent rates i-nake saay restO. lun an alarmisng accident'. y iualrixl waIking, il is a asestý it possïble for you to have a Telle- ianeou nre thîu1e gsîn onL Oss's ue;ft assi, as Seisle heg-iisers do. 'Te phone ln vour ramre. i n gcîtijuîg 0oes- a gale or tissoagh alised1t i s a agoati plan tb openi the ' bs-ew il [Il H1PI~[ MPR NI breech of the guns ant inlaall cases -",bsns i i d u z e n u t b oay m ae s- f or ie l i-o i bramble os- Iwig le catch in tOc - ig--booi u "'CI- anilse cause ancidn.roheg TOce c e some popopbo ho holtipai l ses-y7 thauui illetDI is ani-osI i bn.Exci(tabclienmiswhin" oso islsI- roery Th WileStr PhatIs andi blaze away iidiy w, iisea - e sei i , ic , nltte-r ird ciscs unexpectidi sîas-Ihnue Olyan rereyth -,loI nt only a nuisance 10 eveone eu lseY c(- ln-s the fiold, bat as-e a acleas danger. qï x , , qSTRATFORD'S 10 AE L J M 7 T ruseI ndoreli s a tag- fr, Van b t i irsn ti -u P. 'uur ,,Povics aine Mon rtal:u'4WT.eyfe Pie Suai-ca No.t j~ ~ ~~fian u. u-cL'sutreuuinthsce assa- Wihlians. Shakespeare. 'Î, hcunatin&,6tifjuucs, f-Aoit b2UiSe, u. ",~ crsîsstý, andti lait aicttruns utti 'rThe oid toutn cf Stsubfos-t-on-Avou t msfenainciii- positiion. I thave noabesi- 5 At tatin lis aing ithat',- is ~te L~svatOc Londion Mail, dees net for- dnftgiaealiyadt rnuIy. tils boast bOut il bas thse oniy 3U.Ineixld n Ixg 11Y talute fais- whict carisa ou its S TaSires, ic. ia- Sic.î, a-!e, rites us'acbly Wa, tiîy hast beeti oh- sciedoS Il-usgi- ny ttnuce T escios- t',taLcîs tca ac h yes tisaI the Mop ut sulO ;on i ils wact s tadillns. lvF oc iuiu1i T &S DANGL ae1ndt ilve pi,,s werc Siuugbbescti fnr Ibis yocr's 'mot." EncOcuisre sias R Catbm M theTols hw Hr rtîsetiin tOic Street beorse a hsuge Daugiter, ho wa TrIule e 1urni ng l .tmpuay brick g hact es-",ns., 7s-asc- nkc and run Down Systeri iSoalti us qidlîyascuani ilsu was Restored to 1tht cas-casa n'as (lemislscl ý bcflî-o2 'cnc ai Stustii O Ia'il-nde. A Hea th. ig urus rcItusc tiethe hs iouat 0of Everyni oter iV.JlII Si'acsPoau-e bal etb cwi-]so i EvrusoieWhoissqdaugOer droop- iOsa lo n s înteat ticiorb're(lti Il5 la"enSl~din paee citanti listîessa- toc las- Ifrons tiseessrcf the fair. uýlse hi ltit is netmt îht 0,,7, 'tif e e, zpccjal traýins Iror all parts niOfIl" shsasîti ceati the foIlicu ig si-afea 's.matis1 country, poaced inlu undes ofnIvisi- by Ais.J. S. lie--tii 19ihe,,3rmessilt h Jue l iiýrçe ,ýu Chiathtam, Ont: - antI biutcetis mos-e tirsvelaitn isss- ' Some finie ca gel ota box--eof i' iurn'N 'Lot carl',, usaggoa", doslectoîges Hleart anti Nos-voPillsata te CentrlcDara-aaiicc a itra uiun Stars for asy datgtter, icho le aow 13 dune5ý. lit- c ilur 10W yea's l'ga asots ycussof cge, and bcd beau sffliebed siibisstoot inl rosil tise as-tel waiiing 'us-aL action'cf te Ocar- fos-asonsides-able ito ho iseL aborot-s suith siOp- lelsgflî eftlime. ýcor nt ilustIis ý iuttnonles stuibtd for "'micspiîis have dons lier a OIrnS f îjsî.lii buylat nesîîc- geoti, s-stei-ing ats-oag, iîeclthy cotiaufi a NsiTOn'ta-i fr le 'ctas O her beau-t, iuaprevý'ing her gnoerab eau-Oti das aI, îo'Oiig tc set. anud givin)g lier pLisial ý,trragbhi beonti - ------+-- aur cupeaun.IIT", '1wana sdsu-ti r vder-Isti-1Oîi frss pr1ost ititutins iIîîs' l-r taiNrrPi re5e O il es-Il for~ aI-aPIiF'Iv2tt. ifsa ,,hs'n tluuiO stc S Taie a hinf r som s ir' îee m u lo a e usse t 0m:' 'II h ave ta len D e an 'a h 7 iti ey F l e b i , I prornrd at tis M dusiihîlisre fî r be t um a fis m ir p a n s l a 0 m a l e ha c k , .4v i t h i c h t a e b a - 3Ci e ~ i b D a n' id n c y 1i i sle c u r a aoc e m t i jor uei buok, Brigis's dsestai t, idrop -y G ra -e, sm aiet in 1 le u sne & Za Is-eeentriAeaimiglît, r1:umalism, -,, ê-d s - a t eAc o t u1 e a s y s fuM O u - n a n1A 71 r - ss ilcieTia ioat lP d I i,'rru, LOnbte nto wr5iceyenatlse <toi 1 ER e C,"m e a coogu or c20iU vnto', Cali. ýrTcct5tOStotiu tuich rosIsai1 b2 of tCie averag incas Ed2,~ assi ngua ua tbe Oýcie u-se U'ks Dangeyous, rig Roast Outside the Mouse 1 T-ý vy irv