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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1901, p. 8

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~.-.,.-.--".. t ~~iL ~iL ~lL .M~. AIL ~J& ~~II~Ii~ I e e e i e e e e e e * e e e e Give Me 301,11" It Cures Cou ghse ,andOColds.. ?hemîsts ani Drtuggi8ts, Bowmanville. 4- witthirCOURTIOE. Ms(PNev.) T. Brown, Betbauy, and Mr.S.J. Counlîice, B.A.. Aoert College, Bellevilie, spent Thanksgiviug day wihterfathen Mn ,.Jas, Courtice... Mn. L. T.,Courtice bas g-one to Toronto where ho bas secured a sf tuatiou with Fairweather Bros,... .Mr. Earn Worden of Allient College, Belleville, lias been home.... .Miss Bickle spent Thanks- 5 givigt home in Canton-.. Mn. and Mrpi. A. E Clemens and famîli' visited Mn. U. M. Courtice lest week .. .. Mn. and Mns. Jas. Short, Tyrone, Sanda,1ed with relatives here.. .- Messrs. Hubert and Reglnald Ward, Toronto, haý e been visitlug thein father Hev. J. Wf. Wand. -..,Durhamn District Division beld a veny suecessful session et Mt. CarowellasIt'luesday. Thle addnesses cf the G.W. P Bro McCartby formed a very interesqting par-tot ihe day'spro, Lgrami. .Ars, Spiuks and daughten Mabel Were recent guests of Mrs, Fred Niebols.,. .Mn. John Morrow, W. P., of Mt. Carswoll Division wlll attend the Grand Division at Brampton next week ...Mn. W. MeKay, who bas bad the ilansgement of the D. U. C. Co., Ibis summer lefI; on Mondai' 10 take e fur- ther course at the Dairy Sehool, Guelph. Boxes Dazily ouglit to be gilt-edged evi- dîence of mnit, coming, as àt does, direct from a druggist ýwho lias for years Jbeen sefling Uwant a Capsule w* ûa(e of the "hîghlyrY- mmendecýîý ules-and here re lis words: BOWM4NVILLE, DEC. 4, 1901l. 11'eent Visitors. Mr, Harry.,Clemens, ])ra3 ton, guest of Mr. A. E. Clemens, Mrs. L. Cook, Georgetown, at Mr; O Stock's. Mr. Bert, Creeper, Toronto, at hom . . Educational sermons will be preached ln Tvrone church Sunday Dec, l5th when Rev. C E.Oragg. Orono, and Rev. J. J. Liddy, M. A , Oshawa, are expected .. .. Interesting hat debate nt Division last Thursday evening. New members always heartilv welcom- ed by Sons of Temperance of No, 126.. Remember the ipworth LeagUe next Friday evening. Ail young men especially in% ited to be present,..Wed ding Bels are ringing. MAPLE GROVE. Sehool report fer November, niames iu order of nienit :-Sen. IV -Leslie Snowden, Leslie Cox, Lola Snowden. Jr, IV-Russell Power Sen. III-Mil- dred Collacutt, Manneli Bellamy. Jr II-Glad3 s Snowden,Shirley Snowden, Pearl Snowden. Mabel Cox, Myrtie MëReynolds, Edna Adams, Elva Snow- den, Harold Power, David Hamilton. Sen. II-Rhea Jeffery, Norman Wood. Ethel Adams, Herbent Hopkins.. Jr. Il Arthur Charles.Fnank Hanilîton. Sen. Pt. 1i-ýNorînan Judd. Sen. 1-Eva Wood, ilazel.Powen, Elinor Cox, Cecil Jeffery, Edna Snowden, Cecil Adams. Jr. 1-Cyril Hundie, Russel Foley, Henbert Jeffeny. BERTA L. HNOX HAMPTON. Mrs. Prouse. Kinsale, la visiting. ber brother Mr. J. Waklev .. . .Mr. W. R. Allin spent Suilday'ai Kinfsale... The foilowing are the newly elected officens of the Suudav Sehool: Supt, A. B. Cny- derman ; Assisi Supt, Fred T. Alun ; Scc'y, O . J. Clatwortbv; Assist Sec'y, Miss Elle Cr> derman; Troas,C.N.Ruse; Libraitus, W. J. mèîore, Miss h. J. Alunt; Onganiist, Misses M. J Elliott, G. Creeper, N Hlorn Teachers, C Johns, F. J. Groat, J. Clatworthy, C. Horn, Miss A. L. Ashton, Miss ho. E. Ellis, Mrs J. G Burns, Mrs. (Rev) F. J. Anderson, Miss Eva Clatwonthy, Miss Ada Cri derman Average etteudncee for the year 109; officers end leechers 16 ... The Tbanksgiving social under the auspices of the Epworth League was e splendid success socia lli'and finencialy, Pnoceeds over 6125. The programe wes one of the best rndered in the village for a long lie. The tbnee soloists, Mrs G. Archer, Miss Elle Rogers, Miss Jeunie MeLean, all formier nesideuts of the village, delighted the audience Miss M. J. Elliott ebly penformed the 1duty o! accompais. Mns. W. M. Jouss pie'. ed a voi accompanimeut to Miss liogens' second selection wbich wes grtatly.appi-er iated. Miss M. E. Howson, Miss Eva Clatwonthy, Miss Mai' M'ooe, Mn. S. Mnnday rendened the iterary part of -the.- nroorameto- Suchi as youn fiendi(s will be pleased to reýceive, we Aill mnake for you. What you even see displa.%edinu0our wiýnnoW or elsewhere is exa ctly the qualit YDyu get. Rememaber that p'oint. Any numbler of ittiugs youi require we will take Reliable'ph.oto, bear the naine of TAIT & Co. (Opposite Town Hall entrauce.) BETHESDA. -Mn. and Mns. Glenny, Pontypool, visited at Mr. Hîll's.n. A. Hoar h a s returued from Manitoba lookiug noue the worse for his tri..... Miss Aura Caldwell, -Orono, w&S home over Sunday...Miss Edith and Mrn. Arthun ban visited Bowmanville friends Sunday .... We welcome to' our neighbenhood Mr. an~d Mrs. Woods and family who have lease;l Mr. John I-loskin's f arm... Mn. and Mns. John Hoskiu have xnoved to Bowmanville.. ..Bethesria Epworth Leagtie intend lboiding a social sbontly. Mr, Fred Rundie held a very successf ni wood sale. Milbunn's Sterling Headache, Pow- derstgive women prompt relief fnom monthly pains and leave no bad aften effects whateven. Be sure you get Milbunn's. Price 25c. Ail dealers. NEWCASTLE. Mn. and Mrs. Robert Barfett of Port Hope spent Thanksgiving at the Misses Wilsou's. ... . Mr. Albert Waldou of the Robert Simpson Drug Depantruent was recent guest of Dr. Farncomb and oCher fnienda lu town, ...... Mn. Frank J. Roland, Manager of the Standard Bank visited at his home on the Lake Shone ....miss Minnie Lovekin, Toronto, spent Thauksgiving with lier fathen, Mr James Lovekin .. .. Mr George Simmons who has just returned fromn the North West is visiting his parents here ... We congratulate Mn. William Mason on the arrivai of a new young baker ... . Mr. Swaflow who hias been engaged at the Tradens' Bank as Book- keeper has gone to Sudbury to take a similiar situation. . .. Mr.Hubert Hedges who is barbening lu Markham visited his sisten here. ..,. Mr. Willie Broken. sbire, Pickering, visited at his uncle's Mn Wmn Pickard's....Mr. J. K. Allen Speut Thanksgiving in Tononto....Mr. Edwin Hennings attended the wedding of his sister Vina ou Weduusday Nov. 27th.... Mn Walter Douglas of Chaud- ler & Masseys', Toronto, and Mrs Ed. Britton and children, Toroutco, visited at Mr! JohnDouglas' last week,.... The Presb.yterians inteud holding a tea in the near future in the Music 'Hall .. The Methodist Suuday Sehool will hold thein annual entertalument at Christ- mas as usual .. . .Mrs. L. B Davidson made a trip to Toronto last week to meet hier parents fnom Sault Ste Marie who will spend a short time with lier he,,.... Miss Cannie Toms, Toonto, visited with hier mother Mrs Wm. Toms for a few days last week ...,. Miss Vina Hennîngs formerly of here andi Mr. Woods motorman on the Toronto Street Hailway were united lu marriage on Wednesday Nov, 27th at the home of the bride's fathen Mn. H. llennings. We wish them a happy wedded life .. On Monday eveninoe a fowl supper was served lu the Methôodist chunch from 5 to 8 30. The supper was exceptionallv good, neally one of the best ever given hereý, credit being due to the ladies. Aflear tea was servel order was called bv pastor Edmison who acted as chair-, man and faithfully fulfilleri -that dutv. Addresses were given by Rev. W. S. Wright-of the Ptesbyterian. church and Hev. Geo. Brown; so los bv Mrs: Archer, Cobourg, ivho agaiu delighted the large audience; readinzs were giv 1en by Mr. and Mrs. Fred R Foley of Bowmau ville both being much1 appreciated ; the quartette opened the entertaiument with one number to the satisfaction of ail. Proceeds over $125 .... Mrs. Hed- ges, Pickering, is guest of the Mis ses Hedges ...Mr. and Mris. W.- Piekard spent Sun ar with Bowmanville frlends ...Mn. Arnold and MissEdna Jackson attended the wedding of their cousin, Miss Ethel Thorudyke to Mn. Hannv Meakin, at Wesleyville Thanksg-ivigr 1Day ...Misses Agues Rowlaud and Leah Hutchinsori a n d Mr. Howell Rowland wene guests of the Misses Mason, Buwmàanville, Sunday .. ..Miss Nellie Gnay was Sundav guest ot Miss AaBarrie..ýMrs. W. H. Chaplin is iu Orono waiting on hier sisten who iS veny 111 .... Mn. and Mns. W H I. Ptarce spent Sunday with Mrs. Henry Pearce, Bowmanville ...Presbytenian chunch tea Dec 16 ...... Mn. Frank Bennett ba s nented Mr. Geo. Foster's faru and Mn,- Wellington Poster has ieased nis farnm to Mn. Isaac Selb v .... ,Mrs M. L Angaîl, Oshawa, visited relatives here last week ....Miss Heu stnidge was lu Toronto over Sunda .- . Mn. and Mrs. Walter Todgham and Herbent, BQwuIanville. Mrs lPatch has been very ili. Mn. R. MvomPent's houind was stoïlnon nit jrecen-tly. MnI. Aif. hpmnha-s returnicd homie from Manitoba Rev. T. W. Leggott preached on class meetings last Sunday. jas. Mýantinteli, harness maker, is about to locate near Courtice. .Miss Jane Squair sold lier stock Tues- day-the farm i s rented. RevJ.. Rae preaches missionary sermons here ie-xt Sunday. Harry A1llen, 6th huie, lias leased the Conneil farm for stock raising. Luthen Barrabaîl, Loclihart Farm, is recovering from effects of- a -fal 4rom -a- tree. Mr. TJio. Carvcth, J. P., is visiting his daughterDr Annie Higbee, Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Lillie N'oble who visited lher uncle Rev. T. Wý. Leggott, has returned to Toronto. Mr. Wm Colville, 4th con., slit his finger through the' nail while -trimming shingles. Rev. Gea. Brown, Omemee, a former pastor here, calied on old acquaiîntances here rccently. Always avoid hansh, purgative pis. They first make you sick and then leave yon constipated. Carter's Little Liven Pil's regulate the bowels and make jon well. DoSe, one pull. Skating and Hockey is the order of the day.' Large,( crowxd on the ink Thank s- giving aiternoon. More cases oi ,ick headache, bilions- ness, consti pation, can be cuned ln less time with leýss medicine. and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liven Pilîs, than by anv othen means. Mn. Will. Cobhledicli coming from the Northwýest is guest of Mn. J A. Davey, b:efore returnîng to Ontario. If a ehild eats na veuously, grinds the teeth at night and picks its nose. yon may almost be certain it bas wonms and should administen without any delay Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup this nemedv contains ils own cathartie. Council has donc a gneat stroke of bus- iness in grav-elling Main st. Your votes and influence are requested. British Troop oit Liniment is unsur- passed by any liniment on the mnarket to-day . Il is composed of healing, soothiing- and cleansing vogetable oils and extnacts. It is put up lu lange botties for the small priee of 25 cents. Thanklýsgiving Day was well obsenved here. A union service was -held in the Methodist church at i i a m. If thene ever was a specifie for any one- complaint, then Carten s Little Liver Pulls are a specifle for sick head ache, and- every womau sbould know this. Only one pili a dise. Tny them. Christopher Cookman, Kirkfield, and daughter, Myrtie, spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs . D. T. Allin. There bas been much talk about Pyn3,-Balsami, the greatest modern remedy for coughis and colds. It cures quiekly and certainly. 25c. 0f al doalers. Made hi' pnopiotors of Penny Davis' Pain-Killen. Levi Edwards3 remoidelled Mn L Gamns- by's fence very artistically, Levi is master of bistrade, an"!,-eedcs no information on the ScoËt fence. No nesoal an expeets to cuire a neglected cuod in a day. But time andi Alleur's ,uug Basaiwill overcome the cold and stave off consumui-ptioin. Cough wilI cýease and lungs lie sound as a new. dollar. Mr. Jameýs Hallert, Mr's. Richard Mon- ton and Miss Cassie fHallett, attended the funeral of Mrs. John Hallett, at Wood bridge, Nov. 22- The matenials used lu the 'ID. & L Emulsions are tbe finest the market affords regardless of expense. Taken lu cases of wýastjng diseases, loss of weight, onio0f appetite, with greal benefit. Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., manufactunens Clarke ConservativeAs sociation officens for 19o2 :-Pxeýsîdent, F., B. Lovekin, Vice-Presýident, Hutgbi Gibson, Sec. D. F. WalshTsJ, G. Henry. Nýo substitute for -The D. & L." Menthol Piaster, although some un- seupulous dealers may say Iliene is., Recummended1 by doctors, by hospitals, by the eeryby evenybody for stiffness, leurisy etc. Made by the Davis & awrence Co , Ltd. M aster Fred. 11o(ney's horse took fight and dashed dowuý Main st. with a cant, Fortunately no great, damage was doue. and the horse corne -out al igbt. lm Tais LOoÂLITY-The medicine dealers lu this place say that there is no preparation on the manket that bas, anytbîng like sucb an enor- mous sale as D)r. Chase's Kidney-Liver PUIS. Wouil. this extraordinary de- r t Miss L1aura , _Rose and Mn. 1Hy. Gien denning wiii! addlres;s the Farm)ersý'an W'omen's institute at Orono Ibris 'WeC nesday) afternooni and Neweastle to-night. Both are capital speakers. Clarke township raiuses imnsnýe quan tities of turkeys, geese, ducks, eggs, and b)utteýr and people swarmed in crow-ds to Oroovith these farm produects before Thainksgiving. C. G. Armstrong's an nouncements in T.HE STATESMA,[IN brought him loads of them Chilled 10 the boue ? A teaspoonful of Pain Killer in a cup of bot waten sweetened will do you ten turnes more good than rum on whiskey, Avoid al substitutes there is but one Pain-Killen, Penny Davis'25e. aud 50e., Mn. C. G. Armstrong, Onono, sells Dress Goods, selîs Ladies' Coats, sells Funs, selîs Ready-madeý and- ordered Clothing, selîs Boots and Sboes and Rubbens froin the best makes lu Can- ada, selîs Dishes and ai the present time have French China Dinnen- Sets imported direct from France. He also sells Groccnies, Flour and Coal 011 anîd will give 8c per for, old hiens and cbick- eus with the insides ail taken ont. want head, feet and gibiets all taken ont, The Concert Thanîi sgiving night by the pupils of our Public School was a mag- nificent success. Every number waswell rendered and entbusiastically applauded. speci-al mention might bie made of the Flag Drill by the girls Master Lorne Jac J.son made the hit of the evening and f airiy captivated lis audience; Woman's rights by Fred. Sisson and Miss Tamblyn brought forth loud applan se. The teach- ens desenve great credit in so ably giving an Orono audience such a rare treat Thanksgiving night. Rev.J. A. McKeen made a cap)ital chairman. We hope to again have the pleasure of hearing a a similar concert, say Xmas night . Pro- cceds $75. ______ The Childnen's Demonstration held in the S. A. Barracks Mouday evening, Nov. 25, was langely attended. A choice pnognam was rendened by the chuîdren,, aIl doing thein part well. Mn. J,. Mul- len acted as chairman Mn. W. B. Pineli gave a noble speech. A duel was nendered by Misses Mildred Gifford and Ena Edgen which was greatlv applauided by the audience. The tab lean was very attractive; SeargentMajor Mrs Edger made an excellent speech on bliaif of the S. A., ioliowed by a solo from .Aiss Mildred Gifford, eutitled "The Dnunkard's Song," which wn's 50 gneatly applauded that she 100k lier stand on the platfonma and nepeated il The nectation spoken by Miss Ida Reynolds was very nice and a dialogue was given by Chas. Leg and Norman Tyler entitl'ed "The dfying soldier's meéssage," and a -reat many other songs and necitations too nurnerous 10 mention, but which wene gneatly ap preciated THE PUBLIC LOOK FOR IT. The public look for and demand'truc and houesi dispensing wheu prescrip- lions are taken to the drnx store. Our dispensing department is conducted on sueh perfected plans that errons are impossible. Striet attention to business pure drugs ana medlicines and low prices have won for ns a position second te noue in the dnug trade. TriE, IND THiAT CuREs. If you are sunering -from i.headache,, indigestion, beant trouble, lienc- plaint, kidney disease on ills resulting froîn impure bloodi, we- stnongl v adis youl to use Paine's CelenEy Com'unid Il is the greatesi banlishenl of diseýase, the etnly miedicine that eau brn-ug you healiLh and new iife. Try a botule of Paine's Celerv Compound if you feel weak on rtudown; il is a. manvellous strengîbener. Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM &- SON, Druggists, Bowmanville, Ont. 45-9w INSTITUTE- MEETINGS. The Farmers' aud Women's Institutes of West Durham will hold joint meet- ings' M r. Henny Glendennîng of Manilla and Miss Laura Rose ot the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, are the deputation and eyen 'vone eau nely on lîearing fine addresses.' The places,dates and subjocts are as follows: ORozo, Wednesdav, Dec. 4tb, 2 P. M., Town Hall. ',Feeds and Feecing," "Bread and Buns." NEwcAsTLE, Wednesday, Dec. 4, 7 30 p.m., TIown Hall, 'Ibhe Farmers' Fruit and Vegetâble Garden," 'One E,,e in the Field and the other iu -t he Town.' Short discussion on "Haiýlway Cattle Guards." BLACR5TOCK, Satunday, Dec. 7. at 1.30 p. mi , Town Hall, "Feeds and Feed- ing" and '-Ponltry ou the Farm," "Diflulculties in D-aury Fanming And How to uvencome Them," "As Othens See Us Every man aud womau are condially invited te these meetings and shoulci not faiu to make special effort to bear -,iseful subient.s die',içeerl- flme* re- We have been planning for this sale for severaI weeks and have secured several large lots of ilose at very low clearing-out prices.. In Cashmere ilose w& purchased a big range of assorted kinds, of English maa-. ufacture direct from the selling agents and by tiaking the quantity and paying cash we got values that wilI sur-~ prise'you. In tht> heavy, wool, knitted goods the bar- gains we will off er are the over production of one of the~ largest llosiery manufacturers in the Dominion, The fol- lowing quotations-are given as a sample of what you may expect, but you wîlI have no conception of the extraor- dinai y values unless you caîl an 1 see the stock whiî'ch we have on exhibition.- 10 doz. pairs Heavy Plain and Ribbed Knitted Hose, sizes 8h., 9, 9h., 10, regular 25c, 30e and 35c, for 20e a pair or 3 pair for 50c. Only .5 dozen Pare Worsted Yarn Knitted Rose, ribbed, sizes, 8 . wortli 50e a pair, for 35e,or 3 pairs for $1.00. An assorted lot of Chiidren's Wool Knitted Hose, plain' and ribbed, sizes 5 10 7î, your eboice for 15c, a pain. 8 doz., pairs Plain and Cashmere Hose, sizes 8 i, 9, 91, good quality, 22o a pair. 6 doz. pairs Plain and Itibbed Cashmere Hose,extra heavy, fine.quality, regular 50c, for 35o a ^pair or 3 pair for $1.00. Also several smaller lots at different prices in both Ladies' and Clild. ren's styles. Ail the other departments in the store will be in Une with special values to assist in making this, week's, llosiery Sale the most important of its kind ever, held in Bowmanville. THE'2MASON Ce% PRESBMTATION TO MLý JOHN HUGHES. A very plenaant meeting wa,167helda even)iug fspeut-, on the 22od mt at the resideuce of Mnl. Robt. Jobb, Conuclilon of CartwrIgbt townéblp, on occasion. of preaentation of an addre.. aud of a Gold Watob to Mr. John Hughes, laIe' o! Cartwrigbt but uow a nesideut o! the city of Toronto, hy a few of hi. friands. Amnoiig iose present we uollced. the Rev. Mn. Cneigbton, Mirs. Crelghtou and danghter Mande, the Rev. Mn. Phalen, the Rev. Mn. Butler, Dr. Montgomery aud Mn.. Montgomery, of Otbawa, Dr. MoCullougli, of Black- stock, Connty Concillor 1.evitt -Md Mn,,s Dëyitî, Reeve Taylor and Efra. Taylor, Coucillor McLaughln ,sud Mn&. McLaugblin, Mn, and Mn.. Samn, Devitt, Mr, sud Mire. Jas. Parr, Sain. Jeffery, Harry Deacon, Fred Hlylaud and e1.1ers, Mns. W. DevttI, oA Mani- toba, and a nuraben of otbera, that we cannot ja.t-n9w calto mmcry. After the reading of tbe address snd the presentation made, Mn. Hughes neplied lu a suitable mannen. Speeches were delivened by the three Rey, gentlemen sud by Dre. Montgomnery sud MoCci. lougli., Music was reudened by M. Dr. Montgomuery sud the 11ev. Mr, Phalen, necltîtions by the latter sud Mn. Hughes. Refreshinents wene eerv- by the Hostees, when wltb the usual closlng exercises 'aIl retlred 10 thein bornes, well plessied wlth the eveulng's DzÂR MiB. Huaiins,-Havinûg been ap. priaed o! vour premience iu Ibia Town8hip- you have retired fem active woik., we tÈust and hope that for myny years ,ito çomeyodi wlll be Spared to reap tihe fruits nof yul,,sra and hat aI lqt, when vy.iu shah lbe awaly f roui the tlu)gof at.yn of us, maqy flud a nsigplace in tlb, where morrow i. flot kpowu sud partîng shail lie 17o0mure. Aud nOw-,VD red u ouuJapr mit us So p ri'eeutyoun ib Iistine piec..; y(u Will acceÀpt it as a zolke of '-ho appre. 'Ciation lu whiub yon are beld hi'- all uho know yrou, thoroughly 'rsiethat iu f u- ture it wiil ofen reùmiuï you o! nid associa- liin Cu artwright. JoH-;H. DEvîsr Ch'n o! PreSentationCo ite HifghIy -Oomiendod At Paris.. A Canadian Prodluel wbih Wins Mnch Faieeet the Great Exposition of 1900. f, fi THEMASON Gbn We Announce a SpDecial .-Hos.iery Sale 0 for one week commenç g Wednesday, Dec. 4, 190 .

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