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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1901, p. 3

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anythîng else the cha actaristics cf SItise anial. Tise high-strung rare- hersa 'or trotter could ne more be MLL FA M fattrned flan tfl ilgli-strung, nr u i' ous ditiry rows whose teuiperaments ON bavalong bcen characteristircof F 7 tbem They imay Cc goofi milkcrs, 7~ but, aven ta do this tbey mufst ha &~LYY~YNLYLYs.7carefully haadled and( not frigbtcned SE cUINO1 E but nover good! beaf producers. The form fof the bef rattie is quiteWeill Prgrss.eatck breeders, daiîry- ~Tise fariner who ,kssows isei value cfkn nbttisaepoilees- autyegrain, reet tend pdge nhskon u ti -e osbet e frien or, beekeepers, agrîcul pdgreinbSstock, -whO knows crse an animal fliat lias tise beef foirai t;tudensand home makers tisat bis herses, cattie, sheeP, pigs f ers and yet possesscos tue, _many tm h atcend answers te i putrkr lrny btthi erves te bie tiuroughly profitable Squestions jnevr issue cf the:~ ancestors bave beau, will bave ne for beef. Tise cattie-raiser should iu- ever ~ tiiiculty in uadei'sfanding tise velue (luirc into tise temperameut cf tise 'cfpedigr-ee in the grain aend roots aiafrf pt foeyhn ~ S whch a i seiirg fr nxt prig'~else this wiil ceaccru bis welfare fui- soe. Wientbîesising is being done, iy as much as tbe question cf breeti. -f:thethrftyfarerwlîo bas an a5 te Tise second peint wbich mustfb ~ tse utae wll ateselections from nsi ed is tien matter ef baudliag 0 Ebis grains to e h resisud during tisethanmi.Terisotigntb tater winter or eariy sprîng fer seed. werld se difficuit as te bandle pro- and HOME MAGAZLINE In tisis thse untmst care is netessary. pryahgl tugnrescw 9 Tbe produet cf those fields wbich prt iys suc er this muaf :F an~~~~~~cd yet uponth ucsofl;smt sîmply unequalled tend indispensable. :F gave tise best crrps, whicb enaturefi largely dapend the ultimata question If yoju are net atready a suhscriber >ý* the earliest, whicb were the Most c rfto a. W anfafr te the me t helpful, best pricted tend ~fi-ce frons weeds or otiser foreiga ewryo iiito ate seil heanitifully ilusfrated farmer's p-aper - grewtb, tend whicb siowed, when ~diyctibttsaw ase pulshd w nvt srtiycfa gr _n, tise most vi tality tend regu- afford te mnix excitable animais witis siainple copy. A post cd will bring iariLy in inaturiîg tend wbîci-s tierdarbrdr ispsue.f ýit fe.Address: harvestcd undar eavorablecrondi- ablulyoentI5bati br tiens, sbculd ha placed' arefully a- should lie wecded of ail surli animais. THE WILLAM WELD CO., LMIted, aide aend kept fer soed. Sead grain Tiscv must ha kept separafe, wiere LONDON, CANADA. WI epbte n iesrwtsn littie or ne troubie will ha experi- P.S---Tli suscrpiin pice ~ tbresbed, cleancd tend sfered in hulk. ecdl smdigfbi V nyb P.S'-Th suscrgio p-In tise latter case tiie grain is more ecdina a isiglier n ipro c par car intude alo te suerb able, througis weatber changes, te ciignrvuiii Xmas Number. become iseated and te Lave its vital- strug rnals, but we are aise edd- ity ipnrcd.irîg te our hnrderis. If requee S TITE SED COAMPrETITEON iigiser scientifir meatlcofs of breeding that lias been carrled on evaîr tise and feodlng te inake suris animais af wbole Ienjinion flircugistisa muaifi- ail profitable. n If the -bieod is pure the whole If thecbiooLd is impuire the xhoe Systera b1cornes corrupted withits imnpuriles. BrckBloed Bitters trans- formns impure aend watery blood into 3riich pure blood arnd builds -up thehet. Disease germs cannot Iurk in the sysitemn xhen B,13,B. is used. Miss Elrie Mcijonald, Liscomb Mils, Guny C., NS., writes: "I1 bave found uexeelles tmedy for purifying the blood atnd crr sick beadacise. I baded many reinedies, but noue cf tieadid mse tnhgooti. B.B.B. lias maeiae su well that 1 feel like a niew wOr1miai! 1tend Ic estantly raomîend- ing îhte 111Y friands." vn Cnayee ntedc ,à Hacr g oLsMtaeki'ig up iýbv-eicardls on trcis e neS, &11ng roadi and Il con. osîpenses, ait te xeed$aîîpe dy.Siad employpient te good, lionest re iahle min. NMo Z piience needful. Writs fer flt parfîculasa iI EMPI2JI MEDICINE CO.. Londons, Oat, Profssinal It's the contanit straius and worry under Nivbichu ~- tise prefessiocal ia l at'ors, the 2irregula-ity cf habit"s acti loscf rest thiat f J "sbinta pýcuilianiy sus- 4'ock ti(lente icyt rroubles. BrgtsDiseuse and- KINEY PLS ~tregtisu ted inigarte ie ys -n 'rf Ite gvequie reïlief anti came Rer.M. P Camhîcl, paio f the il Bapist Ciurni, ste, ct., says: tiFrosu hcbIgla', Sbaron's dmg tore, I1dais say bey re mes excllet reedyfor Lid-1neytacietnI romniiem tg muferes R sris Cempats g s ' oL muk rmsY.i_ cenrae o Sir Win. MacDeonald bas de- mnuarafed. rlearly fisc valuaeif caca- fnl selcafioti. TI-eeusafiod adoptad ig te select tise best individuai seeda fremtheficbasf grcîps tend steve tisa for future seeding. If bas been lound fisat tise naturtel tendeucy undar cul- tivation la te sf111 fîrther impreve. The renversa cf tItis rîlle every fccm- er bas accu preveti. If fa known tChat gi-tins or grasses wlicis arc ai-- lowr d te ra-secet thensslves ycar at-- fer year bereme dccioralized tend re- vert te fisir original type, tend tise or iginal if a etncase wrs lidu -esa. On tisa otiser baud tise et et o cul- tivation and rarefacl select on rau be sce iaal f liat tise cartis produces. Trhe original of aIl our otts, wiseaf aned oflier 'grains was a wld tend tel-- most s alueleas grain fisct tise tarm- ara of te-day wç%oild fiati ne use fer. Tisey wee breaglit to fiseim present condition liy cultir atien tend scier-- tien. Negient of these weuld mean a rcvesieu tote îir original wlldness1 tend uselassacas, wiilc on tisa ctler isand, by axerising greafer rare sf111 f urtiser improe mant CAN DIE SECIJRED. A ciraunar receutly lssued hy flic Deprtîentof Agricrulture drawa at-- tan lis e is roai salready oh-- aiaifroma f l,ie MacDonald rompe- f fion tnd sows tîat systemiattir ceneusousselctinof ,c,(d grin iias meetciiing teot oL ,Jýy vwtis great aunces bu,ýt WiObiiiai dapproval by al wiso ara gisiug ttise work caraful af-- JuinLin Tlitwbch at first seemted wvisily tiseoretical tend capable ot be-- ing followed only hy flic scienitista, wheme brougit la-- te prantice lias fumai ouf toe haaseunimoeasimple and quite as pris rtical tnd as necessary te anc-- cess as tisa matiscis se long accus-- toraed f0 in tise seleefiemi anît brcfl-- in.- ef herses, cattie, sheep,, piga, tnd poalfry.' Tise circulai- points eut that on a farsu cf 100 atcres, itwe acres of land, eue for otfs tend ome sfor wseutt l tes mari as fa requirai for growing seod for flic main crops. This land sisoulti be speciallyt praparefi witb a vicw te forcing a vigorens growtb et plant that will give; a large yield of grain ait good qaalify. Immcdiafaly bof oro tira grain is cnt, a sufficieut Qtettyof flic bcst dcvclopcd beafis litat, hi e tu-eiîiadoaticaefnly gradeti tend clîcce îll reutea tis betetsLi fo i>sele iras postis e sleriensle- i*'ýcr mada fro tisebe an iada on tue fa.rc- i tetse flinathf0prduciîstinar hiele t ie grioive gainadste o J*cf flic o thefngteue. Tuayeîtas eus sa ais oetlhat grites t- gctlier leitbopr ofuerretendculiv- tinwLl rasa it a fyis prouconfn eeath.imalvaingrain,'btndtsa be u i raccd fia cvary torm of plant If te. And thea law ilanau xceeduîîgly br'oafioea, fsvobing sfrcngfis tnd wcal-'neIss, predispesitioî te tend iu-- înunity-frein tsaa,-nrynafnrify, loagovity tend al, lui tact, ftef mraS- as iife-aaiial or vogof'.bic-worfb living. Farcvers, haver, hcrttofore, faisan note of lisis law only as. t el-- farts tiseir animrais altiseug i ts et- fertsac0jusf as apparent fa aver-- fisîinge-tise safarm proeîs. Lat caretul notelie rutile îit ifnlutise mater t s'ifs anc tise resaîts wili sar tsnroupee'sate tfcr tise extra9 'VJMREI3AïL[NT O , EF fient a oven feentmrs ut rîîit - bar cly siistartery for bef raisicg, Tise bef ruttIe are alwa'es lieovy, phuIegsnafrc animals, %islîneinet, te be pos.-ess -'fiof teîiy serrestut ail.. 'flic e uanuiastaise thisitfooti atîd r-st Cotil, tend tisýe proce,,a otf igea- tien aia assenelafon goon wtsus iatas-utioo 'fuxeus menliugse injuiioci te atti ns ny ecite ninq rfiis;vscswiiîtrtp WOOD ASIlES. Wood alsheaseuldhobcnrefnlly sas cd uter siselfar. Tbey ara ricli fa bofui pefasie audlinc. No est!i-- mnatioî. ot thre composition of woofi asies rau ha Icocsidcmed raiable, as mach depecds upon tisa kinda cf Wood fronu whiuistisey nacoptained but if la siot tac out f thlicway tf0 naiin. t hat 100 ponis reulain about ferfyl pouuds of lima, six peundfietpo)tasis tend tsvc poands et piospisorin tend. FATTENING GEESEý 'Pile follosvicg bas-beau founut an excllenst precesa foc tatfaniag geese: Tise birds are confinat inla amai -cag- as or boxes, wifb an opacing lu front threugli the bars et wbiclscri bird nase pasa its bcad tend reerk. A troughis lainifront, fa wticb foodi tnd wateai are piaced. Tisa building lu wlsicb fisc berds arc coafinci is Sept ceai ly dark wifis a warm,mosa- mospisere. Tise geese arc ted oiefan inaccous food sarI as bam-iey. etets or - maize., ganamaliy crusheaftnd soe-- timas boilef iWltis milS. Foc drink- ing7 purposes pure wafer la suipplicti. it orvci-saud laplrainlatheo box-- aýs, tend ila rcmov4ud idaily. Tl'ise birds araj gcnaraiiy quita fit ter market lu froc tweuty te f wenfy-live daya. BABY'S HEALTH. Thie Teetbing Feriod Dangereus te Mtt1eTunesa aîY y Veryicng te 1 sothers. Wittme tiser--doas ncoflfokSfor- ward ivitis dr-cadti tetif me wlieu baby shahll be teathing? At tisat fimea baby ils resthesa, feverisis tnd irritable, anti frequcntly thora la somne (isordor of the bowesaIstnd stnacis "lic puer liffla suliarar is figtlcg oeeof bis flrst baffles lu fils old world cf pain, anet if nef aid- cd in bis fight mamy be overreme. Ev- amy Wise inotier seipa fhli lffle suffer- ar as maucis as se cas, tend tise mue- tuera wbe bava beau most succasslul in this respect bave feund fliat LIa-- by's Owu Tahîcta gi va mat suris as-- sistane as tise liff la oua îîaeds. Mrs. W. J. Wright, BrorSvillc, says:-" I bava usai Bteby's Owa Tablef s quife freq7-eily, aîand ns murîl lest ox f :,- in. Ifteitsn se-i al s1,ats;flafoy dtCig hhy'sfitst ca tendbows un *-alarema sictb pleasaut lutt lalosange ilsaf ail nuhl-1 dren- iw isarerbl.-T cau-bha crîeslîed or disseivefi in water ati acd inisteret i Wifbsafefy toeeaeis youugesf infant. Cuaraureefi te coutain ne opitic or auy of tise pois-- onous atuffs fIat maoatiseso-caliefi4 aooefliig tnadlclnoa ategrous i o lit- t'be ornes- If yen do net fi nd Baby' a Owu Tablefs at your drutggisf's, seuif 25 rentas tch Dr. Williamns Miedicne Ce., Brocnkaille, Ont., aund a box xiii ha setifyen by mail post-- paiti. ]hdPROOF., Tii-n tise dfianf, nrîltitamuit spirit tolc possets etoftise devoteti uis- sîecîîry. "l'en fiink : ans a paddinîug f'lie criei.'l'il sowv yeuIt1amn nef11 -Th "uaproofetfIsle pufifieg lu ilii tisa catir-g "rejoiccd flic savages darlkly. flOUSS SIAE OR /tUER GON E eSY BX, Cur Co i, ùCLDS t g.dadvantage fer the little girls wheutisera are ne small beys in flic ~ amity. A pnrtty-worn overreet will 41 S ~ L furnish enongli gued inaferial fer a S ~seeol jacket or aven a ara Sundav Jackef, if if fa made up) neatly tend, rut. by-a sfyiisb pattera. Tan aend gray- r'ofh will celer bheautif-ul siades of red by cipping in SOME GCOoD EdES Diauiend lIye for wool, cnd a striait reeferor Eton jacket can bh ae tc Baked Rc-ie oiI frira slight expense, bat if fisc clotis is wesled ic a relander, asal1tap(_oon of needed for tise suiali boy it rau hc sait, oua quart ofset mils. Bake colos-dadny of tba dcrk retors suit- siowly for an heur qrnd a isaif. Serve able for boys' rtotising. Oua litte witb rream tend sugar. girl lad a rnost servireabla winl i- Ham Sandwiches, Rot--Oua rap petticoat nmade front flie tops of twe finely cbopped boiled liant. haif tea- cairs of trousers after tisey wcre speonfus prepared mustaru, a sprig dyed fthc aaine celer. Tise szitirt wa's of chopped parsîey, sinatl ocionri ut by a gercd pattern, witli ooly a grated., Mix fogetlior and spread liff le fulînessat tLffe 1 tck, ird ti-c ever slices of bread tend press toge- bottem iiinstitd witli a crorhafed tiser in pairs. -Beat au egg, add aiedge of Snxoily yarc, wisicb made salfspoon of sait tend cup of rmilk. if praffy as well. us remiottable, tend I)ip ecri sandwich ia tisis tend fry if evidcnced fleic idusfry ard geed browu on bofi saides la bot butter. management cf tise erouonîiral Serve inieodiafely w if tise chuney mofiser, saura. A Delîcieus Lemon Spectrone Cake SATR SIGERAD (lnew)-Tbree eggs ee-ialcapful ATRlSN BED grannlated augai-,ne ýýhaif cupful 0flTise sait raising bread of eur siffed fleur, tise jmire enld gratefi rindf1 granfimaflers lias ncarly vanisbed of one lemon, one-isaîf tea-spoonful 0ff fOm licheeast, hutf may stisi lie bakiug pom-der. Bcat flic whites of oundidnlutise far wcst. îA gond eggs very stff, beaýt tfisc olkstnd houseko,ýper, famed for ,litrbrtd add. aAsnwl ieidd ts-e gives fisese direcfions for makiîsg sugar alowly tend bat grafee fi valarge baves onfside of rind 0f lmoatnd add tise At noon, tisa day before haking, 1jire, tison boaf ail t - gg beates- fuke oe-Isaîf rupful5 0f rorcusiend thsree minutes. Sifi, lu tihe fleur lu Peur ever it (nougu sweet rnsilk beil- wicire i beking pwdrbas beau ing hot te n ako if f tl fickneess of mixcd aend af jr slomwly -aîîd cerefully. bat rer cakes. Keep waî-m IN ext but do nef beat affai-r fleur ta ln. nrning pour infe fi, pif cher oua pint Bake ifa modarate oven tlîirty-flve cf boiling wafer add oua feaspoon- minutes, This la uan d simpîy ful of soda tend oeof sait. x, lio deliri"-us. cool enougis so liat it îvill not Reasfezd Chckeu--Selcrt a youn1lg seaidth flifour, add essougis te isake chikenalmst rov. Cean anda stf11 batter. Tisen add tise cup'cf cisiken almst roun Clan endmetel, set tise day before. Tis will cnt fise saine as for Iri l. ave he fuil et bubbtas. Place tise pif- reay abaknghanclrlybatarei.cher lu a kettia of warmi wafer, Ro01 llichepieces fat flour, 1lzay ithis pan s fr fý,ig. ut irossing is rover and keep warmi. Wben flic pon s fr fîiug Pu baffer riscs te flic top of flic pitriser oeencd of peu. -Peur o-ve-r ail a rap rpeur if lufe a hread pan andti dd boili'ng water lu w-lihbhas bee-n oneand one-haîf pints of warm mted atlasrgefuahasofusitcfabut- vafer and flour emuagis te knead if fer feapeouul f sat ted ainto leaves. J{nead but ltffle harder quarter teaspoonful of Popper. Bake ta o ici duh n aea lun abot oveaxe ouaiseur, basting fre- t9nfrbsutdegi edhiea quenly.soon as if riscs f0 flic top 0f the Pineapple Parýfait (new,ý)-Pare andipa slired a fine rip:e p :nappaar it tend letf staind tweheur, fisahn drain KNITTING AS A MEDICINE. off oee upfnl cf flic sirup. Bo0i1 Knitflug la delarefi by apecialîsta flirce-fourfisa cf a rnpfnfl of sugar lunfisc treaiment of riscumafisiu te tend tise rupful of tpioeapple jifra te lie a nostf isapful cexorcise for banda a flick sirup, atend adLd alewîy tisa habla f0to arome 5f iff freintiseromn- wcll beaten yolks ;oifofur eggs. Place plaint, tend if is hefng preserrbed hy lu a doubla boilar tn cook, af irî-îng pisysicians herause of itsfs c ary ia censtantly sîntil tise ixturo thickens limibcring up flic lands of sucli suf- and reats t lie sýpoc)u. Reusove riomi frers. For persoss able te cramp, fisc fire, boautntif recld, add two IParalysis or any otîser affection of tabiospoufuls ef lemnn uire and a tfi n gers of tisat risara,7fer i nifting pint of riris creasu, wbipped unfil is regardad as a meat bentefictel ex- stfif. Park iii a meid, surrouad wifli erci-'a. Besidies tise simple wcrrk la irea tnd sait (ba parts of ire te said te ha an excellent diversion for oeeof sait), tendl jet stand four tise nerves tend is recomnrid fo hours. Turu oufteand serive- surroumd- ýwomen suffering from insoniniatend cd witi w liped rrcamiý-n. This ni-akes depross-ýion. lu certain ,siiitrirums a~~~~~~~~~ dlresdsetTie srdddIpatienrts larc cnriourag-ed tei ma e af pineppl frni isi tie ifra wasof hoicbriglît steels, tend tisa work ta fakea .Lmay bha coverted w is oýram-ge e pcaaf laf if la muis en,,ýJoyed juica teandaranad ina de ls yfhm disti wifh abcl 'teuelaerof sie el-ange (lil eraliy swaaet"ened) Ilauid grafed receantý, ten-d sîv for, IJSEF,1UL H TINTS. lunriscon or ft.Pprt aiu if a amnali patýtera ont mince pies. A o;riL(1r fuiraisies areomnstend keýep eant longer tisan reripo for mnsmawlsiis sfeonld fisce rdinarýy whifcwasfe. ho prepam-ad somq t1-ima before wacfed Respect icg squaakiîsg boots ; a aîîd set away fo "linallow." Tisus it simple iint isa-as foliows :-PriaS becomas maricspeioýr te thcaf mafia upon tisa soieetftise boot, se as te tend tisot sneiey The racipa re- lot tise air outftron-ibof ween tise quirca . Two pen l tfluely rhcppadI soles. Tisis causes flic squaaklng. beef sncf, four p ocd f leea round proved if a lifflo vimegar bce addcd te of bref, boillcd, anid rlopped lif, as if î-cmoves flic deafi, oily look affer becoîning pir.Ierly rolfi; t1f ne so offan noficeable onu dean furitture. as !a-uris hy measure of cearseîy rchop- oftam notireable on clean farniture. ped tart apples atL.ýisera lu of moet, In pollshiig aîways use xery cdean fthrea pounds of hî-euwn sugar, four, iefis a tnd poilais tue way cf tise peunfis cf rawifus, seadad- andi roaîse- grain ; for crecd fîîrni turc a polis-ý iy cisopped; tht-ceç ponda cof cleanefi lng brusis is ncrcssary. currufs isaf apoun 0ffyteclop- Tisa waslsing of plants la very, ne- pefi citron, a plat oet molasses, a ressary if ttioy teee te ba Sept lu a tablespooafui cadi etf r;inon tend iaitisy condition, If la a gnod mare; on e nd a 1leaif tahlaspoonfuls plante 0 ata "oucraetfsromîg f0- of gîaad inifmeg, ýa atnt table- barre, pont- a quai-t 0f boiliuig water, speenfill teois ni'ovf ,bar epi-oc if and let if tooî1p 7ijtil tleisen- auspice ,&iid flircuqucerus 0f rider.honge iie Iie i vs cd s îs cf tsliluet- la wînîts ott soîofli caveawitlipaiwtr Cirdoe , Ci(uliers-CriqeýAsi to tan of maf. a o bndni ofîalfof e rrfucf sugat-(,;igS:adnally orf lugî, a ap ci 00on-nlS ak lerduse cf neuralffa. Theia fr- eue easponfl 0fvacila, fwo urcsomaf foies is aimeetunubear- outres0f lîcolae raffi ad isat-alite. E. C.a, city'editor of the cd osr lif Wafr, oie-timf 0 ac teasposîlcî et hiecg waterý, tIse aiiy Britsh Wig, Kingston, Ont.,, 01sie et,0ecgawip u:t stiff suffered with neurlagia f incheiad frois tel sufiratl. if ed our te for twelve montha. Six physicinus muaa sftdogl. out, rut failed te relieve hita, but flire lut ofire sri-,be1in fic - uis-ote _c Dr . lal' leua F0131'fR13 SEWNCI OTIIEUî. àitaohirs o-attoen dlscoutagof f0 fend seSu usiy gorunctsneeefie4for fiee clilree il Lou sîc as s-cv tie rooney xxitfe i ln t uaci emet oilas, but if aiema creieif weclfi ia bewcll frle t rs i îs art-f eîaking dm onbot ciPeofcf M inatamial-ifsalecIliaslneflir,,ady tSuc ofeda a ladreao Oe f ciall miiefluor studios etflcpo.1h ifînstîe teeibf r eines utis talulie mtetîlserLfra0 discaieidrose lcentst'.A gofiqrif fsrg ii at ca, t-iatbeSi, c lumeZ nmy ottwooi a rii isie geef blose wist~r asiuueil iat sutA .viyltc:me5îtia Ceo., Kingstoni, Ont, ARTIr..TIC CIE \r\T A cratin1ete Ocsuptin ndits mny kurdaX natlenow wtsafi ai feVeryssfrr. U-M LO was peýrfearted aqfr 1many yaa-r f îctdy andexriuta by awi-k nGarmaeain ttn La ffaatad 1mers IILL cu-e- tha anyolc--rprafe-hoihsbeeaoerd ttesapublic, FUI-MO, tuile soeatrat isew la Canada, ,J.H bas beean ad l cuuing ticusanids cf cases, aend tre have on BRNITS fyle many testimoniae and kindly letters writtan us by grateful people trie hava heen retnrnad te perfect health. NHlG~T SWEAN- 0 PUI-MO is tic .-only absointe cune whare tiare is Censumptien, Tisroat aend Luug trouble, Cougs, Colds, La Grippe, Brenchitis, Nigit Sweat, Cisilîs, revers, or any olliar symptome whioh may iudionte a tneo toward Poeupin UI-MO hes curad thouzands of cases whih Lad beau trcated by piysicins titieut succese, and finally pronouuced by tieta as hopaless. FUI-MO staneds aloue---tia lse cof auy otier medicine as an asslistant le not nuessary. Et geod plain xiourltliing food, get plenty cf fresh air tend ont -deor exercise1 tand use FUI-MO as dlrectod>, tint le ail-Nature will do thse rest. WV.,b1wà-, sivivcy îtit if oc il-w e cdaim, Ud zec mnsrt criplctfaifh in tice meits eof UI-MO. te trili giadly mail srle o buffle frac cf Chage diretto yeur post . offie adras eeuraly saalad ire a patent m ail ing tu (ba or box ; butat ne à have:1gne te cote- siderable expeusa ire eersig fi"sse mailiag: tubes fer tiec cetvenience cf car patrons, we aek yenu te seni" 10 cents te cover tisa coat et mailing. On-ly oea tample of PUL-MO trili ha seat te any eue persan. Give FUI-MO a te-l and convince yoareaif thnt if curas. Al vs-ansk le, tînt yen taIre it as directefi, Ramambar, wcj pay tisa axpansa cof tisetrfinl, ift wihi ceet yen notinig. gists at $1,00 'Par large bottie, or yen mcay pro-1 cure n sample botuie frons yonr druggist ai, 15 cents. ~îîl ftu~bd Ialgrît&g *~" ~ est, ci~s~t ~ Lssg Tcsiblsé + ~OO?~iJMPT flL teitis, Cotas tt~ ,ae à1t5c5 t.s ee~,o, esoroisots -~-4t5LMC Au, ~O ASiS as~seosp ils ,slsn usais i~,itis 5,ise, ~s,, s s, Sws,,t eissenoss. ,rsui, s isa suosntsl obosi Sso asIOSd 50 050s0s *ihodtIre,. tlai~,s esm a e ~ ~f 55,10 toa#sios(uI ifOrO,,oh mia!. P5UL-MO COMPANY, West Adelaide st., Tororilz, C iovuijy plhtogi-apli et ,youml I bati p uvere yen f'iiluiig Aetoi ea chi '), Me'. Ri,,suel'-lf fua cild s n- -UICOOKS UlDt\uiiNlAnit. erist-îhg cxpl--oimr'9"ord 0f havntMean ouf 712 pais- 'lise firsf fhng ia "t _riL as a aut Axai Luil,;- Wol sbir fle oets attire'f87. PrU"lasu '-1ie Mu-îten Ua ate-,fta a ie î plitei-phe gf ccPeenp î- Pasein ~néi m-ceeiii tiSC C11,. md Sr fibaipi ce obserurd iurorytises.Om lte-oleiiCifat -0i e Ilirain LMxîta tasu us M Me 0fuflua "cepa ieiolangtec-s SIlie S -ery itex. 'Tis e uneasM Scmsat nd cMýf 92 S Of L.leemc buta !m-cS ut y, îr0vea ard .rEiutNandi Farming (xeely) 1,-90 S-nisah.ha -a. x bcsieifi sa e d u ie S~rÂ'muîx auJlfamer'aAtvocafeil 90 Partdlar-----utNv'.Mnîe- si frat5dsal fiifs uua STATSMA ani Gu.rJ~re2 00 itiîni'ii.c-.- ... j" mîtW Par1 of fs ntesguihe~i li a Ictîmipu. iin---------un-U.m eTaTsmCIa atnd MîîeiWtes~Tî ta------- l'L ie i ' bu arhoîa Star 'îŽandi-M uralIeat 1 75 Palin------ Su! and -s le gqmiw-;P a deiwt,sý F tac En!Au and lm4in---------75 Jn 4 a m Sî'~viessasi end esten Aiertieri e beiîa new---- - î ' , iet a ie lo i s alr STATESMAS nti Bteders Gazette'2 50 e'îiidn ' e5astt.f -lp- iits is >CC tmîu atnd Wtiiv Fu sol-e Lodeary tsusGtgn- sd a he tr , td di att 5-rATSMAN nti orout Newa 3 50M. A. JAMES, tsi fAClO.i iretc'-~al * The Kiing of IRanges, "Buch's 1i¶pp-y houËht 4 IT tock Money, 16 -e Hands and flrains Happy Thought o perfect The Hpy4 Th1ouglit Range, and it's ., * 'F ,J.« ~the R.ange that ardent: + II, LF ~copiers have taken their4 1 eue from"l. : t + Hfappy Thouglit Ranges: +are nmade in 6 different sizes and 72 different styles. Trhey have ail* +. the latest practical iniprove- monts sucli as the Corrugatedl SOven, Transparent Oven Doors, U-nobstructable Oven Damper * and aTorgiSstnofOe *Ventilation. +* 5 ,0 - Ikcoxu n Then.~ 4Write for illnstrated pamphlet. 'X. * >'Mawcfactured by SThe Wm. Buick Stove Co., I1mited, Brantford + W, HM. DUSTAR. Do'f eleet tbose rnosr, important organs of the body, as you wli regret Fi_,a" yen; a in aiheback, a d Lit feeliiagiti flip rogion cf the kidneys ?A ft timesyarwar tjLOs you d not mka itq alto su freely. it lt dark fa caler, yon make a amiall quan-tty and a sort cf burni î.e sonsation? If such is thse case give y cr condition izmmediat,,atte, ti-anitoraeriouscmîiain ilstn Our Latest Method Teatmçnt gii:tiat.q -as apasLive cure for suchuLi conan, aiud remember Wig CURE 'TOU OCIO PAY. symýptomsyuoi oc ,( uldbc a .rtnt tk ,imdiate treatmlenýt aeptt un l te lceas t cu&iutsiyg3ta worime. If yuhave so-Ire ,thraat patchesan tangueo rnouth, swollen glaîi, hairftillinLout, blotches on bod,-i jtching skin or other seso Vils awfel d,3icul -1onu3. Wc give you a written g uararitee ta cure yov by-o, LATEST MEIIOD TýRLTMIIENT vvithout Morcuiry or Pota-ssium, and you PAY W HÉEN CUrE D Tan nteed pay na5bing until yon ore convinced that a thoraugs and comple tscur a heen established. Ih makes no diffrence Who hao failcd te cure yot, caL îanýd eauia we %vil[ give y,'î a thorugl examination trec of charge anid mai be thse ttae f av yuyears ofsuirng Each tino you ca!i you sec Dr. GolidbergPeroaly Ttc ~s 1 d'ncmss cerîfirtcc.,whi"h testify te bis senîgtn aîiis u nu mb-r cf yc fiw eb o been es-ablished ie Detroitatnd the curs, fctdhv ranked us the 2orero5t cialists cf the country. We can I ,1ve nu i) egarae of uu- hiitios te cuL c y u etheeathu fact that you need pLy not ,h;inig z)unt1il cu 1red OUR LATEST jME.TI-ID TREATMENT GUARANTl EED TO C-àý-euJRE«2 'Varicocele aend Strieture witbout cutting, Stretching, or li ftm:as lo osn Chronie, Nervausý. lmahuacy. Klidney, Livcr, Blafider, Sorii Fm l edRca trcubles. O.-T$iItT'.-MATIO R 30u. Calter write for b'ýlzIs o onc tetet -AU I ediemnes for Canadian Patients Sbippe-d frot insCnd, 77,WOWADAV. JfIIOT IH a

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