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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1901, p. 3

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Tecampeilnp ros - tio 'n hichn taille hie ï éneys sud ha, 1, onhie ac, ýVry ithe k i'd e a rin ti iee tyor nekioau ecIr. idncy u t er.wtlut1ep / rcae aeneeclini es!etnc. Radthe proof f rom a taîlle Mr.Jolu Rbcrson ierchant talle, Î0rum Onmt, giveLise xperience a -1hd enafig ibMy kicIueye fo- xnor tin ayea won Iceo menced takiri; Doa's idny Plis whch1 got at Me Farlaree 7;ug toread aSm sîncerely g1au Jht dJ! o liere rng action of M, kdney irad me Ick ail over and Cencra ruemuh uceve~eceand jpain. That î DoWa hig c 3t rast, hecause Do 'e ~Uee Iile ur Ime Ihaeny dr rotîiauraly n te eernchliver and bowes, urig enetpation, dyspepsia, 51,1k T1 5 0 $18 A WEEIC salary foi îwîaItigen Mlior wemnan ili chLoil P' rlýt""tpsitiii.80 Cents PC ur for smare ine. MANUA uîua, B x 7 8, dliadelphua, Pa, Mention AESN.12. SANTED-Tritstworthv Men and V VWomeîî tetrayel and advsî ise fero di t ablishei bouse of sohli fincial standing. lary k78o a year aud ext)eiises ail pay able iii 1 h. j Niaaasidn eîAddîerfreme l'Y fVîentravel aud ;ad erisefr ol ~tbildbouse ci sql iîiaeeastândiz, uiaî 11, ayear anid epswailpayable iii 711 eno îa~igrequîrel. C'ive referellce '0 l ci lose self audices3ei stamnped envelope. dress M&AAGER,, 855 CaXron 1101 liiig> ,,1iago, IL. 4416W SVANi ED-Insuralice Age5ntS, Who e ari sell a poliey that prGopt'ts gaingt eknes, cuueut i < de iohm auy eunw; ee pa s au c]lIngo bunefit cf -500 aiter 70 uas if ae. Addîe'sF.O. Box4.0, Wînnipeg. cî~ada48 tf. Javid Fisher 'Estate The Trusts and Gazraniee Oonpimy.hLim- ied, a iilitrotors of thi p e ftf he ate aid Fi he,. deoeased. bcî by ftfer or e ol iý 6)5 11 ires of thie tcci ul stuekokf thte ittcîlutdRIarbor Comapany cf a a AI) ecust e be ru'cd*the iindmv 1g teo s lciîut rs i1mrel"ýi rFc Notiue 01 thu uCetoCrs.C' fIe ?fep o fn thi euuds bue ofceARphl u uls<lt- dIl I g ilsISn ,iof the ll2, ùfs Boivi1514 t -c i , 1e '-C; 1F7of' 8, t h Su 1, ic i -, t fi d 4OTi4 n or &tXeivn iitu ti o "Thne TIIE PGPULAR C(AN ADIAN PLAY- ORO UIN . The traffic os-er the Grand Truuk Raihs-aî S_ stem te lte summer reserto located on their lino during lte paslt seascu itas beossmucwhtpiteucinal especiai!yte beavy tGurist Iras-ai tiai theda li ighIacis o! f'Ontarn t lie tteriecl il tP NrîhmuDitricts luririg thiS peeItsiminier froin put o-en lte e ;,itnt ufaet, lunsiew of Mie growig, potmlarity cf the lOgions. il is fUmtd îteeessary every yean lu imerci-se thie accommodation Mu this dlis t;i icI bv h, bihuiii -if iew hboni santi minitg additions te lte hotels that are' mlIc' d s locatîd îtt-ens.hc^ut the loralily. Firust elasa sumner itels are beli- creetel at s Cent cf thousucs of dollars ouanes-s Pobing lu operaticu ou Lake tk's u, MuIzo!a Lakes, wiit accotr- rnodatieîi for ove ilti O,000 lTea rmegi u Peuud te bu pepular as there li no fluor country ounIth continent cf AmerIles fur lheult.i1,,piens i-ni-andirecreaticrî titan lte Iiigitiaîîîs ef Ontarli, and %vhii irîclule lite Muskclza Lakes. Xlegntetau Bn iver, Lakte ef Bats reg. luji, andthîe 30 (OlI-l]Anîs cfthie C-eai g in B t, net fergev'iiug the mîaný î'iîasaît suinier rai-crIs situaleoit the shores cf Laike l ac n d Coudh- tehine c Mauýy art' express;Ieni of praisae on- aualtc gfrom t ra% el-rk svlt'thasve hei lufiS g ion. A latter just recelvecl nlsnttsdreands asf ewa :-7'Wî' ugii' h txi. imut. Mreni 1bote (diýýtFtce tif selfishiîess whici says 'Dontt te;I everybotd. Muskcka's toc geou tot - ive assay "' "Jadeei, tae kiedness cf Unîited StaIes and i adian frteîtii enccuraging mv sisit for a va-altinini bigh sud dry air w-it waterside deligitîs, aud fr-ce frcru svarins cf mtnu sud itsects lhave juslt gîven eue autoineslte be,it vacatieoncf ef our livs. la tise first place ltetrip to z ot h,,ro i.. oeaic'- raî îssvsive.-î CART WRIGHT COUý'NOIL TowNHlAn,7 artwr!gbt8.Dec. 2 id 1901o. S Regulai' meeting of Councîl; mem- boe ail presen; minuttes of Isst jasaI. leg iead, and un motion cnimd Co>ntmunîciiine were rersived from the towns-hir OCark clf MnrErc sre rork, sud (J'srtwrigsî bonudary. escslv- ee, aud fyîed. From Lie Bl3o rd ',-L--Ith recoin- rte1eding Paymen o D. rc 'i e u3n Oftfor clîinef ding. O ; imotion ef YIeasss. McLiu-,hgcdi d Besock, or- ,her waî grani-te far lt erut From H. F. [tjinter, i., appeas of I etesecf S.S. No,. 15. A peaitica wae prasnîrd sned by 25 ratqpayura, praying ir ndigenit aid co Rubirn Barclay. Os melon if !Aeseré. MeLtughi i $dfruRe 4 urss grancî'd for the mcni fDec. Moveut by Mr. fl-suhiSüc. by MNI'. Beacoeck, Ihat âfrite. Wlima bc remresd. (Jrred. 21isai by Mr. Bec Lk. ec by Mr. Joîb, ltai te Saolte l,,aor clarged Ie Mrs. Johasten, be ascnu.Cârried. Mr. MeLiughlin i:Lntrodncsd a By- law te appointRlugt i fioes eloi' PoIlng placoo, &a., for 'thecoa u- nicîpai sleCti-ux's. VTe IýI' a hoen gis-an fie everal eeirie aut pasezed by the CosUcîl a ~ios-c Iîng Drv. No 1 ai Towe 1,11I;W.Lu. cas Depuly RturdinJi6k . o.2 et 0, O No C (,saeW' J B'a 21,. JJj. Vil ,Enlkiupar hie life ln Cartviïight s tal ai-r linglon townushipst, M-. V ihonghtt 1 it Cartwrigli ht tpaýy part eoflita Goal ocf maaueii ai . The cneil claimasu ttth y ld ntcuede hat thd l r.Vîr'u rt,- î apeltîcnt ile D-rlioglea C iemuc-l fer a u, bfore ceoming to the onhpcCaîrhb Chestler D ,an 0cons befIýoe the CUn- - THE CHARITV 0F ALL CHARMTES. THE CARE OF THE SICK CHILDREN. What The IHospital fo:r Sc Childlren oC Ieý- A treet, T1;orntc, il n nîy goori fortune, last Cluistmias IDay, te be cleou f teln gusts w} erc ttc tostess, lacking a large tank account, heut that vuhich- soinetimes la better-wit andt ingen -_ uity ; andi the story of wcitIone0 ~ bright wornan uid imay arsist other wonïen stho aurc tiying te plan unique table decorations with which te grt-e their family gatherirgs wlten the holiday cones around, wu ites Mary Barclay, As the dining-rooin lot-ted gas or, elotricity, a wrcught-iî-on bunqu'et larnpstlUiporceinin globe wns piati- eut iu the' centure'cf the table. Aroutîi this suilax was lcosely twineul, spi-eading cut. at the foot te encirole titronjcke lnem placod ut the base cf the la-,mp ;each of these leat a duîueu eut euxpression, 0:0111v attain- fi ner ft cu!; os anti , irit up ~ ~ ~ ~~~ýdP ordt .We iecnisin- ide r't, ni vere igltte thÏ- ffet- wruuit ic: let auuialso ttitit$3400 a car for- maintenance, an ln- Ps c a 1zirdon wttotmoaey. Intýereet, porceain gobesplut-ut aiopposte situice.a Itat depends for ;suppor no otae ist epî uam conai-s 0fthe tut, andi taluuued lte goc Inesscf the genereus people cf cf worlters ta.s taulive. Nurece, dm on thecrrmai-,,uug cornera by haîf- th ite Puovirce , cf Ontario, inust neede tics, officiais are ail human. They purrpkiit i.îýlý.lowoct eut and, filleti have considerable f ait lnthe love, ean their wages wtether they lis-e witit apples nes, banas, anti affection anti generosity cf the peopflo or ont cflte lHospital. 0ruupo'. Whule thitile'ktution las lot-atout in A hundred andt twenty otilutren per Our- tostess, thecugh tatuinteti, w-as Toronte ito wcrx le es > iîtially prc- day---yes, lu conte menthe a tuurd not equal te înaking menu crîrds vincial. It admits net only blildren andi Lotty-ouce Il was a btn1dr arsd wvitt stitîthanul-painteci figutrc-s, andt fronthttccity ef Toronto but front ffty-all these b 10k tte su ,svth ne mnny toexcpenci on audit every city, town, village and hfamiet, cars fer. Thlrty nurses otnal luxunluza, but a detereination te 3-Os, front every spot lu ttc Province aI A half-dozeu maîde it bave sornething of the kinti, vins of Ontlario. broonts and dusters; cooks and tab1le foirîsodto ustor, andit hink. In a Se wheu von rive-be vour alving maitis te prepare lte food and serve, -t

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