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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1902, p. 1

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FWP. 1 E S. BOWMAN' ICouch, johnston I & Oryde'man- 1Thank thei*r friends for L heir very libéral sup- *Iport during the past * 2year, and wish them al1 - 'rnIDx Tn "13 ýWNi AND COUNTY VIR8T; TaS WORLD, ÂFTERWARDS.A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor,, VILLE, ONTARIIO, WEDNESDAY, JANJARY 1, 1902 VLM XLVIII No t COUNTIES' COUNCI, Concuded [rom laWt week. Our repor t In last STATESMAN ended in the middle of a spirited diýscussion on equalization of theésesmn of the minor munîcipalities. spejeches were afterwards made byCourýs, Mualholland, Trebilcock, Mastersc'n, Mitchiell, James, Ferguson, Staples, Naylor, Dý_evitt and Cryderman. The debate wasý closed by a râsolution moved by Couns. Tre-bilcock and James that the time for re;ceiving reports on valuation be exteaded tothe Jànuary session, reports tobesent in under the seal of the municipahity. THuRSDAY ATRON Council met at 2 o'clock. W,"ýarden ln the, chair. Coun Ferguson report -ed Pigeon Riy.. er Bridge in good repair. Coun Mulholland reportedt from Fin- ance Commîttee. Recomrrîded 8$25 eaeh te Farmers' Institutes; 81Q0 for Prisoners' Aid Society, and reL-ornmeud- ing the appointment of a PuPrchasing Agent for ail supplies of gaol, no)t cov- ered by contract-carried. Coun Leith reported fromq ,load and Bridge Committee that a nlew Iron bridge bad been built over Douglas Greek, between Cavan and NrhMon- aghan at a total cost of 81522. On motion Sheriff Proctor was beard. In answer to a question from the Warden he saîd lie had endeav.à,,ored, as far as he could, to keep dw the ex- penditures of the gaol. lie believed the Couuty Property Commnittee rega- lated the supplies; the jailj. surgeon regulaled the diet, -ie was willing to have prison labor eioyed about the gaol. l'here wvere lwo lase of pris- oners. He regulaled the regular pris- 1 oners, the indigent part was reguLlated1 by_£ae doctor,_and_îhey Lai1. na well ten years, R1e would be satisfled to 'Royal receptions, and bas interviewedi ELECTORS 0F DARINGTON. assume one-haif if Bowmanville assumes'goverumenîs, judges and other digni- -- the other half, taries as Warden in a manner neyer LDE N Coun James said at that time thev equaled before, and ne leaves the chair LDE N ETMSIrsetul were unfortunate in the loss of their surrounded by a halo of honor and gîory solicit your vote and ifuneforCo- bridges, and tbis was one of them. ,11e wbich is but faintly redected by our- cillor, leavîng.ý you tojde of mny fltness thought the Counties would assume the selves. We apprecis te and thank hlm from ny sevn years' service, l-ing cost in accordance witb the agreement for bis kindness and hospitality and yef ccecPexr'ý l-osu entered into at the time it was buit as trust his recollections of our inter-coni se rigid economy in rthe cxpe)nditur e of you-r Coun Carlaw had acknowledged. The in this vear 190i 111î remain one of themny optil ihteprogress of wording of the agreement reallv anlici- many pleasant memories of his life, the Township, as in the past. pated the future maintenance by the A comlimentary resolution of tbanks Repcful ours, Counties. to Warden Uîckard was passed by a RICHARD .1)FO)STER. The Solicitor's opinion lu this matter standing vote and ail sang - For He's a LADIES AND GENTIEMA- a rn n-f~ of the bridge was read Hie suggested Jolly Good FeIlow", A similiarreso- didate for Councillor a1nd respi.eclftilly that each municipality should bear one. luti',n was passed to the Clerk The solicil your vote and ifune haîf the expense of maintenance. 11 Warden and Clerk returnect thanks in RC.PSOI Coun Trebilcock said he asked noth_ happy speeches. *'God Save the King" En11.d Dec. 31 ing more for bis constituency than lie heartily sunz and three cheers for would for anv other the King, the Warden, and the Cierk LADIES AND GENLEEN I'oii Movd y oun Teblcok ndwere given with a will, and the 'Council. your vote and influence in m behiaif for Move by ounsTreblcoc andot 1901 was adjourned 10 meet the rthird Councillor for i902. Wishing' you ail a James that Ibis CouneiI assume one 9ekl aur,10'HpyNwYa hait the.- 1-o1 them-i.- VI ! n Barber's bridge in the towu of Buowman. ville, the agre*ement between the town of Bowmanviiie and the United Counties that the said town of Bowmanvillo, keep said brid-e in "epair for 10 % ears dating from Au0. 1891. ho-ving expired. Lost on division: Yeas-l3aker, Carlaw, Cow&n, Cryderman, l)evitt, Doxnaldson, Jarmes, Masterson, .Staples and Treb- ilcocli; Nays-Fisher, Fer--uson. Leilli, Macklam, Miller, Mitchell, McDonald, Mulhiollandý,NaylorThomupsonTweedle and Walkýer, Moved b y Couns Thompson a n d Walker that the communication from4 the Clerk cf SeY mour Township lu relation 10 the Thompson bridge be considered six monîlis hence. Carried on diviionu: Yeas-Baker, Cowan, Devitt, Fe(rgusoni, Leilli, Macklam. Miller, Mitchell, Staples, Thomïpson, Tweedle and Walker : Nays-Carlaw,t Cryderman, JJonaldson, Fisher, James,i Masterson, McDonald, Mulholland,i Naylor and Trebilcick.1 Connties' Solicitor.T-Tllnd wP s WEDDING BELLSt. SLEEMAN-CLARKE. Ou the eveniuoe of Wedoesday, Dec, 18th, a quiet, but pretix' wedding took place at the 'residence -of Mrs. E.ý Slee- man, Wesleyville, wben Miss Louise N. Sleeman was united in marriage te Mr. Frank A. Clarke, photographer, Port Hop)e The bride eutered the parlor, leaning on the arrn of ber uncle. The ceremouv was performed by R. L. Edwards, Welcome. The bride looked very beautiful in a gown of bine and white silk, lace and pearl trimming. After congratulations and the serving of supper iu the spacious drawiug-roorn whexe a most enjoyable lime was suent, the happy couple were escorted to their new home on Wallon street, PortHoue, where we wish them a long andl pros- perous lite. Thev received marny baud- some ureSents. LADIES ANI) GEYTLE-ME'-A ainIaa candidate for Counicillor, adwilhonoI(r your confidecue by faillifui licnd coon- ical service, if fax ored agiby youri votes. Yours res!ctfullvY0y11rs, Hampton DeC31, ROBERT BEITII, EX M.l P- WArELL MERITED TRIBU' FTi)TO OUa FORMER MEMGER, Last week TEE-î STATESMAN said tjhat horsemen alow that M ýr. uo)bI. Be3ith, M. P., is onie of, the- besi judges of Clvdsdal horesinCanaa. ern is a testirniony frorn the 01e a orres,,Pon- dent (oftihe ÏT.ronto Dail .S'ar which sosthant liect.n judge ýýa hrefor rnilitary îurposeq ")o. RtTusys Y ours trully, 1 Côurtice, Dec. 31,

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