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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1902, p. 3

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~OTL LVDCOMMEXrNPS ~nay ffre aP-iîze 0fS20,000 for- ~~h4l4st utoibie or uilitary use IV!i fCh olîb rdueand tluw manfacures o moor eeleis bent V'il the v irinventive aniyimeehanical' ~nergis towrd seuringthe rward. Now th lu rtih arOffice bas ofier- ed, xogohr iucmts a prize 0f$SOOOforia ot1rCar Forý tertin peclie qulites.The termsr of 1this i .1îithcipeii presecribe exlctythaithe ic achine must bel capable not m£- y of carrying a few pers-Mnu ut greaý ~r~dovor smooth blghways, but also ~driawing beavy loads at a moderate4e of specd eover ordinary co-ntry roads. Ti ,e prize nr.incd will bc aiçarded for a mnotor which Ehll~ weîgh net more than ,thirýtoen ti ,and shall te able to d1raw a burden of tivnty-iie tons 01n a maximum grade of one in cighte,-en. It must maintain a speed o!f riom three to five miles an hour adtravcI forty miles without stop- pinig for supplies. If, uiider . thesc codiiosthe machine is abl e te go moüre than forty miles, a bonus of .,50 .ilbe alowed for cadi mile it çaatraelbr-cond that distance. tb~ttic necine haHbe able to not moret,in two feet dcop. 'iný jug'gof tie respective mierits ofi deristood to speak for several, influen- tial members oi the Salisbury Gov- crnment, wvarmly advocates a cordial udrstandjng betwýieon England and Iisî,and to tint end is willhing ta s'ee large concessions miade ta the Czar and aise tehils Frençh aily. The London Timses, in a leading, arti cle scuts disposed te favor tic sassme c:hange af ront, peiigtie con- c maon ede to 1-tuia dýLO 11-t in1- vludie a naval tattn onthe Per- sinGui!. Suci Fronci pa'-pers as ihe flebats and the Matin redoive tic overturo in a friendly spirit, and ex- press tic opinion thînt, under crtain conditions, cie suggcsted understaîîd- iîg %vould bu entirely practicable. Naturally, tic German papers arc, not pleascd at the piroposal, for it'is obxlous tint England's anîhiesion to tic fluiai Xlliance would ups-et tic balance o! power in E ur<îpe. V. c scnrcely necd point out hew tîtucli Iussia would have te gain rom a combination with E nglanti, even thougi tic latter power shoul lersist in prohibiting the construo- tien of a seconid Fort Arthur on the Pi-SianaGulf. The Czar coulti only donie a fortificti barber'on tie son- cast of Soutiora Forum fou, tic sake of its stratcgid position on tic fiank of tie Suez route te- india. Suci 'an acquînîitjiîtnouhlc bu useIess te him ffton the moment ho siould have 1 ttado up luIind de[ýîiitciy to fore- I o ain asntupoxe tic nge nd land ibas it in hbcr powcr te) render, hlm iiinestimabl" e sr'lices iMtic ýMcd-l j lArninen-nd- iiiitua ti Fccilîc eo xc,~ loti m o c1 F. liogers, 1 she han Ionged for a genuine live doll other rap was lieard, Tbey al Î,' roni Santa C and ba o hre it is started and wondered who- h couldà KF u*re enough. fReaching home at an bo, for tîey were usually a quiet ,!:J'J SI FORHER SA * J:y walsaïely and:sound: :Zte group.Eth: o:tebo: ly sleeping, tiianks te the kindly openînig tie door, -Did some voice Stenderly dîsrobed, led and hushei teofo a lonlg-lotit friend risc before her *slumber in tie loving arms of bis spiritual vision? (iouid it be? Vos, .A cure thau, cures Conerimption and îts many kindred à ORIP ee V ELIEE.WATS ~ new-found mnother, it anust be ie l ong-lotit soldier!, No mnents is now within the reach Of every sufferer. PUL-MO LS e e WC will pats cver J;oy's unbounided sp)irit, but a verîtaýibie substance. wa pertecbuu te iu r ay yeare of etudy and experiment 1ing * ** ~deligit on that baoppy, ChristMa' ;Esther!I Guarçi 1'Butl wbo can de- inoring, and rerestraint that hîadl lb4 w e f4"cL -o!rIcl,,appari tin on by a wellîenou Geman cienind bis effected MOrTORLL Roger Paxton Lidbeen dead a to 1eo imposed t edtlier Puîîigis fi1 anler? "ahrh'c o or- cures thiin any ohrpeprtoL hc as behen offere .d yeair, and 1the i,01,ie bueeyd lip o theiccoverings Ol ie baby ace ndgve-c,,lm"u;an myby! L h ulc U.~O iiesmwa T QeiaiCan aae a grlhe adcaiedwiî us gad-.hugging hîm too ight'Lyly eery îin- 'Y by ieoi oin~t o-bas beein ni ýcuring thjocusande cfcases, nd w'Ue haverc onNNII aIy rwigacunone e niugstant. ofic day ,and 1ýàpass 03on oa-g(J"fomteoIerUBttI sfl aytetunasadkidylteswritten ust, iiîc's uinevi en pans'alone, alone lave ohe hristi~sd~ ea rn i tell us, how dan it lio you are yet ior tie baby girl wio had properly tier liteGuard .Ioiiglass had first nlive, and why are >ou liere?" rt-lpol h aebe eundV efc elh 1WTSET bee cnledJo, fr jy ic as n~entered Esther's homo. t would taie too long to enter in- , UL-MO le the, only absoînte cure where there le ÇonsunTpton Tioa deed to tic leaely motbcr's boni t. te the LlcL4ils o! tjiat. cad story of n ugtoblCuhC Lda a Grippe, Bronchitis, ffigit Sweatg, .Bright and cherry wns Estier Pax- More tian onîce during that time gory struggle, of a wound se nigi n ugtobeCuhiCls ton, net 1w ith fat annaoyiug ready- she iad feit a throbbing nnxiety as îînto deati thnt he was reported Chilis, Foyers, o r any other symptome Which maY indilcate a tendency, mande cieorlulness tint 15 eltiraes to how sic siould manage with a lit- dead indeed, of thoeslow and painfual twr OSMto.PIM a uetosneo aew hbi More repelant than cold indifierence, tIle ese very depSndent, and ruany eungto'lfadlirlngbntetebypscaswîht Ecs, but posessed f thatwholesme wer, lierspecultionths to thii-conh ebar tic news of hus and finally pronounced by thent as hopelees. goodness of neart which over seis turc, but as 'for regr et, sic felt. jfsdat.Srneitnonc- P-O ad ioe-hese!ayohe to ut hebrihf,,e*,interpretatiolinoo, for the hiligcriticisms- ofi tien 0f ilse-te seofan Oh to Iut ic rigteo cxiîenc f1 ods nd aqunntnice si ie n ofthsbaby boy hmd reached on the darkgst phasso! loîîg ana drearyand cintervace medicine das an assistant is flot necessary. Eat ,Sorrow hirni but gvelierinat ind ct a it oi fscee inbe edensswtial1ubrig tegi ffapl t i se czt o!since then, wlièn ho iad bcgged to ho good plain nourishiog food, get plentY of fresliA -illwdne oai n fc; n-ai and out-door exorcise, and use PUL-MO as tonhmcli-oos byilitenuof i nd ci y doncit un, "o she lias ytoulhve wirenwIlfom lsbroen hoe directed. tbat is al-Nature wili de the rest., tonmcci ~husd trnto! ynîîahy doc i uno tc lniS -toug vc,~and unrclenting fatier. But a softer ilesolute as sic was loving, tuis ion in eli tie groat city meritcd tintsirtadnutrlotngfti suobu-ydwmudctrrned dCl5O nmore titan sic, if al thc year% uceyi wihhsnnge rmk to make an honorable living by the 1privations tand 'self dnials were blîeyLn ii o inle4fon tade known, Tihe baileladina day to day stole over hinm as Christ,- fruits of iirpon, foi Roger Paxton, I mas tide drew near, nid ho had asIc- beond adleax ing hus wiie and baby & miarvel of good nturc 1er ticre are <dadotand1v o on oe shrnder coptoc ad dIcd a pc'ir erpiis vnî aie.A hit- om to is fatier! Not finding otan, grieving in lis ioart of bearte nmas drew near Estier put itito p ui irehrmafersmedflcl fiat lus life thrcad lied abrptly ila idea sic 'dlong formuiated t ascertainedis fathe's errati i no snappcd hi fore tic fuhfillhînt otfis in itîr ti ongltfîil ninri. lIt's te ltyaî righn mrýy boy,.ai 11t~ i.icnToronto and boilowed. hlm as quickly 77c,,know positiveiy tati do'C ail tve ciNM ~ ~ ntîyurîin a atisyftbal, d 'l te year 1 gone yeetiit o ar butil, Ca-ad in teyeagrnacnnl astàm Agi hectd cxi cod some nd to demonstrate our lin icit fai h iii hc Lta i mc t heudr ayinanieii -ai ohd xr!jei- antiluew ~p~ct, ,owldct'1 ý'.r nd. Iwme delaYl1.&î,,,trough mistakig iti,-, et Ofao!PULMO. we wil giadly maila ho<Lugreh oncm sampe tie freeofchiarge, d.1i rect te your peet a ic no ms nmtinLerin oyi hiandsomne, but ilntl fieaies eneyaae.iapatent mi.GlaMTo and iog sitnvrwaveîcrev nte mnof ]uaertbn maiti ndes ftcoft o- n tb e or box; btias w ave gn e o- clou~~~~in tinna naeue orrni(Ijforobict nis'v'-ice tien î,o r>4i-(l.iý nanst poor Ma*a-. i wundcc îah toc) stondt(fastly on the face of one sdrbeepnel rrn hs aln ciely ha o r annorOt a nli-nîcan- poxv it is tint disnppointîncnt.dan "ýo voung tubesýfor theedonvenience of our ptrons, We aSk iugbutnori~.iuase p~bIiher Ltlitkopoole e btte. Bt i u T heicform cf dInner 'wos ovr t yotendlOcentstocoterthecostofmaling nas s e! i r ocihic - ealiz thatj i __ e. peopleieslititteraBut4-oîtntt bimse tO or 'F., Rogers,

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