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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1902, p. 6

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t te o ut an talmh at worlwant lueids iard bauords, moe brn ect i e ee, meOHE F RM sliepheIL >5 a poeheLimeintelselectheee lan TT- x il, te wtdla oes in prîngwheu he bet eue hallant famers poieant!lut i- 'CTbe sd padîreal h "Ant Lhy cae w h bte nti o-dy te ebltiis t deîde il he m dethe tiîî. seeti, but they hul tho kept i Litti Live1lin-,lyig1tu mailrer. eAn a caiedv shtters ci anil e- a ,tle wotlds lton or dest'ru'f iadchilti utterkrn apt te bc*'Mothern aL Tebr n ni we tr of apee, antite riden, OIne, aionrds ail1 anti the olti man in bis dyng titeam thcir vitality by sprcating. A i-- MuetBearsigatur 01 Sonne cf thse best tnigerq of a teorîti earth anti ail leaven, cails: "Mother! Mther- Lt matters dVin Poftate o mr mtisandhasl- Muet Bear Sign thy aulsine sood terc and,, Tltnet ivbether she 'oas brougbt Up l n in ptt mrvmu nicl wcete i toi n, BLIOLD R U I tesirotdng fcit and inm aiturc luniEurope by M. Fischer. shows puttiag back the tirapsry of clouti tfice sothat * inbi ile gtis u'eîtig iythiat 'sonne' very important points chne eaeaihiautlai hsec sd.ooresin tî Bbe ig fluent home anti was tiresseti tifîio- bave beca deterînint<i iii the trials ~chaneti afpeace antheuntil alusdneei etreis ec.Wb1 e cPriately 'oithi reterencet te tise de- eches f hli ad ally aplatie h ie thi-ce Wise' men kreeling bere mands of modern lii e or whether site that arc entîmerated. It iras foulici, 00 anti encereti the, ballelaiah cherus. theDvnInat Eetbesnt oc heldiu a)adgrt hatvariations in the developmeont Sm Pac-Simllo Wropper Bdow. Ceme, let ns go into that Christmas ithe Diine ifat lobount. sa, 3Ih sarr1orn e Utcolti timdap ýanoftir o f "vines anti tubers were readily in- Sscene as theugh we hati neyer belote inoeiorse, mbut Caspar, ail taar!oimi sectacdlsni a pten. scf wilieriteti andtt ransrnitte{.l. t'as T.i'y ema n ea s e eaworsbippeti at the tmanger. er is vatu becionn hey wtet,'ailthate' ao nikîtyorsoswt ounti aisethat fiat tubers wouid aMadonna wortîî îoeling at. 1ia elekca. ' e vr t lier own neetile seateti by the br3'lproduce tliO$se of a sinsilar kiati, wliile leetetaxe haeshenict fequnt saac Newtons anti Ilerebele ant i frcpîacn wiîh getbclgal ~ FOR!IEAACWL naine inail lands andi in ail Chtis-_- i"raiv- tei ul.Th'a-on a winter nigbt. Il îal.iPrs Dotvraion nti s 'ocred ---e a-u to b GA~'L FO!tDIZZIE~L tin conuriesi~ Mary. Andi Ilere are lîemy We.nthse foereaair cfOr su- liovW mont-wrînlcles-crossetiankl ri- - iail erdrt. Aan -c îlme ebetmistry, their astrology the crosseti ber face or bew nîuch bier tieasbeeittUn o110c- Marys in palaces anti Murys suneuab- oci'crasevledntteyt FOR s, ntithogisGei-naaantiFrechof our asagnicent astroiiomy shoulders steci cd witb the burdens iwere transmittecvi. 'landos hving a I ER FR OPI IVR. atiIaîa at Sans ac Rgisxanti wben 1. sec ltese scientiste bow- cf a long lite. If you paintetieetasnte. hs aii i FOR'~NTIAT1N, proncunce iL dlïiently, tbey are ail igb-ostebatflbb e a Madonina, biers woculti be the face.audnec trbwoict te FOR ALLO SKI, naesaks cithe on bmw it ieprophecy of the lime 'bnai1Va agni Iat as ai hnioSsssctl oitiis quality to a sîmi- FOR HE CMPLEION on a bcd cf straw, withb ler paie the telescopes anti microscopes, anti us wcrc sielk andi ivat a veice te l1 r r niiet eshlîe G~rsifs~e~ ~faceo against the soIt face of Christ ail theLye ae n i h lc-soh h an ni'as theile n. nythseetncficd tok orL , = is agb f henaivty i-theitrie batteries and aahlheidth'tva- ne 'oh coofi se liisuocakrfori tie inetpit ae ngt f tr nicto Anatreniatieuitesit'issa- 'îpîm Who ciea ci Lise-12ment desir-abi1. toriés, and ail tpeae anti purity ani;liglt? AntiP ;atolai 1u eebI CURE ~i~ ~ c,.- t peetMi- nileclianerF boi to0JeSo. t il;macthatînyilitasuiaytsaaIs oenj9tlcîs. Aumeisnîwuis mati N-C LI tprîseidnt a] e! kthaInetfmn ied. Whr eltlolg ta an oeatier ,coudityt v,!ý i reet n cîînîlîurgouiclitoeta r ofsua ae lrîicpryrstuhnt om ler ands iheefoee sonkl nit erl d hsî. a-bxin i hlaîgs iio aeC,ýj eaekc, motter, in lieUhrist- long ant i rounid. Lt 'ivkfos rthtis ZDM. L. rPQTT]nt. phicii ahthîietdpotsrentomconerpicc Cetý' cidgeiUifa. livigmesbilhandcouse i liteconstt(5M lkintîvilc ~iC hlrataom -'-*Onlîtig tue naines cf üktisAsli Clilliliile adoration of the i. .or.ýoggiolest ;* aet ni n e rîrnY<' Yyasriicsgvesvalue te icpoiato as a_ D.W .MAC A, îeed tu odo no more titan his Ma- tiotti asîseing Siens Christia nîme gocesedatiopera thandîtileeiniot.F4 rinetgtos so DIt-W.F MARA he lke ame Y.SiiosonandRus 1 lic saime place itlere yen useti- te sturch zone ilathie petato Jli' ex IÇauitlii's citi cllees, Neweate, Ont. 31j. I "fiadonna of the 1lIly,"' by Leonarclo ant i ltine Mott andi Abercis extbie ipray ati look upea us, as iof Oldteh the outside cf tise tuber, telinner du Vinci, 'oi kintile the admiration anti Abermiethy? il lie have been ulsait oostt s ci hit f 6VàuT7 u ail athe gaileries of eut gr eàrLessci en mes- T oll5ph~neo ap oeya u o nhscnttet om u £jIIS: hserueiosgteniiPAINTING IDi-esten arc forgotten winen i think lHeaîy, 'Who liveti anitisediti 1 nuL orev.ltipyne ho fur te eut yo!u this cottusent. li ci aoa hti.Wee CV1 fli ad cilia. Sheldîhig a-1 of tie smnall ri-co f that gaîîc-y fiti ofth11e gospels, andtiAgassiz, bcs en iaitrulssnuhbfr iatsae lîrdutheoni0fstaîci.Ona ~sî iig ios liur. iIî<tii 5iili, tiricontainming thc "Sistisie Madonna." Wo, standing iitis lite stuticots aelîic-- mnex -iîcegri whîle you ulc îtt e'a enitstts ____________________YuL il] cf Vient, aîrccopies cf S t. ameng tachLIS teck off 1118 Lat were hcî-c. 'arry by the throae, ilong,, round tuners ivese more pro- DR. ,i. C. MITCHELL, Mttboî's Maclonna anti Luke's Ma- lanti said, "Young gentlemten, belote suotiser,1iii ou jui ycu heî-e, ycîsour .TI 11-rue u apcset r D R-, -C. % 1T H , LL, donna, te inspireti Matit na of tie'Itc Sit'dy tiose rocks let us pî-ay1ni.Tedfrnc aexesdil I}MuIEPIOiîCOL,:C(EOWP UYSICIANS odbook whbhlvei pt!rtec or Wiýd h Cd bthepra',ers ail (aastereti, àantin te eter- jmtia tay. tisai If the yielt of vines cîti pu LO ne bcastcteati f cor eti t lsahanti tuters frein hiefiat, roundîtipe- ucS î-eosiisroo-nees LIandse in ire 'ocre infants andtihticrocks." Ail geelogy wiil >t t ogaîn ilecp Christmas )uîi _te- latos bo Lakeit as 100 lte e vighL ci __________ ~~tîlat ire hope to have under Our bote beioe the Býock of Ages. Ail gecisor. But ai cals front yourtevisfritselnoutitbr - ,E MLAUGI-lLIN, hai cay 'liyc vrsi a oetirocs, ailyou glorifiedtiuchers, J iulti be 142 andîtihtc ieiglît cothtIs 13arriFter, Sol icitot- ad Ce.nrevaer. OMfce- oINWE 1E f Sîsron Ail astrcncuîy t'ili yst >anti say teo althese, ycur sens anti jtubers 2161. ictinueti experirments M of ey lan l it g fnalertîe. 1 1 ti eoii nLs istpae ito rcgietesare eiee. i[tugîîîers, wortis cf love, 'oriti f soi-vs but te mois clcsely eitablish Motey*0cmaitesoabe ai!, 415yr, -tic first nigisî of Cbist's li e Cod Beolti aisein tai first (Christmas îvarning, ieds ofcf leer. They needtihese resîsîts. Sonie expclimnents bonoredtheticbrute-creutien. Von ea--n.iig-lt tisaI Ced hioîd te fields. veut týoîce, for thcy Lave traveliet i 'e îe s latin laplantîng large Pc- ]ROBERiT YOUNG, V.OS. net gel into' -tint Bethlehsemnl'Ome 111, abophutti boys, tu Betht' - .i n ihnayalcrbekiaoswoeadcti a si ()lrF I N WEST DURIIArl NEWS barnirithout gciîîg past tise cantels ani he m- - uanntisecithenîany a "Nou"tbtoukiatous iloetniai cntain isaîves in 0 lock ee îelilmself or b1 i asitant wii thc mules, tisetiogs, tisoxnTe scaca. 'aei'i-ie sîncgud do el yenCiftrsi, n ti eiihof icmpario iini tl instatces. Tise #te ouidfrumasma. ln. tua it mNîglit sais ai brutes of tint stable hourd Lie first encugis te conne ilu. . "i 0, Jyon lae etcvaiy fcri ar3ptte9aal istie a te .iei t'-.dui&iîly cpi tuetheîit :,ied.o<isili . Jaa inet-eisaeo yîeltiover putn or lsîbou wiî îcsie< asaIci-y cf tic infant Lord. Sonie cf tise Jlre, cotas in." Sure eunougis, the JIlaîl, entbroneti ,anctry! Ne arce ml îhr ni rîi i eio 1 ru, cîtipainters 1epresetit tise cac and titsors andtihle night tieuanti tise 1 ocîîsîg! Keep a place right b isticLie seti ,js a alowed ti tenter into caîiels kneciing tint nigist befere the'branthbles have natis rougi irnsyen, ut the banquet! tic expsriincist, tlie large potaLces me- D ABIIIAflE ICENýSES,-M, A. neir,ýbora babe. Anti 'eil migit thcs J iils teir apparel, but fojei.r l.'k, sýer e"tc5Merisge iesimie.s, kieel ! have you evel' tiengit- that 'better riglî to10cutietn. 1'isy ,vere-sitnuaio nifleag'whl ~ekildece C ('t r 8ti-set, Christ camne, amcng ochutthings, tl o i Lit Le heur ite ususice ofLiaI R NGBABI_17. esuailtaes. n ginsdees nt qit alleviate the suffrings. cf Lie brute 'Chrîistmias nîghti Tise irai an- sil ues hsde o ut ~iMPSON & DLALR.creatien 7 Wias iL net appropi ianomncensent of fa.Savior's birîli ias -arewih ts erlpaîo i'. i PIMi'ONQ CCiIA. P. LAIRtint ti iltîiiti, urin hie lrstfoiesautee0 toseof aan Lisfant is TNaCrycfrae'nfnt IsNatue'sfavtorableavorailo oit ads cttîn Perjci. olcîe.NI)stat, eMso ys anti nigits cf bis 111e on urtis, Titere wi"e secacres tisat igit in Signal of Bistress. thb caquesptioc th e ost c sert e lisu S SiOKi gS et.isnaî~itisbc surroundeti by tise dunlibeaste, lBethileemanti Jerusalini snorshi Bbisucincyneea hth1 cnes qiestîcimnofthpot nceeas ibc- to, i is fortile Ok(tilo Banek. IPrateBbe evrcyules-hr Bcne fsuhiprac slti 1X14,t Fiîeaî.eci atloietaesi isîs osc moan andtiplaint anti Lelici- e-tepp eeen, anti tamre 'ocsalarictiacîe eîy geod reason for i, 'Tie lkl elca iepatn Ie ing have for ages heen a praver 10 elicers of goverrameat trio, isearîng cye .Lu elasr' tlus w F ui~'r~uGot fer tie arrssîeTing cf tbclî 1cr- cf iL afhci-watd, ray have thîtuglit 5tgii tIl ise s 1soînothiiag rong. ATIII rESLICTOIN)TRYtures andtihLe rigîîting of tîcir tint îîey 'ongîltouhave hllitc st mîsîougiit 10 gel te ieork DAIRY KND STOCK. puI'blie Coivi-rai ou. Moîey. Private aliuoog e tsnil altefri oe sc i-ete î,ilisîmdiatetky te îîtd eut vvhat tlîut .lever feet dusty Lsay. rra,. aau iiv'u Ls ,üd t iw esti ee aiCentuis ot a bis-d'e ucat, net a acnîe ünu isnountîng -ont a Swifit ao11ietmng îrong muy lbc. Lt tise 'ilie bei. e e are ixays tsen-e Leftoîlîsr'ooruerse e n tte putil, ,o amîel nutLiseur dormi:anti knoetsnliri iulîscasl, tatt irritation ai-c net x-y ceders. Tiensi Renis iioniaîslls. l SuS bor frezin b Lc poriy built till ut sote seisinel's question, J auscî by cxi cricî,soucrcs, 1ht iscon- Ct i~t i ls oi utù coieenoei a reilstcarin1om .r "l-b COMIES 'J'IERE'?" clusîts ev16iences tiat.thecrsying baby ciettn ushsa keesi reilsi ansti ate te- il g,:dmou n- ithout teter lhrough a t1icusandti he great une of 1the palace.might l i. '11 nysueat jdcossut.Ttnt fecr vs ianaalo i 5PC0 0 0 0 Ii'; 2t mn-Lime rite, iingesLii 1 t,'u eLe nilesiof a4have been bld of te e eE ial aurne- tiiflgt1c d e ils 10 adixiiii 5istr Baby's the f um , rac m ti er %uhat» g , 16 4. hi{ÀuilxoeîîhoîavleoLrwitnessing tise shrnggles cf fox ,i- ai. No, IlIcse iephetti aerdtheticiret i OteaTabiots wiit thlicsigisteat saute rutien. - Stutiy tisenanis riabbil or pigeon qi' deg in Lie ber- tiro bars of thiemasc, thic lîst la teilay. cadi anti ied acccïdiagly. Irrs of vivisection hiut ha au Inter- lic major key, andtihiclasî lu tise For indigestion, sleepiessimess, LiseJ Une lamîsb wnuihi tîsui;- Itim es tise rost in ihfctuelint Christ 'oea borti subtinet mineir, 'Closy te Lied in r rritation accînpnnyîng te outting gJ-ein on a gisea amnt oflfcd Lisais D S.811c,[, HUMt I8inta aHstable snrroînd byibrutes, -Lie ighsaati on curtis pendce, godi cf teetis, tiarrîseca, constipation, mii tise mature sisceî; isencesmacit Saldm tien, as 1 imagine noie:[ wili teniienl!"- Ai, yes, the ficlds colle, anti simple levers, tiesermar- thec moat econcrnscai Licabprotucer. -- Jinîint Crist en tic one side antiflb'is Te oit sîepîsesus 'oih pia-itianti liof ia tImouants cf tassaanti s-uei lreqtiires nmcci bîce odteep a 1t1Ôo t iaP t o n the flrs p iý n iCi-otbaefrtî me atv n isnv prio7S baby lives. Dc îotCoi litai vatintîla a large utider; Mota o eci mnts.atti-ee2n c oher, 1 cry ' "Look out isoiryîuilîtbu chv1gaitge-crr îea ebilti sc-calli "oehng iore thali gets enLe axýti Ilrougli it ,-eoniilae aibuta',,htave utaNeng on us W'etrieeday fren 2 trskcterowis-iito thriotcI,.r-e 's Asierie-unP pasture fieldis aneti sedicines; sncb caly sniy-sdPro- if th.e ieuhri oltiandtiiccr sit; tXunC ht uret itfrot lrarieeltut41,0OOÙ0sltsp cni int inna,,tiral sleep. -bahY's titra lying on Li ite danîp greuna. Keep tlrucn-TîneraceSt., Bw Va int îîeeding mnioti; rusac'tu isat nil îiîeir iteepers ,oght teu oli Tbusam utnee o,0tt1,i0 Iecivsait mc v ngl e rileuercfIlgguetar'stg toesatitle freim thai laie bau-k ;sso h lghitse syîxat i pau ocier lirmnf'iirugs; tlOy colt. ____-" - ot ,for fun tint bird that te tocthiese unio Loil ilaheLie ldit, aiï,vne lreisete scunti, saltiy sleep li- People taik uabout tîe beneflîs cf a. sz-ail foir foodti f rget not teuo- irsetu h ecVrtih I U!s- cause they go dtreetly te tise cooL of 'ote me is cg 0 LaIcaaiyp ut tten. teocar iatsilhist sbb ruia laevtl ttrchange ila Lisee tys, andit ilIs a intfý C1ge of Imat calisy e tablots ot anl bu' glinaotie goditea. IL ie a goot deaontogive tiei otsetecieba Le thore 11,11 bt al p ant tcn'a tee-thelieaimials a cisasgi' Lhiey 'oanI a al oriGoaiia', ' ucie uel 11t iili 'oork'Wondess cîe n'hmec; rea tsmtranl-o-ngti fsiis Zay al is ma-I ui1r Qc . 5x5i btenoerilyen ha aninmal mrdaeoftic h i oleoc oi g oeom r .tt inse, frîeru nt ierttme s thînt enet doing Weil i ty a change. VILLZDAI elyatigosopr itcnt iii! Utc ii. lie pi-tîsuitientia' i mat- i2oC. révil,'n.woti fhi cuain.S l ti.t itorbn, fcr oi isIi 3tîa arilianLn à nitc-tc n ecp pis(h et - cf iseskyun maiung layeîr liîn lie fott. Mrti Luhie ficm eciy eýlser maun, no natter vitial his In our thfieds. Yi! 11, Luthe frntbusiness lu theî n c i ay bo. Tice files éanti la yomirsehoots Icacis limthe h felIc. Be ","lis 'orlt is 5 SHARXESARE ALL COWARDS itiler andtihtictrifier are like Lie sinm- Ceiting genoruc'ýtion mers' mer-y tisait riittic rhe s g oulro f A s ~ aeeîeciLm e ib cne tn aLcjtg the presenit geîîeratioa bas oorot totet ctesmi av t is J 0gb Thbs is My ict -ne eras si-ciraant i jusIbis murm si.c ' ibluet iefîis te ften niri-aLest Lticrof UIle cesîithucy nient," Lisey ennot standt long iin tic th nw mpormetsar piti cii plePtureocf itic n,,1îv1tVy, îvlîs ,ni . î, larts in reality hue greuteat cewattssIens trial îs'iich tiestositi lias for sbiig LeainfBuier lce aj o e Inem'o aIrrsýitble.o meinc me itt 5 cs affe dt-ng saDtorsc- is - m'illlvn liuii nîîhL pyfr iPL e nîti hte a h o rte eut tof c u g irbeglnss;np uttup useicc' d o-. C hass' de ADETIIGR E. ti i hds iis, i te ci t ro aterlado. Ifelatgtsr iieet u t r.hii Me, t biaie CeIigteOt a inir ner nseffraltiys I my licu olctettio reela gneaigiatiu1 iystragthened my netesan ... icLit edig u i-iisrana-- Wedn~da meningas ie Sine25 imts tc detines f Luepe ILmasand morpn'euh oanIr ite.n inoi end tce Mcote dut ers co-o y inamnbs ae.N Snbs5îp chutakeu a short cuPeve il lth useor mcîne e's e Gr t-asu-iey)"oatenLhvsick mion s bt Cfsnt yol ~d Aneul. NGRATEt eS.t thenfelds la a nuif t l od eFon ho ivisieli tofernt Itba D, n m dt f y fbete totI'cuh br lea s ng ai atn e ba rising ten cnts per me. wrtt itseu't s Dr. ('lm re Neto Fo nd. acntsad reTiS ýAVAs, ln sc eS cqMaeNt igý, 1?.nduil e.they td haeiet t ari orCttu. J -siltova as latatsl eneror auIprssanc yurick atihes dtertley'yotili biîu cf trac reay o auePfte te0ee2J".' the aig utnt cf Hrr.î,ug. et -xi 1 jt1 s& ,Toat. 'tktganu e es u?'lik ent i al ldor il 'v ïï 'o~ Asthmaulene Brings Iistanit Relief and PraetCuire Iï AI Cases,, SENT À'BSOLUTEL Y IFE ON RECEIPT 0F17w TA1 ~ cases. k UreS W'hen il el4e fla 111-, ts: ý'Ye-ur trial bott t0 b4Astusmus te-Il how thankfntil I feel for thn ogei-1 rIveti fron it. I1'oas a slave-c els4A dwlti putrid sore throut and Asthe :ifr teà i ars. I deeçiatreo f eveur bei ng ecured. m air youî' adverti-nent for l tte ef Ihis dreadtiîl anti t orent e in lseame5 .Asthnia, anti thuugit ynu hati o% erpikeÉý y ourgelves, but. ,i r-eselvest te gl 'e i t iali 'ro:oy aBteiuish menstisthetrîýil tuiioa citarus. Send mie a fuit sixe od' I >abm of tile Cng rBai ."0 Du. TAPr lInoýs 'uni o À Gentlemen: Your AsihnLmanqe a an collent remetin for Abthcm ni ttsy Ieret andi ils coînqîOSition iicilaie ,airf'iUihez ,s1asi1niWihiig ant ivwsierfui. Aferiamisg it erulyalsd5WEt 11EV. D&. MOR RIS WEC.OF1~IE fln, Trr Duo. MEeirm uCo. Getfleroi'îî: 1 write Mus test!moiiial, freni a ssIS6 fel uty. hfiVni tsei Lh wonuborful sfic--t of touir A'llîuaiern.for tise cure ci sthnîe My otev eha,, affiicio' d ih. paeumotitoa>tiraafuir tis apesî12 3ears 11vin exhu'.e e-mu Fkili aq wvIll asm imiuy oiiors Ie-iwute hoses tour siga pt tu'mrnar cummrnecet mkinr it about tis, tirsi of Noeiaher. h vert snonu iceu ea 1'ucat bmîreumeît. After usiig onue boitte bei-Asthme bas tisappeared tm aîîli-ie iqî eiîir'l Iesfrom ail sýaiptmnnS. 1 ]tsiIus 1 h cri coniisteutiy rcîîeîei tt aietilintue Lal w1se are afPliiteti bs hL4 itre-ssg d1ese. Yourui îespoctfali-y, O.D PIJELPI, M . D Da. TÂIn Bnos, Maw1P.icE o, 1Il Feb. 5, 19~31. Geutlemen: 1 yta. troubledI wih Asthma for 22 veare. i have tried flumeýe' nuq'ic'm&eries, but thev hav li fsu tsih'd 1Iran Acrus ýour a rien».and4 êzrart'ýd with a trial hottie. 1 foutid n'lle! et once. 1 have since puirecý.ltVeut fui-t izq botte, ilud I am verv grt- fi. I hvefsmilv of four tiluidrnt u'ile pix vears was. unablo te work. 1 amn now in hcst of heaiîb arnd stn doitng buseý ~ ULMs ev ery dav. Thi8 tetzifnony ý out eau tuake use et as î ou s,ýec it IIoine address, 235~ Rivington Street. S. RA PAEF1, 67 East 129th bt., New York City. TRIAL BGTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON REÇEIPT 0F POSTAL. D fnnt delav' Write nt once. addreising Da., TAFT BROS.' MEDItflON CO., 70 East IliQth St , N Y. City. Soid by Ail Druggists. ARE f F. A. WERMNt, QF BLTIIR& AYS: Geaferu . - ueui ctirlvco-e cftefns', tanusteyourt-calmentL, IJw%îiaewgtvcyo a fusil isot- cf nsy c, ,to e '.nied t vi y c tretion. About Éfu v yrsrs a i~'rgit Car begau Ccsing, zad Chie kept on gsitiog'cs, utlIlt I uiidereut a natral'rcatasris, fer thrce ioahs, iithout uny succesetstiit ste lier oif piivîiCiGuis, auîngotisthe meeosict '"i spcciut o f this City. sio olWu ilat CeIy an oocutia ulti t ma ie, nuit even Liat only tesnporasily, that Che beýd ises wouiti I tieu 'w 0a-nd ntssetaccidenialv in a lew VYt-k pape-, anrtee et-I!t .,snts. Aller t1liati-d i oîv est'dass cuirdingto ycemtiltretien, se ui, ec&sru.and Cts'. ,aIlsr -m-er s. tu- h iitatise uuieased car bas Ceea nîutiy 1 1red ILsfk yeuî brarfiiyasot Ceg u iaialu very Cîu! yo0117S. P-. A. itERhIfAb', 73o S.Brawihntso, d 0w>' reaztmnzeiiîtdecs ne! interfèe u îlbyoe, r sLfcupto . ' aniinaticîî and Iumn strice rfe. YdCAM CURE miURSEF AT oE' î INTEUfATIONAL AURAI LINILL%1c A SLL51VE, CHIAC1 ILLPu c t i ng , o t r e t c h i n g o r 1 I o sz o t U n . T o i o o iu tas o b o b ' g g o aise tops ail drains, hthereby uiving the armans ttîeir prepeuutftin Cloni) ' j rsemqent1y vitalizes t 0 parts andresteres lest powers. XnSrctràb sorbe the tàssus, stops sunar ong sensationsro9 m wel ~s.bc 'aCh etc., while in ail prestatla trsubie 't 15 thotreatmentot a isilne positivae eWCtbtouaethod Treatrnsnt w lcureyalo$ýC'yuuoan PAYWîýH-N CUR,7ED un d7yot1 jnU yoare convInced bt atbor3n hAsi on pltec'rebie s et iibe. tmalt. e dtrec roh ie tA> and may li the elncia ving yon years f ulû£ ng I~ aT iiMes eIlaes t.'bte yohi e tanaix i 1jt5 cers À 0 l' arco-x, ocniÙi di 1D"t tand"f'(1he Pcures viae ekted bave ran ,ýked us Lb "xi ~ of tecaito!the csn Ctry. Wo mu ia estronger guarantces forbliie c you Lm h at htyune tbay uethlng utî' cured. OUR LATEST METIIOD TRFATMEýiý-NT GUARPSNTEED T CdR E Varicocse nd litricture wlthout cnttinig, streteb ing or Ics of ime. Also o- "Is n Chroilic, 1rivate Nervallus. lipoteney, Kidney. Liver. ladc.Stouiacb, 1' uew sei4Re 7'irlbles. CONSULTATIONT PTLBI. CalI or wrte for blank fer homo rat~t J(1 F!UtýEi. Heurs, 9.i. . teG p.tu. suudys, 10 arn. te S p. AH mediffines for Cnda ainsSipdfren dor Cna the intelignt dreCtiüou Mi e-nergy te Y Lasrr f atba h the~~~~~~~~ frhric shapxe of the fiower pot, algia ilittle hiffiier and large ('ch A. permannt -Temple of LBeauty- Stand away a smnall Spaeie tt J pi ojerted in raris. it will be aj damtp carthenware. Pusten iL tgc, bulding whce the bundsemest wo ther mwsth mucilage or by ewsg i men ap-plîcarits fro-m a]] countries roAndthe pasteboard a strip ;af mY-, , f will bc paid salaries arid kept on green erepe paper wide e11ougi L constant exhibition, dressediin ap- 1lie out round the lutter edgo likil 1P, l pprteCostuines under the dîrc- mat. The paper snould bttedat~ ti )fe the, most famous artistse It the lower, cdge and again n&4biW is prsme hat the tanks tvjll bave! frera the top). Use nuprew rbbo te ho entantly reeruiiteci, q geod: a twisted strip ef Che jpapc,ýY mariaes undoubtVdlyil-1temtp1 "ebbî "te IcaVe i ad su- ke m diCe andge url, CC5SiOfl. 'I have a horro fpretall- i vn-r .ï Aceedni teThedeah-rte, War- "Ah my dea bo, iiyOt o fi; a'ORTENi I i 1

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