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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1902, p. 7

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1 -,i ill not have to polili it, so labor- e iously or often. Water in which unÎlI f fl **brx las been dissolved le aise UIIII LUII II ~ goei* for-cleaning table oilcloth, re- Il lii ~ FI II I ~I'oving flager marks and other soiled jEU U~lI~I~U ~,spots as if by magic, c;*Th sink shoîuld bo higli eneuigli to -- ~ ailewcne ttan retwhile wash-: as w a ,o sa K, jeTLSTED RECIP-ES. a,%rrangeicenorve11entJy a~iwith a drdgrMM 1,1*wok wl 'i bg1i lue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an eL !wî,LLrLsong as l dat rutgr fhuo okcnb il put tn, the chopped vegtables, antdec ak aisimmer for halÈ an hleur, thon add the cabbage, clioppoti, and the te-ACJDS AT. makeaparloirns tatoes, stewed, aise Lerbs te seasen. A tepiti bath for a child shouldj ae 10 s. seil dcsiretl. Lut the soup bell twenty Ilave a teteperature from 815 te 90 minutes, then strain threugh n siove, degrees F. anti a hot'bath9i - arneeu soae.rubbinig .ail1tue vegetables through. degree, F., which is the normnal gol esr~v~reTake two tablespounts butter anti one ttomperature 0f the insitie of the ýnula ea-aleloe f fleur, and rrub te a create. peji, body. 'Ihis will cause relaxation ln 8hdîyl1?ll1LlLei&fLper anti sait the soup te taste, adti case of convulsion or sweatiflg la one-haîf cup sweet croate, If yeunlim j OO 1 niseoffever.Tho ataer abotadlte it, anti stir ia the b>utter anci fleur. gradually heated ntil the hand of C,>Lot boil up, ati serve o iil fried care being hati alwrays te renteinher 1, 7ý Î'breýAt chips. !the exîr-emo delicacy anti sensitiv e- SaetRie Croquet tes-Wasb a aess of an chilcl's skia. then, stoain iLitnlaonc plat of boiling nions chiltiren andti hoqe thrieateae-d salîti water, or hall milk and wnter with rickets, a sait wataer bath every unti vey sft. t wlUpobaly, lîonin, eiherflo orcoid, accord-- à or minutes. Add while flot laV e le- Propare tbis bath use four ounaces of C H N E O, spoonfuls nf butter, twe tablespoonl- son sait to four gallons of aater. __________________________ fais of stigar, anti the well beatea Let the chilt i ply ln theo aaer a yolks of oae or twe eggs. If tee littho whil", thon rmb the body brisk- dry, w et with a ltb hot milk. WXhon ] with a Turk-ish towel tilI the skia cool, shape inite saalroll,a-oll ilis la a gloxv. rery fine crumbs, dhp in beaten egg, Te mlako a gond inustard bath uise li1aing learned the art of Em- thn ia crainbs agaîn, anti fry la flot two ounces of powdered ulustard te alid Funeal irecin-fat a ight brewa. If you have ne-ver four gallons of waler. This is oxcel- bahilng and uneal Dreeingtrieti white cereleur iinsteat ef!lient as a foot bath anti relieves con- wiîh ' i '. B. . llulheY, the leaýd- crumbs, titis is a geeti dish te 'sîa o h haiadl lo Iîng yrn undertaker,aud baving aill. Serve aith a sweet sauce, anti u5"olul in the first stages of a celti c4th bsh1esa teasPeeniul of jelly on ecdi, on lthe chest. Ia cases of extremo talen ossssin o th buiî~ss Te Cook Cabbage.-The s'endors exhalstion andti Iroateni eliapse a laeynîkaaged by Mfr. R.Ktrs wxho thiik tlhey cannet, ont cool.od chi' d can be immrerseti up te its neck, .cnbbage because lb is bard te digest andt Ib bath will act as a stimulant, aii orer àetruisted toiniy caro will cugi,,t te try it Ihis way :Suire very but wheasxer oe is using a het bath receive, niy pýrcmpt and eî'fui fie, eithcor axth a slaw cutter or fer any reea bthebond should i a- M'0ýSIha)r P le wash as usual, drainiag ways be spongeti with colti wnter. attntin. f il ue f uefu fu'-ail the water off, have a ketîbe or iL taa i vil also be kept 0on haud-, saucepan nearly ful of boiling water. BREAKFAST IHINTS. put la the c tbba-ýge anti bring it to 1 ii yeu must omit enler fruit or the boilit)g point as speeduly as poiý- aea fet te rakas mnu oi sible. Beil h)ri«s1y for 20 mnts ta taking ca-oIbaLthlere lias r D ntivral sreotel 1 J ,,Và ý 1 ý1u-ngh te cove r the cabbage. 1,r nLt s heietwheleum ati tholi RAMTO of ilMthe Iaesait, senlsen te 1hast appet1iz n., ef the cbreafat 1 hteanti atit cran anti butter. Lot reals. It eviieally thickens the7 coin-- _____________________)oii.belllaVeor trominutes anti thon plexion. sev.CooketC7in la tus ianner il is Unlesa yen are courting dys1,pepsia, tender 'ati swet,, iti a del-,ia'eavolti hot panicakes, liewever d<bu- T ý_1 ,ave r lth t at s hea cokl hCclous. T ~~ ~ ~ ~ >' h1Sae m n a d od ,at peewith delicato Remember, the ecrist 0f breat Isl soncscan parlake of il, witli ne more digestible than the soit part, th M nre lunpieavrnt affects. andti haï coarse grain trcnds are OYslrs-a Delv~ way te serve.-Two better than smeoti -leur oncs. P dtozen nystore, stow ln a large !-,e.p îake the breakfast early eaough te eral h, thon hake a steeli bunci ni aveli the rusfinlg of tie men te busd- 3,0 arleycloppeti fine, a littho lemea nass andtihe children te scheol. -tati grïaAed, hall a nutinreg grated___ radaSli i clr o nti the cruanbs 0f ai stale LiFenoli J7"nil aise g2rateti. Let teîo latter be ROYAL MOTORJSTS. Khig~dw rd V1 Coispicdati necyre; have LRing Etiward, althougi h hais been nrea. .o lnynk fresh initiateti mbo the rvsteries of mnotel' Toal. 4.0eggs beate n te a foane;cip oachidtiving, le sldent ils own chauffeur, nyster mb .ýýtho, bread cramaus natal but poeste caýoy bis rides aitieut Ïq L iyar oeoiavtangn ca.hvn he trouble of guiti nI, the Put alquarterpouniof butter la lhe nmachi ne. A very long lime olapseti fiying-pan andti naa.unlil they are a iniore 111e Mjesty coulti ersad delicate br'oWn. ien fuIly cooeei any member ni his fnntiiy ho accent- con, ffereverserve witi celery sait andt hin slices pany lite on is Dainlorý Queen AI- ThI hib~gratst eîhiaiî sofer eere, iedeb sa Codinjournal, aliiaeaegahn aot.exantira îïaq finaliy erco li er tetiait-luicrang the excînsiva priiie, for!F îîîueor "oa-aie raincrveusnoss anti now ias a beautiful tits iuttci. h bie arali e nc o i ! -Twnbauonigond white fleur-- tne ile wbtFi-oaVe adas~~moo ofa'elierprs, n, butslaat iii foSVie-s l~~laa 1z leii~Lt, pa uper of ea'tex 0la ,i i.ycasl; 14 Mis. Po- lriau c -' cppsafei t caaati~. t~ o- nr'-~ '.. guiet fuîn~ly nrapaper, I lo 0e"n. issait, 56 quartsvaner- cre. epratei t e da givlirbcd eav ol ue serii, nti isej ~ ~, 'og~ Se a10111nî ý' i thebc rotoring expelfons, ileutnsiliCl aiamtr iitea f rurlir ci tetï-Sctna re:încc-cii8g te ro ci lg ler bicycle te nny allier tgrsvh~9 d areh tOHi lauii. tacoiiiicii nhl-modle 0f'locorantion. Prinress Char- gunc l ciplte ant iceh thebla. eihe aetia-vil tey'n.p les ofniDenmark shows lunch ie In&ýn- 'ritE KiNG POnTnÀIT v tue hast o e sboibeti danti teaslieti, 6 lis. floui, nsvea cain c n tsiei uCaùna-Sa, anti aili nuake a a andsomne iiy n nsvrlocsosn adito tiUic wuiîs ofaryiiairîlary. ii',pro- unti about 2 '.0 q-aa-tv nifxxaler; il wbvll opaid ha in onbsecr fn- yA aew Pracees. aûid le fot enie of their e-k frouii ave 1tofoui-fioutonr )-an. aout FrKingîon 'g. xur asa orrdportraits cicommnon, on rudFcesrg Asth rePîlr is a Pi3Hratila 0 reclly Mis ferae'nt is î-eady, stî'ain gea-,bliLia~riîy o orý ir aseIf-evitieni. i noltatega Vith tie rom-un- One lafiity porsena over 80 yeara c'Pr ni fo avacr anti the sait 'adnid i bu AunaKSseALL Onaiia"'aSugr (ie valr tt111,b' x ar W. A.IIAES, flowuaville;, Ontario. ennugi J1 te mUake the dougi about 80 IN THE RANDi"S OF tTE LtIAIA. - ieeeple avilI l youtitth dy ni) ronia c ragene-, nve t rtue but y srang exeiece e- Oice, my opýinion on tic suiL'Ljoct once anti ler ail, 1 had ah tint tinte a business cen-- miission la lie larger bavas of llaly, anti frein VeronaI[ was go)ing on le Venico. la uy cempaî-traeni. wasaa .ouné,-ltaa--a catie-r nasîty ioking aclloxa, clati lan a curnclus green heavel- urag cboalo. Be did not spoaLi to one. anatir, anti as it. was3 veî-y colt, I curiet i ayseif up 'lUamV cornerfanti avent ho sioep, wishing Jiuwavrtly tint 1. Lad hmd lie loiethiughutte b bg ,,a nice vria evercont av-ime like tintý of may companion. XXe 1e avi e ave aaarc appaceantly nearing Ve'iico, anti1I aae conily occupant of lie caraiage.XX'hei e the j ian a batgot euth (i dtnet i-oav, b ut, curiLnsiy enoga, ne hal.lboft bsj cloak belin iat iu. It are-s a aiow ga,-raent, warntly lneiand 'l elippeti it 01cr nty soltiers, intomfflîng bo bond ilb er or thle ofilciale at Venico. Ton minutes inter tiie train atearnd ie lieheesatien, tanti 1turabieti eut te look ai toc my ioggo Tioa- ':ee avare a gond manay po-opla ta Ihe tr-ain, and la iny eager-ness I quala bforgot tint I vrens wearing a cloak avici titi not belong, te me, anti aVIicli 1 ngit te ,i;ard octr forthivti tethie lest pro- prl!,ry ofilco. Outsitie thae station tiore avore lia usoal croada of persuasive gondoliers plylng for ,hire, andtihliwavilo acene yes nseaof hustle anticonfusion. It urss now laIe at i. giet, anti the ligbts of lhe, Station reliectet,,dinlatie lnky black aatar hall a aelîdly pietures- que effcct. Pmeenty a ondlie came tavard mue, gave me a seaî-clîing g lance whici toek ma l' ront beat toi foot, a)n t lin iqurtivili a conrtly boxe, if leaîgtbav h benor ief Iaking tue inr oli liotel. I signiliet i nassan tntinl a le-u motemîta nîy ;fv vbabonginge anti iaysrlf were moie or les snugly stoxeotiaavay. %Vith a faav strokas nty goltelior dreav clea' of thic croa-Vd e-t lin station, anti ae weî-o presnntly glidiedowna limabreati bosentofethie Grandi Canal. The nigit avas colt andti tire acns a kiati of tamp freebinesa lu lie bib- iag ainti ahicla siglieu acresse tiela- geeta. lnslînctively 1 dccxv Myclciak closeiy arcenti me, andti ten realizati aili a jerk liat 1 md qiuite fbigot- Ina tno llaer ilte lite rnilwaY Ofit-- cinis. 'mxv forgoblul coi ntO," i tiongbl. "Bat., nover midncitavili senti ateeseengor fronithle botel wavil il ho-inorrox merning." T1haý ancient pabazzu, nnw turnedti t-- te a plebolan bebel, nI achici 1 isti engageti ceenta, WOLS s'ituatedion ut Sitl- an-i ceie liýtho distance front ie Grand Canal, anti aveeopraolly licati-- le-g a nmazeo0f nzîa vacorvenys, lit only by baitkling iî,nnps wviel tircav stî'nggling linos cof ligiat acr iss tL-L înkywaaer, Evnryting avas nb-- snluteiy quiet, for Veolce iv inteet a silent cAly avion nighu falis on the Scene.' Occasionably, but -el-y ratrely .c gondola aconi t Croiraour pati anti cveay nov anti thco tîeîe camae tie m.onetoneue chant of any gondolier as ave neareti a peint wacra lie canai branclietioff. '-Sa stli 'he o qtid chant, as xee hurnedtot the rîglil - sa prei!" neas ove d t iesem do-- viens aateravay tlethie 101,-avhilif Iwv eaVre keepino- stî-aight o.n, - lima- galrdrew nme ila a hallof nffied ceOas-avent rip frein tneassaeeably, anti tsenearest te mie slioek Iheir fis in ny lace. Sndtionly a balil man aI the far endi of tie coom. meveti te- ward e,l i,-,te ellieca nakngway fer lterespoctlully- bae tey fa. Tie ne euroti agr ly te y g-cleme i, ni lriae t es lais man?" ha t hie- cd. "Yo heae breuglit liewrnng InsnaIy contenton roguneti f cIo rootk cwa n at erybthcewted rngoundte oexae te iie lie1hae- suomented,"laad benoe"rbossifla a haveeany Ilie ra.-;tiuly aidtit1 manusttel o-bcut nnw ani1aimya j tong ue. a , h r es R y on b naed otknhave at Is hn ena ingay 1fhlie outr'ao te aVici bae teav n ouba si. y tinit Th lgleiaerhardleout, tymaho becknned te me te olleav whum. Me- 1 ianically 1 obev'd, anieholoti an mbt a smali a île-rLont. "Sir," ho s-a,, in stexcellent E -ls, ae caeyen n profnunti apnog,y, anti al- sn an explanatien. But, flash of ail, aii YOuu tli aa 1-oxe t ..s. i tLYen are v'aring tint green la" In a foav avorta 1 e-'pi-ineti low 1 caine te btî pos-sesseti of lie ceaI. Ticc y us hu idho -mai steibet. "Yes,"' ho saiti, '2-sceow inw tie aviole tiag lias Lappeneti. Ve avora on tlo oekoul for a-t einaber ol eur seciey-a suerabea- acoheaviolateti bis commnands. Ilie avas knovanaly te the meaibers of our, nerr circle, but our humble lsrnnui vre tolul 10 look eut 1er ana laa greeni cinal anti teo ringbit bihier. 1 mut-h regret Ibal yen aiouid bave beon lie victite Qof50 r.nforlunae a mistaeý. ILt la a pitytee, Il at the traitot- bas tempornarily oscapeti ns; ho muuet bave recoîveti a xaan.At achat point titi you say hoboitlia train?" 1, tld bite asneo9ariy aspossible, anti lienotitieti gravely, -ILt a of utl e ntuhasait; "the sceun- tirai avili net gelfar." "Ant i owv,-'continue4 M-y myster- lotis interlocutor, - 1 cati scayen ai-e eaton tfp aitb curinvity as te who antid i i w av e are, la il net se? I tîlOtinit soI ,But, utif(.rtuîaateiy, I1 ame net at liber'ty te tell yen any- thing. 1 avant you neav le give me yonr soeean) proamise, on your bener nis an Englishmnan, te aay nethîng te aay pcrson lu Venice of your adi- valature of lo-aigit. 1I7,linoxe you ag ai-nid 1 keoxe tiIfyen pava your word you aili kepil. Hiaving given me Ib is seyoa i aalbe coiizvyedti te y1ourlieu-i -vitlde- lay, ant av shh b iapy10rcee pense yen fer leicrvomic ve baa auseti you"- The pehiteneca of li nan-he aas îvidontly a gentlemani te bis finger- tips--fascinaled aie, anti I gave tMy parole qcito aVllanguy. Forlliwitbl, aili a bac axortis of apeiegy, ho placedt hie covering oer îy lient agnin anti loti me out tht nugî lie main reen.tu le eancient quay on whii 1laI ad tiret 1landd, land so in- leo lie gendola. "Farùrwell, iSig.nor 1laymond," ha sai» -."I roly ->yu." Tino, ilaa whilaper: -J t as îlot. rvery one who ontoîs tie judtigment haill ni the Mafia andtlbaves il ý,jivei" Tonn uiats iter any gondolier re- niiovodth le col.frein any bîcatianti took the slrîtýp 01 iy a-ri...le.Tiarce minutes tile ho d le uliapeti me ant i ny batgg-g doax'î on lie bronti TREeOZONE COMPANY, Gentlernen: In view of the ?ety st~atr resuits obtained ln our familly by thL, use of OOn, "The New Systein of Uurin iisUes we toke jreat plrasure isending yý0 forpu ii. ea i a~oî t statenient of the sanie' Our littie girl, now 14 years of ah~be î5troubled f romi babyhood with apcuartît vveakness. Her throat would swell rip evIry ii 'while and seemed to be very di3tre-sein. known remedy wasapplied and med i appealed to in vain. Baeh year thetrouble gew moise util it becarne apar-,nt that P.,,ewell soge vre ulcers on the inside of the throat, froiù v;hich -nucouis onte ol Ooze out on flie pilliew through the night. rwice they broLco out ri bt and chi,- chargud a quantitivof mucous, oiingled vvtih blood. and il avag ai th!i jnfu when ai s a sta now how to cope with the disease, that ave ierdofO'n1 OUr child has used ont.enssll bottie olthe rerredy, antihal., a laýreor, , ai the ulceroug condition bas quite disappearedtic hiehe s iee beteranti sironzer lne 0er y way. XVî. cannot recoummrenti Ozone too highly tui ailtgrifferer, a vrdnaeo ) aplies alike to ail geri disense, and wae feel very gratefnl ta bbcover-ulln irvdcncethlat brouzf't It bour notice. Wishng yu eùch ucces lnLondon and lsewhera, aeae Very truly youre (Siget) 11A. and MRSs. CHXARLES Ceos'a, 1BroiA veLnn O. Powley e Iiquifle4 Ozone is oxyýgen-1i -abl1 1,ubd1fo te.I deatroys the gerins of disease and thecir toiakee the systemu laealtliv and strong. It la a preparation that ciiuti swhenràail other nietheds and treatteents faiN. Your meighber will tell you ho-w j good it la if yen as, You dou't experiment in taking rPnw. ley's Liquiti Ozone. If you des!re out plivs!cicînneo give yen ativice on youir parilcuhkr Ca e, iake a delsiiledtilalemneat ol jaisiboasyoa feleandi the way you a re fl, e.Te aili give you advice al-enbutelv free of cb-irge. Arldre-i the osi eab aetof the Liquifieti Ozone oaapao)ay, 220Kie-zie Stret1 fj THEi OZONE CO.,,OF TORONTO, LMTD We have sold piles of l3oo-s the last five or six weeks and have lots te dispose of yet, and very cheap-first.ý-class goods at very sunali n-ices.- Oui erry a geed aisortrnent of Lde'Oxford,elored and black aI 8L00. Men's Caif and Cor-dovan ls se-wed and rivrtted, from $1.40 lo $2,50, worth $2.00 1ý0 $3.50. Chldren's itUtou and Hlmsni 25e, 50c, 75c, wortl' 50e, 75e, and $1.00. Miasses', Joys' and Youuhb' to correspond mnpie~ We will telli von what the stock is1,3li each and every- pair. Tha reaqson we do that is because ,'se kow Latest Spring sylsuow in stock in every lino, The publie is invited to inspect oUi' stock ; il( trouble to show goods-we do ît with pleasure. Trunks, Bdaga, Satehiels; Shawl, Straps, fane ' .anid plain:, Dres3ing, the very best that ctu ba bought. Cheap trash dressing ia dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli. ed Le., Repairing doue in ail its branches in flrst-eiass style. Fine work macle to order, sure fit or no sale, Thanking mycso er for lasli favors and hoping for a continuance of the Lame. Beaver Block. i3owmanville. j -Illwý

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