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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1902, p. 8

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and Hairvey; are very busy cuttiug w 0 oc wood. T'he e coirlateleIlst ailled ilo. relsce rainly adds 'ldiiuet 'Mr samiuel Chambers, our black'smffh, LI a Senaged Mr llerb Patterson as +1I'h~1;1a aprenltice.. Lesk!ard Foot Bail teaml r their 1 ieb ...F assemnbied0, at thc enea tr n 1taghee this years' acconts. mir f I _____ - ___ - - - - - - M-r Clair Langmaid. Abert Cohege kIlevle atho ; Misses Florence -olota home; Mrs. C. Stewart and .~agsuEnuiskillen suaid IMr W. ii&,srsEdarani om nA!lun at Miss. Vida and .Mr Elmer W lamip aro vi4thig t'hÔW lahn-a g' iMr- C.Steartvisited frieuds ini ~ ,s4ild.,, ,MssM. E VaniCamp bî" od ir farm te Jos Laugmaid.. -.I slsabellîa Lawnie w'as presonted h&nlIsome Ïtk staiud by lier p i ~e h ls of tise terni. IjneLucas is seriously ilt.- ioalefwl wedres stoten froma th mniesof Mr. AIbit Gioode CI tae ve, M1r.S. Ati's hen-rOos w.~'îreceuttv robbi-ed. "Carters Littho Nerve 'Pilla. R..-ure. Thboaoly norve mediciue- rkiceei l aket. [3OWMANVILLE, JA-N. 1, 1901. Promotion examinationis: Jr 111 to S. 111, A. Sopfen, W. Alun, F. Bragg; Sm. Il 10 Jr. 111, G Alunl, K. Trewin, O. Bragg Jr. IlIto Sr I,G-'GGlbraith, A HlodgaLon; Part I1to Part I1, R. Tre- Win, R Alun. PootosMéLJde since last ez,-amination : Part Il Jr. 11, E. Rickard, E Allun, T. Blewitt, M Gxai- braibli. Names lu orden o! menit. EDN'A E J. nLIGecsr T-Ft AGONT Oy rSEiLnsrs-Did yoju ever Pa"a a single nigbt in 'wak1eful miser y tosiug snd rhigilubed, rylng lui va in te sleep auîb lougiug f or rmo-rskiug 10 come? Cau you imagine the torture o! speuding ngh after nigJit in this wsy, escis1 su cceedingl night1 growing worse sud wonse? This is the moat dreadfut syiptomr o!.Nervous Exbaus- lion sud Detblltv. You eau ben graduai- ly sud tb ornugiv cnred o! Sleeplessness by the upbuilding influence o! Dr. Chase ,s Ne rve Food. Il cures lunatures way, by creating new nerve celîs sud resbtoing baot vltality. PROVIDENCE" The oupils oM S. S. No. b, TDalington, on Friday Diec. 201th sunpiae(d their teacher Sn. PR. R. Smnate who la sever- ing his asoiain ih hm, wiîeu, Master Meiborue Wig-ht ou behýlaîfof ise scisool read hlm a veu'y uieel-Y word- ed std esaxprespive o! their high i steem sund good wiuhes sudMIastenirvin ragpresented film with a besutifuil albium as a tangible token o! their TYRONE. o! los, Woodleyws taken j fri~nds rom H. d n sd vieinitv to, can yUon gret afiedcee t ts rhay h o! l eea W-s im thniihah.o dstrMss Sehena apWxod]e,During Wýeli eipý,ubrill ina! y-c-enngthoe asse-mbed were eau I Wetl eip >u sn.te in a1cd M order by Mr. joh0 ieowo lri~i~s txîîanedthePUuî'e bOf! the gathering 's or'in fr amicled o i otTheoto rf.ada short address,at : he conclusion o! Which f.00 A DOZEN Mn. Hidi. M7cNeil préeneted N'uss Wrohy Iith s beautifl tes set 'as a tc muci higlhur as you like. binilday present Mn Woodlnv 0on jb4'opf or bis d milqhteýr ereX)fss7ed th.snký Lu ~etsu~ e u cre~atin fr tse ainy preseut, wiith Vie-ws 'i4B ,muiie«l hsowdte godji-will o! ber h umor, n tem, uineousfietîda. Alil wee given a heart welemeasd af ter a social even 0O. P. FREELAND i a e tc , tecorasn, luit~~t thoir sîaulnana(Yhomoanyutouu Keen is, împrovîng.. .A detective chimnev caused a tire in the house now occu pied by iMrs Henry .... A birthdav dinner was recentlY given in, honor of Mr. W. Armstrong, sr, by hisnother.. .Mr. John Cuttie, senior editor of 1?he N sis indisposedi...Miss Pearl làHo, skin, London, is visiting her uncle Mr. G H. Linton _, Mr and Mrs W HI Barrett attendedi t h e wedding Christmas1 day of Edward E. Winter, Oshawa, son of Mr. John Winter. to Miss Heard ... . Owing-, to the il'ness of Rey. J. A McKeeni, Mr. Georg-,e L. Waddeîl gave anin, rstn talk Sun- dayv week in the Presbyvterian eliuirch.. MrM. T sh1arpe h[as been elected achool trustee to 11ol the .acancy* Vcaused 1by tbe resioenation of D T, Alhin. ...A.0O U W At Homie wil be held Jan 2-1,_ . Mrs f. 1W. Jackson whihanging curtains fel! backwards from a chiair and, sprainel ihler wrist sevrely.,,. r. Lewis Chap pel, Anu Arbor Law Colego, Michigan, and sister Mrs. F. M Souchl, Bow,ýman vile, were in town Thursday ls. . Masters Arthur, and Ewart Beemis Lh, Port Hope, spent Sun lay wità their grandparents, Mr. W Bailagh. XKMas visitors: Mr.A Fitzpatric, Vrden, Manitoba, at F L. Andrus; Mr. Arthur Clarke, Butte, Montana, at ber fathers; Mr. Fred Winters, Central Business College, Toronto, at home: Mr t% m. Jame(3son and wif e, Deseronto, Mr Geo Jamison, Toronto; C. T. Miller, Wind- solr; Mr. Orm Walters, Orillita, at her fathers; Mr Geo. H Joli and wife, Newcastle, at Mr H. Hoopur's;, Mr.Jno. Moat and wife, Toronto. at her fathers Mr. N. F. Halt's; Miss A. Caldwell at h er home in Tyrone. sent ?Ioarly Double With B3rlgt's Disease. à. sevr* and Torturlnir Caheof Driarht' la eue Jusntice o! the Peace Certifîem th ie Culre by Dr. Chame'n KidneY-LiveW Plis. Mr ames Dellihunit, a mnuch respect- ed resident of Con)seeconit, sttes:- 'was a aufferer from Bright's Dlseasf. 1o eea years, and at t;imes thie tor- tures 0f mfrnd and bodTw'%ere almnost be- yodendurance. The pains were iun m i ead, b-etween tiie shoulder:s andi down the whole spne oncentrating aîcroýss hL kidneys, whe-re 1 wa$ neyer entiree-. îY free ,fro pin.Whn I 1got up in die miornlng 1 went about benit over eariy double It gavýenme great paini to uriinate, nd at times thre water was very Scant, Medicines seemed to have -itteîorno feitin My case-, unîn i rieganUt(- us f Dr. chaseýsKicldney- iver Pilla. Thec first dose relieved me, _nd flvo boxes entirely -cured me, 1 ave no pains In my kidneys, aud can o as good a day's work as I ever ý,ud." Mr, . .j. Wa.rci. j.P., of Consecon, cer-, fles that hbe knows mr. DellhUnpts 3te,"FeTt <f ~ obe correct and ,tue ana wlthout xageratlor. it seemas ~oihto tr'iflc with necw-fangied nmedi- 'nes when You1 can get th,, tusted and roven kind. Dr. Chasea Klý1idneY-'Liver "lsnne pli! adoe 25 cenits a box, al .!ealeýrf, or Edmralison. B ateýs & Co., -Toronto. Agenjts wvanted. for Dr. Chas&'@ Last and complete Rec.tit 300. Ris muy old friends extenti a hearty greeting to Mr Albert Ormiston wtio is spending part of bis vacation bere ..' rDrmiston is attentiing a Theological Collage i Montreal .. . .Miss Ettie Stewart ls visiting friendB in Bowxuanvile.. Mrs Chas Stewart spent Xinas with lier mothar et àtooretield .. . .lev W S Wright, M. , iANw- caslepahedl excellent sermons to large con- gregatîons a the Presb yterian chnvch, Sabbath Th,e Met ldsts withdrew their iigisi service.. Thieiranulteaiis afternoon bits fair to be a grat uccse-oot slighing and tihe pros- pacte o an exe let supper togethar with thse program o f mussson ýg s, speaches, radatinS eadngeatcwilbrrgout an over ilow boeuse. Dr Cross,. Oshawa, wili assiet 7ith the prognarm>. .Mr F R Brown although still ln p)(oof bealih sang; a solo ai thse evauiug service wlihl splnid affect. - 11 TIIE PUBLIC ILOOK FOR ITr. The public look, tor and demaud true anàd honest disqpenisicg when prescrip- tions are taken to the. dru.- Store. Our dispensingdIelpartmeuït ta conducted on snceh perfect plans that errons are impos- sibe., Strict a tteftion to business, pure druga and inedicines sud iow pnicea have won for usq a ýposition second to none ini the drug trade. TuE iFD r)TuÂT CURES, If youi are. suffering from headache, indfigestion, heart- trouble, liver coin- plaint, k*d-ne.y disease -or lits resuling from mpnbodWe srongly advlse %ou tc use Paine's Cetery CompOUnDd. It is the greatest banisher of dîsease, the only med!icinie taRt eau bring you hesith and new life. Try a botie of Paines Celery Comipound if ý ou feel weakor rundown; it tieas marvellous strengthen- or. Sotd by J.HiGGINBOTHAM & SOU. Drugglsts, BoýwmauviIle. Ont. 45-9w MPEGIZOVE. Mrsg Gao Alb n is stillinl a ver y crîtical con- dtiQi". A tr alned surse from Toronto is lu attendauice 1Mr W C Fianik.Oshawa, is spenti- ing hoilliays at ninoe.. M r Rautlon, trantfürd, spant Xmas i mri- P tV'.. ir Stephen Munday is visitbinluthe wpàt guest of bis brother Mark ý... mMrs Wm Eve.son sýpant Xmas withher danigliter is Bar[ Gay. Toronto._ mrs T Power qwas eebrt ai as witb ai beautiful Doinion Oran..Theru wa8 con sieaheexcitamient et tie anl meetinigoa Thiursday lest. Nr JDW,8 J Seswseeted rnta...irT à Cole s ein g-hlib great demnanha for ie mammiiolihbronze tnrikeys, and is maklg slrnst.tlal i 11ip.neus to ail ai fCanada...Afew fiandsussebled aW low ýrueen Villa theoe of i andti m R D nwdnto ceebrtith tbem rtheirteu wecddiing ,anniv-ersary antid eueltbem wishl a bealtif ul hniglm nisilver breatdi late and aporclntoufle bolier to tIlia is'gret $sur- prs fe iihtha ýgroom m-atie a very su abl e reply nlis use gaulaI oud a fier aihiçi thse afiernoon sund eve~n was spjent lu pleas eut Fssnes,. . . M>r eu rae .uoMuney.nigden, hail sui belirm ri viiire4itie on pari i feilserarsu. Tbey iet, b1uilding a new bouse nxtsummles'. Mr elaT'eWe-t Coliinwood, N Y. epet ntaes at home. .... Re,' S Cookhan, Euisillnwili preech. Prfomo(-tion Examrs. Name-s iu order oif menit: Jr. IV io Sr. IV, Ruséeh o0wer ; Sr 111 to Jr 1V LMildred Collaceutt; Jr 111 Lo Si,. 111, MslC 'X, Pearl owe, ldsSnnswden,1 ShiIe~Sîswde, EuaAd4ims, MYirt e 'vlcirp nolti; .Jr lt,, Sr.If, A'edra MeRenols, ere Pw'Pt.,Il to Jr, Il.jNor in Jdd Btr'A NoOt t-eeher and on motion confurmed. W Ureeper, sanitary inspector, reported for the year. Dr Mitchell, Medical Health officor, presented his aceount. R. Darcli bill for stone hammer was nlot ailowed -not ordered bv council. W G. Rundie,, waited ou the eonceil respecting posi tion (À NMrs. Coulter.' Reeve Cleinens- authore to see Mrs. Coulter respec-1 ing soins wood purchased for ier, G A" Stephens' tender to snppiv er10,000 feet pIank was acepted at $14.50.Te reeve and other mnembers of the conciil were anthori.ted- to sel the treers on portions of road atlowances mentioned, Cot1Ilector Pnllard was granted to Janu art 1201 1902. Ini onier te enabte the counitiesq councýi to arrive ata more just equalization of the asseasments of the varlous municipalities in the United Counities it was redoivteed that W, J Ro,~ be appointed to value the Township of Darlington, with the assistance 0f the foilowing gentlemen. Div. 1. James RikrA. C. Ailun, and couneillor Foster; Div. 2. bamuet Pollaird 'Win Trewin, aud iReeve Clemeus; Div 3, Arthur W Langmaid, El! Osborne, and councillor Aunis; Div. 4, John .. Smith, Thomas Power, and councillor Brown; Div. 5-; Thomas Paicoe,James Heatile,, and couneillor Paacoe; the work to be proeeeded with, immediatelv in order that a report may be prvded for Januairy session of tîje CountVies LCouncil. The reeve was authorizt-d to grant orders on the treasurer as follows: RPascoe, sheep damages, $1.67; F. G. Bvam. nails, 88c, R. Courtice. iumber, etc., for, grading 84.84; J. Y. Colei, si1; J. Curtis, grave], $7.15; L., M. Courtice, gravel and uise of roadway $1; Trustees S. 8 o 7, appointmnent of balance of Pnblir - school fund ; Stein- berger & Co., seals for sehool, sections apportioned from balance at credit o! Public achoot f und account , W.Creper services as Sanitary inispector $7; Dr Mitchell, services Board of Haith $6.50; I. L. Brown, $2.25; R Foster, W270; L. Annia, $2.80 -' A. E. Clemens, $2 45; R. Paseoe, $2 80, attendance in council and mileage;- IndIgents-Janet WiIs'on $5, Mrs. Hoidige,,$3 Mrs. Lane, $3, T Wickett And vif $6, Mrs.Coult ,er $3ý .i m.proule $5, J. Couch 85, 1R. Branton $8. Concîl adnrned aine die. H. ELýLIOT, r. To'Wnsh1ip Clerk. Not-Trstes f Sehoý-ol Sî3ctionsi are requestirdto0send 10 tlie Clerk thi naine sud Rsddress o! thieir Sucretary Treasunrer twithout deýLay fas thela w A CARD. We, the undersigned, dûo herebvI agree to refund th(-,iioniev on a 50 ent boîtle 0of GensWarrsnted s4rup of Tan, if il rails to cure your cougli onr eold WeqIs~ gvrsnte a25 cent WVOR14S annot extt Ither ael- ren .n iut whon JE. LUW9'78WQItW syRUnu iueed, 250. AlJI doalrs' Theme, are mauy forma o! nenvous debiility lu mon that yieid to the use of Cambr'H Iron Pilla. -Those who are troubieci with nervous weakness, night sweats, etc., shoutd try them. FiarImrs' Illstitllto SUPLEENTRYMEETINGS JÂý,N. 7, 8, 9. Weat Dnmham F!armers' I1nstibte ' excediglyfortunate luiliaving such a spIldid depýuaîýIon for tbis upplemnent amy MeingsinJanuary. 'Thle Decemu- ber mîeetiaga -ý lisaear w'ene exceeding- ty successfut ,and lbta is oped tlhe attend ance at the next imeeting ýwil be eveni better as thene areý three mnembers ou tle detegabion andi ail are specialiats in Ille branchs tiey speak upon. A g-ond plan to hbave a good meing ïor every mnemb, er to take two or tisree neig-ishona who hIave ýnot beenl atbending previous sessýions These imeetings 8-a reneasd opeýn 10 evemy body whiether m",mbers or not. i TifFNI rMEEýTINGS. Btsîekstock, Tuesday Jan, 7, at 1,30j sud 7.80 p. m., pnomiptty. Subjets:-' aftenoon-Mauag-ement o! Farmnens' Wood-totý ; Pinciptes o! Cookiug;, Woods sud IHow tbDestroy Them.( Evouing-Gýrow,îing Red aud Alsike' Choyer for seed ; The Com!omitable Hiomie; Crop Failures and Hlow ivl Them, See bilis at every P.O.frft particulars. Solina, Wednesday Jan. 8, at 2 p. Mn. very sharp. Subjees: Feedsansd ]Faeding ; Dainyiuig ou tho Fanm ; Seeda seed Grain aud Seeding.ý Tyrone, Souns Hall, Wednesday Jan,. 8 at 7 30 P. Mn, promptly. Subjets: Grasses sud Growing Red sund Alsike Clover Seed; Pninciple's of Coi 'Pruing bise Orehbard. Kendal, Thursday Jan. 9 at 1.8 p. m. Subjects: Grses for Pasture; Dair 'y- ing on the Fanmi; Crop Failures sud H -w to Avoid 'lhem. Orono, Thiunsday Jan. 9 at 7 M0 p, ni. Subjets: Pruning blie Orcisard; Pnini- ciples of Cokng-; Culttivationi of the soil aud R'oZaioli o! Crops. Discuissioniis specisily invited St every session. Qisotions may be asýked ,n auv tapie Latiea are condifally in-. vited t eeVer session ta0 meet Misa Linton. ,Big 3vour visiton s sud ueighboms. , We thank the adesfor their presence atI December mneet ings sud hope to meet manv ag-ain at tisese meetings.> Come eamty Ïif You eau Comne 5'ivwave. FRANK ALLIN, H, C HOAR, Presienb.Secretsny. Found at Last-A liver pili lIaItas "alaînd sure, th-at acte g'nty. umkly su-kd thorouzhiv, il at does rnot gril~e anidare a sure cure for Livé3riCtQplalnt atîd CntatoSick IHeadlache. ce. Chas. Werry; Orgnaist, Miss Minni&, Ashton, Teachers-Miss MarY Elford. B. G. Stevens, Mrs. T, aer .Arg-ue, Mrs. Jas. Vice, Mrs. W. etaeMs J. Honora Werry, Mrs. S. Shiortridge, Mrs. J. T..Rundie. THE POPULAR DRUG STORE Strict attention to every detail of the Drugu bUsýiness, Iow prices, and gi-ving Our people jusgt the8 thing the, ask for' have lctibue to m akei our estab- lishment the popular dru, store of the town. Physicians' prescriptions filled with accuracy And dlispatch. lWe invite you to ca i and examnine our large stock of perýfumes and new toilet preparations. PAnIN'7S CELEUY COMPOUND. At this time Mihen thousands are suïf- fering from hbeadache, rnervousness, dysPepsia, impure bloodl, liver complaint and kidney troubles, we can rczommend Paine's Celery Compond. This wowler- fuit medicine is, the prescription an eminent phiysician Try onje bottie;, it will give you Cheeririg resuits. Our stock, Of Paine's Celery Comounýxd iG always fresh. SoId by S-Toy- & Juxie, Druggists, Bowmanville, Ont. 504w, II SGoodC-By te 1901. HIAPPY YEAR TO 'Y FOR 19Olý 4******* HEmAL BI *BOWMÂNVI NEW %los. LLE, vvvwvvvvvwvvv~.v.~..*.oe~ fý 1 - 1 -1- 1 ý m m - ý am m AU lÊmmàý ýý M m ' AMI.. 1 ,X

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