I~-~'* ~ e ~ M~4e~e~.e.wisfulglances at the young conduc- eAndi suddenly ho understeod, It was H so sucltenly that it soomcd to R take his breatiî away, and lus oye- ÇTQ sight, Loo for there was a moment 144 0 hen everythi-ng secemoti to grow * t akadtenBl at t tnd-y alhincoiiingef~ ~ fexii ar sres i XX boh n s ih _S as evn h iu They cal! d hitn Bahfui BOl ehosai ini o! otetvî * cusehohada abi e bls n - You're mlarrioti, thon?" Andi she P ii coU, answered quîotly: V. Wflee ~mselaey oeor he~ a a coitîctoi naNr Andi as aie apoke the 11glit shoneo ae1drou~ Preeflfe!~eo ondn onibs, nd no usoabie aain on that. plein band of gold en- s1iu azi 1n a 1lreetjei ight in 1\oitage ner ht cireling the third inger of ber luit ï)1vrwhr.(n anti oit. hanti; and as the sparkle caîgrit d"P.RIL IL7' A .dîght little black figure in theo ll's cyo, hc wnndered dully, wiy lho dist ance signaîboti to hiUa t.e stop, 1a1111never noticeti it belore. o niho rang lis bell, andthte oniiîi Later on JiL caule upon lOui sutiden- '/ ~ 11j u stopped. ]y that berl husband înlust bo a In the light of a flaring gas-îaalp brute, lie _ iechi s bauds, anei Bill saw triatth i aa îigot r 'l od p u danhs malre prahig as breathless andi pant- 'a, h reculled the sadncss In her lng, anti lie eilei out inx'oluntariIl:eebr~od bu vr a h "Ail îiglbt. Yo ee notit urt-y!" or uitLa (nus. Andi thon the very next 7-1r "N eotn t Uurry, ifndtu-a" growîied a Fiiay, as she sat ocear thie door, the stout îti ge'ntleman insude the 'bus. brcoýze lii ted a soit littie p-recof ldon't pymylare te sit antiad hair freni lier forebeati, anti dis' ioscdj "J'n sory. 1. ouln'trua.omind. Llughly, and as if the words ,ue Y 1 r ucli arsligtît îsa o 1t111mt rneid bis b Ck n er n î isrru dg abtieslyt1erthe tre )ucnîot ar ito rey a-uit-Tien her c ie dFriaa ýTicornibh us lwast eurtLy cmy at ti s wiVh a lh auîig.epiri e balrnin and Faerai Dîeeting isellat stageeÏ its ourueyanti Th taitd Itirc tiýf ig brl LQo i-i -o notie of gaz tUe sti aikiet loo1t g-iadu-aIly leit lier eY(o'S, tint the littiAc dreo)p at the cor- ners cf the meu'L, -as lesa prououuc- cd. ChantheUic îîall. fiîr lace was net S0 wearj,. One Friday hie t-ought bier a deep- recd uose, ansît sk-1y di-eppoti it loto lîeî' 111P. She "tol, it upi, witli a lit- tic pink bluisb -11 reiiidai, 1c cf nîy elti hooe," sbe saitidein -1y. " usedti telive in the country oc. 'flon't j-ou lilke it?"askedtilli. -0Oh, j-t'. I just love tic couni- i'reai thona uo¶v ambition, anise in the young conductor's bic'ast. A Icuvw weks, andt tlien, quite un- ,,2,pect-,tiiy1 -'ortune ;nlo cii îiî ILt mas cin a 1 îîcey lnorning, tee, tint ho leanat the goot ucas, anti tbat evenin.- tîhe oeniibus hati nc one abut on the loue places cf the eartb.' This particular ti pot-or botel- has bcueostablisliet in sa largo Ca- vota. on the side oi a bill about eîight lîund eti yar-ds fi oui tiec nortih- enat extr'enîiLy ci the isîrinti andi 1ntan ,350) peunda ef prcorvu-t bues , 1l25 Poonds ci biscuits, tea w'oollen sai-ta, ton pairs ci cotten titan cis, tonî blaukets, anti eue soi-' dereti îod box insice wiîch are four parckets ociiîiatciuy, Tiere arce also cota for sleeping oi,-aceekîng pet, anti a quantity of dry woeet, wiilo bard by cclcry anti cabbages gu'ow wild, ant i liaianti lobttrs abounti nur thIe only l-îuding place. "Ue ciicesacff licFi-chrisinan-f- war, Fuiro, aho cstabiished th iis t a i s e p l a ut e ( i t w c li ag at a il s , a m t, n d w.ýay betw'eeu thern a cross, lit,, a s icw te asalstii.g Possible castaways The action of Powley's Liquified Ozone-is quick ini giving relief to rheumatismr, The antiseptic action of the oxygen destroys the germis w. hnch produce the disease and atidoes t eirtoins. It will be worth your while to read the -«itersting Statem-enýt of Mr. A. Charbonneaiu, Tas OOissCens susý Gentlenen' ercsponse te voiir comunication of laie date, 1Iam happy tOiSt te th 1ha Iie na-le mc il 'le/ýs Liquified Ozone, and i t esilis l Li, basa fax aiead ohany ttriag Iluepaiý for when1i sas firît indureti te lry S.,ie. i laiebe-n a telîcuan i ci of ri'uimaliSin, , Inibg, a erlrtwo0yeri an old iliri ts freniej as and so-calleti cu res wliîeut benrfitti.g lrcomithelr ns..i mstcsay IaiI biained semnt, e, tuf Lîlî sas oely ftnpeatyï, ad cr eaiailalryý i\tll 1 as iaduced te0try OzneI atia very intt eS lîcdc î ru-eO1dcnlie Uçfias1t0Zore. 'Tie ressuet, iirnhappy to sic, 'have t- mreUes îl e2- h u ,o be ides 1h aU irs cVi ei r2e; roms ýîIn of iiiy kiiid a lhIrl eu.4 vyfrsyan eIrnl vlarrtrinrg orni s, Ceai- ~î SCOTT&i5,) eli in "Don'l" hostammretihuskily . I lQT 'X~i fTf'î~t For thîce m r Fitys she came ns usuai, thonth'rowee wo drearý Friays when sict 1iti not appoar. HOTELS IJSTABLISHED ON UN- But On the thirdai came agalo. andi INRAýOITED ISLANDS. Bil.ii wontiercd why siic bat talaen tie ted bernies oo beri' hat. Wieu here) îrl odLo'FgFe thoywor aiese b uk-nietitohhua. ly usbaut;a ( aJ"she saic adCltinwatti 1is A grat aveof cy snt he loo in he ndin eof ueaî lii- loaîn t Bisf-teani o urCncewyb nte sAi tap ei Ui hope j -le XVn$ orry t the cut," sue ositleroksterlio, sit anti wi- sait, plntiigly wepL. 'iuson't. Io hrd on hlm," u- Vt a si' crow tiat had the mis- sweedBi gcity.forLtune tO ibe carat aWay upon iL F-ridays can_,ie oud went. She was neeti not Poî-v;, ci'for eois sitoo.te tieing the saine orani 5 Sti eeeC ? the inauLy depots for ship- ti caine homen e by Oomnibus, a nti Bibl- 0 d îarîneî-s, suhîch our own watclîed >e axculy ho saw thntand otlici (svei-nnts hnve dottedtÎ7 11 A