If r lopie wonld oly treai coughs and eolu1ds luz time wth Dr. Wccd's Ne~rway Fine Syrup, Thàere wouid ha fewer homes oesolate. The severest couglis andcolds, broncitis ,làd roup, and thei first caages of consump- tion yieid readly to ibis eomwerful, lucg- lias ling rèmedy. Iteati wiat Éirs Thos. Carter, Ncihlport. Ont , sysx "*I canýiht asevera colti, wbich Fettiad on tny tiroat and unugs, so thut 1 cocld igcarcely speak aboya a whisper. I aise bad à terribl'e ce îph which my friends thenght weuid senà mnea t my grava. 1 triei different reinedies but all faileti to c ýinaiany geýod unili I teck Dr. Wood's N1or- way 1Fine Syrnp, and the coteteset n batIe ompetey urad e A AUGHr1T ER'S DA NGER1. A Oha mthmer v!otbasR dTeli h o K and run and Sste- 'woss eai-th is neot what it ought te be, siî ould read the folwiîîg statefenct nide 1),,,Mis. J. S. Hetah, 39 Richmndt Street, ClaisOnt: Some time agoI gt a box of Milirn's Ilatanti Nerve Pilisat the Centrai Dru- Store for my daîglter, who is now 13 ye'îr of tige, anti lati heen afflieied witb wýeauk actioti of the lîeart fora considerable ieîîgtliîor flme. "TVisse nis have done lber a world of XO7'LS .AXD COMMENPS 'Tle Engl]ish prcss view with someo 'oncern the success of Frenchi diple- Macy plus arins, in the lato emnbrog- 1 1;, witîl Turkey. The Loendon Spec- tor foa rs that if ibis,,tvay of coi-, iectuimLg 1debts should become ce'ril- mon, "th peace f thewol ul be ai he mccy ofsyndicates ac semni-citilized states xviii beconema-- azines of cceoic igtinpovder, whicil miay explode at any moent. The Euîopean, danger from the present position of Turkey is ex-ýtreele, and arisesU from tWO causes. "One is thaL the, European States, Great, Britain ('xcepted, ar e agerly desirous to 'ex- pli'her, so that iussia and Gcr- tiany arc silently battling over con- cessions ln Anatolia; aid France will dernand arn ecùonmije pretector- aie over Syria; w hile, Austria and ilaly hunger for comimerce with the Lesvant, with wbicli French preten- siens are incomîpaible. Theie w iii bc- perpotual fr ictionfil tihe searcb lor profits. The other is that Turkey is not. reaily se powerless as shis1 deeîne, andit haýýI ail tis rsue whici ~ill evgx'aiyccetuUd ' French figccess, may he, a ngu-hir n- -Oui resuare To' ry sarthttAl fried nry othi humilia tions thand o te revest odi as theav w oîld, defend bis coasts and ports with torpcrlo hoats, and' even in de- feat illet tortrible 'bbow's upon1 his cenqueror. it is trimeclîtihe ad- vent of a strocg Sultan is mosi lin- Irobable, the race of Othmanî appea-1 ing at lasi to bce iorri oui; but a c'ompel masters to caro for them in sicknoss and old ago, and to require masters to give all boredsmen on- third uf ilîcirtiiîe i wlich tiu Wori for themselves. This is net a ncw phAase of the war proclaime c n1900 by sixtecin of the powers, against the exprt slave trade, for that abhor- ret rafre lias betn suppressed ,ail 1logih caso f Africa-c. hri tho ecîc dieeto agaustslave raîing fo thxe - ncein cma asaitPe ,.ultiiULînate xtinction im the eeleny (0f,'ihe institution of d- loustic -,,avery, which is oidcr ihan dhe Vgyptiatn pyraiis, and is deep- rooted m ttuelilveh; Undi customs 01 the natives. 'flic suppression of slave raiding tliougheut Africa wvil be achieved inf the iext few years. TIhe pracutce f5 cow extinet tiroughout the (Congo [,'rot State and the 1gptan Soudan wXhich ten years ago weî'e the gîc-at- est fids et the slave hunt, Xithin the past f ew monîlîs the French have ostablisheti iheir suprenlacy noar Lake Chad. It is now crtainý tlc't, with the French, English andi tiermnans ce-orting in thecnta anti western Soutdan, 'thedysf laecarax ans to Iipli and ti Moro- cewili se.n en ho ncedet.Slave raiding anti an active uatie la slaves are stili featuros on tPe Vastein pari ef ihe Frecch Couigo, iorritery uheli. lias nul. ,'~et boon ouiectixciy oc- e- 'ý,41- nmats shelled. Place L. liberal qu.an- ~ tiiy of butter ln a fry-,ng pan,.\lhen ni 'ted suir in tlie nut:; roast cvenly. s~ LH IUIUI II ~Do net apply tee miu 'h heat. 'furn uio manilla papti'andi sprinkle II u LHU %À' %vith fine suit. AIIGRI-,,SMS IFOR CUILDUPJtd. 1. Animiai fod once a day and in SHOT'f IUJES.smalk t1uantfiies, if the tecth caln Put slf lsi ,iiast!cate, is nccessaiy to, a rapidly île ironpt t evry maî.Igrexiing chld. TatLe tl ceacsot~ h 2. Aveiti a teo nourishling d ict in a w ay. good vielent-tecîpered chilc). an at 1),11 gooý c(_,Iý3. Avoid scasenci! dis1ihcs ;i Vxhe cores o an oneTe-meats, pastry, uneocacti vegetables, Whcnanyonesufers pca a ordunripe food, wino andi rich cake. efi syni1patliy.11 4. Nexer tempi. Uic appetite when Tellneiher ýjw faltsnord;siîîciined. eé Telineixer yur on falis or 5. Insist on thorougli chcw'ng; a those of others. chlti wlo cais too fast cats tee liave a place f'or ever,. thuîig,. and inu Cverything in is place men 1-ide your ovîn trouuble-,, but watch 6. Vary the foodi fromn day te day, to lilp ethers out of. theirs, but avoid variety ai one mieal. N'ever icterrupt aiîy cenversation, 7.L Take care iliat. the chld's foodi but watch pad.entiyyeur!USt8.wllcoe er ad cnfcin sp1a should neyer lie gîven. Look for bcauty in everything, and 9. dive nio focd betîween mcals,' the' lake a chcerîui ievoi overy exent. stemiacli re4juires rest, fike any etheri Carefully clean iouesnoxv andi mcd ogmo h oC from your feet. on cnî1ering uthelicuse. cî10fxcn ibody.a vrfei n Afways speak poiitely ant i kntly Rmenerta eefedagat te servants.ui use or., Unproper food iii imore childi ri than aîîy otxer discase of Xlhen incincd te, give an angry an- the body. swer press your lips together and say 11. (,ive mie laudanum, ne pareger- the alphabet. in es M hl' e paincti by an unkiiîd word or ne. ton.ne ta h snr Lcdn nia cti dcrsircd forve 1nevs?"ceîiplaiiit ceines chiefiy iî'om lover- don lean il ad deire foriveess ' 1,edîîîg, anti the use or iniprepeî' food TETE fbCPE. but never freintëethinig. 13. When clildrcn vomnit and purge utSep-neqrtpeutts aietim ohn eet for four or tesLoo sit Sei te ea 4. Do ciu 1riug a ehild unde r put o~erdie firei h (tn heyar L ago te yeUur taiblece, cupicti But Gcricany is the irst "' l011.LttLt ii'Ui ii ceouaIpoxc n qutoia Arca11crftr hcoiîur. îlon tender A SICK tiOOM 1ITINT. Coloialpowr i EqatojalAfrcapress threuLh a asievo and t t the t0 nieve agaixist the inýitution of uollocwing: Put i11co- a double beilci' In a receni case et ilînpss in ,vhichi slavery itself, whose abolition is l'on- 2 level tabicapeons butter, 2 table- a ltiied nurse w as enployed tlue dcrot al 1he iiorec dillicult by the speons ilfcur, a clips mi.1 te.xspcon pleitsant air of the sieL rooîc was ne- fac ttar feintice mmmoraiitsait, and ti taspeoiî pepper; cooL ticeable. Whlen coiniiet w as: matie jac Catfron im imemrilue ccitil ssmoeh and craîy add the tlie nurse explained how it w-as man- lias bee'c ono oti the' hases of lf peanut pDulp, iet ail got very liot, andi agcd. A few pie..s of brewn paper timong these barbarous peoples, who serve ai- once with creutons. mIis is iîad been soaked inl saltpetre anti ai- I liescves appear to hoý perlecîly a dliiotis and vcry, nourishi ng soup leixoti te dry, W heu Occasion re- wlint enter it bondkige if thy icadeti Potato 'Bals-t'are, bcýil lquired a piece of ihis laid in a tin xvillag tie îieand iash suflcient petaioea te makeý Pan kcpt for f his purpese (the ceai neci ue î~eteiitî0fstrngr lice ins.Btt itetrmx2 table- isut, wutld s well), a handîil neigitiors or tihink they can usb- speons each scaltied nîilk, anti butter,;of dricti lavetmtiîr flowtrq laid upenI ter theu- econudi tion. sait and [ii'nter to t ast,L, ieaspoons ht and a mnath applieti. 'Fli aroina 4. A cure that coures Gonsumption andi ifs many kiîdrdai. ments 15 110w witlîln the reach of every sufkrer. FUL -MO COLVOS was perfecteti afier many years of -tuCr.dy n xeietn l.y a well-knowmî Germanl scientigt, anid lin ieceimreOI cures than'amîy othe, preparatiomi wýdh f as eeofrd to the public. FtMwle smewatUew i Cnaa bias been and lis uring thbonsais ýof cases, anti we havÊon 1-o. 1ir fyle nmany t estimoniais andtü kindly letters writîusby grateful people who have licou retmrncd te perf eci at hli.NINT WET FUI-MO is the only absolute cure wherethreis Consumption, Throa-ýt and Long trouible, Coughs, Coltis, La Gripp)e, Bronchitis, Night SweatÀs, Chilis, Aevers, or any oCher symptoms which may indlicate a tendency toward comsumption, FUI-MO bas cered thousands of casee whicb had been treated by physiciams without Euccess, and finally pronounced by them as luopelese. FUI-MO stands alone---the use of any ailier Medicine as an assitant la not nccessary. Eat gooti plain nourishing food, get plcnty of fresh air and out-door exercise, and use FUL-MO as directcd. that is ail-Nature i I do the rest. 1-2iuiiifd 5010 W'o 1know positively that it dosa ail we &1aimi and to durmonstrate our iplicit fitini theý mner-it<so' FUI-MO, we wiLl gldymia campie 'ijottie free of charge, direct to your post - office adlres, sectireiy sçaled la a patenrail icg tube orI box; but as we have gene te coni-l, sidcrable expocnse in scuring itheýsemain tubes for the convenience of our patrons, we aslx you to Rend 10 c3nts ta cover the cost of mailing. Oniy onme sampie of FUL-MO wili be sent to': any one person, Give PUI-MO a trial and i convînce yonrseif that it cures. Ail we ask is, that you take ht as directed, Jierember, weý pay the exponiseofo the trial, it will cost youi nothiiig. FUI-MO is inexpensive, being soid by drug- I, gis at $1.00 per large bottle, or you maay pro- cure a ceample bot.île frein your druggist ai 15 OOnceUI ON «". a- UC2iO3 li383..88 cl88gio8f-IWt.18128,88 Ie bff . l 1 1, '8,Wf3j DIRE P CTO OMS. Y 1 1