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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1902, p. 6

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z EARTH1QUAKE PICT RZS 1 f .L EAFMAf T7 I a ii T H NG BA Wonderful InstrumntsinUeb 0uies -N S NS DEESEOBITISR TROOPS Po.JohnIlluMYSîEIRIES wIHOIYNP acKThe --artlhquaike headquarters 5cnsndlut~et a teFlattering compient to the w'orld are ai ;-3hide, Ise . Wight, Vessel Which liad Been at the 'Al/ Camp lu tue L1 lnC2of Cey Ion. eB ravr e n. port and DN fleir picturI-s takOzn hbyYears. b o î --iiig Mr. and lMrs. OsheJirieHw voL îiusaboaei~r h otmytcîu avg tr La et n i -; h o y f a% f n d o h s n O o e l n b -~ h t s n s a a p o -a ait91i ontolder ra iv t e v ri te to rccT h e d oh e x eîy ,ei as lo o w s A vcc,g h a v e tention Cmp Homes aSoutb IrI aî;, b rbqak prantveulito - bo n ,racetycd of th aîrl.l at eaLo- I 91r e iosoa rot19 îriis atht-t e l npris e o4, ofe nt frth soaike. V0 e-thjlnon 'iinolt1lolo in boo poprly Uifar f10 rela hoca p t byanlwa jica ndeo rstoraîcnao f u nae eltprpa eabttîesorpu 11epo pinaaransdtodotu Slen, f ho Noweîa br Wogeocrahl-ui1111,n o I n 1- deîf- d nolf ioîenae P o n . Taena bd to employ th jro- ,î l t tlon i h r a s o a ai rtn r o b ir t gas o u la A d r o ; h v g l o pan bicLt thiiLie,,an o ,e loprop fianferlyr 0 rci ly ampiao rpotlIt o aCyo ac gra u i- tiia te f-nt-wthîm-bak adi eci-nage-- which aliporoaroc l n cdoo h _hanty unstrucoti ofbaînbooanti Ciïanxbey evinrti y ario e-Atuhflngiedpnda on the(, l"siAiEDULC aIe wîbou a ot- i oy, istt by 'Oes, i Oeiub igadtoietai re s ai na urtnuri ry0flgt arll 0- a 'L cei v sc-h i ns, o h ~~~pi D E ILS btten ecelley erisionpeî-m riss he aime uggestted 'iîav o religif onak upaayquetingxvict nhte uomtc c al- o ststiti te huit urIngltc captain sbrt Taie hn~ ro bsie u mt A m in we , a.1 savlei uttocaintave-bt nsf are isa mss 1cdobOuer tnt ad logta, foe- ho pperofxboi,,ruas oer ruer Intrth--undsvouiot-tanichsa cari aetaIlawa and foti i g hro ato otv sst oc cnsstd nanl 0 wrk bdre u ia o iig pr e b lcwok nthe r e Il thocont a ol ewc haiee a 10-n I pncurd att if Ibe î ï l ll aU e f o nfat- awy roîti C cay eor a t rn- 1 o btyn elhants ib lona e prcmasin- diersabuthlafa f;th idit or- a fling trmiosfbcka nti foerth, ahtch re uL an axer ope a lit e p s ur~s e rein,ïlîyd iii me srfao- b 'lae rxvbicb la usid ru ii-o t tar f on)its etot-coturnegCatth ia iseirYic.:ny ce thur T 'fo r onse t e on rt he dsa camol spialtgwys rtinys pootaa T her su weire aln>s cea ~oodIha I tearilyrocrnmed Iem sinO proriinttndh1 pesw thaI~iovras hesurpltitoloerve 0whcor- r %eave s tc flioxing dl i-ation: My otorau niqe eenthuan e pre-of!athes autOe sanst.ace illpotla (n-celn--die f r h u ita r u l t w u dnt c po sbhef r me barriGn t u te f ba n o a d t e an i t ra.d y m ny i e- A t ut f l ne a i e e ed-o h P LS"t hsecelny' emiso teninescuggetnt0feoc-o ofthiet' -'.W hv iei mn h pris- sayqusio vttchmgh uors tialell o vo b i cstieva- tlcenedat in riete taiels b th endaokciî.~'Ctxît.i: C.1'cs~, dale zlte ascaplaincloselebya vo en- oners. Un butasfa acols îoud soc-o vtroopa atd hegh frontirn the iape5 tr, whitr nsrumentawilleho con- acti n 0 te wer. l o e akeii liets Tineagric-trmLtiottteOflhiaOttt. e iYatglsendvîitt ngnit o bsituco- serelintvock tapntîng an ofater- openeti the fat oCamp Homo fr satyo h vthtiîoîr be ceas odueo -nna 1oaneirtryf 11 orebacac a lmasirr-cd to prs ct heesap ofcoordmwtg aotercaan Pithet- aoeAatentctsbe, ofteeathacnst"hmp ttel' ov a'-oî eo hgh or~~~~~~~~ac in anoB 1î' tear iîbta pi-ionertereareihorlfoncencand anîtbr d iîtIs and laolt iuant Sotebeta191. lurag theso-ii an inck he bpebncd mi sies, ahay. ii o te ubmartîîc Oablatr bat dnosygrael eeiinnt i hîtf!ffl faLt, 0f mi re e ing aboutto , n ce igon- tructye pan t rat zilu isore 2 nnit ehveIee- e- on S eict r tis imchd- aras trotfrUc --0 btk rcaid s ainpdIfm Lb i h.3fluiqIli mho nie we. sthtched i ay sytitnîn d l ylîie ta Berliassoueiasof or ax - '2 Our tafo S 45 cîia s weanl ti 71roadt aidertbecorserva oî-,tin up volatîmuies ot inthe at.o Lill Cii, Torcritc-,on imhm l ndpoisi on anyhepersons to clî1-b a f tîopiped. Iberganthbase a sidiers he lls iîtbbueclti ten Do byorge uninuere. Chnthe bod ti- Bt hr ak woub bav f e omo u tii excacen-oasici ne oning alting thies barbaeres. bon ocpodtnnt si la aof tOl 'Ar ntiPc h ave Ivedboa, i e c- wrda s ati ioe a in e tberva- fb l ivedaner, lotsee ss ndnbyh 1110 n p.bttcritGbîli l ie a mspat aanain gtîd ia. eda1y n rgî'bodelJh tr aai ie se ot rao i e i-trAt-tWO t ny r isitru e nyî-r, ie5cn-t atinofte- a o r la Tîtee exi n lf i grieltra ais.e nensîlpîll, nt.itea lenit wulichflt h io ossle foani-tg - ece t to wwin îksintinganottter pty iltent. exeî-îloe fr t yon teatch pressrep or hp Ien wr lîas, llke oe ofp-a ma ne- or wea 1 aci_t ,t- d lisia l,O mi.e1na npso ier.i alnieh Cire tt anglo ee- itandalmhiît lsboi asiacd t(l on-' I te 'FESepteIbu1 901.CFCHAPLing hs thnga Ofan , th e acstomr i-ih e sorbne tii ero- y g rrtiaforbietei ibemtring aolofie witio a bou tg on rOe t igh p - sttboasnlyc, la-bncre mle a a ~ Lt lo upisn îîair h Or,. É,_ý i 5 iýa r tuehvi a îe aqaintace its tie enitîga a goîng orn ail ttc W t came, for iadîce, OS t1ite viV1i'n i t~2eYïat alld2tniuee, , bththoqchpiaina.votfthelrc-y mella tue e'thNIT. hîble aîo rrecitf tit St Cnir, alino chtoe ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ _- ttix ca aptt f~c- iyat lam ~ a ti crap ng ii octi oth n Or aiLt I'loiooisi1Si lT h alo tbîeltîs piiatvew Lc 1 -cbei ua t Bcr ciint aclOtan hsegveuislntaceo rebidnscik l onana o n IIiZEF 1e. ol tDiil eTA.I -inttaet nlarg 7ont oudng, hlpisnea C0 Stie aigatwîhsik n dutg iontahspta a see srng 5 asly dosilmai-tbl va sl vtha m-aini thp 11 ciiLe p was 01 iinat catl,, SIahoti aut tienbu. adiîa cehbe i u cnost tuî Ud>a ovratosumadeohisnc to Naoloni. louc , o aiSorti<athed -uiork. ¶L or t iy ki ou ily wo-e asiîet iiochbos, iona altitne,ý ors ise nayaitî t . Wr fcnfsut st licitîc ea ht o ioîîtpresred Dîla it t xras comps, e bor e aal l r lie capo- bu wo itary reaijsIisc nom- îmt i n t cwtaaar oid tablesytimat t3.oîvarnave a e or thi woîne o ec otcii a rue o as aniaefrvintceace alibi Take a Cu iaI t notim of er ias be t: aug btg mis eu oi 'Ila an v l s o k ti w tî bo k nt - g a n itt ni te b nsr eîg o t o noxt o all n e r g ther mvs a o ta ie o lo i th Éer, n nuy-i e os r f25ectnotal-, a o-at llatt05lile , Wandct iilO 111te'pisnetiiheCr o n xelic oor ie dn La e m atbase Thtae a iltînga ntrrcr at oaiu o ikcso lime iiia huxdre il ill tig ny vait henti n couipiant'eas1i e&ic-aagreabiy Athomeccti isîdnmanyofilm h c the as wli a stlbcitnt or, a oafeneiat saioti ron deeo ît rpead 0 ha e efood with whi lthelît-iones o e l a igo roi la a soubtadzentil la it t h S o titi- r ivera rcord ±lan vryeenn, st e 3tc Yrk Detlta itelerntp ta SIen-r, are sorve 01. , TnDEcd t.Ietlnthfnsgenwir i atifrgcects nti Coi7AssycatinthanSoauth orsivArfesr Mim ta Con- tc înlodng te cptn il)ant G n i p z sta m u h f r c a e g r y b a c o o y ti y is e D r tia i nua d , t e n c a l en i to i n D e n so . 'i h e r -, a a c tsa i e v n S t t o v c oel u n t t o h o ia t ha n e l y s l b o d y d w a lt e r, a n d n o , ai t e- t ea t y ouo r of aitv2ntstha ha baflpdfor t ps on te r is onershaciado ba (iopso hs enr pbacdby urft- roa0fts30 son, ani m-ysîier nalo cr ene ay 1hermy 1-n y oara th i mate li i t a-î,~ ~ ralîuiî'lna'ton an ix m i lo ukiing, w a luîtes a ptveeeitlîstc istte ii xorn e toa l it:,,e il iols tLordeie- , avi..,t .sco-, , l tuh,'-snour,;ad- - w VANTFDI-li;,:iumico ~~,î i1an 7ell a policy thlatprlo-aiîîa si-ke'. n-tieitad ieaifioin - Y îue y- ai ifage. AdO ea P-. Box 410, ~îiîio Canada.18 tE, r WE WANT MEN EVERY WTEEK DAY, 1000 Mer-f \VANreu -ti lpavo theîr rneîisîîr-a îiforFai aîîd.. witer siin4tao b(' madeu o liî Verv lateat sî lo alnu it i I rUits iqna bnliy andît 'ritves lnwarthaa iiaîî.BritiLt u-; i etr 'trfikle 1 elathei tu bu pres tq! ai i naîile 1k-i a îîewv uit, We kuop s$iIfplti2 u eliîtù-pri-osa.i râ. Joux r.A. t Iefeliî alîl or, I i-l OppPo-ate SAieMNOil!'5t3Ibw N, FO ~,în. . tAc. JAES PLpared roir ic18 wl ro fori ... 2?i Fit (i ve proGO a id lîpa o I ii ria $0 mo,~ i îxr, i, bed i-$S. ii. oadu lAo ry, Lut,, i.w U I<o ri.koR aa ite ad1vutorînvaltoi îpjîly or Prepared tg'rnnIeqies t svclected am ewluopsfodecay o lvr -1-

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